i mean he made a song and video also have been giving panel discussions about the lyrical content and the impact of said song.
i would crack up if somebody on a summer day at the park or at the beach was blasting this in there ride or walking by with a boom box blasting this.
Brian said that Black Artists can't get old on radio and get played and for the record Brian Mcknight ain't hardly old.
he made alot of waves with this and i wonder if it worked? i saw his discussion on the topic and i got what he did and why and i laughed then and i still do.
because this is a very pro anthem and could you imagine Sarah palin or somebody using this song and saying now i gotta show you how it truly works?
waiting on his mix tape as well can't wait. mistermaxxx R.Kelly, Michael Jackson,Stevie wonder,Rick James,Marvin Gaye,El Debarge, Barry WHite Lionel RIchie,Isleys EWF,Lady T.,Kid creole and coconuts,the crusaders,kc sunshine band,bee gees,jW,sd,NE,JB
Miami Heat, New York Yankees,buffalo bills