(btw, who used 808s first??)
and the drum programming overall. its the sounds really. the rhythm counts for a lot but theres just somethin funky about the actual sonics, the sounds they were using. the parts replayed from kraftwerk are what make it more memorable, cos its just a great melody, but it would still be electro without it. when you compare planet rock to other electro theres def something diff about it.
the other thing is apart from KW being stiffer, colder and rhythmically not that interesting compared to electro, electro was just funkier, more american, harder, more 'urban' sounding, etc etc. techno is more like KW than electro obviously, cos in detroit, while they did get funky too, they also wanted to sound more 'european' and all that implied, so stiffer, colder, not so funky, etc etc.
KW are super-important of course, but i think a lot of why they seem to get so much dues for damn near everything electronic is just cos they were first. but other people ran with what they did and did something totally diff with it. bam prob overstates it cos the media love the racial dynamics of the story. and it makes him look eclectic and smart and so on. but people never seem to get tired of the 'whoa! black kids listening to white germans!' angle lol.