Subject |
Author |
Message Date |
ID |
*wears socks with sandals* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 1
 I do this. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 557
*wears khaki shorts with hoodie on* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
*moves up latter with no degree* n/m |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 zing!!!!!!! |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 how can you move up the ladder if you cant spell it? |
Apr 06th 2005 |
  *dead* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 66
 *always makes sure spelling is correct before posting* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 165
  *dosn't hav to spel corecktly b/c I have a sec'y that does that for me* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 244
| |
Apr 06th 2005 | 385
Whooo. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 2
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuckin-A, mayne!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 528
*is disproportionately amazed at how thick black ppls hair is* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
shops at old navy and rushes home to watch friends |
Apr 06th 2005 | 3
 Woah, Woah, Woah |
Apr 07th 2005 | 586
*still complains about OJ* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 4
*takes a shower with only the bar of soap, no washcloth* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 5
 *dosnt wash hands after using the bathroom* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 535
*lets my children act a damn fool in public* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 6
 i have to beg to differ |
Apr 06th 2005 | 392
 you're fucking TRIPPING. nm |
Apr 06th 2005 | 574
ya'll are starting to offend me. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 7
 lol...*flips hair* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 246
*loves boston* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 8
 Hell yeah |
Apr 06th 2005 | 69
 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 297
 hell, put the WHOLE damn new england area in this re: |
Apr 06th 2005 | 527
*wears extra smedium shirt* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 9
*Appropriates someone else's culture* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 10
*locks my car doors when carful of negroes is next to me at stoplight* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 11
 lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooo |
Apr 06th 2005 | 34
 hahaha |
Apr 06th 2005 | 140
"Shhh! Be quiet! I'm trying to watch a movie!" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 12
*votes republican* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 13
*posts on* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 14
*argues that grateful dead is the best band ever* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 15
*wears same pair of jeans for 5 days straight* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 16
 i do that!! damnit! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 25
 Do this. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 560
*takes something cool, makes it corny in 5 seconds* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 17
Apr 06th 2005 |
*falls while being chased by killer* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 18
 *is alive at the end of a horror movie* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 26
 lmwao |
Apr 06th 2005 | 76
*gets tat of barbed wire around bicep* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 19
 Or gets a tribal tat and doesnt know the meaning |
Apr 06th 2005 | 547
*enslaves a race of ppl that aren't white* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 20
 RE: did you come up with that all on your own? *clap clap* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 512
*has token black friend for argument's sake* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 21
*puts proper coversheet on TPS report* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 22
 good one |
Apr 06th 2005 | 229
take there dog to the dog park |
Apr 06th 2005 | 23
 RE: take there dog to the dog park |
Apr 06th 2005 | 488
*hangs with Janus* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 24
 *makes the wa-wa-wa-wa-wa noise from Pacman* GAME OVER |
Apr 06th 2005 | 32
 oh shit. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 83
*watches this thread, wanting to post... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 27
*goes to 4 kegger and "hooks up"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 28
*listens to sage francis* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 29
 hehe. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 87
*doesn't understand the appeal of big butts* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 30
*gets home loan with no problems due to shiny clean credit* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 31
*swears i have a ghetto booty* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 33
Apr 06th 2005 | 51
 or wears pants that say "juicy" on the back |
Apr 06th 2005 | 548
 link? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 554
*wears flip flops in the rain* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 35
Apr 06th 2005 | 52
 *wears flip flops 363 days outta the year* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 71
*Lies about how I really feel about sumin* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 36
*fucks an apple pie* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 37
*Dreams of Gonzaga-Princeton NCAA final* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 38
 Gonzaga is OUT, and Vermont is IN! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 42
hmm, there's clearly no people in this post- |
Apr 06th 2005 | 39
 whutchu doin still up hehe |
Apr 06th 2005 | 50
 i have no good reason |
Apr 06th 2005 | 67
 sickie's rule |
Apr 06th 2005 | 82
 9:30 |
Apr 06th 2005 | 138
 shyte. u gonna sleep or no? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 147
 whaaat? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 193
 south-eastern suburbs |
Apr 06th 2005 | 199
*jews you* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 40
*looks at BET, shakes head* - wait, we all do that. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 41
*makes cucumber sandwich* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 43
*listens to rap, emulates it in his affluent suburban community* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 44
*catches pneumonia from wearing a tank top when its 60 degrees* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 45
*looks at "her KNOCKERS"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 46
 *also looks at her RACK* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 57
 great TITS, huh guys? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 64
 Look at the CANS on that woman! Boy howdy! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 73
 i like using the term "Jamellis" myself |
Apr 06th 2005 | 89
 My dad says "BAZONGAS" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 99
 how bout JUGS...or BAZOOKAS! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 111
Apr 06th 2005 | 345
*stays at work after 5, actually working* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 47
*says "hey girlfriend, can i touch your dreadlocks??"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 48
 lol @ hey girlfriend |
Apr 06th 2005 | 91
*wonders about how to sing along to Mos Def's "Mr. N---a"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 49
Apr 06th 2005 | 58
 awesome. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 98
*calls you by your last name* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 53
 sheeeeit you mean calls you by your first name |
Apr 07th 2005 | 584
*hails a cab outside the Five Spot at 2:15* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 54
 Shall be doing that tonight. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 446
*says prick in reference to my penis* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 55
*goes to club that still plays C+C music factory* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 56
 *does the running man unabashedly to said cuts* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 60
  *does dance vaguely resembling the robot* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 68
 My club has Jock Jams Vol. 1 in regular rotation. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 63
*returns from vacay darker than all the black employees* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 59
 *with braids and beads.....saying,"I'm irie, mon"* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 *uses words like vacay* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 448
*asks, "What's a nubian?"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 61
Apr 06th 2005 | 75
  *fires pistol into the air* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 104
  This is classic! lol. oustanding! |
Apr 07th 2005 | 610
 *pretends to black friends to know what "nubian" means* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 119
*drinks outta ur soda bottle after just getting over mono" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 62
 wtf? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 310
*has a Playboy subscription* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 65
*describes everything as "the bomb"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 70
 *uses the phrase "getting jiggy with it"* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
*books appointment at tanning salon* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 72
*paints face to be entertained by athletic niggers* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 74
 *feels uncomfortable by the use of the N-word in a white post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 145
*denies the existance of police brutality* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 77
 RE: *denies the existance of police brutality* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 276
 RE: *denies the existance of police brutality* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 597
*rushes to catch the 5:02 to East Islip, knocking down people* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 78
jesus christ...i posted this shit like five minutes ago. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 79
 *uses "fucker" liberally in speech* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 85
  *and 'jesus christ'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 88
 like sharks, u all are lol |
Apr 06th 2005 | 97
 thats that anger manifesting. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 86
"Come Again??!" (in the Ms. Feinberg voice) |
Apr 06th 2005 | 80
*compares ass to black girls ass and swear its the same size* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 81
*expects props from black ppl cause i listen to mos def* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 84
 "You'll be happy to know, Sharonda, that I listen to THE ROOTS!" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 90
 *says "dude it totally get it"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 95
*asks when young mc is dropping another album* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 92
*kills everyone in this post and eats them* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 93
 *kills them, FUCKS them...then eats them* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 103
*lurks on OKP* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 94
*pushes through crowd to get to the front at a dead prez concert* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 96
*sings loudly "TO THE WINDOW TO THE WALL!!!"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 100
 *learned what "skeet" meant from the Chappelle Show* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 105
  *says 'skeet' all the time and STILL doesn't know what it means* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 114
  My two white roommates asked me what skeet meant |
Apr 06th 2005 | 157
 guilty |
Apr 06th 2005 | 136
*has dreads that smell like dead animals* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 101
 *uses wax in dreads liberally* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 252
 LOL |
Apr 07th 2005 | 577
*does the cabbage patch wearing a no fear t shirt* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 102
 fuckin-A!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 408
*makes wildly successful spinoff posts* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 106
 our little exchange was too good to waste, man. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 109
 i'm mad i didn't think of this first. foiled by al_sharp once again! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 128
Apr 06th 2005 | 156
*never uses a washcloth* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 107
 agreed... nm |
Apr 06th 2005 | 561
yells out JESUS CHRIST!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 108
 *says "Goddammit!" but never "Goddamn!"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 124
*reads an email about penis enlargement* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 110
*starts liking oversized fake tits and flat asses* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 112
*likes kweli's new video* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 113
 but...... but..... nevermind |
Apr 06th 2005 | 122
*curses slavery, says theyll never date a black person* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 115
*walks out bathroom stall and doesn't wash hands* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 116
 *tries to give naija dap in the hallway* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 120
 You beat me to it. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 130
Puts down blunt |
Apr 06th 2005 | 117
*orders HEY YA ringtone from, never uses vibrate* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 118
 what the fuck is vibrate? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 129
 Hey Ya is wack. I prefer the Fifty Cent ringtone. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 132
*does the finger-pistols while makn gunshot noises with mouth* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 121
*participates at step show in tennessee* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 123
*takes nothing but 3 point shots on the basketball court* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 125
 *shoots barely 40% and is called the next Chris Mullin* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 135
 *has good "fundamentals"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 137
 *a "student of the game"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 139
 *perfects the two handed bounce pass* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 143
 *sets timely back screen* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 144
Apr 06th 2005 | 551
The ones on this board? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 126
 ha. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 184
*shows up to a show 4 hours early to get in front row* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 127
 as opposed to black people... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 201
*has a female friend named Becky* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 131
*waits for 3 months outside theatre to see new starwars movie* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 133
*eats pussy* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 134
 poast over. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 142
 lol...word. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 187
*is gay* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 141
 arooo??(c)scooby |
Apr 06th 2005 | 148
 You missed that post, I guess. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 150
*lies in bed bored, doesn't have sex with a freshly showered Karkar* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 146
 Ba-dump-CHING! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 152
*experiences penis envy* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 149
*does the running-man* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 151
 *misses post 60* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 155
 *corrects posts i've missed* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 175
*Considers hacky sack and ultimate frizbee real sports* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 153
 *goes to country club to play golf* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 158
 *Goes Froffing* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 447
*feels like no one understands them* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 154
 *is OUTRAGED by abby's post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 161
 there's always one mufucka who goes a lil too far.... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 162
Apr 06th 2005 |
 Fucking debbie downers man. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 171
 *never edits late so people don't understand the replies* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 185
 people were ganging up on me. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 191
 *Conforms, doesn't want to be seen as 'Not a team player'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 216
 how about *erects mammy statuettes in front yard* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 238
*sips on her light beer* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 159
*wears a cardigan* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 160
 *wears a fanny pack, too* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 170
*Puts You All On TIMEOUT!* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 163
*keeps winning Best Actor award* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 164
 *only loses due to sympathy-awards given to shunned minorites* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 166
 *keeps winning Best Director award* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 169
*rolls a joint... with papers that have cannibus leaves on them* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 167
*Eats Peanut butter and banana sandwich* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 168
*tells racist jokes to his friends* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 172
*blasts "In The Club" by 50 Cent in car 2 years later* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 173
 *calls anything over 4 years old "Old School"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 186
*Calls Kool-Aid its real flavor* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 174
*Buys everyone in this post a shot just for being here* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 176
 i can't even count how many times i've seen you buy people shots. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 195
 "I learned it from watching you!" Anti-Drug Commercial |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 lol...i still owe you about six or seven drinks. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 225
*Dates a hot asian chick* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 177
 *then goes back to job as computer programmer* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 182
 i have to beg to differ |
Apr 06th 2005 | 389
*goes rollerblading then has a michelob ultra* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 178
*cheats taxes and doesn't get caught* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 179
*puts replies to posts in asterisks* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 180
 *Correctly spells AND pronounces 'asterisk' |
Apr 06th 2005 | 366
*One word 'Bro'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 181
RE: do something white in this post. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 183
 *goes out of way to see the content of Soulbrotha's post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 192
*downloads legal ace of base mp3* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 188
 *gives at least 20 dollars a month to ITunes, cuz "it's not that much"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 196
*notifies bank when extra money is in account* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 189
 LOL! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 219
stands still |
Apr 06th 2005 | 190
*dusts nielsen rating box sitting atop the big screen in the den* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 194
*takes valtrex once a day for my outbreaks* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 197
 *takes Claritin-D for my allergies* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 198
*buys clothes at a&f and american eagle...all the time* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 200
*likes the Tender Crisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch commercial* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 202
Apr 06th 2005 | 237
Apr 06th 2005 | 273
 wow. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 278
 *DEAD* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 323
*cares about Terri Schaivo case* nm |
Apr 06th 2005 | 203
 I was going to post that |
Apr 06th 2005 | 206
*get drunk screams Jumps off Tall object into something Hot* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 204
 *screams "whooooooo!" and flashes you* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 210
 *fails to understand iKilan's post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 212
 The white Boys around here |
Apr 06th 2005 | 220
*dances extensively by swaying side-to-side to EVERY song* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 205
 -i've never understood why we do that... ???? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 213
 cos most of us can't dance for SHIT |
Apr 06th 2005 | 221
 you too? ;) *swears i can dance* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 227
 Fuck you guys! *does a half-assed robot ironically* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 232
 ooh. ironic dancing hehe. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 247
This shit went double plat in under an hour |
Apr 06th 2005 | 207
Apr 06th 2005 | 215
*wears shorts in 30 degree weather* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 208
*buys "jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt from hot topic* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 209
 Please tell me you're white. Otherwise your insight is startling. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 218
 Puerto Rican |
Apr 06th 2005 | 222
*idenitifies with Family Matters* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 211
Apr 06th 2005 | 214
 hahaha |
Apr 06th 2005 | 224
*steals black idea and calls in 'innovation'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 217
*wears baggy parasucos* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 223
*buys $500 Phish tickets off ebay* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 226
 lol...i once dropped $350 on a radiohead ticket. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 231
 hahah i almost did that, too. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 243
 that was the show too. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 279
*orders every girls gone wild dvd* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 228
*calls any women over a size 4 "fat" * |
Apr 06th 2005 | 230
*dosen't eat the chicken wings after cooking a whole chicken* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 233
*walks TOWARD fracas asking 'what's going on over here?'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 234
*walks dog on an actual leash & not a rope* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 235
*turns AC on full blast at first hint of spring* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 236
 these MF's did that shit today! got my nips all hard... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 509
*gets jiggy with it (na na na na nanananana)* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 239
*denies existance of white privilege* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 240
*plays Bob Marley's - We're Jammin poorly on guitar & croons offkey* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 241
**votes for g.w.** |
Apr 06th 2005 | 242
Damn ya'll bammas white as SHIT! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 245
*cusses parents out* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 248
 it's a wrap! lol |
Apr 06th 2005 | 257
 Will call child protective services on momma |
Apr 06th 2005 | 562
*secretly feels cool about owning NWA album* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 249
*swears by sloppy ponytail, flip flops, tenis skirts, and dark shades* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 250
thanks buddy |
Apr 06th 2005 | 251
*buys car instead of leasing navigator* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 253
*doesn't feel guilt because family immigrated in 1900s* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 254
*gets drunk & rides NJ transit hollering WHOOOO!!!!* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 255
 *sneaks alcohol on train* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 281
*owns house* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 256
*actually sends rsvp's to events* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 258
 giiiirrrlll u aint neva lied!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 262
*tries to walk his cat* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 259
 *and dresses the dog* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 271
 RE: lol!!!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 515
*puts washcloths in the towel cabinet* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 260
*works juju* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 261
*joins OKP for validation by a community that i can't be fully accepted ... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 263
 LOL |
Apr 06th 2005 | 272
*is on time* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 264
*does a rap album with a black dude to maintain credibility* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 265
Apr 06th 2005 | 274
 *shuffles around kicking dirt with hands in pockets whisling* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 284
 lol, i couldn't resist, yo. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 289
 yabrownbastid. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 302
 *thinks recording with a brown person gives him license to... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 363
 lol...i'ma just shut up now. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 368
*Doesn't Jump* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 266
*walks out of the house in the morning with wet hair* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 267
*sings Tom Jones* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
*doubles lurker post count listing things i do* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 268
*calls "shake n bake" fried chicke* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 269
*Cooks the French Fries INSIDE the oven* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 270
 HA! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 559
*shoots classmates, cuz hes getting picked on..." |
Apr 06th 2005 | 275
*reminisces about his/her "black" phase... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 277
 Ouch! Lol |
Apr 06th 2005 | 384
*pays bills on time* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 280
*rants about illegal immigration* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 282
*inboxes SPM for tips on women* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 283
Logs out for break... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 285
flip-flops and washcloths rule this post. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 286
*actually buys NOW cds* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 287
"has five black friends that he lets sleep over" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 288
"thinks black women are hot and exotic looking" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 290
*still believes OJ is guilty* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 291
listens to a black israelite on broad & market... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 292
"puts on Doc Martens" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 293
*rolls down windows and blasts biggie b/c I'm driving in Brooklyn* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 294
 lol...yesterday i bumped smif n wessun's 'dah shinin''... |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 last time in brooklyn it was mos def instead of biggie |
Apr 06th 2005 |
"still listens to Will Smith albums" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 295
*makes a post asking to do something white in it* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 296
"still says I'm Rick James BItch" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 298
*is astonished at how much blk ppl know about/obsess over them* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 299
*buys ben sherman* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 300
"plays Euchere all the time" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 301
"always goes to the Oprah show" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 303
*tells on all of you* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 304
"always places Gonzaga in NCAA brackets" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 305
 "gets cornrow braids in Jamaica because it's different" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 307
*bungee jumps* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 306
*thinks phrenology is roots' best album, ever* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 308
goes to store with no shirt, shoes, or socks |
Apr 06th 2005 | 309
*puts on cowboy boots and hat* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 311
eats a baloney sandwich |
Apr 06th 2005 | 312
*says "fuckin A"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 313
*posts on* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 314
*rapes a continent* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 315
 *subjugates or enslaves the indigenous people* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 318
 *burns their books. tells them they have no history*. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 321
 *apologizes for all of that* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 322
  *keeps the money, though* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 325
 *lauds others for poor work ethic* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 429
 *uses the word 'laud'* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 430
 *is made uncomfortable by poetx's posts* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 324
 *equates discomfort with post to slavery, racism, etc* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 328
 *sighs... then goes on vacation* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 387
 *to Jamaica* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 394
 *is reminded of Aunt Jemima by hotel staff attire* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 398
 *thinks to self... "this is the way life outta be"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 399
 *says "YA MON" to natives* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 401
 *calls Jamaicans living inJamaica "natives"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 540
smells like wet dog |
Apr 06th 2005 | 316
*drinks Budwiser* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 317
*hunts* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 319
*downs shots of Jager* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 320
*listens to smooth jazz* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 326
Lives next to your favorite rapper......n/m |
Apr 06th 2005 | 327
 Ha! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 504
Feels the urge to dance on top of a bar.....n/m |
Apr 06th 2005 | 329
Drinks Jagermeister...n/m |
Apr 06th 2005 | 330
*actually wears shorts made of cordouroy* (y'all gotta explain |
Apr 06th 2005 | 331
*rides through post on a golf cart* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 332
 "Thinks Boulder is the shit...huh Kate?" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 336
"Owns a snowboard" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 333
 *i do actually own a snowboard* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 409
*starts mosh pit* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 334
*spends all day watching CNN instead of BET* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 335
*drinks from beer bong* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 337
 see. we can learn from them. i was amazed and astounded |
Apr 06th 2005 | 349
"Enjoys Comedy Central Stand-Up" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 338
 call me white then |
Apr 07th 2005 | 609
*plays hockey* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 339
*rides bull* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 340
*hates rap music... but thinks Eminem is cool* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 341
Apr 06th 2005 | 342
this post is blowin up like the godfather! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 343
 *This shit has diamond written all over it.....* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
*jerks off to "Black Dicks, White Chicks Vol. 24"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 344
*watches NASCAR* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 346
*is angry that Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn was cancelled* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 347
*Hums Creed songs* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 348
 *hahahahaha!!!!!!! I'm done!!!!* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 351
*has good credit* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 350
*gets friend to videotape him doing "Jackass" style stunt* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 352
 *gets severly injured doing "Jackass" style stunt* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 353
 *still laughs and screams "WOOOOOOO" after being injured* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 355
  *proudly displays cuts and scrapes for video camera* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 356
   *pyern* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 444
Apr 06th 2005 | 564
 had friends of mine all drink milk till they thre up in a pool |
Apr 06th 2005 | 359
*smiles politely and looks nervous, clutching handbag* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 354
*sleeps below Kurt Cobain poster* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 357
*thinks Paris Hilton has great body* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 358
 *Dead* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 396
*trades stock* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 360
*wears tie-die outfit* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 361
*tries to figure out what 'for shizzle my nizzle' means* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 362
 *loves Snoop-speak but secretly doesn't understand it* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 390
*walks past jennifer lopez wearing tight jeans* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 364
If a minority made this post, it would've gotten 1/4 the replies. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 365
 RE: If a minority made this post, it would've gotten 1/4 the replies. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 370
*Lets TV Babysit Children* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 367
RE: do something white in this post. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 369
 *puts child on Ritalin* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 383
 RE: *puts child on Ritalin* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 413
*gets everywhere early* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 371
*thinks Colin Powell is well spoken* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 372
*shows up at 4:59 when he tells you 5'ish* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 373
*videotapes approaching tornado* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 374
*washes hair daily* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 375
*deadlifts like a bitch* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 376
*goes into the basement in horror movie even when the light |
Apr 06th 2005 | 377
*lives in Wyoming* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 378
*calls the police* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 379
*kisses dog in the mouth* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 380
*Thinks I am an affirmative action hire* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 381
*thinks Wanye Brady is hilarious* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 382
*says "nigger" but claims not to be racist cuz.... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 386
*buys penis pump* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 388
*prays child never marries a nigger* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 391
*smells like a wet chicken and ALWAYS builds his fires too high* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 393
*rides shotgun in a car with bare foot out the window* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 395
*gets out of car and starts yelling at police, claims to pay cops salary... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 397
*puts pictures of his dogs up at work, considers them "my kids"* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 400
*goes to Cubs game* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 402
*wears fitted cap with the raggediest brim you've ever seen* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 403
 hey buddy! I paid 40$ for this hat! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 570
*rules the world* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 404
*gets paid offa alla that* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 405
 Thats fuckin funny............... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 421
*thinks Drew Barrymore is hot* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 406
 c'mon now...she is pretty hot. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 414
 Co Sign. Julia Roberts however... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 418
 man not freakin' even! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 422
*walks outside with no shoes on* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 407
*attaches wallet to long ass chain* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 410
*rides Harley* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 411
*parcels out Civil Rights little by little* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 412
*smokes weed out of a bong* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 415
*names daughters heather and tiffany* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 416
 *or kirsten & courtney |
Apr 07th 2005 | 581
*comes back from vacation, claims to be almost as dark as black coworker... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 417
*joins country club* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 419
*convinces niggers to get shots of patron* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 420
*wonders what happened to that rapper who made the thong song* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 423
 *WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 443
Since 'The White Man' alias has yet to make an appearance... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 424
*Cries cause child married a darkie* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 425
 *Wonders how you braid darkie grandchild's hair* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 426
 *wonders how they get their hair to do that* |
Apr 06th 2005 |
*will name first-born Madison* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 427
 RE: *will name first-born Madison* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 433
*owns* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 428
*drinks grape juice* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 431
*wears dirty tennis shoes proudly* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 432
 gotta be new balances, w/ one of those dirty white caps that have |
Apr 06th 2005 | 569
*shops at L.L. Bean* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 434
*rocks combover* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 435
*forgives Martha Stewart completely* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 436
*gives Robert Downey Jr. 256th second chance* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 437
 oh like ya'll gave up on ODB. |
Apr 06th 2005 |
 *thinks ODB is related to Coolio* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 595
*Does the Dew* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 438
*Has an Express Card* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 439
*thinks mac and cheese comes from a box* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 440
*waters lawn* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 441
*goes through all the proper legal channels to petition an ARCHIVE* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 442
Seen on COPS w/o shirt/shoes on... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 445
*Never considers moving to Atlanta* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 449
 bring back your avy!! |
Apr 06th 2005 | 456
 *smile* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 462
Apr 06th 2005 | 450
| people know what the shocker is? |
Apr 06th 2005 | 482
 *you fuckin right we do* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 492
*gets tattoo of Tazmanian Devil* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 451
*listens to linkin park* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 452
*oppresses Black people* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 453
Gets swisher house cd... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 454
*puts mayonnaise on sandwich* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 455
*does well on SAT* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 457
*gets whiplash from headbanging* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 458
*Purchases 70% of Hip-Hop* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 459
*contemplates skipping work tomorrow to go to vail* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 460
*fucks up the electric slide* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 461
 RE: *fucks up the electric slide* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 463
cops brand new GAME THEORY album by the roots |
Apr 06th 2005 | 464
 *Are The Roots BIGGEST fans......* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 466
 then scoffs at me 3 weeks later saying thought "aint gangsta enuf" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 472
 *hilarious* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 479
 *scoffs cause Jay-Z or 50 aren't on it* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 491
 *touches ?uest's afro* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 496
 ^ Yo, that's the Japanese |
Apr 06th 2005 | 542
*Is a pocket passer* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 465
*is afraid to post in the black spinoff post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 467
has cookout, instead of BBQ... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 468
*thinks he is street cuz he listens to Pac* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 469
*doesn't die of aids* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 470
 stfu |
Apr 06th 2005 | 471
 no |
Apr 06th 2005 | 476
*clutches purse* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 473
*goes skydiving* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 474
 dammit... |
Apr 07th 2005 | 592
*wonders if Black men really have larger penises* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 475
*jogs alone in Central Park after nightfall* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 477
*loves Woody Allen movies* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 478
*dips chip, eats half, dips again* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 480
 ...double dippin bastids....n/m |
Apr 06th 2005 | 483
*eats steak rare* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 481
*eats sushi* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 484
Denies Elvis was a music , song, stealing fraud |
Apr 06th 2005 | 485
*wears Dockers* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 486
*goes on Atkins DIET eventhough im 5'7 120 lbs* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 487
*chews & spits tobacco* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 489
 *protest in public buck nekkid* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 499
*clutches pearls* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 490
*"disagrees w/'gay lifestyle'" but has gay friends* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 493
*loves Blur's "Song 2" but only knows chorus* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 494
 ahahahahahahaha. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 497
*is a member of DUNNT* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 498
 *makes the 500th post* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 500
 what about phee and swinger? |
Apr 07th 2005 | 588
*thinks I am savior for black people* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 501
*enslaves minorities & conquer lands for expansion* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 502
*calls you a cock sucker* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 503
i knew it was easy to be white |
Apr 06th 2005 | 505
pass the mayonaise duddee |
Apr 06th 2005 | 506
*wonders why they stopped making fresca* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 507
*plays DMX when black people walk into party* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 508
*counts change in my Y T* ...oops |
Apr 06th 2005 | 510
*wears running shorts w/ waistband rolled 5 times* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 511
*says nigger and gets suckerpucnhed in the jaw* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 513
*alerts security* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 514
 RE: *alerts security* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 519
*shaped like six o'clock* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 516
*Blasts Marilyn Manson @ a party full of hoes* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 517
 *Says nigga* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 518
 *Rocks baggy sweatpants with no ass* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 520
 *Swears Eminem is the GOAT* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 521
 *Listens to Atmosphere* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 524
 *Has to use ruffies to get pussy* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 525
*Jogs Thru the projects* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 522
 *Gets mad cause I can't say nigger* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 523
*Gets a fade* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 526
*pre-purchases movie tickets... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 529
*creates a popular sitcom about nothing* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 530
*Listens to Jurassic 5" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 531
 *goes camping* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 532
*goes deer hunting* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 533
*indignantly compares the potato famine to slavery* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 534
*steals every popular form of music* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 536
streaks through post |
Apr 06th 2005 | 537
 ***sidebar*** |
Apr 06th 2005 | 558
*votes actors into public office* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 538
*says "my nizzle"...* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 539
*calls you the ______meister* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 541
*Invents cockring* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 543
*pay's bills on time* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 544
takes a shit in tree stump while camping |
Apr 06th 2005 | 545
*jumps in his bitchin' camaro blastin metallica* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 546
*fucks up Chappelle's Show jokes* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 549
has boyfriend cover up her mess....... |
Apr 06th 2005 | 550
 debbie downer has entered the building. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 552
 keeping it real sssson |
Apr 07th 2005 | 587
 keepin it real repetttttititive son |
Apr 07th 2005 | 603
*thinks Elvis invented Rock 'N Roll* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 553
 *washes kids in the kitchen sink* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 555
*buys a CD* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 556
 *apologises after a black person does something wrong* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 563
walks into public restroom w/ no shoes on |
Apr 06th 2005 | 565
*mispronounces most spanish words* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 566
*frames michael jackson* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 567
*changes channel when Rosewood comes on* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 568
"Oh . My . God Becky!!!" |
Apr 06th 2005 | 571
*proclaims proudly* there have been 3 black people in my house. |
Apr 06th 2005 | 572
*applies gel* |
Apr 06th 2005 | 573
*Buys* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 575
holds up keg cup and FUCKIN' CHUGS DUDE! It's a RAGER! |
Apr 07th 2005 | 576
still says "WHAAASSUUUUP!" (c)budweiser |
Apr 07th 2005 | 578
*finger guns you w/ a wink* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 579
*Drives Pontiac* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 580
 Calls every black artist a rapper |
Apr 07th 2005 | 582
Has more abortions than black woman... |
Apr 07th 2005 | 583
 *collects welfare check* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 589
*overuses the word "like"* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 585
*Buys Hip Hop cds* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 590
 **get's cussed out in public by his / her 3 year old** |
Apr 07th 2005 | 591
*has sex w/blair underwood in a TV show* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 593
hangs deer... |
Apr 07th 2005 | 594
i do n ot approve of your making sir |
Apr 07th 2005 | 596
*never seasons food.....ever* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 598
 RE: *never seasons food.....ever* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 612
*loves the Kennedy family* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 599
 *gets paid offa alladat* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 600
*writes a book after doin' a bid and gets rich to this* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 601
*starts* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 602
*Celebrates Cinco De Mayo* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 604
*types an letter to comedy central because Chappele show is racist |
Apr 07th 2005 | 605
*flashes tittes* does bootylicious dip to pick up trucker hat* "WOOOO!"* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 606
*smells like cat* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 607
*benches 2x body weight and still works out with trainer* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 608
*does 2 lines before corporate job interview* |
Apr 07th 2005 | 611
*pours mayonnaise on stuff* |
Apr 08th 2005 | 613
watches stereotypcal black sitcom and laughs whenever |
Apr 08th 2005 | 614
* calls my black male friend "bro" * |
Apr 08th 2005 | 615
* wears stilletos and a mini skirt in the pouring rain* |
Apr 08th 2005 | 616