"OKP: Beat Meet / Beat FLip- Isaac Hayes+2 more buttery joint$-come cLean"
OKPLayers. The First Beat FLip session in a minute. got 3 cLassic$ to work with:
the weLL known issac hayes 12 minute marathon Lick with aLL kinds of shit that's been fucked with b4. then we got the Low budget hoteL caLifornia guitar instrumentaL which u already know is a cLassic. and then finaLLy u got the secret buttery mystery joint that i wiLL Leave unnamed which is the hardest cLassic out the 3.
anybody making beats shouLd bust a nut after the dL jump. due date is next Friday, ApriL 27. onLy rule is to incorporate some piece of the sampLe some kind of way into your track. come with however many joints you want to come with. come correct. might be a few big boys Listenin. be originaL, be dope, and have fun. miss having these. what up torch.
6. "RE: Damn, still on that..." In response to Reply # 5
Torch! I listened to your track like 5 times last night and u wrecked it. Another dope one from u.
I wasn't really feeling my beat like that, but I burned it to a cd and listened to it in the car on the way to work this morning and it kind of knocks to me now. : / lol