Apparently he’s a car guy and loves VW’s, and every time he sees me he wants to talk about what features I have, the engine, the charging, range, my APR on the financing, you name it.
I’m not a car guy so I don’t know shit and don’t really care about a lot of the questions he asks about it. I keep telling him, yeah I don’t really know what a dual motor is and don’t know if it has one.
It’s been a cool conversation piece since I got it because everyone wants to know about it and I’ve never had that experience with a car, but he’s extra with it. I keep trying to steer the convo in other directions but nope, he wants to know all about my ID4.
Another coworker has a Tesla and he’s actually thinking of switching to the ID4 and that was a trip. But yeah this thing draws more attention than expected.
My son loves the hell out of it because, in his words it looks, feels and sounds like a spaceship.
Charging stations are wild because you typically have two camps from what I’ve seen:
-people who are super helpful and social about it, and I’ve done my beat to reciprocate that spirit
-people who are aggressive. Today a lady was parked off to the side of the charing station at an angle, and while I noticed it, she was far enough that I definitely wouldn’t count her as being “in line”, so thought nothing of it, especially since there was an empty space at the far, complete opposite end, and so I pulled into that spot.
This lady comes walking up and says, “I’ve been sitting there waiting for a long time, so regardless of whether the car next to you pulls out first, I’m still parking there and using it first”
Now, had she had a different approach. I *may* have been cool about it and understood.
But with that approach? Nah.
I told her, “you should have pulled in then”.
She starts saying something in response and I just rolled the window up on her.
My boy was on speaker with me and started cracking up.
She lucked out and a different car pulled out next to the one next to me, but dude next to me pulled out right after. It worked out for both of us. But she really tried to flex on me on some “this is how it’s gonna be”. -Sig-
“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"
-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.