Okayplayers!!! We are searching to increase our writing team for the reviews section, and more. Editorial pieces, and interviews with artists. Potential for short film or photo pieces too. But with all of this, writing reviews for OKP comes first. If you are interested in beefing up your resume consider writing reviews for Okayplayer. You will be reviewing all of the latest new releases, from the most independent of artists to the most commercial, from hip-hop, R&B, reggae and soul music to indie rock and experimental electronic. On average we send out about one cd every one or two weeks to be reviewed. Lately we've been sending most music via downloads, in an attempt to help keep the planet green!
As Okayplayer grows there will be increasing opportunities to be involved in writing interviews and reporting on shows, artists, and events as well. Please contact us if you are interested. BE SURE TO SUBMIT 2-3 WRITING SAMPLES. These should be reviews you’ve written in the past, or sample reviews, and can be about any music you’d like. Please take a thorough look at our reviews section (www.okayplayer.com/reviews) so you know what we are looking for. If you've never written a music review, but would like to write for our site, please choose 3 albums and try writing them up. Please send all writing samples to okaywriters @ gmail.com. We will choose all new writers by the end of October (many before then), and everyone will hear back from us.
Please keep in mind that we have no budget for writers, and unfortunately cannot pay. However, we can offer you a golden letter of recommendation, a choice career move for your resume, great experience (and tons of free music!), and ROOTS TICKETS (along with other concerts when the opportunity arises) whenever we can possibly hook you up.
***REMEMBER TO email us, okaywriters@gmail.com, with:
Your FULL NAME (1st and last) Your EMAIL address (one you check frequently please) Your OKP handle (if you have one) 2-3 WRITING SAMPLES ATTACHED as separate documents (preferably Word docs or plain text documents) Let us know if you can review material via digital downloads, as opposed to cds. (We only send DL links these days)