david bammer Member since Jun 20th 2010 4467 posts
Sun Apr-22-12 09:30 PM
"re-interpreting today's music as humor" Sun Apr-22-12 09:49 PM by david bammer
i made a thread in GD about a year ago about re-interpreting 90's babies, their endeavors and their achievements in a new light. i propose that the generation that makes up 90's babies are the comic relief generation of history. they are not to be held to any previous standards because they will not measure up to them. their primary role, collectively as a generation, in the grand scheme of the last 100 years of contemporary human history is to provide the internet "lolz". because "lolz" are best when committed unintentionally and without conscious effort. to properly enjoy their existence it has to be understood that everything they do/say should be interpreted as humor. once viewed in that light, they exceed all expectations. i propose they have collectively laid the blueprint for failure and ridiculousness as viewed through the societal ocular lens known as the internet in a manner that future generations will look back in awe of. a truly "golden era" for internet "lolz".
anyway, applying this to music... i think "older heads" need to bear this in mind when getting up in arms over any of today's "music", especially contemporary rap, in comparison to previous eras. imo, it is entirely the wrong perspective to be taking. it's all satire. once you "get it" you realize it's to be taken as lightly and about as seriously as a weird al yankovic, lil b or 2nd-3rd generation dipset album. once this is put into proper perspective it all makes more sense and becomes enjoyable.
what it comes down to after this revelation is whether or not you favor "internet humor" or find it sophomoric, annoying and tiresome. but that's on your taste in humor. they're just merely filling a comedic niche.
imo, the world collectively needs to recognize "internet lolz" as in fact it's own genre, or category of music.
david bammer Member since Jun 20th 2010 4467 posts
Sun Apr-22-12 09:46 PM
2. "RE: do you know what projecting is?" In response to Reply # 1 Sun Apr-22-12 10:12 PM by david bammer
>i only ask because.. well you know. > >do you really want to start a discussion on a message board >saying that the first generation that came up on message >boards are a historical joke? i mean even if your logic on >this were sound, it's like what's the point, what could you >possibly hope would come from this?
a re-interpretation of contemporary events to yield a more sound perspective on them. or in this case, a more light-hearted one.
david bammer Member since Jun 20th 2010 4467 posts
Sun Apr-22-12 09:54 PM
4. "RE: coping mechanisms never solve personal problems" In response to Reply # 3 Sun Apr-22-12 09:58 PM by david bammer
>i've tried.
it's not as grave or somber as you've painted it. it's a re-interpretation of things. a proposed "new" perspective in which they should be viewed to maximize their enjoyability. when people watched a hughes brothers film like "menace II society" back upon it's release - not everyone interpreted it as humor. but over time people have realized what it's best suited to be interpreted as. this is that same principle applied to music. i don't understand what your "issue" is.
david bammer Member since Jun 20th 2010 4467 posts
Sun Apr-22-12 10:04 PM
6. "RE: Since DOOM's peak, witty, humorous Hip-Hop is the only " In response to Reply # 5 Sun Apr-22-12 10:16 PM by david bammer
>type I want to hear. > >I'm over the serious rap pity-rap thing, and I have been for >10+ years now. > >That's why I dig Kanye, Rawse, Gucci, Lil B, etc.
i have to admit, i love the comedic stylings of kreayshawn and soulja boy.
and nicki minaj reminds me of a character right out of mad TV! outrageous.
7. "1) its not funny enough for all that 2) this is a patronising attitude" In response to Reply # 0 Mon Apr-23-12 06:04 AM by GumDrops
3) youre failing to try and engage with todays music on its own merits, on its own terms, which like every generation before it, arent the same as the previous generations
4) this approach to modern music has been proposed before (and dismissed)
5) all that said, if all youre saying is that we will look at things like rick ross how we do cock rock or hair metal or films/tv like top gun and miami vice, ie fun excess but ultimately empty and ridiculous, ('good bad') sure, that might be true.
8. "You're a real piece of shit for this" In response to Reply # 0
"i propose that the generation that makes up 90's babies are the comic relief generation of history. they are not to be held to any previous standards because they will not measure up to them." -----------------------
I gotta hand it to you, it's very #rare that a person's post on a message board can make me angry, but the combination of what you said, with you're already established pretentious shtick sent me over the edge.
david bammer Member since Jun 20th 2010 4467 posts
Mon Apr-23-12 09:32 AM
9. "RE: You're a real piece of shit for this" In response to Reply # 8 Mon Apr-23-12 09:37 AM by david bammer
>I gotta hand it to you, it's very #rare that a person's post >on a message board can make me angry, but the combination of >what you said, with you're already established pretentious >shtick sent me over the edge. > >Congratulations sir.
but you ignored the praise i gave...
>to properly enjoy their existence it has to be understood that everything they do/say should be interpreted as humor. >once viewed in that light, they exceed all expectations.
either way, if this post is honestly making you angry - just re-interpret it as humor. maybe there ISN'T enough validity for it to pass as cogent. lolz.
13. "lulz" In response to Reply # 9 Mon Apr-23-12 09:57 AM by cjr2221
that praise? Thanks for throwing us a shit covered bone.
either way, if this post is honestly making you angry - just re-interpret it as humor. maybe there ISN'T enough validity for it to pass as cogent. lolz. ---------------------------------
Trust, there isn't enough validity; from anyone else I would have taken this post as being humorous but I believe you're arrogant enough to be serious.
17. "This definitely works for Lil B but not someone like Kendrick Lamar." In response to Reply # 0
Basically you have to judge each artist as an individual and get off this lazy broad stroke bullshit of putting everybody from a generation into the same box.