I was hoping he’d say what lead up to his stroke. Drugs (legal/illegal), family history, bad diet(although fit) etc. Could’ve been a really deep teachable moment.
>I was hoping he’d say what lead up to his stroke. Drugs >(legal/illegal), family history, bad diet(although fit) etc. >Could’ve been a really deep teachable moment.
Maybe he doesn’t know. I mean I assumed he took good care of his health eating right and exercising etc.
9. "He’s always look that way (healthy)" In response to Reply # 2
But considering the docs never found where the stroke was coming from and aside from a bad headache, him not knowing the signs, it makes me think it couldve been something else but they’re calling it a stroke.
But thats just my opinion, still seems like teachable moments were missing and the show gave more churchy theatrics.
legsdiamond Member since May 05th 2011 81925 posts
Sat Dec-14-24 01:21 PM
6. "niggas get strokes every day b" In response to Reply # 1
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*
11. "So it should be normal?" In response to Reply # 6
Jamie’s 57. Mynoriti says two friends, one in their 20’s suffered strokes with two completely different causes. Blessedly the only people I’ve known to suffer strokes have been in their late 70’s/80’s.
I honestly think he could’ve went deeper on the issue and being a testimony, perhaps brought up others (especially younger) who had survived strokes too. Perhaps gave the audience some signs to look for or expounded on how in 1st tier country a doc would give him cortisone for a stroke. Also the fact that nothing was found in his body to cause him to have a stroke makes me wonder what exactly defines a stroke.
18. "RE: So it should be normal?" In response to Reply # 11
to be clear as far as I know I don't think they classified my second friend's brain bleed as a stroke. most strokes are caused by a blockage of blood to the brain, and some are caused by brain hemorrhage. Im not certian when a brain bleed is or isn't a stroke.
But similar to Jaime he had a bad headache. They were gonna send him home but decided to run more tests, and told him he had a small bleed caused by his high blood pressure. He spent one night in the hospital, they gave him bp meds and told him he needs to change his diet.
As far as the special, it was more of an overview/life celebration so if he wants to go into detail, he can do some long form interviews or podcasts (if he even wants to do that). He mentioned that it was still a mystery so maybe they don't really know, or maybe he just doesn't wanna get into it
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*
22. "It was better than I was expecting" In response to Reply # 0
I never was the biggest fan of his standup but this was more along the lines of a one-man show vs. a traditional standup routine. I thought his recovery story was touching and the part with his daughter was inspiring. As a dad I could only imagine what that must've been like for his kids.