used to hop the fence behind school to get to ralphs after a few games of afterschool camp basketball and pick up 4 honeybuns* and a can soda for a $1.25. straight til dinner. dont let me fuck around and have one left over for the microwave at the house. they replaced em with lil debbie snacks one year and ruined my whole shit. just crestfallen lol.
*been decades and long forgot who made em but ive def searched.
>used to hop the fence behind school to get to ralphs after a >few games of afterschool camp basketball and pick up 4 >honeybuns* and a can soda for a $1.25. straight til dinner
>but yea lil debbie is trash
True, them crème filled snacks are the mf’in worst
Oatmeal cream pies are great. Those little mini muffins are great. They make honey buns too which are great. The brownies kind of suck, but they're good to eat for nostalgia's sake.
Maybe there are two types of people in the world: those who favor humans over ideology, and those who favor ideology over humans. I prefer humans to ideology, but right now the ideologues are winning.
11. "poverty tastes good then!!!" In response to Reply # 8
Little Debbie used to make bootleg rice krispie treats and they were absolutely the best commercial treats. Perfect amount of softness and marshmallow.
Maybe there are two types of people in the world: those who favor humans over ideology, and those who favor ideology over humans. I prefer humans to ideology, but right now the ideologues are winning.
10. "Those cakes make the flavor of "chocolate" taste awful" In response to Reply # 0
>not a one. > >used to hop the fence behind school to get to ralphs after a >few games of afterschool camp basketball and pick up 4 >honeybuns* and a can soda for a $1.25. straight til dinner. >dont let me fuck around and have one left over for the >microwave at the house. they replaced em with lil debbie >snacks one year and ruined my whole shit. just crestfallen >lol. > >*been decades and long forgot who made em but ive def >searched. > >but yea lil debbie is trash.
Where do they source those nasty chocolate flavorings?
13. "pretty gross in 2024 as a middle aged person" In response to Reply # 0 Thu Dec-12-24 08:10 PM by bearfield
tastes like cloying, probably as a cover for a lack of any real flavor. in high school they were great. loved me some fudge rounds and brownies. can't imagine willingly eating something like that these days. i'll stick to my few squares of lowish sugar dark chocloate bars, preferably ~70% with some kind of salty caramel or almond butter filling
20. "Not sure if it's nostalgia" In response to Reply # 0
or bad memory on my part, but I remember back in the mid-late 80's the Lil Debbie Swiss Rolls literally being longer and tasting a lot better than the current garbage they've put put in the last 5-10 years.
The fact the prices for the corner store/bodega versions of their snacks are so insanely high makes matters worse IMO.
"Sean sparks like John Starks, nah, Sean ball like John Wall" - Rest In Power Forever Sean Price.
36. "Popularized by Paula Deen. Not sure of the creator." In response to Reply # 32
>I just had one, after just finding out about them this year. > > >where in this diabetic hell is Prairie City and how did they >figure out a half flakey half moist cake? > >these are fucking dangerous, and i see there is a cinnamon >flavor? FOH
34. "RE: lil debbie does not make one good snack " In response to Reply # 0
EFF what you heard!!!!
Those Pinwheel rolls are like crack round here....
You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.