It’s been a blessing. Entered a residency for my masters. Working in a field that I enjoy. Kids (mine and extended fam) are thriving and in the right track. Both parents are healthy and neither look 70. Hubs been holding it down and building. So far so blessed.
My gross income became my net income (!) Got down to my desired weight and fitness level is at an all time high Finally got my skin complexion issues under control after moving to a city with hard water and dry air (120+ fl oz of water daily, shower filter, and heavy moisturizing creams) Quit sodas, even the fake sugar ones Zero surgeries in 2024 compared to two in 2023
6. "B. Lots of ups & downs." In response to Reply # 0
Got through Year 1 of changing careers with minimal imposter syndrome. I'm not single anymore, but we seem to be locked into "one step forward, two steps back". I turned 40 in November. Lost so much family in such close proximity that schedule-wise, I couldn't even make it to all the funerals.
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*