"No post on Azealia Bank's first full mixtape release Fantasea?" Fri Jul-13-12 12:31 PM by BigReg
The juggernauts that are the new Frank Ocean & Nas albums seems to have crushed all other hype in their paths.
Overall? It goes pretty hardbody. Musically it's all dance music and follows from late 80's house & 90's techno up unto the current eurotrash sound that rules the airwaves. My favorite nod is the throwback to the late '00's french electro fad of remixing 90's r&b into heavy ass bass drops(112 is the victim).
The rapping is SURPRISINGLY strong, she's channeling 90's Lil Kim but at a much higher skill level. For someone who kind of swore off being a rapper, she probably only sings on 5% of the album. Some of the songs meander but at around 17 full songs it's not surprising that there is some fat in the mix...probably only 3 stinkers and its more of the fact they are boring as opposed to being shitty ideas in themselves.
Many hardcore female rappers in the past had the problem of balancing the traditionally hyper-masculine role of a tough mc while trying to stay feminine. She beats that formula by rapping hard as shit over spare club beats; it knocks but helps the vibe still stay playful.
It's a really solid piece of work; no where near the other big releases this week but a pretty fucking promising start. It should make its way into more then a few summer bbq/picnic playlists.
7. "Yeah, her second LP sounds like she was pure autopilot" In response to Reply # 4
>>She should get the 2012 Santigold award for the fun summer >album, lol.
What happened to her and M.I.A.'s career would be an interesting study. You've got M.I.A. and the much more talented Santigold following the same general producers and blueprint. After M.I.A.'s breakthrough album she drops something experimental as hell that gets shitted on (but is on the low pretty damn solid). Santi drops the safest album she can get that gets decent reviews, but is pretty goddamn boring.
10. "really? I love the 2nd Santigold album" In response to Reply # 7
I would go back and listen again maybe, I think theres a lot to offer, its different but its a really fun album. Look at These Hoes is such a banger.
------------------- village.fm/okayplayer | @delajoo "Whether you're a rock star or a garbage man, if you think about yourself all the time, you won't be very good at what you do." - Frusciante
11. "It's not bad, just the same album twice imho" In response to Reply # 10
>I would go back and listen again maybe, I think theres a lot >to offer, its different but its a really fun album. Look at >These Hoes is such a banger.
It just feels that outside of the heavier dub feel its the same album again.
9. "i think its because shes not worried about the U.S." In response to Reply # 1
she seems to be making moves abroad mostly and the only time we hear from her over here is when shes beefing with somebody on twitter or when she "quit" for 2 days lol
3. "Busta's knack for flow, Missy's creativity and her own attractiveness" In response to Reply # 0
her technical talents are limitless but she'll be counted out by critics who refuse to be impressed by anything, rolling with the backlash of her controversies
the only thing holding her back is lack of content (dick, pussy, fashion, being the shit overall), but i dont know how much we should expect from a 20 year old Harlemite thrust into the fast life
>the only thing holding her back is lack of content (dick, >pussy, fashion, being the shit overall), but i dont know how >much we should expect from a 20 year old Harlemite thrust into >the fast life
Yeah. She might not get that Minaj paper (with three times the talent). What's fascinating is that on paper she's doing what Minaj is doing; taking hip-hop and trying to rock over club beats.
But while Minaj is rapping over techno-pop beats so bad that Ace of Base would laugh, Azealia selection goes tough; it's much more likely to get play in a real dance club late night or one of Skrillex's megaraves.
18. "RE: No post on Azealia Bank's first full mixtape release Fantasea?" In response to Reply # 0
She needs to quit with all the dramatics and cash in on this Hip-Hop/Hip-House phase while it's hot. I don't listen to her music much at all, but this seems like her genre, as if she's native to it. There is no one except Nicki Minaj in that lane right now, she needs to control that lane asap if that's what she wants to do and stop it with all the Twitter stuff.