I'm smiling & *sighing* at the same time -- But then -- Reading your work does that to me anywayz -- *sigh*
>I gotta mind >to readjust my vision >just to reflect myself >better in your light >so when you decide to turn the lights off
>we can >burn >in the dark >together.
(((Slow Burn))) -- "YOUR" turn to speak in tongues --
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
holy shit! its you!!!!! damn ive missed reading your work!!!! shit if you are posting agian ill start reading everyday again. damn! inbox me miss when you get the chance lets connect. -j
But I'm having a problem lettin' this "Funky Lowdown" go down any further than page "3" ...
^UP^ again -- Blowin' in da wind! -- *smiles*
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
15. "Oh Yes -- And FurtherMore -- ARCHIVE 2nd'd" In response to Reply # 14
Per "Perfect Mistake's" Request -- *Uhhh Huhhh* --
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥