Going off of 4 hours of sleep and completely uninspired to work. The next month is gonna be hell
Was walking around the office today and realized how much the energy of other coworkers affect me. Like ... the work isn't fulfilling itself, which is what it is, but when it's 9am on a Monday and strangers in the restroom are saying shit like "is it time to go?"
Idk man, gov't contracting pays well but this can't be life
2. "I'm trying to find the will to do someone else's job" In response to Reply # 0
I was picked to be an internal auditor for one of our systems. I have done all the audits that have been assigned to me but they have also reassigned some that other people didn't do.
I was supposed to do the latest one for someone else by last week. I want to just get it out of the way but I keep getting busy then eh not too motivated to do it lol
3. "you aight? what's going on?" In response to Reply # 0
you don't like the gig?
I'm tired af. long, good weekend. saw New Edition last week. Keith Sweat, Tank, and Guy were openers for them. Tyrese even came through for half a song. got a bike ride in on Friday night. hung out with the wife for good bit. didn't have to tote kids anywhere.
finally got a radio put in the car. the difference in sound is incredible. no other changes. no new speakers or amps. still learning how to use it. the parametric eq seems overkill. not sure I'll ever really use it. the pre-sets are giving me what I need right now.
got some unexpected kudos from a team mate. he's the managers right hand and seems to know damn near everything. so it felt good to get that message from him about how I was doing. especially since it was a surprise.