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Subject: "Anyone paying attention to the attempted terrorist takeover? (swipe)" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Fri May-01-20 01:30 PM

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"Anyone paying attention to the attempted terrorist takeover? (swipe)"




We need to talk about the white terrorist movement, how apocalyptic evangelicalism and NRA/GOP propaganda fueled them, and why they see Trump and the pandemic as their chance to overthrow America.

Here's what I learned writing AMERICAN RULE.

1/ …

First things first. White terrorism is by far the biggest terrorist threat in America. The fact that this isn't widely known or discussed is because we are so terribly afraid to actually talk about white supremacy in this country that it kills us.


Post-9/11, there have been so many incidents of murder, hate crimes, and intimidation carried out by white terrorists. Unfortunately, our media never connects the dots and just calls them "lone wolves" or "mentally-ill shooters."

Make no mistake. This is connected.


What you saw in Michigan yesterday wasn't a bunch of "posers" or "gun nuts." These are paramilitary separatists who are using the pandemic for their own benefit and carrying out dry runs for what they see as a fascist takeover of the US.


As has been proven, the Reopen America "movement" was a completely fabricated, fake event paid for by billionaires like the DeVos's. But these white terrorists are using it for their own purposes, as cover for their own fascistic plans for a revolution.


To understand this, you have to understand that white terrorists see Trump as an opening to carry out their plans. They were everywhere at his rallies and consider him a useful president for growing their movement.

You couldn't go to those rallies without seeing them.


I was reporting from Trump's rallies in 2016 and constantly hearing these people talking openly about race wars and revolution and killing liberals. They saw Trumpism as a perfect avenue, but it didn't start there.

It had been brewing for decades.


When Charlottesville happened, people were shocked. Some thought it was just a momentary thing that just happened, but it had been building and building.

We have to unravel the history of white terrorism in this country and recognize it's been here for decades.


It has to be repeated, time and time and time again: Donald Trump isn't the disease, he's the symptom.

What we're experiencing now isn't just a blip or an aberration. It's the result of generations of American problems putrifying and coming to the surface.


To discover the history of the white terrorist problem in modern America, we have to start with the Cult of the Shining City, which I've written on extensively.

It's Neo-Confederate Christianity with apocalyptic, paranoid conspiracy theories.


In the 1980's, figures like Pat Robertson and the like started marketing a conspiracy theory called the New World Order that was supposedly a satanic plot against America joined by liberals and minorities.

More than likely, you've heard of this but don't know it's effects.


The New World Order conspiracy theory - an evolution of numerous anti-semetic conspiracy theories - told white Americans they were under attack by a coalition of evil minorities and liberals determined to undermine them.

If it sounds familiar it's also "the Deep State."


White supremacists rallied around the New World Order conspiracy theory because it was a distillation of their belief that America, during desegregation, had been betrayed by a nefarious, satanic plot.

Here, Neo-Confederate ideology bloomed in belief and purpose.


The Weaver Family in Ruby Ridge, Idaho believed in these conspiracies, and holed up in their cabin to record religious prophecy that used a book called The Late Great Planet Earth, the New World Order, and these conspiracies to form a new religion.


Unfortunately, the Weavers homegrown religion guaranteed an apocalyptic showdown with the federal government. Becky Weaver and her child were killed and suddenly it seemed as the government was part of a giant, tyrannical conspiracy.


In Waco, Texas, another apocalyptic, New World Order, Christian cult desired a showdown with the federal government. They got it and the tragedy was unthinkable.

Unfortunately, it only fed the conspiracy theory pushed by white terrorists and NWO profiteers.


Like most Right Wing conspiracies, it started with crackpots like Alex Jones who built his conspiracy empire by latching onto the Waco tragedy and white supremacist paranoia and stoking the flames for fame and profit.

This began to cement the NWO narrative.


The NWO conspiracy theory, not to mention Ruby Ridge and Waco, spurred the creation of the so-called "Patriot Movement," which grew like wildfire in the wake of the tragedies.

Militias, separatist groups, and white terrorists found each other and plotted against America


This is, in part, how the modern NRA was created. Wayne LaPierre saw the Patriot Movement and NWO paranoia as a means to build his organization and increase fundraising.

He stoked the conspiracy flames, calling it a tyrannical plot to takeover America.


The GOP joined the NRA. Republicans weren't able to find much political separation from Bill Clinton's policies, so they began framing him as a tyrant intent on taking guns and liberally used the NWO conspiracy theory for votes and fundraising.


It was extremely lucrative to peddle conspiracy theories and white supremacist paranoia.

Rush Limbaugh thrived on this, and leading up to the OKC bombing he talked openly about armed revolution and the government as a tyranny needing overthrown.


Unfortunately, the conspiracy mongering by the NRA/GOP/and conspiracy moguls took hold and the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was bombed in 1995 by a white terrorist believing in the NWO conspiracy and believing he was fighting an invisible war.


For a moment the OKC Bombing was treated like white terrorism, but then it succumbed to a narrative of "lone wolf" killers and "unhinged" bombers.

It was terrorism specifically designed to inspire fear and a revolution among white Americans.


Timothy McVeigh believed he was a solider in an invisible war against the New World Order and the threat of conspiratorial machinations of minorities.

What he did was terrorism. End of story. And he was open about that fact.


McVeigh got the idea for the OKC Bombing from a book called The Turner Diaries, which he heard about in his Patriot Movement circles and with gun-collecting magazines/gun show connections.

It is the bible of white terrorists, and you need to become familiar in a hurry.


Widely distributed in white terrorist circles, The Turner Diaries is a novel about an America where whites start a revolution, destroy the NWO, and wipe out minorities and "race-traitors."

You might know it, but it has affected American life for decades.


During the 2016 Campaign, many of us were inundated with constant references to The Turner Diaries, phrases like "Day of the Rope," and tons of other bizarre mentions by white supremacists and alt-right members.

It is their bible and their plan.


The author of the Turner Diaries was William Pierce, one of the leading Neo-Nazis in America who wrote the book as a blueprint for a race war and included veiled instructions on how to make weapons and carry out terrorist attacks.


Before he died, Pierce served as a shadow-uniter of white terrorists, bringing them under the same umbrella, training them, and preparing them for his invisible war.

He was literally their Osama Bin Laden. And you need to understand, this is our terrorist cell.


Pierce bragged before he died that he had lit a fuse that would explode later, when America was ready for a takeover. He predicted lone wolf attacks, decentralized terrorist actions, and eventually mobilized revolution.

We're watching that play out now.


Mass shooters have been white terrorists. Dylann Roof was radicalized by these people in the same way so many others have.

Our plague of mass shootings is, in part, due to the work of white terrorists lashing out in terrorist spasms to destroy open society.


What we're watching now, is a new movement in the white terrorist plan. They are carrying out open paramilitary maneuvers, interrupting legislative bodies, coming out into the open because they feel like they're strong enough and America is ready for their revolution.


Make no mistake, what they want is to overthrow the United States government and institute fascist, white rule. This is what they have talked about, planned for, and what they're trying to institute right now, at this very second.


In my research and other's research, we keep seeing them mentioning the pandemic and financial crisis as an opening to carry out their fascist overthrow. It's not a coincidence they're rearing their heads right now in shows of intimidation and force.

They see an opening.


White terrorists have already tried to bomb hospitals during the pandemic, discussed ways to weaponize the coronavirus, plotted murders. They are mobilizing because they see America in trouble and they have planned and trained and accrued arsenals for this moment we're in.


DO NOT for a second dismiss these as rednecks or cosplayers or just weak, laughable men playing soldier. These groups are highly trained, massively armed, and many have experience in the military and law enforcement.

It is a massive, dangerous terrorist cell.


Unfortunately, until we face facts and understand our history and our poisonous white supremacy, these people will be able to hide and radicalize with impunity.

We have to understand what we're facing, because this threat is only growing by the day.


Chances are, the Michigan "protest" with armed, armored men intimidating legislatures isn't going to end and will only grow in scope and frequency. These people are ready for widespread violence and mayhem and are only waiting for the spark.

See it. Recognize it.


2019 CABG Survivor

2016 OK Survivor Champion

be about it or be without it



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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
this is how police responded to peaceful unarmed protestors in ferguson.
May 01st 2020
told y’all about civil war last week
May 01st 2020
told y’all about civil war last week
May 01st 2020
been trying to tell people.
May 01st 2020
Why weren’t they arrested?
May 01st 2020
I didn’t know it was legal to do that...
May 01st 2020
....umm...ok.. thanks?
May 01st 2020
Most folks *here*, sure.
May 01st 2020
Why do these people dress like they're going into Kandahar?
May 01st 2020
Because they are brain dead morons
May 01st 2020
Ill say it. I want a ringer to go in their, let some shots out, and the...
May 01st 2020
some of those mfs would probably kill each other if couple M80s went off
May 01st 2020
      so damn true
May 01st 2020
link to yesterday’s minstrel show by white children there yesterday
May 01st 2020
thats on all these governors.
May 01st 2020

Member since Mar 11th 2013
16347 posts
Fri May-01-20 01:41 PM

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1. "this is how police responded to peaceful unarmed protestors in ferguson."
In response to Reply # 0



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Charter member
33178 posts
Fri May-01-20 02:12 PM

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"told y’all about civil war last week"




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Charter member
33178 posts
Fri May-01-20 02:12 PM

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2. "told y’all about civil war last week"
In response to Reply # 0




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Charter member
31287 posts
Fri May-01-20 04:12 PM

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12. "been trying to tell people."
In response to Reply # 2



may not be today, may not be tomorrow, but...


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Charter member
41728 posts
Fri May-01-20 02:19 PM

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3. "Why weren’t they arrested? "
In response to Reply # 0




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Charter member
41728 posts
Fri May-01-20 04:31 PM

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13. "I didn’t know it was legal to do that..."
In response to Reply # 3



my son’s actions make sense now.


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Member since Sep 18th 2002
44643 posts
Fri May-01-20 02:19 PM

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4. "....umm...ok.. thanks?"
In response to Reply # 0



I mean..
TF we supposed to do with this information??
I think most folks see the mess in Michigan exactly for what it is...


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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
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Fri May-01-20 02:23 PM

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5. "Most folks *here*, sure."
In response to Reply # 4


>I mean..
>TF we supposed to do with this information??
>I think most folks see the mess in Michigan exactly for what
>it is...

But most folks in the country, generally ? Definitely not.


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Fri May-01-20 02:26 PM

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6. "Why do these people dress like they're going into Kandahar?"
In response to Reply # 0


I can kind of get the guns and open carry. But why the camo (in the middle of the city), boots, vests, cargo pants?



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Charter member
19004 posts
Fri May-01-20 02:49 PM

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7. "Because they are brain dead morons"
In response to Reply # 6


>I can kind of get the guns and open carry. But why the camo
>(in the middle of the city), boots, vests, cargo pants?
They like to play dressup.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Charter member
49622 posts
Fri May-01-20 03:01 PM

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8. "Ill say it. I want a ringer to go in their, let some shots out, and the..."
In response to Reply # 0



in and mow these ass heads down.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"


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Member since Jan 24th 2004
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Fri May-01-20 03:03 PM

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9. "some of those mfs would probably kill each other if couple M80s went off"
In response to Reply # 8



2019 CABG Survivor

2016 OK Survivor Champion

be about it or be without it



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Charter member
56295 posts
Fri May-01-20 03:20 PM

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10. "so damn true"
In response to Reply # 9



...I'm from the era when A.I. was the answer, now they think ai is the answer - Marlon Craft


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Charter member
33178 posts
Fri May-01-20 04:10 PM

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11. "link to yesterday’s minstrel show by white children there yesterday"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since Jan 26th 2004
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Fri May-01-20 04:38 PM

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14. "thats on all these governors."
In response to Reply # 0


Call in the local and state police and the National guard to break this type shit when it happens.
They're all to tied to whiteness to punish these type of actions appropriately.


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