10. "the past 20 years haven't brought us a single actually good PE album tho" In response to Reply # 5
so that wouldn't be setting the bar very high.
In fact, it's trying to shake those feelings that's gonna make it hard for me to even give this album a real shot despite them being the most important group of my early adolescence.
14. "eh, I didnt like the Stills cameo, u could tell that was Spike not Chuck" In response to Reply # 13
and that 'Unstoppable' joint with KRS was a frustratingly dissapointing collabo between him & Chuck, that joint made 'Rise & Shine' seem like 'Respiration'.
I've honestly forgotten a lot of that album.
As for There's A Poison, it was better than anything that came after it but I don't think I'd play it now.
And whoever in here had me buying into that How To Sell Your Soul To Soulless Blah Blah owes me an apology.
That Confrontation Camp shit sucks, truth be told in retrospect Anthrax 'Bring The Noise' had horrible repercussions all around.
24. "RE: He Got Game and Poison are criminally underrated." In response to Reply # 13
Dude, if 'Unstoppable' was released today, kids would be like, "Oh, this is the realest of the real!!!"
The Masta Killa feature was unbelievably good, too.
(in fact, it made me a Masta Killa fan)
But if you take a step back and really look at it as the next PE album (after Muse-Sick), it's a stripped down headphone masterpiece. The only song that I could do without is 'Go Cat Go' as it's one of Chuck's ill-advised ventures into rap rock that's just boring. 'Is Your God A Dog?' is fucking brilliant and feels more influential now than ever. Meanwhile, 'Revelation' and 'Sneaker Pimps' were some of the coldest beats of the year. 'Jesus' was the sort of "epic" sounding song that Chuck D's album hinted and it wasn't corny at all. Overall, that was probably my album of the year for 98. Fucking classic.
Poison was different all around. It was a return to the more Fear of a Black Planet Sound, but not quite as good. 'Do You Wanna Go' is so epic and unbelievable, even now, I can't even say how good it is. 'What What' is such a classic Flavor Flav song. And 'Swindler's Lust' is one of PE's best songs. It's up there with PE's angriest material, perhaps shutting out a lot of people. But, I still maintain that it's the group's last truly good album.
32. "Swindler's Lust is one of PE's best songs?" In response to Reply # 24 Thu Jul-19-12 07:14 PM by Bombastic
I mean I like the sentiment but it's not really all that interesting as a 'song' to my ears.
The PE I grew up on & loved was dense, powerful music with an energy to it that worked equally on your base instincts as well as the intellect.
That joint's feels like a lecture set to sparse/bland music, I think even PE themselves sort of became unable to tell the difference after the Bomb Squad disbanded & the culture shifted away from them.
6. "RE: Public Enemy - I Shall Not Be Moved, PE STILL in effect !!" In response to Reply # 0
I will be copping.
Personally, I really really liked the joint they did with Paris from a few years back. I thought that shit was solid as hell... I know I may be in the minority on this, but I'm a Paris fan... Well at least of his first album.
28. "RE: Public Enemy - I Shall Not Be Moved, PE STILL in effect !!" In response to Reply # 0
Just listened to this album a couple of times... Without exaggeration, personally I think this is their best album since "Apoclypse '91". With PE, making a solid album really comes down to the production and presentation, and this time they definitely got it right.