The raid:; The cops found nothing.Then Afroman released music videos using the footage from the raid.Now cops are suing him for emotional distress: - Why You Disconnecting My Video Camera - Will You Help Me Repair My Door - Lemon Pound Cake
------------Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:
This is funny.
“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”
..These fools have the nerve to file a lawsuit for the pain & anguish that they brought on themselves by being idiots?!LMAO!!!Jakes on the take: Lemon Pound Cake. FOH!*skatin' the rings of saturn*..and miles to go before i sleep...
Just small town/county places doing small town/county things?
~~~~~Days like this I miss Sha Mecca
______________________________________________________________________________"To Each His Reach"but.....Fuck aliens.