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Subject: "Nnedi Okorafor, the heir to Butler's Throne (Sci-Fi)" Previous topic | Next topic
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Tue Jun-02-15 08:50 AM

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"Nnedi Okorafor, the heir to Butler's Throne (Sci-Fi)"



This post will go wood LOL

I know there are many sci fi heads here, sporadically and I wanted to throw this out on the webs to them...

Leagues better than NK Jemisin, N. Okorafor is pretty fucking dope. She's got a couple YA novels but this is about her adult fare. Afro-futurism, hints of magical realism. I cant get enough of she. Three works 'Who Fears Death' and 'The Book of Phoenix' and 'Lagoon' are some of the realest stories I've ever read. If you look for depictions of yourself in fiction and have never really found anything I suggest you check her out. In Lagoon aliens land in Nigeria and start to drastically alter the environment. The Book of Phoenix is about an Accelerated Bio Organism made from African DNA and reads like X-Men for black folks. I'm not doing her justice, but I'm not a writer, LOL. If Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Octavia Butler had a kid it would be her. She is magic!

Excerpt from 'Who Fears Death' is below, peace!

Part I

Chapter 1
My Father’s Face

My life fell apart when I was sixteen. Papa died. He had such a strong heart. Yet he died. Was it the heat and smoke from his blacksmithing shop? It’s true that nothing could take him from his work, his art. He loved to make the metal bend and obey him. But his work only seemed to strengthen him; he was so happy in his shop. So what was it that killed him? To this day I can’t be sure. I hope it had nothing to do with me or what I did back then.

Immediately after he died, my mother came running out of their bedroom sobbing and throwing herself against the wall. I knew then that I would be different. I knew in that moment that I would never again be able to fully control the fire inside me. I became a different creature that day, not so human. Everything that happened later, I now understand started then.

The ceremony was held on the outskirt of town, before the sand dunes. It was the middle of the day and terribly hot. His body lay on thick white cloth, surrounded by a garland of braided palm fronds. I knelt there in the sand before his body, saying my last goodbye. I’ll never forget his face. It didn’t look like Papa’s anymore. Papa’s skin was dark brown, his lips were full. This face had sunken cheeks, deflated lips and skin like grey brown paper. Papa’s spirit had gone elsewhere.

The back of my neck prickled. My white veil was a poor protection from people’s ignorant and fearful eyes. By this time, everyone was always watching me. I clenched my jaw. Around me, women were on their knees weeping and wailing. Papa was dearly loved, despite the fact that he’d married my mother, a woman with a daughter like me- an Ewu daughter. That had long been excused as one of those mistakes even the greatest man can make. Over the wailing, I heard my mother’s soft whimper. She had suffered the greatest loss.

It was her turn to have her last moment. Afterwards, they’d take him for cremation. I looked down at his face one last time. I’ll never see you again, I thought. I wasn’t ready. I blinked and touched my chest. That’s when it happened…when I touched my chest. At first, it felt like an itchy tingle. It quickly swelled into something more.

The more I tried to get up, the more intense it got and the more my grief expanded. They can’t take him, I thought frantically. There is still so much metal left in his shop. He hasn’t finished his work! The sensation spread through my chest and radiated out to the rest of my body. I rounded my shoulders to hold it in. Then I started pulling it from the people around me. I shuddered and gnashed my teeth. I was filling with rage. Oh not here! I thought. Not at Papa’s ceremony! Life wouldn’t leave me alone long enough to even mourn my dead father.

Behind me, the wailing stopped. All I heard was the gentle breeze. It was utterly eerie. Something was beneath me, in the ground, or maybe somewhere else. Suddenly, I was slammed with the pained emotions of everyone around me- for Papa.

On instinct, I laid my hand on his arm. People started screaming. I didn’t turn around. I was too focused on what I had to do. Nobody tried to pull me away. No one touched me. My friend Luyu’s uncle was once struck by lightning during a rare dry season Ungwa storm. He survived but he couldn’t stop talking about how it felt like being violently shaken from the inside out. That’s how I felt now.

I gasped with horror. I couldn’t take my hand from Papa’s arm. It was fused to him. My sand colored skin tapered to his grey brown skin from my palm. A mound of mingled flesh.

I started screaming.

It caught in my throat and I coughed. Then I stared. Papa’s chest was slowly moving up and down, up and down… he was breathing! I was both repulsed and desperately hopeful. I took a deep breath and cried, “Live, Papa! Live!”

A pair of hands settled on my wrists. I knew exactly whose they were. One of his fingers was broken and bandaged. If he didn’t get his hands off me, I’d hurt him far worse than I had five days prior.

“Onyesonwu,” Aro said into my ear, quickly taking his hands from my wrists. Oh, how I hated him. But I listened. “He’s gone,” he said. “Let go, so we can all be free of it.”

Somehow…I did. I let go of Papa.

Everything went dead silent, again.

As if the world, for a moment, were submerged in water.

Then the power that had built up inside of me burst. My veil was blown off my head and my freed braids whipped back. Everyone and everything was thrown back - Aro, my mother, family, friends, acquaintances, strangers, the table of food, the fifty yams, the thirteen large monkeybread fruits, the five cows, the ten goats, the thirty hens, and much sand. Back in town the power went off for thirty seconds, houses would need to be swept of sand, and computers would be taken in for dust damage.

That underwater-like silence, again.

I looked down at my hand. When I tried to remove it from my Papa’s cold, still dead arm, there was the sound of peeling, like weak glue flaking off. My hand left a silhouette of dried mucus on Papa’s arm. I rubbed my fingers together. More of the stuff crackled and peeled from between them. I took one more look at Papa. Then I fell over to the side and passed out.

* * *

That was four years ago. Now see me. People here know that I caused it all. They want to see my blood, they want to make me suffer, and then they want to kill me. Whatever happens after this…let me stop.

Tonight, you want to know how I came to be what I am. You want to know how I got here… It’s a long story. But I’ll tell you…I’ll tell you. You’re a fool if you believe what others say about me. I tell you my story to avert all those lies. Thankfully, even my long story will fit on that laptop of yours.

I have two days. I hope it’s enough time. It will all catch up to me soon.

My mother named me Onyesonwu. It means, “Who fears death?” She named me well. I was born twenty years ago, during troubled times. Ironically I grew up far from all the killing…

Chapter 2

Just by looking at me, everyone can see that I am a child of rape. But when Papa first saw me, he looked right past this. He’s the only person other than my mother who I can say loved me at first sight. That was part of why I found it so hard to let go of him when he died.

I was the one who chose my Papa for my mother. I was six years old.

My mother and I had recently arrived in Jwahir. Before that, we were desert nomads. One day, as we’d roamed the desert, she stopped as if hearing another voice. She was often strange like that, seeming to converse with someone other than me. Then she said, “It’s time for you to go to school.” I was far too young to understand her real reasons. I was quite happy in the desert but after we arrived in the town of Jwahir, the market quickly became my playground.

Those first few days, to make some fast money, my mother sold most of the cactus candy she had. Cactus candy was more valuable than currency in Jwahir. It was a delicious delicacy. My mother had taught herself how to cultivate it. She must always have had the intention of returning to civilization.

Over the weeks, she planted the cactus cutlets she’d kept and set up a booth. I helped out the best I could. I carried and arranged things and called over customers. In turn, she allowed me an hour of free time each day to roam. In the desert, I used to venture over a mile away from my mother on clear days. I never got lost. So the market was small to me. Nonetheless, there was much to see and the potential for trouble was around every corner.

I was a happy child. People sucked their teeth, grumbled and shifted their eyes when I passed. But I didn’t care. There were chickens and pet foxes to chase, other children to glare back at, arguments to watch. The sand on the ground was sometimes damp with spilled camel milk, other times oily and fragrant from overflowing perfumed-oil bottles, mixed with incense ashes, often stuck to camel, cow or fox dung. The sand here was so affected, whereas back in the desert the sand was untouched.

We’d been in Jwahir only a few months when I found Papa. That fateful day was hot and sunny. When I left my mother, I took a cup of water with me. My first impulse was to go to the strangest structure in Jwahir: The House of Osugbo. Something always drew me to this large square-shaped building. Decorated with odd shapes and symbols, it was Jwahir’s tallest building and the only one made entirely of stone.

“One day I’ll go in there,” I said, as I stood staring at it. “But not today.”

I ventured farther from the market into an area that I hadn’t explored. An electronics shop was selling ugly refurbished computers. They were small black and grey things with exposed motherboards and cracked cases. I wondered if they felt as ugly as they looked. I’d never touched a computer. I reached out to touch one.

“Ta!” the owner said from behind his counter. “Don’t touch!”

I sipped my water and moved on.

My legs eventually brought me to a cave full of fire and noise. The white adobe building was open at the front. The room inside was dark with the occasional blast of fiery light. Heat hotter than the breeze wafted out like the breath of a monster’s open mouth. On the front of the building a large sign read: Ogundimu Blacksmithing- White Ants Never Devour Bronze, Worms Do Not Eat Iron.

I squinted, making out a tall muscle-bound man inside. His dark glistening skin was darkened with soot. Like one of the heroes in the Great Book, I thought. He wore gloves woven from fine threads of metal and black goggles tightly strapped to his face. His nostrils were wide as he pounded on fire with a great hammer. His huge arms flexed with each pound. He could have been the son of Ogun, the goddess of metal. There was such joy in his motions. But he seems so thirsty, I thought. I imagined his throat burning and full of ash. I still had my cup of water. It was half-full. I entered his shop.

It was even hotter inside. However, I’d grown up in the desert. I was used to extreme hot and cold. I cautiously watched the sparks burst from the metal he pounded. Then as respectfully as I could, I said, “Oga, I have water for you.”

My voice startled him. The sight of a lanky little girl who was what people called Ewu standing in his shop startled him more. He pushed his goggles up. The un-sooted area around his eyes was about my mother’s dark brown complexion. The white part of his eyes are so white for someone who stares at fire all day, I thought.

“Child, you shouldn’t be in here,” he said. I stepped back. His voice was sonorous. Full. This man could speak into the desert and animals from miles away would hear him.

“It’s not so hot,” I said. I held up the water. “Here.” I stepped closer, very conscious of what I was. I was wearing the green dress my mother had sewn for me. The material was light but it covered every inch of me all the way to my ankles and wrists. She’d have made me wear a veil over my face but she didn’t have the heart.

It was odd. Mostly, people shunned me because I was Ewu. But sometimes women crowded around me. “But her skin,” they would say to each other, never directly to me. “It’s so smooth and delicate. It looks almost like camel’s milk.”

“And her hair is oddly bushy, like a cloud of dried grass.”

“Her eyes are like a desert cat’s.”

“Ani makes strange beauty from ugliness.”

“She might be beautiful by the time she goes through her Eleventh Rite.”

“What’s the point of her going through it? No one will marry her.” Then laughter.

In the market, men had tried to grab me but I was always quicker and I knew how to scratch. I’d learned from the desert cats. All this confused my six-year-old mind. Now, as I stood before the blacksmith, I feared that he might find my ugly features strangely delightful, too.

I held the cup up to him. He took it and drank long and deep, pulling in every drop. I was tall for my age but he was tall for his. I had to tilt my head back to see the smile on his face. He let out a great sigh of relief and handed the cup back to me.

“Good water,” he said. He went back to his anvil. “You’re too tall and far too bold to be a water sprite.”

I smiled and said, “My name is Onyesonwu Ubaid. What’s yours, Oga?”

“Fadil Ogundimu,” he said. He looked at his gloved hands. “I would shake your hand, Onyesonwu, but my gloves are hot.”

“That’s ok, Oga,” I said. “You’re a blacksmith!”

He nodded. “As was my father and his father and his father and so on.”

“My mother and I just got here some months ago,” I blurted. I remembered that it was growing late. “Oh. I have to go, Oga Ogundimu!”

“Thanks for the water,” he said. “You were right. I was thirsty.”

After that, I visited him often. He became my best and only friend. If my mother had known I was hanging around a strange man, she’d have beaten me and taken away my free time for weeks. The blacksmith’s apprentice, a man named Ji, hated me and he let me know this by sneering with disgust whenever he saw me, as if I were a diseased wild animal.

“Ignore Ji,” the blacksmith said. “He’s good with metal but he lacks imagination. Forgive him. He is primitive.”

“Do you think I look evil?” I asked.

“You’re lovely,” he said smiling. “The way a child is conceived is not a child’s fault or burden.”

I didn’t know what “conceived” meant and I didn’t ask. He’d called me “lovely” and I didn’t want him to take his words back. Thankfully, Ji usually came late, during the cooler part of the day.
Soon I was telling the blacksmith about my life in the desert. I was too young to know to keep such sensitive things to myself. I didn’t understand that my past, my very existence was sensitive. In turn, he taught me a few things about metal, like which types yielded to heat most easily and which didn’t.

“What was your wife like?” I asked one day. I was really just running my mouth. I was more interested in the small stack of bread he’d bought me.

“Njeri. She was black-skinned,” he said. He put both his big hands around one of his thighs. “And had very strong legs. She was a camel racer.”

I swallowed the bread I was chewing. “Really?!” I exclaimed.

“People said that her legs were what kept her on the camels but I know better. She had some sort of gift, too.”

“Gift of what?” I asked, leaning forward. “Could she walk through walls? Fly? Eat glass? Change into a beetle?”

The blacksmith laughed. “You read a lot,” he said.

“I’ve read the Great Book twice!” I bragged.

“Impressive,” he said. “Well, my Njeri could speak to camels. Camel-talking is a man’s job, so she chose camel racing instead. And Njeri didn’t just race. She won races. We met when we were teenagers. We married when we were twenty.”

“What did her voice sound like?” I asked.

“Oh her voice was aggravating and beautiful,” he said.

I frowned at this, confused.

“She was very loud,” he explained, taking a piece of my bread. “She laughed a lot when she was happy, and shouted a lot when she was irritated. You see?”

I nodded.

“For a while, we were happy,” he said. He paused.

I waited for him to continue. I knew this was the bad part. When he just stared at his piece of bread, I said, “Well? What happened next? Did she do you wrong?”

He chuckled and I was glad, though I had asked the question in seriousness. “No, no,” he said. “The day she raced the fastest race of her life, something terrible happened. You should have seen it, Onyesonwu. It was the finals of the Rain Fest Races. She’d won this race before but this day, she was about to break the record for fastest half mile ever.”

He paused. “I was at the finish line. We all were. The ground was still slick from the heavy rain the night before. They should have given the race another day. Her camel approached, running its knock-kneed gait. It was running faster than any camel ever has.” He closed his eyes. “It took a wrong step and…tumbled.” His voice broke. “In the end, Njeri’s strong legs were her downfall. They held on and when the camel fell, she was crushed under its weight.”

I gasped, clapping my hands over my mouth.

“Had she tumbled off, she’d have lived. We’d only been married for three months.” He sighed. “The camel she was riding refused to leave her side. It went wherever her body went. Days after she was cremated, the camel died of grief. Camels all over were spitting and groaning for weeks.” He put his gloves back on and went back to his anvil. The conversation was over.

Months passed. I continued visiting him every few days. I knew I was pushing my luck with my mother. But I believed it was a risk worth taking. One day, he asked me how my day was going. “Ok,” I replied. “A lady was talking about you yesterday. She said that you were the greatest blacksmith ever and that someone named Osugbo pays you well. Does he own the House of Osugbo? I’ve always wanted to go in there.”

“Osugbo isn’t a man,” he replied as he examined a piece of wrought iron. “It’s the group of Jwahir elders who keep order, our government heads.”

“Oh,” I said, not knowing or caring what the word “government” meant.

“How’s your mother?” he asked.


“I want to meet her.”

I held my breath, frowning. If she found out about him, I’d get the worst beating of my life and then I’d lose my only friend. What’s he want to meet her for? I wondered, suddenly feeling extremely possessive of my mother. But how could I stop him from meeting her? I bit my lip and very reluctantly said, “Fine.”

To my dismay, he came to our tent that very night. Still, he did look striking in his long white flowing pants and white caftan. He wore a white veil over his head. To wear all white was to present oneself with great humbleness. Usually women did this. For a man to do it was very special. He knew to approach my mother with care.

At first, my mother was afraid and angry with him. When he told her about the friendship he had with me, she slapped my bottom so hard that I ran off and cried for hours. Still, within a month, Papa and my mother were married. The day after the wedding, my mother and I moved into his house. It should have all been perfect after that. It was good for five years. Then the weirdness started.

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
wood likely because many of us are already up on her
Jun 02nd 2015
oh, right, of course forgot how cutting edge OKP is LOL n/m
Jun 02nd 2015
      we still got some life left in us young padawan =)
Jun 02nd 2015
           Uh, I'm all over that thread... but ok... n/m
Jun 02nd 2015
                and we've been all over this nnedi for a few years...but yeah..okay
Jun 02nd 2015
Heard about her on OKP very recently
Jun 02nd 2015
i love both okorafor and jemisin. who fears death was an awesome read...
Jun 02nd 2015
Agreed, I loved the Inheritance Trilogy but the Dreamblood
Jun 02nd 2015
      no i didnt read that one. looks like it just came out in may. will purch...
Jun 02nd 2015
      both their names are starting to get some burn in
Jun 02nd 2015
           i love lavalle! i was frequently busting out laughin while reading his b...
Jun 02nd 2015
                haven't read Big Machine yet
Jun 02nd 2015
                     read the devil in silver also. he's a gem. i really appreciate his works...
Jun 03rd 2015
This is why I come here to lurk
Jun 02nd 2015
whoa with the better than nk stuff
Jun 02nd 2015
Lagoon was fantastic. Nnedi is prolific, but NK is awesome too.
Jun 02nd 2015
IDK about Nalo.
Jun 02nd 2015
      Nalo can write. Period.
Jun 02nd 2015
Jun 02nd 2015
                RE: meh
Jun 02nd 2015
                     loved NK
Jun 02nd 2015
ya'll some bammas like shit talmbout who can or cannot write...
Jun 02nd 2015
damn G....
Jun 02nd 2015
RE: damn G....
Jun 02nd 2015
      right on
Jun 02nd 2015
Jun 02nd 2015
Jun 02nd 2015
      RE: yep
Jun 02nd 2015
           When you right, you right
Jun 02nd 2015
how'd even *this* post turn into a pissing contest?
Jun 03rd 2015
RE: how'd even *this* post turn into a pissing contest?
Jun 03rd 2015
why i don't post here. shits weird n/m
Jun 03rd 2015
People don't do their homework
Jun 03rd 2015
      you seem to take this message board very seriously
Jun 03rd 2015
           If you say so
Jun 09th 2015
                your comprehension is lacking
Jun 09th 2015
Bought who fears death and The book of Phoenix
Jun 09th 2015
Finished The book of Phoenix.Wasn't too impressed.
Jun 23rd 2015
I also highly recommend Older's " Half -Resurrection Blues"
Jun 09th 2015
are you the poster who recommended long division by
Jun 09th 2015
that wasn't me.... *updates book/story list*
Jun 09th 2015
odds are good it was astralblak
Jun 09th 2015
Jun 09th 2015
      cant thank you enough, mate
Jun 09th 2015
           no doubt man. I felt the same way after I finished it
Jun 09th 2015
                i did! it was pretty good
Jun 09th 2015
                     right on. great way to put things
Jun 09th 2015
Did you read his other works?
Jun 09th 2015
      RE: Did you read his other works?
Jun 09th 2015
18 pages into Lagoon. this shit is so good right now
Sep 07th 2015
Sep 08th 2015
142 pages in... man, she is doing something really marvelous
Sep 13th 2015
up ,just because i love this post :)
Sep 12th 2015
Lagoon, what a magical fucn book
Sep 14th 2015
It's probably next...
Sep 15th 2015
fam, i feel you. i look at my reading list like
Sep 15th 2015
      It was quite enjoyable
Oct 14th 2015
So much good in that book....
Sep 19th 2015
Reminder for September 22 -"Binti"
Sep 19th 2015

Member since Jun 18th 2002
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Tue Jun-02-15 09:24 AM

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1. "wood likely because many of us are already up on her"
In response to Reply # 0



but thanks doesn't hurt to remind folks

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Charter member
10012 posts
Tue Jun-02-15 09:39 AM

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2. "oh, right, of course forgot how cutting edge OKP is LOL n/m"
In response to Reply # 1




..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Jun 18th 2002
92696 posts
Tue Jun-02-15 10:20 AM

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6. "we still got some life left in us young padawan =)"
In response to Reply # 2



not sure if you can see this

i read Nnedi in 2012 right before Jemisin (which if you have gotten to her yet line her up right after)
and Acacia a bit after that
i may have to catch up on that series btw since the rest of the books are likely out by now

there a post in here if i can find it just giving news about the latest kerfluffles in scifi/fantasy writing its was posted to talk about the issues in scifi
great post if i can find it...

found it!
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Charter member
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:26 AM

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7. "Uh, I'm all over that thread... but ok... n/m"
In response to Reply # 6




..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Jun 18th 2002
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:35 AM

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8. "and we've been all over this nnedi for a few years...but yeah..okay"
In response to Reply # 7



like i said
does hurt to remind folks
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Member since Jun 16th 2005
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Tue Jun-02-15 09:42 AM

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3. "Heard about her on OKP very recently"
In response to Reply # 0



So I picked up the book and then forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. Going to go back to it again.

Maintain chill at all times.


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Member since Feb 26th 2004
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:12 AM

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4. "i love both okorafor and jemisin. who fears death was an awesome read..."
In response to Reply # 0



waiting on jemisin's 'the fifth season' to come out this august!

i still have to read her dreamblood books though.

there's room for them both in this genre. i won't pick one over the other.

the stories of the gods in the inheritance trilogy was very interesting.

now go runtelldat, ho.


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Charter member
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:15 AM

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5. "Agreed, I loved the Inheritance Trilogy but the Dreamblood"
In response to Reply # 4



books just werent for me, per se. I dont know anyone outside of OKP aware of either and was simply trying to get a conversation started. Have you read the Book of Phoenix? It's ending was mind-bending and related to Who Fears Death....

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Feb 26th 2004
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:44 AM

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9. "no i didnt read that one. looks like it just came out in may. will purch..."
In response to Reply # 5




i need a couple new things to read!

now go runtelldat, ho.


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Member since Apr 05th 2007
20029 posts
Tue Jun-02-15 12:45 PM

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13. "both their names are starting to get some burn in"
In response to Reply # 5



literary / MFA circles 'cause you know those of us with brown skin and dark eyes, who tend to be one of the only few in those circles always look for authors who not only are breaking the color barriers in publishing, but narrative stagnation and normativity.

so thanks for this post 'cause it's reminding me to read her books. I recently read one of her shorts "It's War" from the anthology Long Hidden", and it was very dope. That anthology also has a FANTASTIC short from Victor LaValle, who just generally is the truth.

in that other "Politics of Sci-Fi" post I linked a convo between her and Sotomar


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Member since Feb 26th 2004
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Tue Jun-02-15 02:31 PM

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18. "i love lavalle! i was frequently busting out laughin while reading his b..."
In response to Reply # 13



they are all great.

the one-liners in big machine were great!

now go runtelldat, ho.


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20. "haven't read Big Machine yet"
In response to Reply # 18



I'm speaking 'bout Slapboxing with Jesus and The Ecstatic which are great works. His emotional eye in Slapboxing in so many of the shorts is incredible. Def gunna read Big Machine soon.

I gotta thank Ike for suggesting him to okp a few years ago


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34. "read the devil in silver also. he's a gem. i really appreciate his works..."
In response to Reply # 20



now go runtelldat, ho.


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AtoZ 0toInfinity
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Tue Jun-02-15 10:46 AM

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10. "This is why I come here to lurk"
In response to Reply # 0




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Tue Jun-02-15 11:38 AM

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11. "whoa with the better than nk stuff"
In response to Reply # 0



they are different writers. i like both of them. Nk has better world building though
<--------- my cousin
photobloggin' it:


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Tue Jun-02-15 12:43 PM

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12. "Lagoon was fantastic. Nnedi is prolific, but NK is awesome too."
In response to Reply # 0



as is Karen Lord...and Nalo.....and Kiini Salaam...and others.

One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-02-15 12:46 PM

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14. "IDK about Nalo."
In response to Reply # 12
Tue Jun-02-15 12:47 PM by astralblak



I mean I've only read part of her shorts in Skin Folk and nah

BUT her seminar in my program was one of the best lectures on writing I've ever attended. Seriously she knows how to talk about the craft of writing


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Tue Jun-02-15 12:55 PM

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15. "Nalo can write. Period. "
In response to Reply # 14



One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-02-15 01:13 PM

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16. "meh"
In response to Reply # 15



her stuff doesn't work for me either

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Tue Jun-02-15 01:20 PM

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17. "RE: meh"
In response to Reply # 16



well what about Karen and NK

One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-02-15 04:14 PM

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23. "loved NK"
In response to Reply # 17



>well what about Karen and NK

Karen was another eh
i'll have to revisit but moved on pretty fast

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Tue Jun-02-15 03:25 PM

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19. "ya'll some bammas like shit talmbout who can or cannot write..."
In response to Reply # 0


   tastes ain't subjective.

anyway, i like Nnedi Okorafor but i wouldn't dismiss any of the others just yet. a lot of this is just what resonates with the reader. i could care less about ranking POC sci-fi, i'm just glad so many up and coming authors exist.

********************* -- We are ALL dumhi


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Tue Jun-02-15 03:29 PM

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21. "damn G...."
In response to Reply # 19



some published folk can't write, it's the truth.

But me I didn't say can't, I said not a fan of in terms of style, voice, content and subject

but I'll be a bamma then


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Tue Jun-02-15 06:12 PM

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25. "RE: damn G...."
In response to Reply # 21



>some published folk can't write, it's the truth.

oh we agree, my g. i wasn't coming for ya'll.

>But me I didn't say can't, I said not a fan of in terms of
>style, voice, content and subject
>but I'll be a bamma then

you ain't a bamma unless you wanna be.

i just don't be arguing down nobody's tastes. if you like it, great.

********************* -- We are ALL dumhi


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Tue Jun-02-15 11:11 PM

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28. "right on"
In response to Reply # 25





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Tue Jun-02-15 03:35 PM

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22. "^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 19



One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-02-15 04:15 PM

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24. "yep "
In response to Reply # 19



and i get to say what i do and don't like
what did and did not appeal to me

but then i didn't put all that weight on it as you said regarding can and cannot write
but dudes do that a lot

haven't learn how to be centric and put off on creatives their personal tastes like its their fault they didn't like something

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Member since Jul 07th 2003
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Tue Jun-02-15 06:13 PM

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26. "RE: yep "
In response to Reply # 24



>and i get to say what i do and don't like
>what did and did not appeal to me

Oh we agree. I wasn't coming for you, famz

>but then i didn't put all that weight on it as you said
>regarding can and cannot write
>but dudes do that a lot

Dudes and dudettes (on here and online) do it the most. I don't be caring about that but that was more my point.

>haven't learn how to be centric and put off on creatives their
>personal tastes like its their fault they didn't like

I just let folk cook. I think Frank Herbert's Dune universe is the best ever made. Some others don't. I'm not mad about it per se.

********************* -- We are ALL dumhi


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Tue Jun-02-15 06:20 PM

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27. "When you right, you right"
In response to Reply # 26



When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Wed Jun-03-15 05:21 AM

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29. "how'd even *this* post turn into a pissing contest?"
In response to Reply # 0




stand ur ground, believe in urself,
believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve


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Wed Jun-03-15 05:23 AM

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30. "RE: how'd even *this* post turn into a pissing contest?"
In response to Reply # 29



read through it

One Hundred.


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Wed Jun-03-15 06:25 AM

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31. "why i don't post here. shits weird n/m"
In response to Reply # 29




..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Jun 18th 2002
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Wed Jun-03-15 07:24 AM

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32. "People don't do their homework "
In response to Reply # 29



When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Wed Jun-03-15 08:09 AM

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33. "you seem to take this message board very seriously"
In response to Reply # 32



What should people research in regards to posting? You keep replying and i have no idea as to what your point is other than being vague and contrarian. Originally meant to post this in PtP anyway.You speak of a collective we as if you are the sole gatekeeper of literacy in GD, keep rocking, weirdo. You win, peace

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Jun 18th 2002
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Tue Jun-09-15 06:40 AM

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35. "If you say so"
In response to Reply # 33



>What should people research in regards to posting?

But that seems to be an extraordinarily difficult thing for you

You keep
>replying and i have no idea as to what your point is other
>than being vague and contrarian. Originally meant to post this
>in PtP anyway.You speak of a collective we as if you are the
>sole gatekeeper of literacy in GD, keep rocking, weirdo. You
>win, peace

vague...saying "yes we know" because you said this post would sink under the assumption people don't know?

My bad you prefer to not be contradicted when youre wrong
Making me ...contrary and..what was it vague

Uh huh
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Tue Jun-09-15 10:39 AM

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40. "your comprehension is lacking"
In response to Reply # 35



Again you state that 'we' already covered it yet based on replies some people found sis because of this post, which was the point. Based on your last reply you Are extremely invested in okp so have your fun. You don't bring an original thought, you cosign and have replied more to the thread i started than i did. Also, fyi, i post on okp Maybe three times a year in GD and i always say the posts will go wood simply because 1.i started them 2. The same 12 names reply to every book thread. Said my piece, bye felecia, may you continue to regale us with your wit,or lack thereof.

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Tue Jun-09-15 07:02 AM

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36. "Bought who fears death and The book of Phoenix"
In response to Reply # 0



Have a few books to get through then I start.
Blessed be the Lord /who believe any mess they read up on the message board


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Tue Jun-23-15 03:15 AM

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49. "Finished The book of Phoenix.Wasn't too impressed."
In response to Reply # 36



It felt YoungAdulty and amateurish.
Yes it was great seeing us in a science fiction setting but it was all over the place imo.
Parts had great potential, the start with sunuteel and his wife were super.Then it devolved into black X-men fan fiction.
Hope Who Fears Death is better.
Blessed be the Lord /who believe any mess they read up on the message board


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Tue Jun-09-15 10:26 AM

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37. "I also highly recommend Older's " Half -Resurrection Blues""
In response to Reply # 0



One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-09-15 10:29 AM

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38. "are you the poster who recommended long division by"
In response to Reply # 37



Kiese Laymon, i think? Rarely go by book recommendations but i owe that mafucka a drink, was an awesome story

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Tue Jun-09-15 10:34 AM

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39. "that wasn't me.... *updates book/story list*"
In response to Reply # 38



One Hundred.


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Tue Jun-09-15 10:39 AM

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41. "odds are good it was astralblak"
In response to Reply # 38



When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Tue Jun-09-15 11:13 AM

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42. "THAT WAS ME!!!"
In response to Reply # 38



And if you have an FB follow Kiese. He's hella cool and funny as shit.


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Tue Jun-09-15 11:47 AM

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44. "cant thank you enough, mate"
In response to Reply # 42



That was a powerful experience and I am better because of it. bought 4 gifted 3, what better high school graduation gift? Damn story had oh so many quotables! What are you reading currently? I really love Rothfuss and am going to try (third time) the Slow Regard of Silent Things. Also just finished Locke and Key by Joe Hill, one of the best graphic novels I've read... after Preacher

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Apr 05th 2007
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Tue Jun-09-15 12:41 PM

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45. "no doubt man. I felt the same way after I finished it"
In response to Reply # 44



and the quotables are endless

I'm on a reading break right now. Grad school brunt me out just a little.

last things I read though that I really loved were:
Song of Solomon - Morrison
Kindred - Butler
10th of December - George Saunders

I also enjoyed Butler's Pattern Master a lot

hey did you ever finish 40 Acres by Alexander Smith? I started it at a book store but never got back to buying it and finishing.


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Tue Jun-09-15 12:58 PM

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46. "i did! it was pretty good"
In response to Reply # 45
Tue Jun-09-15 12:59 PM by Scarface_7



Unlike Long Division (which i needed a solo spliff after) after I finished 40 Acres it was like emerging back into sunlight after watching a three hour flick. Everything seemed different and it took my eyes and mind time to readjust. Long Division had me looking like a zombie after the last pages, yo, shit was Heavy! 40 Acres was great but once you get passed the plot there was a feeling it was missing something, but still an empowering light read. 40 Acres is a great beach book, author loved my goodreads review and sent me an autographed one! Can't wait to see what he does next. It wasn't Emperor of Ocean Park brilliance but well worth it!

..._...|..____________________, ,
....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D @Warwizard

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COTW Afficianado, Dro


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Member since Apr 05th 2007
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Tue Jun-09-15 02:47 PM

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47. "right on. great way to put things "
In response to Reply # 46
Tue Jun-09-15 02:50 PM by astralblak



I'm def gunna get to it soon. Shit it moved fast. I read like 70 pgs in a little over an hour


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Tue Jun-09-15 11:20 AM

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43. "Did you read his other works?"
In response to Reply # 37



What did you dig about Half-Res... I haven't got around to it. I'm happy for dude tho. He's on point with his analysis and he a cool dude.


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Tue Jun-09-15 03:01 PM

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48. "RE: Did you read his other works?"
In response to Reply # 43



Read one of his shorts that just was published by Tor online....Half-Res was fun, it reminds me of pre-gentrified Bkln. It doesn't take itself too seriously but he's built a highly detailed world that will hold up through several books.

One Hundred.


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Mon Sep-07-15 10:31 PM

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50. "18 pages into Lagoon. this shit is so good right now"
In response to Reply # 0



so good


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Tue Sep-08-15 05:51 AM

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51. "Yup."
In response to Reply # 50



One Hundred.


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53. "142 pages in... man, she is doing something really marvelous"
In response to Reply # 50



in these pages...


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Sat Sep-12-15 05:28 PM

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52. "up ,just because i love this post :)"
In response to Reply # 0



"You can win with certainty with the spirit of "one cut". "Musashi Miyamoto


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Member since Apr 05th 2007
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Mon Sep-14-15 10:42 PM

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54. "Lagoon, what a magical fucn book"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon Sep-14-15 10:47 PM by astralblak



damn man so fun to read, but so deep in what it's exploring and saying about life.

yeah it gets a bit too fantasy-y near the last 10% of the book, BUT it really does nothing to diminish how fantastic a novel it is.

shit, I even hate that I'm here mentioning it, in it's own separate post from the "who is writing the next great black novel" post, when Nnedi was born in fucn Cincinnati, Ohio, and because this is sci-fi, among many other genres.

really y'all do yourself a favor and read this.

by the way thanks Scarface7. this post made me go out and buy Lagoon.


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Member since Mar 07th 2005
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Tue Sep-15-15 05:33 AM

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55. "It's probably next..."
In response to Reply # 54



My reading list is so long, and the time to read so short.

Such is life such is life.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."


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Tue Sep-15-15 09:47 PM

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56. "fam, i feel you. i look at my reading list like"
In response to Reply # 55



well i'll finish if i live to be 75 :/


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Wed Oct-14-15 09:27 PM

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59. "It was quite enjoyable"
In response to Reply # 56



Not sure if it left me with strong feelings. Stands out mostly for me because it exists which makes me very happy. Having read some of her interviews about it I'm not sure it's supposed to do more than just answer a what if (what if aliens landed in Lagos), but I guess part of me wishes that it did. I think my biggest gripe is the fact that the fantastical elements really didn't go anywhere. Religion played such a strong role in the book, to have the gods appear but not do anything more than acknowledge them was a bit of a let down, though in some regard it wouldn't fit into the story she was telling. Feel sort of the same way about the three. I mean you have gods, aliens and mutants all in one book and yet somehow it ends up not being 'about' any of them, and all of them actuallly serve more as literary devices of what she was realy doing which was giving a modern peek of life in Lagos. which is where it succeeds incredibly, enough to make me not really care that the other elements were lacking. So as a novel it's great. As a sci-fi/fantasy novel for me it was decent.

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."


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Sat Sep-19-15 07:18 PM

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58. "So much good in that book...."
In response to Reply # 54



got to get on Book of the Phoenix next

One Hundred.


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Sat Sep-19-15 05:00 PM

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57. "Reminder for September 22 -"Binti""
In response to Reply # 0




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