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Subject: "Do people assume Islam is a more "African" religion?" This topic is locked.
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42096 posts
Mon May-23-05 05:32 PM

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"Do people assume Islam is a more "African" religion?"



to a lot of people it seems almost synoymous. and im trying to figure the logic behind that.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
PEACE is the basis for that.
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
oh, dear god.
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
      I just wanna know why someone with a 5%er avy is
May 23rd 2005
      lol yall musta been jumped by a gang of Gods and Earths
May 23rd 2005
      RE: basically.
May 24th 2005
RE: PEACE is the basis for that.
May 23rd 2005
May 24th 2005
           don't mind him. he mad.
May 24th 2005
                RE: don't mind him. he mad.
May 24th 2005
ignorant people assume lotsa stupid shit
May 23rd 2005
no.....where r u getting this from?
May 23rd 2005
inspired by a few posters i've seen
May 23rd 2005
      well then i think it has a lot to do with the nation of islam
May 23rd 2005
      i can see how that might happen.
May 23rd 2005
      depends on how you cee "islam"
May 23rd 2005
           if islam isn't a religion then what is it?
May 23rd 2005
                a way of life.
May 23rd 2005
                     how is that different from christianity or buddhism
May 23rd 2005
                     RE: how is that different from christianity or buddhism
May 23rd 2005
                     dang woman
May 23rd 2005
                     lol many many reasons.
May 23rd 2005
                     that's semantics.
May 23rd 2005
                          yes. that's the islam we see today.
May 23rd 2005
                               shut up. Islam is a religion...
May 23rd 2005
                               lol go read a quran verse and relax.
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                                    you missed the part about Islam being older than
May 23rd 2005
                                         original people spoke arabic ?
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
Good question
May 23rd 2005
I believe it is the original faith of the black man
May 23rd 2005
so the black man is only 1400 years old?
May 23rd 2005
      ding ding ding.
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
           They dont feel you girl.
May 23rd 2005
           hey i have an idea. lets try engaging in discourse?
May 23rd 2005
           lol i'm no fun, right?
May 23rd 2005
           Key is right
May 23rd 2005
                Small problem here
May 23rd 2005
                polytheism is not Islam
May 23rd 2005
                You're the one who claimed its the original religion of man
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                          *sigh* I'll try this again
May 23rd 2005
                               yeah but if you do
May 23rd 2005
                               I was just arguing with this statement
May 23rd 2005
                                    oh ok "everybody agrees on that" was wrong
May 23rd 2005
                               I never thought the islamic story of creation was to be
May 25th 2005
                Is an orisha a god?
May 23rd 2005
                Animism (sp?)
May 23rd 2005
                PLEASE go read a book
May 23rd 2005
                Shit, tell me...
May 23rd 2005
                     What, they don't have libraries
May 23rd 2005
                          Apparently the books ive been readin
May 23rd 2005
                               Most African religions(west African)
May 23rd 2005
                Animism is an outmoded term among scholars of religion
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                I don't know about Yoruba
May 23rd 2005
                Yeah, I def. see the Egyptian point
May 23rd 2005
                so Gye Nyame is not the only God?
May 23rd 2005
                Funny story there
May 23rd 2005
                in Congo, they call (the christian) god NZambi
May 23rd 2005
                     Can I get a recap?
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                          Thanks for the info
May 23rd 2005
                          de rien
May 23rd 2005
                          RE: hmmmm
May 23rd 2005
                               there was an article on messianic figures
May 23rd 2005
                     Thing is, what would make it funny is not the term's pre-existing
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                               RE: hmmmm...
May 23rd 2005
                considered by whom?
May 23rd 2005
                there is one god in yoruba
May 23rd 2005
                Olodumare right?
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                Then what are the orishas considered as?
May 23rd 2005
                     Here's an interesting article I found
May 23rd 2005
                     more interesting thing abou tmost peepL who practice/follow yoruba...
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                     extentions of gods energy
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                damn, you beat me to it!
May 23rd 2005
                and isn't monotheism initially a Jewish concept?
May 23rd 2005
                     Interesting. Never thought about it that way.
May 23rd 2005
                     Depending on how you define monotheism
May 23rd 2005
                     umm- I forget the exact dates
May 23rd 2005
                     I don't have the dates either
May 23rd 2005
                     i think you're right..
May 23rd 2005
                     Not Zoroaster, Mithra
May 23rd 2005
                     There was also Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Mithrainism... man.
May 23rd 2005
                     RE: and isn't monotheism initially a Jewish concept?
May 23rd 2005
                not exactly what i meant.
May 23rd 2005
           do u consider the NGE definition of Islam the same as Muslims?
May 23rd 2005
                from what little i know of them...
May 23rd 2005
                well here's one to grow on w/regards to the NOI
May 23rd 2005
                skimmed the post. but the reply is the same.
May 23rd 2005
                I know they aren't, I just asked to clear up any confusion
May 23rd 2005
                if you're asking if muslims and Gods/Earths cee
May 23rd 2005
                     that's because we see saying that Allah is a man
May 23rd 2005
                          understanding understood.
May 23rd 2005
      I'll rephrase
May 23rd 2005
           so a black man who isnt muslim
May 23rd 2005
                Of Course not
May 23rd 2005
                     so basically you're contradicting yourself
May 23rd 2005
                          Two different prophets, One God
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                                    Im just sayin....
May 23rd 2005
I think this is a common misconception
May 23rd 2005
the NOI dudes that stand outside my apartment complex's parking lot
May 23rd 2005
atleast they call them ay-raabs. here they're sand niggers and towel hea...
May 23rd 2005
      nah I'm too close to Dearborn for any of that stuff to fly in public
May 23rd 2005
not I
May 23rd 2005
well whats the math behind it?
May 23rd 2005
but are you trying to tell me that was their original practice?
May 23rd 2005
of course it wasnt
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
i said continent. so asia wins? or no?
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
Nah south east asians take that record
May 23rd 2005
Central, West, South and East Africa
May 23rd 2005
There's no country in the world that's mostly Rasta
May 23rd 2005
which books did that come out of?
May 23rd 2005
the most muslims are in indonesia.
May 23rd 2005
Pakistan + Indonesia + Bangladesh beats it
May 23rd 2005
for some people, anything away from YT
May 23rd 2005
There's that sad problem of some black muslims
May 23rd 2005
than what? Christianity? if so i think it used to be.
May 23rd 2005
I think some of you are missing the point.
May 23rd 2005
I don't think it's possible to demarkate any one religion
May 23rd 2005
that makes sense to me.
May 23rd 2005
Not really
May 23rd 2005
christianity isn't any less Afrikan than Islam.
May 23rd 2005
*walks into post*
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
i didn't know where to put this up there b.u.t.
May 23rd 2005
You are going to argue this
May 23rd 2005
there are no 85ers in Afrika???
May 23rd 2005
      Born in Ghana, lived in Nigeria and Togo for spells
May 23rd 2005
           did they say to you that they worshipped several gods?
May 23rd 2005
                Who made the generalization about ATR's?
May 23rd 2005
                     nah you didn't specify where on the continent you grew up
May 23rd 2005
                          *looks at name of blog*
May 23rd 2005
                          oh. in the words of the homie nk "i don't be payin attention to sigs"
May 23rd 2005
                          he said he only knew about (insert ghanean ethnies here) though
May 23rd 2005
                               i did not read every reply FORGIVE ME!!!
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                                    Thats ok
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
one thing that worries me here
May 23rd 2005
      can you rephrase?
May 23rd 2005
           lemme try:
May 23rd 2005
                polytheism and monotheism
May 23rd 2005
                     so it's because it's closer to our current beliefs ?
May 23rd 2005
                     that's not what i said
May 23rd 2005
                          then you haven't replied
May 23rd 2005
                               oh but i DID
May 23rd 2005
                                    what about one that i understand ?
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
                                              not only it makes sense but
May 23rd 2005
                     RE: polytheism and monotheism
May 23rd 2005
                          please go to hell and let adults talk
May 23rd 2005
                               RE: please go to hell and let adults talk
May 23rd 2005
                                    adults discuss things. children cuss at people.
May 23rd 2005
                                    you seem...
May 23rd 2005
May 24th 2005
                                              yup. ur mad.
May 24th 2005
i think a good % of philadelphia's black muslims do
May 23rd 2005
RE: Do people assume Islam is a more "African" religion?
May 23rd 2005
Me too
May 23rd 2005
      Yeah, further research is what we need
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
does polytheism actually exist ?
May 23rd 2005
according to the article I linked
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
      You are perceptive
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
           RE: Yo...
May 23rd 2005
           In ancient Greece there are the Titans, then the gods...
May 23rd 2005
i was finna ask dat
May 23rd 2005
Islam observes Africans as key players in its creation more open
May 23rd 2005
For me, I always keep in mind that it's from current day Saudi
May 23rd 2005
great post
May 23rd 2005
The way I see it
May 23rd 2005
couldnt agree more.
May 23rd 2005
^^listen to this woman
May 23rd 2005
May 23rd 2005
      Islam is not only Peace
May 23rd 2005
           TRUE INDEED
May 23rd 2005
                now you've really lost me
May 23rd 2005
                     original people = afrikans, asians, native americans,
May 23rd 2005
                          oh ok
May 23rd 2005
                               with which part?
May 23rd 2005
                                    your original post
May 23rd 2005
Prolly due to it's "Un-Euroness".
May 23rd 2005
This post proves that all religions are equally batty
May 23rd 2005
It dont really make that much difference...
May 23rd 2005
May 24th 2005
Re: On polytheism
May 24th 2005
Do people assume Islam is a more "African" religion?
May 24th 2005
^ are we done? should this be archived?
May 24th 2005
RE: ^ are we done? should this be archived?
May 25th 2005

Member since Apr 08th 2003
43228 posts
Mon May-23-05 05:33 PM

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1. "PEACE is the basis for that."
In response to Reply # 0


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:33 PM

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2. "expound."
In response to Reply # 1



With all due respect...
ask around.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:47 PM

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42. "oh, dear god."
In response to Reply # 1





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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:56 PM

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60. "basically."
In response to Reply # 42
Mon May-23-05 05:56 PM by Science_Fiction



people trying to 'drop knowledge' but can't even formulate an argument or have a real discussion.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Charter member
Mon May-23-05 06:01 PM

73. "I just wanna know why someone with a 5%er avy is"
In response to Reply # 60


the 1st to respond to this post?

"yo isa, fresh produce was so wack dude, I just thought I would say that" - anonymous hater


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:05 PM

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82. "lol yall musta been jumped by a gang of Gods and Earths"
In response to Reply # 60



'cause i swear yall be sounding bitter as fuck.
don't be mad the knowledge.
i'm not muslim so i didn't want to get into it

but my reply meant
that Islam is Peace
being the way of life of the original black man, woman and child.

last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Vash Tha Stampede
Member since Feb 07th 2005
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Tue May-24-05 08:37 AM

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192. "RE: basically."
In response to Reply # 60



What is your point? Is Islam a so-called religon more associated to africa and the middle east?



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Member since Mar 05th 2004
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Mon May-23-05 06:57 PM

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140. "RE: PEACE is the basis for that."
In response to Reply # 1



"PEACE IS THE BASIS FOR THAT" (said in slurring tones of the semi brain dead) what the hell are you talking about and who the hell are you talking to? i know that you are using your silly nge acronyms but why are you using them on people who don't use your same code. if you wanna talk about peace, then you don't wanna talk about islam. islam has been responsible for more black deaths than christianity even. it is just that familiarity breeds contempt and we black be hatin on that which is closest to us (myself included, raised in the thumpinest bible banginest jamaican pentecostal church). how do you islam jockers propose that islam got all over the continent. at the end of a sword, that's how, ho.


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Member since Jun 26th 2002
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Tue May-24-05 07:10 PM

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197. "wwwwooooooooooosaaaaaaaaaaaa"
In response to Reply # 140



LV...Lord of the Link

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"Ving is the epitome of perfection"(c)Fire(ok)
"LV don't play...he the trillest"(c)Reg(ok)
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"Lord_V? oh dat's my nigga." keybored


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Tue May-24-05 07:31 PM

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199. "don't mind him. he mad."
In response to Reply # 197


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Tue May-24-05 07:55 PM

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200. "RE: don't mind him. he mad."
In response to Reply # 199



He does have a point, It ("Islam has been responsible for more black deaths than Christianity even") may be a bit exaggerated, but still. If you go back, all the way to the Islamic conquests of Morocco or like he said prior, if you think back on how Islam got all over the continent, "At the end of a sword", you realize that neither religion is really peaceful. Mohammed: "I, The last of the prophets, am sent with the sword. Let those who promulgate my faith enter into no argument or discussion, but slay all who refuse obedience to the law". Not that it is to be taking literally but anyway Christianity and Islam are the only 2 religions that I can think of off the top off my head that insist on trying to convert people, whether by peacefully or violently.

"The shit baby, los gran mojones"


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:33 PM

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3. "ignorant people assume lotsa stupid shit"
In response to Reply # 0


religion can't belong to any nationality/continent/etc if they openly accept any and all converts. because in the beginning, every muslim was a convert from something else right. so that cant make sense to me.

"I buttfuck MC's" Pharoahe Monch


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Member since Jan 31st 2004
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Mon May-23-05 05:34 PM

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4. "no.....where r u getting this from?"
In response to Reply # 0



everyone, at least post 9-11, associates islam with the middle east.


Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:36 PM

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11. "inspired by a few posters i've seen"
In response to Reply # 4



who somehow link islam to being more of an...original black man/african...(for lack of a better term) practice.

im speaking more of african americans, not america in general.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Member since Jan 31st 2004
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Mon May-23-05 05:37 PM

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15. "well then i think it has a lot to do with the nation of islam"
In response to Reply # 11





Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:41 PM

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28. "i can see how that might happen."
In response to Reply # 15



is it fairly agreed upon, that this isn't accurate?

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 05:41 PM

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27. "depends on how you cee "islam""
In response to Reply # 11



do the knowledge to it.
if you see islam as a religion i can see how its hard for you to see.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:42 PM

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"if islam isn't a religion then what is it?"



With all due respect...
ask around.


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 05:44 PM

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33. "a way of life."
In response to Reply # 0



it has been put into the context of religion though
hence what you have now.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:45 PM

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36. "how is that different from christianity or buddhism"
In response to Reply # 33
Mon May-23-05 05:45 PM by Science_Fiction



dont most religions dictate the way of life and culture of its followers to some degree?

ive heard people say hip hop is a way of life.
what does that have to do with its origin?(the point of this post)

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 05:57 PM

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62. "RE: how is that different from christianity or buddhism"
In response to Reply # 36



>dont most religions dictate the way of life and culture of
>its followers to some degree?

of course. they all do.
there is a difference between religion and culture.
ISLAM is my culture. but i don't celebrate holidays or pray or attend a "holy" santuary of any kind.

>ive heard people say hip hop is a way of life.
>what does that have to do with its origin?(the point of this

what the way of life is has EVERYTHING to do wit it's origin.
hip hop at it's root is very NY
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Member since Jan 19th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 05:46 PM

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40. "dang woman"
In response to Reply # 33



lol you spittin that knowledge...why come you ain't MOOSLEM like me? LOL

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:23 PM

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99. "lol many many reasons."
In response to Reply # 40


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:49 PM

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47. "that's semantics."
In response to Reply # 33



religions are structured beliefs and rituals that orient their adherents toward the divine.

is that not what Islam is? is that not what Christianity is?



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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 05:59 PM

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67. "yes. that's the islam we see today."
In response to Reply # 47



a religion.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
Mon May-23-05 06:03 PM

77. "shut up. Islam is a religion..."
In response to Reply # 67


it always has been. dude, that 5% stuff is TRASh, thats why you never see any 5%er's with ANYTHING, that shits bullshit. Ngz talkin bout they god, but work for the white man.

"yo isa, fresh produce was so wack dude, I just thought I would say that" - anonymous hater


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:06 PM

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83. "lol go read a quran verse and relax."
In response to Reply # 77


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 06:15 PM

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88. "huh?"
In response to Reply # 67



Islam has always been a religion, except for when it was just Muhammad discoursing with Jahbryll.

as soon as he preached to someone else and had one follower, it was a religion.



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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:16 PM

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89. "you missed the part about Islam being older than"
In response to Reply # 88



the Sun Moon and Stars, eh?
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Member since Jan 17th 2005
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Mon May-23-05 06:21 PM

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95. "original people spoke arabic ?"
In response to Reply # 89






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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:21 PM

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last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Member since Jan 17th 2005
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Mon May-23-05 06:27 PM

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104. "oh"
In response to Reply # 0






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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:34 PM

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5. "Good question"
In response to Reply # 0



I've been wondering about that too. Its not like Mohammed was born on the continent or anything


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Member since Apr 24th 2005
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Mon May-23-05 05:35 PM

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6. "I believe it is the original faith of the black man"
In response to Reply # 0



as well as christianity.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Charter member
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Mon May-23-05 05:36 PM

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10. "so the black man is only 1400 years old?"
In response to Reply # 6


"I buttfuck MC's" Pharoahe Monch


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13. "ding ding ding."
In response to Reply # 10



With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 05:37 PM

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16. "ISLAM"
In response to Reply # 13



is older than the Sun, Moon and Stars.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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20. "They dont feel you girl."
In response to Reply # 16



touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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21. "hey i have an idea. lets try engaging in discourse?"
In response to Reply # 16



With all due respect...
ask around.


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23. "lol i'm no fun, right?"
In response to Reply # 21


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 05:44 PM

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35. "Key is right"
In response to Reply # 21



Islam is the original religion of man. Simply put Islam means "Submission to the will of Allah" It's most basic principal is the belief that there is only One God. That said a Muslim is, in the most basic of definitions, a person who submits themselves to Allah and believe that He is the One True God and associates no one and nothing with him.

If you want to go deep, Islam starts with the Angels who spend their time in constant worship of Allah and fulfilling His will as they are commanded. Thus Key is correct, Allah created the heavens and earth and angels long before He created man.

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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Mon May-23-05 05:48 PM

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44. "Small problem here"
In response to Reply # 35



Not all religions believe in one god. Some of them leave god out of the picture altogether. Most west african religions are polytheistic so what is their connection to your definition of Islam?


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52. "polytheism is not Islam"
In response to Reply # 44



it's just that simple. Anyway I was responding to Keybored's statement that Islam is as old as the Universe itself. If Islam's basic tenent is monotheism then I would think that any polytheistic or atheistic belief system would kind of automatically be ruled out...but hey, that's just me.

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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Mon May-23-05 05:55 PM

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55. "You're the one who claimed its the original religion of man"
In response to Reply # 52



I'm just pointing out that there are lots of religions which predate mohammed that aren't momotheistic. Kind of shoots a hole in your statement


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76. "*sigh*"
In response to Reply # 55



ok I'll take this slow for you. The original man is Adam, on this most people agree. He was created by God and given instructions for living by God. Thusly he lived his life in submission to God's Will and associated no one with God. He and his wife then sinned, but were both forgiven by God after being cast out of Paradise. On Earth they continued to live their lives in submission to God's Will and placed no associates with Him. It is the decendants of Adam that deviated from the path of submission to and worship of One God.

Islam. Muslim. Read my basic definitions above if you need further clarification.

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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91. "*sigh* I'll try this again"
In response to Reply # 76



>ok I'll take this slow for you. The original man is Adam, on
>this most people agree. He was created by God and given
>instructions for living by God. Thusly he lived his life in
>submission to God's Will and associated no one with God. He
>and his wife then sinned, but were both forgiven by God after
>being cast out of Paradise. On Earth they continued to live
>their lives in submission to God's Will and placed no
>associates with Him. It is the decendants of Adam that
>deviated from the path of submission to and worship of One

I understood where you were coming from perfectly. Here's where I'm coming from.

If you believe in Christianity, Judaism or Islam, all of which started in the middle east, then you believe in Adam and Eve and that particular creation story. This is not something most people agree on. My father's prople, the Ashantis, believe that Asase Yaa, the earth goddess, gave birth to the first men from a sacred hole in the ground. My mother's people, the Gas believe that man was born from the ocean. The Yuroba people believe something else. Hindus believe something else, Buddhists, something entirely different. Not all people believe the judeo-christian story of creation. Its never been that way.


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106. "yeah but if you do"
In response to Reply # 91



then Islam is eternal..

It's like telling people that other stories are valid.

It doesn't work.
Because there is only one god and __________ is his prophet



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126. "I was just arguing with this statement"
In response to Reply # 106



>The original man is Adam, on this most people agree<

I'm not trying to argue about who's right. Just pointing out that, right or not, his view isn't shared by everyone on the planet.


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139. "oh ok "everybody agrees on that" was wrong"
In response to Reply # 126






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Wed May-25-05 08:03 AM

202. "I never thought the islamic story of creation was to be"
In response to Reply # 91


believed word for word, I figured it was to be an example of sorts.

"yo isa, fresh produce was so wack dude, I just thought I would say that" - anonymous hater


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53. "Is an orisha a god?"
In response to Reply # 44



I'm not sure how accurate it is to call most traditional African religions polytheistic - in fact, I've heard some scholars say that all traditional African religion is monotheistic. The reason I bring up orishas is because Yoruba religion is a good example of what makes me sceptic about such scholars' claim. What do yall think?


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57. "Animism (sp?)"
In response to Reply # 53



I thought that most indigenous African religions were poly in that
they, worshipped the spirits of their family, trees, yam plants.
etc. etc.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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66. "PLEASE go read a book"
In response to Reply # 57



and stop talking now


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74. "Shit, tell me..."
In response to Reply # 66



knowledge is power

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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85. "What, they don't have libraries"
In response to Reply # 74



where you live? Google doesn't work for you?


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92. "Apparently the books ive been readin"
In response to Reply # 85



are obsolete and you cant believe everything you read on the internet.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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174. "Most African religions(west African)"
In response to Reply # 92



are not polytheistic they simply have players much like prophets in other religions or angels. IN THE YORUBA religion it is made clear that Oludumare is the highest being and the Orisas like Obatala Ogun etc. are the helpers.

Another thing about African religions is that they observe ancestors some of which are elevated to that of deity(Yoruba religion is discussing elevated El Haji Malik El Shabazz to deified ancestor.

In the Abrahamic faiths these deified ancestors are sometimes angels and even believed to be god as is seen with CHRISTIANS AND YESHUA BIN YAWEH.

Animism is a bad word but many African religions believe that animals have spirit too like all living things.

<--- The lovely Ms Hill when she wasn't thrown off.



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72. "Animism is an outmoded term among scholars of religion"
In response to Reply # 57
Mon May-23-05 06:01 PM by Chike



But to deal with what you're asking, the question is this: is praying to someone/something the same as thinking of him/her/it as a god? Because the issue is that, while traditional African religion involves venerating the ancestors and asking for their guidance/help, they also (in all cases I've read about) involve the idea of a single Creator.


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153. "exactly."
In response to Reply # 72



<--All-American couple

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64. "I don't know about Yoruba"
In response to Reply # 53



But from what I know of Akan and Ga traditional religious practices, they are definitely polytheistic. There is a hierachy of gods though, which is what scholars tend to use as their argument for monotheism. Of course there were hierachies in Egyptian, Greek and Roman pantheons as well. Last I checked those were still considered polytheistic.


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Mon May-23-05 06:02 PM

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75. "Yeah, I def. see the Egyptian point"
In response to Reply # 64



Thanks for your response.


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Mon May-23-05 06:21 PM

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94. "so Gye Nyame is not the only God?"
In response to Reply # 64





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105. "Funny story there"
In response to Reply # 94



Nyame in the Ashanti pantheon is the sky god. He's the one Okomfo Anokye prayed to for the golden stool. He isn't the head of the pantheon though, but he and Asase Yaa are considered the parents and guardians of Ashantis. That's the way it was explained to me. Apparently, Nyame became synonymous with God because of the christian habit of pointing to the sky when referring to God. So christian Akans refer to god as Nyame.


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108. "in Congo, they call (the christian) god NZambi"
In response to Reply # 94



funny thing is that NZambi pre-exists introduction of Christianity..

then again, I already told you about the particularity of Kongo beliefs and the notion of Messiah



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115. "Can I get a recap?"
In response to Reply # 108



I find that stuff really interesting


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124. "hmmmm"
In response to Reply # 115



apparently in the Traditionnal Kongo tradition they waited for a Messiah...

So they absorbed Xtianism quite easily actually..;

but it gets funny later:

Kimpa Vita :


and a few others...
It seems that Kongo people have not only absorbed Xtianism but they even develloped a very local and often revolutionary (especially in colonial times) understanding of it.

(of course those links were the first I googled, so i didn't read them.. may be there are more accurate articles)




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130. "Thanks for the info"
In response to Reply # 124



Its always interesting to see how religions are affected by the societies they are in


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154. "de rien"
In response to Reply # 130






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143. "RE: hmmmm"
In response to Reply # 124



>Kimpa Vita :
>and a few others...
>It seems that Kongo people have not only absorbed Xtianism but
>they even develloped a very local and often revolutionary
>(especially in colonial times) understanding of it.
>(of course those links were the first I googled, so i didn't
>read them.. may be there are more accurate articles)

The first is a useful review of a book on your own Joan of Arc, and the second is a nice little summary of Kimbanguism (I didn't know Kasavubu was influenced by him! but then again, it doesn't explain much about that).


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147. "there was an article on messianic figures"
In response to Reply # 143



old Kongo religion and colonial and even post-colonial Congo and Zaire history on les cahiers d'afrique's website..

i need to re-read it

but that thing about Messianic figures ?

It's incredibly rooted in Kongo's mindset.. (from my memories)



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131. "Thing is, what would make it funny is not the term's pre-existing"
In response to Reply # 108



but rather something about Nzambi that differs from the Christian God in as fundamental a way as Olu suggests Nyame does.

In Arabic, the Christian God is "Allah".


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142. "hmmmm..."
In response to Reply # 131



i think i got what you mean but i'm not exactly sure:

- Nowadays Nzambi is a reference to the xtian god and the xtian god only
- i don't know that much about the Kongo religion... I have a hard time finding info on it.
- Zombie = comes from Nzambi.
I wonder how we got to that..




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146. "RE: hmmmm..."
In response to Reply # 142



>i think i got what you mean but i'm not exactly sure:
>- Nowadays Nzambi is a reference to the xtian god and the
>xtian god only

Yeah that IS quite interesting...

>- i don't know that much about the Kongo religion... I have a
>hard time finding info on it.
>- Zombie = comes from Nzambi.

Didn't know that!

>I wonder how we got to that..

I would like to know myself.


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98. "considered by whom?"
In response to Reply # 64


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Member since Jul 29th 2002
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Mon May-23-05 06:21 PM

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93. "there is one god in yoruba"
In response to Reply # 53


puttin' the roota in the toota since 98'


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96. "Olodumare right?"
In response to Reply # 93





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109. "Olorun...yes"
In response to Reply # 96


puttin' the roota in the toota since 98'


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110. "Then what are the orishas considered as?"
In response to Reply # 93



Just curious


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122. "Here's an interesting article I found"
In response to Reply # 110



Reading it you'll see why the issue of distinguishing what or who is or not a god AND THEN deciding what constitutes mono- vs. polytheism is now appearing to me to be a very complex thing...


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129. "more interesting thing abou tmost peepL who practice/follow yoruba..."
In response to Reply # 122


is that getting into these type of exchanges do nothing @ all

it's more about what it means for us now & how the orisa & God apply to our daily lives

puttin' the roota in the toota since 98'


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Mon May-23-05 06:56 PM

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138. "Interesting"
In response to Reply # 122



I might have to rethink a couple of things based on that


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123. "extentions of gods energy"
In response to Reply # 110


sort of like angels

also people that think africans worshipped sticks & stones are ignorant to african ideology

puttin' the roota in the toota since 98'


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133. "bingo."
In response to Reply # 123


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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152. "damn, you beat me to it!"
In response to Reply # 53



<--All-American couple

"people on here just be like " go for it man! its sex! god forbid you turn down SEX! *dances around the baal statue*" -- Stephbit


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56. "and isn't monotheism initially a Jewish concept?"
In response to Reply # 44



followed by Christianity and THEN Islam?

Islam is not the root of monotheistic religious thought.



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Mon May-23-05 05:56 PM

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61. "Interesting. Never thought about it that way."
In response to Reply # 56



I think it's all in how you view your ethnicity too.
Niggas be on the "black is better" tip alot.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 06:03 PM

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79. "Depending on how you define monotheism"
In response to Reply # 56



Akhenaten of Ancient Egypt comes along before Abraham.


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81. "umm- I forget the exact dates"
In response to Reply # 56



...but I think the Pharaoh Akhnaten and/or Zoroastrians were on that monotheism before the Jews.

I could be wrong, but I don't feel like doing the research this second.

"I don't have to squeeze just to appease your dream." Lady Miss Kier


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Mon May-23-05 06:14 PM

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87. "I don't have the dates either"
In response to Reply # 81



But off the top of my head, Zoroaster does not precede Abraham (tho you're right about Akhenaten).


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100. "i think you're right.."
In response to Reply # 81



and even if you're not, they're not related contrary to the other three sooooo...



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156. "Not Zoroaster, Mithra"
In response to Reply # 81



Mithra being a Persian sky god that people took as the one true God around the time of Christ, Mithraism was the major threat to Christianity as a spiritual movement at its inception.

<--All-American couple

"people on here just be like " go for it man! its sex! god forbid you turn down SEX! *dances around the baal statue*" -- Stephbit


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114. "There was also Zoroastrianism, Manicheism, Mithrainism... man."
In response to Reply # 56



This convo is a load of horseshit.


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181. "RE: and isn't monotheism initially a Jewish concept?"
In response to Reply # 56


>followed by Christianity and THEN Islam?
>Islam is not the root of monotheistic religious thought.

In the Muslim view, islam (submission) has always been. There are like 124,000 messengers. Every people had their messenger. So Abraham (pbuh) was Muslim, Moses (pbuh) was muslim as was Jesus(pbuh). If you mean Islam as the category then maybe you have a point but the basic submission factor(islam) Muslims beleive to have always been there.


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Mon May-23-05 06:07 PM

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84. "not exactly what i meant."
In response to Reply # 35



>Islam is the original religion of man. Simply put Islam means
>"Submission to the will of Allah" It's most basic principal is
>the belief that there is only One God. That said a Muslim is,
>in the most basic of definitions, a person who submits
>themselves to Allah and believe that He is the One True God
>and associates no one and nothing with him.
>If you want to go deep, Islam starts with the Angels who spend
>their time in constant worship of Allah and fulfilling His
>will as they are commanded. Thus Key is correct, Allah created
>the heavens and earth and angels long before He created man.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 05:42 PM

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29. "do u consider the NGE definition of Islam the same as Muslims?"
In response to Reply # 16




"there can never be justice on stolen land"



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32. "from what little i know of them..."
In response to Reply # 29



but then you might start getting into...catholics vs angligans vs baptists...and they're all christian. so...

im not very well versed on the NOI though.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 05:47 PM

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41. "well here's one to grow on w/regards to the NOI"
In response to Reply # 32



they are not NGE.
last updated 051505

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49. "skimmed the post. but the reply is the same."
In response to Reply # 41



what i know of the nge comes from wutang and okplayer.
and i definitely wouldn't consider the nge muslim from what i know of both practices.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 05:55 PM

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59. "I know they aren't, I just asked to clear up any confusion"
In response to Reply # 32




"there can never be justice on stolen land"



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Mon May-23-05 05:46 PM

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39. "if you're asking if muslims and Gods/Earths cee"
In response to Reply # 29



islam under the same definition
i have not met any orthodox muslims who do. they be ready to riot over that.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
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Mon May-23-05 05:48 PM

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45. "that's because we see saying that Allah is a man"
In response to Reply # 39



as a blasphemy.

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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101. "understanding understood."
In response to Reply # 45


last updated 051505

respect to the six
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Member since Apr 24th 2005
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Mon May-23-05 05:38 PM

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"I'll rephrase"



The "modern" original black man
that sounds funny....

I'll say this, anything after the fall of the Egyptian Empire.
this is when religions started poppin up right?

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 05:42 PM

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30. "so a black man who isnt muslim"
In response to Reply # 0


cant call himself a modern original black man today?

"I buttfuck MC's" Pharoahe Monch


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Mon May-23-05 05:45 PM

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37. "Of Course not"
In response to Reply # 30



I'm sayin that the "modern original man" adopted islam.
Just as well that the "modern original man" adopted christianity.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 05:48 PM

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46. "so basically you're contradicting yourself"
In response to Reply # 37


if they adopted both christianity and islam, how could one of them be "the" religion as you put it.

"I buttfuck MC's" Pharoahe Monch


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Mon May-23-05 05:51 PM

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51. "Two different prophets, One God"
In response to Reply # 46



Same difference. They either chose one or the other.
Just because the early Africans were early doesn't mean that they didn't have a grasp on what and who was teaching such and etc.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 05:58 PM

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63. "huh?!"
In response to Reply # 51



With all due respect...
ask around.


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70. "Im just sayin...."
In response to Reply # 63



They are different interpretations of what the original man was.
so they are different interpretations of what religion they chose.

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 05:35 PM

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7. "I think this is a common misconception"
In response to Reply # 0



<-------Let ya'll get a peek in my bedroom


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8. "the NOI dudes that stand outside my apartment complex's parking lot"
In response to Reply # 0



regard it as a Ay-raab religion...but then again they call themselves Muslim so what does that tell you?

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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Member since Oct 27th 2004
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Mon May-23-05 05:37 PM

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14. "atleast they call them ay-raabs. here they're sand niggers and towel hea..."
In response to Reply # 8



do the down the way
dayton youngstown cleveland cincinnati

in the beginning
there was sand and dust
and niggas like us


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Mon May-23-05 05:38 PM

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18. "nah I'm too close to Dearborn for any of that stuff to fly in public"
In response to Reply # 14



as for what's said in private, that's another matter...

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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9. "not I"
In response to Reply # 0



I always thought it was more of a middle eastern religion

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12. "well whats the math behind it?"
In response to Reply # 0


i'd be willing to bet there are more muslims in africa than any other continent


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17. "but are you trying to tell me that was their original practice?"
In response to Reply # 12



my dad was raised muslim. my mother raised catholic. both in the same african country.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 05:40 PM

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24. "of course it wasnt"
In response to Reply # 17


orthodox islam isnt as old as africa.
orthodox islam is not an african religion
it came from asia
but its easy to see why people would think that


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19. "Nope"
In response to Reply # 12



The world's largest single muslim population is the Hui Muslim community in China. Roughly 200 million people


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25. "i said continent. so asia wins? or no?"
In response to Reply # 19



do the down the way
dayton youngstown cleveland cincinnati

in the beginning
there was sand and dust
and niggas like us


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Mon May-23-05 05:43 PM

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31. "Yep"
In response to Reply # 25



Asia wins


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Mon May-23-05 05:39 PM

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22. "Nah south east asians take that record"
In response to Reply # 12



but africans are a close second...arabs are only 15%

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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26. "Central, West, South and East Africa"
In response to Reply # 12
Mon May-23-05 05:43 PM by decaturpsalm



besides the indigenous peoples....
is mostly christian or rasatafari

Thats my opinion from reading school books and shit

touched like midas these bitch ass niggas they study and bite us.


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Mon May-23-05 05:48 PM

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43. "There's no country in the world that's mostly Rasta"
In response to Reply # 26





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50. "which books did that come out of?"
In response to Reply # 26



Find new ones because you are waaay off.


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Mon May-23-05 05:59 PM

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68. "the most muslims are in indonesia."
In response to Reply # 12


im not sure who comes in second.

i am crunk right now - Doug Funnie


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102. "Pakistan + Indonesia + Bangladesh beats it"
In response to Reply # 12



and then add a low percentage of Indians, Chinese, Iran
and you have like 2wice as many as in Africa

(this can be a gross exageration)




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Member since Jul 06th 2002
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34. "for some people, anything away from YT"
In response to Reply # 0


seems more black


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Mon May-23-05 05:46 PM

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38. "There's that sad problem of some black muslims"
In response to Reply # 0



calling Christianity a "slave religion"... I'm not sure they take the time to think about the fact that, while Christianity's introduction to black Africa precedes Islam's, so-called Muslims have been trading African slaves longer than so-called Christians.

For those Muslims who would call Islam "the black man's true religion", I can only hope they mean that from a theological perspective rather than a historical one.


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Mon May-23-05 05:50 PM

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48. "than what? Christianity? if so i think it used to be."
In response to Reply # 0
Mon May-23-05 05:50 PM by praverbs



« teflon bullets are sent to the sellouts »


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Mon May-23-05 05:53 PM

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54. "I think some of you are missing the point."
In response to Reply # 0



first of all, im not attacking islam.

what im asking is, how is it any more the Black man's relgion than christianity. when for the larger part your anscestor(im referring to african americans) weren't originally muslim(or christian obviously).

using arguments stemming from the tenets of Islam doesn't necessarily make sense here because anyone from any other practice could argue the same thing.

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 05:59 PM

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65. "I don't think it's possible to demarkate any one religion"
In response to Reply # 54



as the black man's "original" religion. Much of the knowledge dating that far back is lost to time.

"In a completely rational society the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else." -Lee Iococca


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69. "that makes sense to me."
In response to Reply # 65



With all due respect...
ask around.


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Mon May-23-05 06:04 PM

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80. "Not really"
In response to Reply # 65



We know that islam, christianity and Judaism spread from the same part of the middle east into parts of Africe. We also know that pre colonial West african cultures were, for the most part, polytheistic. As far as sci-fi's questions go, we do have answers.


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:18 PM

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90. "christianity isn't any less Afrikan than Islam."
In response to Reply # 54



the only thing (from my understanding) that separates the two
is the prophet/messiah thing and their books are different...but the message is the same.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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kwame de lafrique
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Mon May-23-05 05:55 PM

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58. "*walks into post*"
In response to Reply # 0


*buys a bean pie*

*eats it*

*tilts kufi on head*

*walks out*




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haji rana pinya
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71. "wwdyd?"
In response to Reply # 0



what would dr yakub do?



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Mon May-23-05 06:03 PM

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78. "lol"
In response to Reply # 71



*sails away to island on cruise ship and raises monkeymen*

With all due respect...
ask around.


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Mon May-23-05 06:12 PM

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86. "i didn't know where to put this up there b.u.t."
In response to Reply # 0



they are very much monotheistic
they personify the ALL through different representations of that ALL
giving these different representations names.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 06:22 PM

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97. "You are going to argue this"
In response to Reply # 86



With someone who grew up on the continent and snuck out to hear the stories as a kid? Please, feel free to do so.


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Mon May-23-05 06:26 PM

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103. "there are no 85ers in Afrika???"
In response to Reply # 97
Mon May-23-05 06:27 PM by keybored



coulda fooled me.

this is the problem with RELIGION.

and also just a many places in afrika are you from?
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 06:32 PM

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107. "Born in Ghana, lived in Nigeria and Togo for spells"
In response to Reply # 103



Which affects my point how? My knowledge of traditional religions came from talking to and watching practitioners as well as a couple of researchers in the field


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Mon May-23-05 06:35 PM

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112. "did they say to you that they worshipped several gods?"
In response to Reply # 107



with Religion i can see how over time this could happen.
and i asked because you said "afrika" and i know afrikan people don't like when you generalize like dat so i knew you either had parents from two different places in afrika or you been around afrika.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 06:40 PM

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116. "Who made the generalization about ATR's?"
In response to Reply # 112



Look at my previous posts. I was very careful to specify which religions I was talking about


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Mon May-23-05 06:42 PM

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117. "nah you didn't specify where on the continent you grew up"
In response to Reply # 116



that's what i was talking about.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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119. "*looks at name of blog*"
In response to Reply # 117





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120. "oh. in the words of the homie nk "i don't be payin attention to sigs""
In response to Reply # 119
Mon May-23-05 06:47 PM by keybored



my bad.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 06:48 PM

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125. "he said he only knew about (insert ghanean ethnies here) though"
In response to Reply # 117



but yeah..



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127. "i did not read every reply FORGIVE ME!!!"
In response to Reply # 125


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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135. "*hugs*"
In response to Reply # 127



don't scream please
it's not good for the baby




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145. "Thats ok"
In response to Reply # 127



I have to rethink the entire polytheism angle based on Chike's article too. You might have been right and I could have been looking at it the wrong way.


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148. ":D"
In response to Reply # 145



each one teach one! peace! keep striving.
i feel like goin to the library now...haven't been in a few weeks.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Member since Jan 17th 2005
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Mon May-23-05 06:34 PM

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111. "one thing that worries me here"
In response to Reply # 86



is how pleased we are by the idea that they may not be THAT polytheistic

and i'm guilty too



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113. "can you rephrase?"
In response to Reply # 111


last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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118. "lemme try:"
In response to Reply # 113



Is it a bad thing if they're polytheistic ?

in the same train of thought:

Is it a bad thing that Xtianity or Islam don't have african origins ?
Is it a bad thing if Africans didn't have much to do with Greece, early Judaism, Ancient Persia or Babylon ?


why are we so happy when we read that ATR were monotheistic ?
why are we happy when we read that Greece/Ethiopia'n'em have influence Ancient Greece ?
Why are we claiming that ?

the issue of it's true of not really don't matter for me.
well except for history reasons, but i'm a history nerd.
And after 2,000 or more years of revisionism, propaganda, conter-revisionism and counter-propaganda, we may as well NEVER know for sure...
But our hearts make us inclined to believe one rather than the other..

why ?



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Mon May-23-05 06:46 PM

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121. "polytheism and monotheism"
In response to Reply # 118



speak to the mindset/frame of the people under these 'isms.
a monotheist is closer to the truth.
last updated 051505

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128. "so it's because it's closer to our current beliefs ?"
In response to Reply # 121






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134. "that's not what i said"
In response to Reply # 128



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137. "then you haven't replied"
In response to Reply # 134



but don't you find that question interesting ?

i mean without it even specific about THIS argument (poly/mono)..
in general ?




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155. "oh but i DID"
In response to Reply # 137



last updated 051505

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158. "what about one that i understand ?"
In response to Reply # 155



please ?




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162. "lol"
In response to Reply # 158
Mon May-23-05 07:25 PM by keybored



what i was saying WAS
that black (we're talkin about black people right?)
people's current belief in monotheism is the way it is
because monotheism is closer to what they "know" to be right

does that make sense?
last updated 051505

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165. "not only it makes sense but"
In response to Reply # 162



>what i was saying WAS
>that black (we're talkin about black people right?)
>people's current belief in monotheism is the way it is
>because monotheism is closer to what they "know" to be right

i agree..

not only closer only to our current beliefs

but the other idea seem repulsive

it's sad, really.



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132. "RE: polytheism and monotheism"
In response to Reply # 121



aint you dat jafakin ass fake jamaican bitch. then shet the fuck up cuz you already done played yoself too many times. you are so whack and you's a fake ass muslim too. if they say yall aint muslim, then you aint. come up with your own title and stop sprayin all that rhetoric. talkin in yo stupid circular logic based code that don't nobody give a fuck about.


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136. "please go to hell and let adults talk"
In response to Reply # 132






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144. "RE: please go to hell and let adults talk"
In response to Reply # 136



a-izz-i-a-izzi-can-i-say-huuuuhhhhhh? captain save a ho, put that cape down, cuz i wasn't talking to you, and you know the ho deserves it.


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149. "adults discuss things. children cuss at people."
In response to Reply # 144






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150. "you seem..."
In response to Reply # 144



last updated 051505

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193. "nooooo..."
In response to Reply # 150





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198. "yup. ur mad."
In response to Reply # 193


last updated 051505

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141. "i think a good % of philadelphia's black muslims do"
In response to Reply # 0


or have come from a generational background of islam that initially thought so

but that may have more to do w/ NOI teachings than anything else


i'm not quite sure


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151. "RE: Do people assume Islam is a more "African" religion?"
In response to Reply # 0



I've gotten a lot out of this thread.


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159. "Me too"
In response to Reply # 151



I'm wondering if the separation of Nyame from Odumankuma(the Alan name for the divine) has to do withsome kind of reaction to christians appropriating Nyame for the Christian God

Then again, that doesn't explain Asase Yaa's position as the mother of the people. I need more info to be sure.


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160. "Yeah, further research is what we need"
In response to Reply # 159



The good thing is, if you come to the conclusion that Akan traditional religion and most other other traditional African religion is monotheistic, you can know that it is not because you had wrong data or a wildly wrong view of things in general that you needed to change your mind.


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166. "True"
In response to Reply # 160



we still need a gang of people doing research on all of this. One of my Sister's college profesors was in Ghana for a year doing research on local Ga divinities. It was interesting stuff.


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157. "does polytheism actually exist ?"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon May-23-05 07:25 PM by aflakete



anywhere ?

ancient greece ?
pre-colombian america ?
asia ?
nordic europe ?
celts ?
inuits ?




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161. "according to the article I linked"
In response to Reply # 157



The mark of polytheism is the total independence of the different gods - so a religion in which there is an ultimate Creator upon whom the existence of any other divinities depends (i.e., they are his creation) is monotheistic.

This, of course, could be up for discussion, but it seems like an important point.


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164. "hmmmm"
In response to Reply # 161



>The mark of polytheism is the total independence of the
>different gods - so a religion in which there is an ultimate
>Creator upon whom the existence of any other divinities
>depends (i.e., they are his creation) is monotheistic.

those are 2 different thing.

-his creation
-other divinities' existence depends on him

like one can be the creator AND THEN the other divinities could still be independant (ain't that the case in Ancient Greece for instance ?).

this is interesting




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167. "You are perceptive"
In response to Reply # 164



>>The mark of polytheism is the total independence of the
>>different gods - so a religion in which there is an ultimate
>>Creator upon whom the existence of any other divinities
>>depends (i.e., they are his creation) is monotheistic.
>those are 2 different thing.
>-his creation
>-other divinities' existence depends on him
>like one can be the creator AND THEN the other divinities
>could still be independant (ain't that the case in Ancient
>Greece for instance ?).

What I meant by ULTIMATE Creator is that any other divinites would be created by this Creator. Can we describe Greek polytheism this way?


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168. "ahahaha"
In response to Reply # 167



well no..

the creator created and moved on (didn't he got killed, even ?)

and Divinity status was transmitted by filiation..

so i guess Greece is totally polytheistic in that regard.

still, it's interesting to see how subtle ATRs can be in regard to the poly/monotheistic issue AND in general too..

i frigging luh that




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169. "Yo..."
In response to Reply # 167



>What I meant by ULTIMATE Creator is that any other divinites
>would be created by this Creator. Can we describe Greek
>polytheism this way?

I don't think so. In Greek mythology the universe was not created, it already existed, and I think for a true monotheistic religion, the Creator would have to predate all Creation. Instead their myth starts after the Universe already exists.

In the beginning, Chaos, an amorphous, gaping void encompassing the entire universe, and surrounded by an unending stream of water ruled by the god Oceanus, was the domain of a goddess named Eurynome, which means "far-ruling" or "wide-wandering".

She was the Goddess of All Things, and desired to make order out of the Chaos. By coupling with a huge and powerful snake, Ophion, or as some legends say, coupling with the North Wind, she gave birth to Eros, god of Love, also known as Protagonus, the "firstborn".

Eurynome separated the sky from the sea by dancing on the waves of Oceanus. In this manner, she created great lands upon which she might wander, a veritable universe, populating it with exotic creatures such as Nymphs, Furies, and Charites as well as with countless beasts and monsters.

Also born out of Chaos were Gaia, called Earth, or Mother Earth, and Uranus, the embodiment of the Sky and the Heavens, as well as Tartarus, god of the sunless and terrible region beneath Gaia, the Earth.

Gaia and Uranus married and gave birth to the Titans, a race of formidable giants, which included a particularly wily giant named Cronus.

<--All-American couple

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170. "thanks"
In response to Reply # 169






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Mon May-23-05 07:52 PM

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172. "RE: Yo..."
In response to Reply # 169
Mon May-23-05 07:53 PM by Chike



>I don't think so. In Greek mythology the universe was not
>created, it already existed, and I think for a true
>monotheistic religion, the Creator would have to predate all

Or at least have no beginning. I add this because I don't think most traditional religions believe in "ex nihilo" (out of nothing) creation the way the Abrahamic faiths do... but that's just a small addendum.


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171. "In ancient Greece there are the Titans, then the gods..."
In response to Reply # 167



Kronos is the "main" Titan or ruler, he ate his offspring(Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hera) becuz they were prophesied to overthrow him, they did; I think Zeus opened up his belly with a lightning bolt and became "ruler" of the "gods". Kronos could be considered the beginning as in chronos=time, but becuz there are different gods and each one played their part in nature, so it is still polytheistic.

Egyptian gods didn't really have a distinct hierarchy Re/Ra was the sun god, but different myths show him as being the "creator", but some just show him as the creator of the sun. U could see as, there would be no life without the sun.

In Norse mythology, Odin is seen as the father of the gods, but again, it's still polytheistic becuz other gods exist. I think monotheism is just one god and only one god, not different gods of varying importance.


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163. "i was finna ask dat"
In response to Reply # 157


last updated 051505

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173. "Islam observes Africans as key players in its creation more open"
In response to Reply # 0



where Christianity and Judaism have been whitewashed in this society.

<--- The lovely Ms Hill when she wasn't thrown off.



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175. "For me, I always keep in mind that it's from current day Saudi"
In response to Reply # 0



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176. "great post"
In response to Reply # 0


lots of discussion that makes me wanna read more.


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177. "The way I see it"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon May-23-05 10:16 PM by les_fleurs


Some people's arguments are based on faith/theology. not facts. For knowing Islam, I understand where their perspective comes from.

The truth is while muslims believe the Qu'ran is the word of God Africans who still practice traditional religions can also claim to know their stuff from God.

this becomes my faith vs your faith. So it's really pointless to discuss this issue with such a perspective.

Historically Islam is NOT the religion of the original black man (where does this expression come from anyway?). Go to any predominantly muslim country in Africa and you'll see that old beliefs are still there.

And because Many Africans are properly confused about religion anyway, they have absolutely no problem practicing their original religion along with imported religions. Islam is no exception.

In another post I explained why I think many Africans are confused. If you really think Islam was their original religion they wouldn't be so confused.

anyway this post has been informative. Because adopting a religion is something I've been struggling with for a little while, I had to think about all this stuff. And I am about to give up trying.

life needs to be simple.



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178. "couldnt agree more."
In response to Reply # 177



With all due respect...
ask around.


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180. "^^listen to this woman"
In response to Reply # 177




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182. "ISLAM:"
In response to Reply # 177



arab religion

afrikan/original way of life
last updated 051505

respect to the six
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Mon May-23-05 10:52 PM

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184. "Islam is not only Peace"
In response to Reply # 182
Mon May-23-05 10:54 PM by les_fleurs


From what I read above, you seem to insist that islam = Peace. I agree that it is the case, but islam is many other things as well.

A random tribe from Amazonia's lifestyle might be built on the peace ideal of Islam as well. Peace is not an Afrikan monopoly.

There are islamic rulings which challenge some basic African traditions. For expample matrilinear societies. And this is not something small. And there are many other examples I could give you.

I agree that certain elements from the Islamic way of life make sense for many africans. But not all Islam or all Christianity for that matter.

>arab religion
>afrikan/original way of life
>last updated 051505
>respect to the six
>she sexy wit a switch.


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In response to Reply # 184
Mon May-23-05 10:56 PM by keybored



hence why afrikan is coupled wit ORIGINAL.
also i push NO religion.
i'm for righteousness (right and just-ness)
you don't need religion for peace.
last updated 051505

respect to the six
she sexy wit a switch.


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Mon May-23-05 11:02 PM

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187. "now you've really lost me"
In response to Reply # 185


>hence why afrikan is coupled wit ORIGINAL.

im not sure ... what does original change

>also i push NO religion.
>i'm for righteousness (right and just-ness)
>you don't need religion for peace.

I can agree with this


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Mon May-23-05 11:05 PM

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188. "original people = afrikans, asians, native americans,"
In response to Reply # 187



aborigines, polynesian, eskimos, you know.....
last updated 051505

respect to the six
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Mon May-23-05 11:19 PM

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189. "oh ok"
In response to Reply # 188


but I still respectfully disagree with what was said above


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190. "with which part?"
In response to Reply # 189



the reply directly above yours?
last updated 051505

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Mon May-23-05 11:44 PM

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191. "your original post"
In response to Reply # 190




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truth0ne SGC
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179. "Prolly due to it's "Un-Euroness"."
In response to Reply # 0



If that makes any sense...


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Mon May-23-05 10:47 PM

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183. "This post proves that all religions are equally batty"
In response to Reply # 0



I worship the Stay Puff Marshmallow man!

He is the original man, its written in ancient egyptian hieroglyphics that 'He, who is, is fluffy'.

I also believe in the five fundemental pieces of DUMMY, as thought to me by my shaman/priest/home slice from down the block

Ya-way(notice the spelling, this is how the original man spells he who is unspellables name, without infringing on he who is unspellable so we must mispel.


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186. "It dont really make that much difference..."
In response to Reply # 0


...whether one is more "african" than another. Its "african" right now. It is part of "Africa" and its peoples. Islam has been there for a minute. The colonial european christianity has been there for a long time now too. Those are the facts on the ground.

Also define "african." Youre saying that a Zulu person has something to do with a Yoruba person or a Darfurian? These different ethnic groups have lived thousands of miles away from each other and all of a sudden they have similarities and can be grouped generically as "african"? Somalians probably have more cultural similarities to Arabs than they do with Zulus, why are they grouped in the same group? Because of the THEORY of Bantu migrations?

Im considered South asian but I wouldnt know a damn thing about some tamils or some gujuratis or nothing. But somehow me and the tamil and the guju is all the same?

If someone can clear it up for me it would be good.



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194. "Assume"
In response to Reply # 0



yeah lotta people do assume that. the link between slavery and chiristians is real fresh i people's minds, whereas the one between muslims and slavery isnt as well known.

basically people covered all the basic points above.

BUT to address the bigger question...depending on one's understanding, islam is not an arab religion, or a religion at all. and it is not 1400 years old.

the deeper significance and understanding of islam is that it is 'way of life' or 'submission' to God. and it has been the 'way' of man since 'Adam' and has been been from time to time revealed to people of ALL nations from time to time. certainly africans were receiving islam before arabs.

esoterically this is further extended to all 'creation'...the planets are 'submitting' to the 'way' designed for them, molecules are submitting to the way designed for them, and so are animals...

"Islam" as it gets recognised today is only the LAST manifestation of it but it is, as the Quran says "a confirmation of what has been since before"....

this is late in the thread so it might get ignored....


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195. "Re: On polytheism"
In response to Reply # 0


   some parts of W.A still very much popular. It will explain the various gods of..and their functions, rites, sacrifices etc.

I think the monotheistic idea pretty much stemmed from the influence of Christianity and hence people began changing names around..but its a guess not theory.

However, I know in my culture (at least how my parents explained it to me) prior to Christianity they believed in 'Osanobua' who is the greatest of the gods in the sky and underneath him are all the other gods...

"Do to others what you would others have done unto you." - The Lord Jesus Christ

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196. "Do people assume Islam is a more &quot;African&quot; religion?"
In response to Reply # 0
Tue May-24-05 07:03 PM by massoul



Not really. Many people see it as an Arab religion, even though one of the first believers (Bilal, the first caller to prayer) was an African, and Prophet Muhammad's (saw) mother was from Africa (maybe northern) (which is why his natioanlity is never really discussused along with the fact that no pictures of him being drawn.) Islam did spread to Africa and it came to America with many of the enslaved africans. However, many were forced to forget their religions, whether it be islam or a traditional african religion and were forced to practice Chrisitianity. What you may be thinking about is the Nation of Islam. While there were muslims in America prior to the Nation of Islam, the changed their names from Muhammad to "Mo" and tried to fit in and seem like normal Americans. However, when the Nation of Islam hit and you had a bunch of black folks saying that they are muslims and the black man was god and so forth, then many other nationalities started coming to the forefront. So while Islam may not be seen as an "african" religion, it was the African Americans through the rise of the Nation that introduced America to Islam. Many of the members of the Nation made their transition to orthodox Islam in 1975 when Imam W.Deen Muhammad became the leader of the Nation of Islam and led many to orthodox Islam.

<----Queen of Late Passes


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201. "^ are we done? should this be archived?"
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Member since Feb 18th 2004
7401 posts
Wed May-25-05 11:49 AM

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203. "RE: ^ are we done? should this be archived?"
In response to Reply # 201



Yep, yep, yep (c) Jay-Z

"Do to others what you would others have done unto you." - The Lord Jesus Christ

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