"N / Between / Dreamz" Fri Jul-29-05 09:34 PM by PhotoSynthesis
You know that place? Where we face depth In other dimensions and diadems Watching stars shine over rainbows Under spinning planets Around midnight That place where If I coulda, woulda, shoulda – (But I didn’t) -- Manifests itself N2 concrete possibilities Previous choices & decisions fade as surreality shades life In soft charcoals -- Vivid water colors -- And acrylic oils In our dreams … We walk on marshmallow clouds, hovering over vicious volcanos Totally in control of time & space You know that place? Where those who’re married – Are single And those who’re single – Are married And those who’re lost -- are found And those who’re found – get lost And those who’re bound -- are free And those who’re free – get tied ^UP^ with velvet ropes & handcuffs -- And those who’re stressed – Get undressed and unwind And those who’re loose – Get wound ^UP^ and defined Runnin’ aound like the energizer bunny on fresh batteries You know that place? That place where we CAN turn back the hands of time … (((Silver Lined))) We CAN change fate as we wait for blind~dates with destiny Confessed to be the best of "We" – Alter egos transform timid Clark Into Superman – Peter Parker into Spiderman In our dreams we’re not only Super Heros We’re gods At odds with reality Fighting problems – issues – shit~u~ations – As daylight hours blind us to see Sometimes we drown in melted butter As credits roll past movie scenes where dreams come true ~Alphabetically~ And medically our hearts stop on the drop of a dime While we swim in shark infested waters Like mermen -- Or mermaid daughters Fishing for answers to questions of the Uni~Verse Unrehearsed We diligently act out Shakespeare’s curiosity: ??? “TO BE – OR NOT TO BE “ ??? Hoping for a different answer each time But 4 now, I think I’m finished with this rhyme Sleep will come – EVENTUALLY --
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
>You know that place? >Where we face depth >In other dimensions and diadems >Watching stars shine over rainbows >Under spinning planets >Around midnight >That place where >If I coulda, woulda, shoulda – (But I didn’t) -- >Manifests itself N2 concrete possibilities >Previous choices & decisions fade as surreality shades life >In soft charcoals -- Vivid water colors -- And acrylic oils >In our dreams … >We walk on marshmallow clouds, hovering over vicious volcanos >Totally in control of time & space >You know that place? >Where those who’re married – Are single >And those who’re single – Are married >And those who’re lost -- are found >And those who’re found – get lost >And those who’re bound -- are free >And those who’re free – get tied ^UP^ with velvet ropes & handcuffs -- >And those who’re stressed – Get undressed and unwind >And those who’re loose – Get wound ^UP^ and defined >Runnin’ aound like the energizer bunny on fresh batteries >You know that place? >That place where we CAN turn back the hands of time … >(((Silver Lined))) >We CAN change fate as we wait for blind~dates with destiny >Confessed to be the best of "We" – >Alter egos transform timid Clark >Into Superman – >Peter Parker into Spiderman >In our dreams we’re not only Super Heros >We’re gods >At odds with reality >Fighting problems – issues – shit~u~ations – >As daylight hours blind us to see >Sometimes we drown in melted butter >As credits roll past movie scenes where dreams come true >~Alphabetically~ >And medically our hearts stop on the drop of a dime >While we swim in shark infested waters >Like mermen -- Or mermaid daughters >Fishing for answers to questions of the Uni~Verse >Unrehearsed >We diligently act out Shakespeare’s curiosity: >??? “TO BE – OR NOT TO BE “ ??? >Hoping for a different answer each time >But 4 now, I think I’m finished with this flow >Sleep will come – EVENTUALLY --
yo... this flow was so hot I'm straight quotin this whole bidness!! You put yo' foot in this ish fo' real and I'm luvin it!! Do it up girl!!!
5. "RE: N / Between / Dreamz" In response to Reply # 0
believe me i know that place very well photo n / between / dreamz i'm there right now . . {winked eye} i especially enjoyed this piece, my bohemian mindset relates!!! {smile}
they showed us phYsically, we could reach infinitY, but mentally, through the century, we lost our identitY -Rakim
6. "wtf... Archive, and SOMEBODY better second that" In response to Reply # 0
What the fuck is that? How the FUCK do you do that? Can you teach me? This was seriously- holy god damned motherfuckin' shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
This is seriously, imo, the BEST mofukkin' piece I've EVER read, in books, heard on DefPoetry, or read on Okay. I always like your shit- but THIS was simply amazing.
Why ain't I seen a Photobook, yet?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sig-
"I wandered around darkened hallways, Lab-rynth, filled with, Blood vessels and plasma, Caught glances of windows- Peeking OUT, exoflective, Invective messages left on my own voice mail.. And by looking out from within?
16. "*Photo Gets A Bar Of Soap*" In response to Reply # 6 Mon Aug-01-05 09:30 PM by PhotoSynthesis
>What the fuck is that? How the FUCK do you do that? Can you teach me? This was seriously- holy god damned motherfuckin' shiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
*Photo commences to washin' out Lucky's dirty Mouf* --
(((Now Rinse))) -- *chuckles*
Thanx 4 the love sweetie -- Now watch yo mouth! --
>Why ain't I seen a Photobook, yet?
You wanna see some of my baby pictures? -- *hehehe*
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
8. "I always wanted to be spiderman!" In response to Reply # 0
Or Wolverine. I like this drop. Im'a start my own 'Alter ego' of sorts...or wait, am I already...uuuhh...shhh... dont tell 'em....or is that schitzo-sumthin??? uh, nevermind!LOL
Steam-Powered Spit-Sessions Re-write the Bright-Lessons of Life each day with Nice-Blessin's...Word/Life/Write
ToBeContinued; ------------------------------ Check out theBoxCarBoys...(InGeniousPoet/The_Epiphany/inkwell360/Focus23/O-Wellz)
9. "RE: N / Between / Dreamz" In response to Reply # 0
u betta do that damn thang, shawdy!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah, folk, that was straight up and down. that was like a batch of bigg mama's greens or, in my case, nana's paella y tostones! good for the soul. soul food indeed!!!!!!!! write on, write on!
Aiden Waves, the cleansing fire
"just as the pureness of honey can sanctify my sins, i say let ur love blow in the wind...." -me!
11. "RE: N / Between / Dreamz" In response to Reply # 0
you are definitely the POET LAURETTE round here and yes i have said that at many times maybe even for some others but for real hands down in this forum there is no other consistantley droppin bombs like you...i mean besides havin poems that speak to the heart audio's that bring solace to the ear and mind but an honest love for writing that is felt and often underappreciated...SALUTE SALUTATIONS LACHEIM ALLAHUAKBAR may you keep doin your do. it is hard to say quite enough bout you. many thanks for being there this piece just did it for me. it is the quintessential work that says no matter where you been there is another side. ASIEM "Kuun fiyah Kuun" Quran (Be and it is) " A writer takes his pen to write the words again that all in love is fair" Stevie Wonder checkout these sites http://4luvofpoetry.com www.poetology.com
Do I have to comment anymore? I'ma just start replyin with a n/m, just so you know I dropped by, love. And you know by default I would say somethin like: I.LOVED.THIS. But I don't wanna sound jaded, cuz I keep sayin that about your pieces. Ack! Anyway, um...I loved it. lol That r.e.m. is a beast. It can bring you a lot of things. Peace or pause. And then when we awaken we're like, "does that have any real meaning to my conscious state?" Hmmm, I' still tryin to figure that one out. Thumbs north. ~one~
"I'm scientific, but my reflex gangsta"- Black Thought
~Complex with the creative content on a conquest with concepts and context as concrete as poetry ~Its real and ill when I be sitting still yet still rocking to my mental rhythme. ~Its just right when I write
15. "RE: You are so sick..." In response to Reply # 14
I do feel a lil' feverish -- You wanna take my temperature, Doctor "D"? -- -- *chuckles*
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
you took mad long replyin back to the praise you was recievin... what were you waiting for?? For us to bow down to the lyrical genius that is Photo?? Sssssshhhhhheeeeeetttt!!! Oh hell, what am I fronting for?? Hail to the queen!!!
18. "You Funny Ms. Bonita ..." In response to Reply # 17
Nahhhh but really -- I'm not one for replying to each and every response or comment made on my Posts -- *shrugggs*
I appreciate the love from EVERYONE tho -- But I'll prolly only comment on certain threads -- (Usually for comic relief) -- Hoping someone will laugh or chuckle at my reply)
Believe it or not -- I have a hard time accepting compliments in real life as well -- So I play it off with a jokie joke -- *chuckles*
Thank YOU for your support & love Ms. Bonita -- I really appreciate you! --
A guitar string vibrating, a measure of my soul, a breech in the silence -- I've always felt like words come through me & I write them down... they have no master --- gsquared ♥
23. "RE: N / Between / Dreamz" In response to Reply # 0
I know this place all too-well... your description is beautiful and vivid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "To be a poet is a condition, not a profession." - Robert Frost