Kristy...i love you dearly, but DAMMIT---you need to put the CRACK PIPE DOWN (didn't we tell you crack kills brain cells, luv? )
first off, this post is irrelevant--how can you compare a long established artist (D'Angelo) to an up and comer (Bilal) who, save for a soundtrack song (Soul Sista) and a guest spot on a Common track (The Sixth Sense), hasn't delivered a full album yet? Wrong..kris..you DEAD WRONG (C) Notorious B.I.G.
I think we should all wait until Bilal's album is out later this month and THEN make comparisons (even THEN we can't cause Bilal would have to put out A FEW albums to warrant an honest and informed comparison/critique..not a "Bilal is phiner than D with those funky ass shell glasses" type motif...)
I'm not a musical scholar by any means, but I DO know that Bilal is a new artist and has a ways to go before we can start saying he's better than D or anyone ELSE for that matter who straight up GIVES IT in their music. i mean, hell, that's like saying the following folk can be compared honestly:
Sinead O'Connor vs. Britney Spears/Mandy Moore/Jessica Simpson/Christina Auguliera
Conclusion: granted, the latter artists may score mainstream popularity points and superfical physical aesthetic points, CAN'T NONE OF THOSE women compare to Sinead's lyrics/instrumentals/etc. AAAAND..I DOUBT any of those latter clucks could RIP a Prince song like Sinead did on "Nothing Compares To You"---im sorry, her version is classic and will ALWAYS be remembered long AFTER the britneys/christina's and the like can't put out an album anymore cause their audienced grew upand tossed them aside for someone else.
Me'Shell Ndegeocello vs. any RNB female act out right now(though, IMHO, Erykah/N'dea/Joi/Me'Shell/Laurnea are all equal in my book) Conclusion: Me'Shell, despite public opinion about her being a bisexual Muslim, etc., can sing and write literal HOLES around Destiny's Child/Mya/Blaque/TLC, etc. any sista act that's selling CRAZY CD'S (eff it..i'ma put En Vogue w/o Dawn Robinson in this too...cause they sound WEAK and tired nowadays). based on her body or work/her live shows/no holds barred attitude and boldness to BE an individual (said RNB chicks look and SOUND too much alike to me and everyone else these days)/and folk she's collaborated with and WILL in the future, Me'Shell CAN NOT be touched. it's that simple...plus, SHE will be remembered years after those above groups have stopped performing OR were busted cause folk found out they REALLY CAN NOT SING...plus, Me'Shell can branch out into jazz/blues/hip-hop (check Deuteronomy:Niggerman on Peace Beyond Passion/If that's Your Boyfriend/diggin you like an old soul record/souls on ice..DAMMIT ALL of plantation lullabies and TELL ME i'm full of it) and make ALBUMS in each genre. the above acts named can't even do ONE album right in RNB, much less anything else.
what i'm saying is WAIT until bilal puts out that first album (and next two, cause i'm SURE folk will diss him if the first album isn't up to what folk are expecting) and THEN start making those comparions, ok? 
Kris, i STILL LUB you gurl, even IF crack is taking over your life! 
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