One party supports it, the other doesn't
One party backs trump/fascism, the other doesn't
One party at least flirts with police reform, the other doesn't
One party is anti-abortion, the other isn't
One party supports LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms, the other doesn't
One party supports gun control measures, the other doesn't
One party, at least partially, supports campaign finance reform, the other doesn't
One party, at least partially, supports doing away with gerrymandering, the other doesn't
One party and its followers supports J6 defendants and denies the horrors of that day and what led to it/from it, the other doesn't
One party stole the supreme court, the other didn't
One party supports taxing the rich and taxing corporations, the other doesn't
One party supports unions, raising the minimum wage, empowering workers, the other does the opposite of all of that
One party understands that climate change is real, the other doesn't
One party believes in science, the other doesn't
One party supports government regulatory bodies, the other strips away regulations on big business such that the 2008 crash happened, Boeing planes are falling apart in midair, and the housing market is fucking insane, etc. etc. etc.
One party calls for the resignation of its cancerous party members, the other declined to impeach trump and barely even called for George Santos to step down til it was untenable
One party has the entire white supremacist movement under its umbrella and is perfectly content to continue pandering to them, the other doesn't and isn't. And one party denounces white supremacists, the other doesn't
Etc. etc. etc. etc. All of this is in addition to the "points" two other people already made. The parties are not the same. And it's pretty pathetic that you and others can't see that. All of the above is just off the cuff, 30,000 foot high level shit (much like your generalized list, for the record). The more granular you get, the worse it gets.
They are not the same. They are not the same. And fuck outta here with "PeOpLe WhO tHiNk DiFfErEnTlY ..." you're not thinking at all. You're ignoring what's right in front of all of our faces and spewing false equivalencies because ... reasons ? I couldn't even begin to guess. Dumbfuck ass thoughtless ass "logic" if you can even call it that. ----------------------------------------
"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415