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Subject: "Domestication of monkeys" This topic is locked.
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Charter member
16201 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:36 AM

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"Domestication of monkeys"



How come that didn't catch on?

I'd like to have a pet monkey. I'd dress him up in a baby tux and call him Fonsworth.


<---------------Naima and Nia Simone


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Sep 04th 2003
Sep 04th 2003
i always wanted a monkey too
Sep 04th 2003
monkey hate clean
Sep 06th 2003
ive heard they smell absolutely atrocious
Sep 04th 2003
*enter the white supremacists* n/m
Sep 04th 2003
umm have you seen outbreak, ebola (sp) man
Sep 04th 2003
lol darrylclark is gonna kill us all!!!!!!!!! n/m
Sep 04th 2003
id exterminate all monkeys if possible
Sep 04th 2003
amen to that
Sep 04th 2003
Some animals can't be domesticated
Sep 04th 2003
how about pigs?
Sep 04th 2003
RE: how about pigs?
Sep 04th 2003
Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pigs
Sep 04th 2003
Think of zebras
Sep 05th 2003
      i think all it takes is love. if we could kill the zebr
Sep 05th 2003
           kumbaya, muthafucka
Sep 05th 2003
                very appropos to your sig... is this eviljaney?
Sep 05th 2003
                     for the record
Sep 05th 2003
                          *applauds* that whole reply is so sigworthy.
Sep 05th 2003
                               I &#9829; you
Sep 05th 2003
                                    wow. football would be good, but much as i can't
Sep 05th 2003
                                         But I like football scoring
Sep 05th 2003
                                              *jots note to self*
Sep 05th 2003
                                                   I've got
Sep 05th 2003
                                                        they shooting amish people now. and i thought
Sep 05th 2003
male monkeys are the worst.
Sep 04th 2003
      that's monkeysexist.
Sep 04th 2003
           You play with them then!
Sep 04th 2003
                i ain't goin out my way to get male monkeys...
Sep 05th 2003
                     monkeyspect = best new word.
Sep 05th 2003
                          thanks. i like it too. rolls of the tongue *no primate*
Sep 05th 2003
                               wolf punks everything here.
Sep 05th 2003
                                    true indeed. maybe go quarter on a monkeyfarm
Sep 06th 2003
                                         Terminator X has an ostrich farm in Durham.
Sep 06th 2003
                                              that will always be my favorite factoid.
Sep 07th 2003
                                              an it sounds like something Ghostface would
Sep 08th 2003
                                                   followed by:
Sep 08th 2003
*Too Easy*
Corn Bread The Nigger Hating GoldFish
Sep 04th 2003
#7 n/m
Sep 04th 2003
It was called "The Slave Trade"
Sep 04th 2003
Thank You
Corn Bread The Nigger Hating GoldFish
Sep 04th 2003
      RE: Thank You
Sep 05th 2003
           You had to be there
Sep 07th 2003
they're too smart
Sep 04th 2003
that could be a new show on Fox, though...
Sep 07th 2003
      LMAO n/m
Sep 07th 2003
      RE: that could be a new show on Fox, though...
Sep 09th 2003
i don't think you can.
Sep 04th 2003
RE: can you imagine
Sep 04th 2003
      lol hell yea
Sep 04th 2003
           *2,000 crunches* that was funny.
Sep 04th 2003
                *takes a bow*
Sep 05th 2003
                     its an okpism now...
Sep 08th 2003
RE: Domestication of monkeys
Sep 04th 2003
RE: Domestication of monkeys
Sep 04th 2003
      that was BeholdMe.
Sep 08th 2003
didn't homer simpson have a helper monkey?
Sep 04th 2003
Pray --- For------Mojo
Sep 04th 2003
who wanna go half on a monkey farm?
Sep 04th 2003
RE: who wanna go half on a monkey farm?
Sep 05th 2003
Sep 05th 2003
excellent. THAT's what i'm talking about.
Sep 07th 2003
Sep 05th 2003
Holla at a Howler
Sep 09th 2003
I always wanted one too
Sep 04th 2003
errbody needs to MONKEY UP for the '03!
Sep 05th 2003
Cause of that damn 28 days later.......
Sep 05th 2003
too much like slavery
Sep 05th 2003
RE: Domestication of monkeys
Sep 05th 2003
the emancipation proclamation
Sep 05th 2003
they are wild animals
Sep 05th 2003
Thanks guys
Sep 05th 2003
Fuck a Monkey. I wanna Maguai.
Sep 05th 2003
they would water him around these parts.
Sep 08th 2003
red pandas are officially what's up. they are
Sep 06th 2003
them some racoon lookin muhfuhz...
Sep 06th 2003
Sep 06th 2003
I'd prefer a tiger....
Sep 06th 2003
get an albino one and dye it blue. or better yet,
Sep 06th 2003
      this has got to be the funniest
Sep 07th 2003
this thread should be archived..
Sep 06th 2003
They'd take all the good jobs.
Sep 06th 2003
leaf blowing?
Sep 07th 2003
Sep 07th 2003
your avatar is MAGNIFICENT.
Sep 08th 2003
Sep 07th 2003
you want a poisoned monkey? that's sick!
Sep 08th 2003
i see x tryna move in on my tactical wolverine security
Sep 07th 2003
RE: i see x tryna move in on my tactical wolverine secu
Sep 07th 2003
nah. consolidate, cuz. i ain't tryin to take over your
Sep 08th 2003
Mon-key UP! (Yap that foo!)
Sep 08th 2003
Uhh, watch "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes"
Sep 08th 2003
but what about the wolves and tigers, though?
Sep 08th 2003
my monkey
Sep 08th 2003
he aight. we need to thug him out, though.
Sep 09th 2003
Apes to match the drapes.
Sep 09th 2003
see, i thought it was monkeyspect at first, but
Sep 09th 2003
      RE: see, i thought it was monkeyspect at first, but
Sep 09th 2003
apes that play tapes
Sep 09th 2003

Member since Aug 01st 2002
337 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:39 AM

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1. "G-unit."
In response to Reply # 0




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Charter member
16465 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:43 AM

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2. "well..."
In response to Reply # 0



You can have a pet monkey, if you have the space..and a cage..
or just go to brick city, new jerz...but be

****RIP Simmon****



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Member since Feb 16th 2003
21213 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:44 AM

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3. "i always wanted a monkey too"
In response to Reply # 0



he could clean shit for you, and get the remote. Hes be like a obedient little brother...

i might have to start teh monkey revolution

get money.


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Charter member
8032 posts
Sat Sep-06-03 03:32 PM

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67. "monkey hate clean"
In response to Reply # 3



< favorite record of 2009

PSN ID - themoodz
Steam ID - samuraisideburns
XBL Gamertag - samurisideburns


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Member since Oct 21st 2002
10407 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:45 AM

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4. "ive heard they smell absolutely atrocious"
In response to Reply # 0


and they are by no means sanitary, what with the hurling of feces and such...

i think theyre awfully tempermental too...

if i could have a pet though, a monkey would be near the top of the list

why does domestication look wrong to me? I want it to say domestification of...but i think you're right.

domestication just looks wrong to me

"i think you got slippery turds. joints is sliding down greased up intestine walls or some shit

you eat crisco son?"

- my man worms

"...Just remember the future of hip hop is in your hands, watch what you support and do


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Charter member
106883 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:45 AM

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5. "*enter the white supremacists* n/m"
In response to Reply # 0




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Charter member
14951 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:46 AM

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6. "umm have you seen outbreak, ebola (sp) man"
In response to Reply # 0



"promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind"-cl

BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME, make sure you're perfect.

"I'm hella Black, and irresponsibility ain't my culture. Yall niggas just gon have to own that as individuals"- Boo


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Charter member
106883 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 06:47 AM

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7. "lol darrylclark is gonna kill us all!!!!!!!!! n/m"
In response to Reply # 6




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Member since Jun 19th 2002
5079 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:28 AM

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8. "id exterminate all monkeys if possible"
In response to Reply # 0



* *
let me tell you what she cryin fo......cuz i'm fly

* *
-We all dropped out of school, man. That’s why.

-"I’m the biggest one; I’m gon’ to get shot. I’m bigger. They can see me first."

-I let Nashawn fight all of them. Me, I will fight anyone of them in their crew. I will fight their security g


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Member since Oct 08th 2002
13563 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:29 AM

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9. "amen to that"
In response to Reply # 8


I mean really, who still has a prehensile tail???


Maybe there are two types of people in the world: those who favor humans over ideology, and those who favor ideology over humans. I prefer humans to ideology, but right now the ideologues are winning.


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Charter member
123124 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:30 AM

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10. "Some animals can't be domesticated"
In response to Reply # 0



monkeys are among 'em.

Indelible purple pee all over your home, you'd give up too.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
32094 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:36 AM

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14. "how about pigs?"
In response to Reply # 10



please don't spoil my dream, janey.



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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
1590 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:45 AM

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19. "RE: how about pigs?"
In response to Reply # 14



george clooney has a pet pig, but i think thats how he stays a batchelor, if you know what i mean.

Fat people are a joy to me. They give me great meal ideals and have taught me to do fat people things like combining foods that I would have never have thought to combine. <--okp fresh rain4u on fat people and the troubles of fasting.


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Charter member
123124 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:58 AM

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24. "Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pigs"
In response to Reply # 19



Ever wonder where that trendy pet went? They're all bacon now.

Why? Because they're not actually domesticable. We had some friends with a pot bellied pig back in the early 90s, and they were always raving about how smart it was. How smart? So smart that it would come to the kitchen when dinner was ready.

I was like whoa.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 04:47 AM

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34. "Think of zebras"
In response to Reply # 14



They look an awful lot like horses. Why don't we ride them and harness them to plows?

Because they aren't domesticable. They're damn mean, according to Jared Diamond, author of Guns, Germs and Steel, among other fascinating works.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 07:24 AM

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35. "i think all it takes is love. if we could kill the zebr"
In response to Reply # 34



hate that is rampant in our world. we could all ride them in umfufu-like serenity and splendor.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 07:52 AM

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37. "kumbaya, muthafucka"
In response to Reply # 35



~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 08:03 AM

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39. "very appropos to your sig... is this eviljaney?"
In response to Reply # 37



who defiantly rides astride unwilling zebras, with her attache of accessories, giving unwanted perineum massages sans petroleum products?

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 09:31 AM

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42. "for the record"
In response to Reply # 39



I only massage perineums (perinea?), anuses or prostates when I am asked... or begged.

I'm a receiver by nature, not a pitcher.

I have no independent desire to poke anyone in the ass (other than the normal desire to participate fully in my partner's pleasure), and so would never even remotely consider performing such an act if it were UNwanted.

I fear that the masses don't understand this. The fact that I know that many men enjoy prostate massage and the fact that I condemn those who would condemn them for it does not mean that I want everyone to take it in the ass. Far from it. In fact, the fewer people who are willing to receive means that there's just more left over for me.

Because I'd rather be buttfucking.

Right now.

Yep, right now I would most like to be enjoying some deep dicking in my ass. That's my first wish, fairy godmother.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 09:42 AM

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44. "*applauds* that whole reply is so sigworthy."
In response to Reply # 42



an if i was living single i would most def squiggle atcha. surely, though, someone out there can throw it to you deep, up the middle (hey, football season is back, i can't help it).

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 09:52 AM

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45. "I &#9829; you"
In response to Reply # 44



and I ♥ sports metaphors.

I ♥ having sex with a football game going in the background. I ♥ hearing the fans cheer when I do something very special.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 10:14 AM

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49. "wow. football would be good, but much as i can't"
In response to Reply # 45



eff WITH soccer, it would be crucial to eff TO soccer... long time w/ no commentary, nothin, nothin, nothin, nothin... then 2hrs later... GOALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!


peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 10:17 AM

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50. "But I like football scoring"
In response to Reply # 49



It's a pretty good method.

I think it's much more evocative than the straightforward GOOOOAAAALL of soccer.

And I like high scoring games.

You know, you get 7 points if your partner comes. 8 if you go for the two point conversion and put a little extra somethingorother into it.

Three points for a near miss or a head rush.

You can score a game over the course of a weekend.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 11:06 AM

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51. "*jots note to self*"
In response to Reply # 50



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
123124 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 11:33 AM

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52. "I've got"
In response to Reply # 51



lots of good ideas.

Let's me and you go off for a quiet weekend. You bring your Amish outfit and I'll bring my little bag o' tricks.

We'll make a party out of it.

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 03:45 PM

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54. "they shooting amish people now. and i thought"
In response to Reply # 52



i'd established that i fear your back of tricks.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
36728 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 08:21 AM

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26. "male monkeys are the worst."
In response to Reply # 10



they masturbate & throw pooh regularly.

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:02 PM

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29. "that's monkeysexist."
In response to Reply # 26



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
36728 posts
Thu Sep-04-03 07:20 PM

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30. "You play with them then!"
In response to Reply # 29



Female monkeys or die!

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 01:32 AM

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32. "i ain't goin out my way to get male monkeys..."
In response to Reply # 30



that'd be monkeyspect. but i don't want them going out like female crabs, where people only want them for their claws. that wouldn't be right. although monkey claws are good.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
36728 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 08:50 AM

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40. "monkeyspect = best new word."
In response to Reply # 32



I'd rather have a wolf though.

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 09:39 AM

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43. "thanks. i like it too. rolls of the tongue *no primate*"
In response to Reply # 40



u could own a wolf if you live in raleigh, thanks to that ill-advised public art project (w/ the decorated wolves all around the city). hth could they NOT think that those things would all be stolen by NC State students or alumni? you know there gotta be a half dozen of them joints sitting up in somebody's frathouse with a beer bong hanging from its neck and a trucker hat on.

but yeah, i always wanted a wolf. they're mad tall. me an wolf-wolf would go around punking pitts.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
36728 posts
Fri Sep-05-03 09:11 PM

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59. "wolf punks everything here."
In response to Reply # 43



and yeah those wolf pieces are high on theft value.
they have "frat boy steal me" written all over them.
even that situation is monkeyspect.

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Sat Sep-06-03 10:21 AM

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64. "true indeed. maybe go quarter on a monkeyfarm"
In response to Reply # 59



and quarter on a wolf farm.

that would be so dope. at first, we'd have to hustle to build up our business, like Too Short, selling wolfs out the trunk.

again, a few well placed petvertisements in some rap videos, and our lucrative bidness of selling wolves would take off.

then mtv would hate, cuz they don't want the blackman to come up like that, and would start blurring out the wolves and monkeys in rappers videos. then i would get jim brown and johnny cochran and sue mtv.

i can see this happening.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
36728 posts
Sat Sep-06-03 03:53 PM

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70. "Terminator X has an ostrich farm in Durham."
In response to Reply # 64



Your plan has excellent profit potential!
We need a marketing slogan.
We could ape the competition and sell wolf tickets at their spots.

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Sun Sep-07-03 03:41 AM

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72. "that will always be my favorite factoid."
In response to Reply # 70



matter of fact, i'm surprised you beat me to it on this post. i have more terminator x ostrich mentions then some charter member post counts.

>Your plan has excellent profit potential!
>We need a marketing slogan.
>We could ape the competition and sell wolf tickets at their

most def. i'm always down to sell wolf tickets.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 07:33 AM

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85. "an it sounds like something Ghostface would"
In response to Reply # 70




"sometimes, i be sick a these birds, no time for 'em/
Terminator X got a ostrich farm in durham/"

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Mon Sep-08-03 09:06 PM

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92. "followed by:"
In response to Reply # 85



>"sometimes, i be sick a these birds, no time for 'em/
>Terminator X got a ostrich farm in durham/"

eagle eye guy no harm to my forearm/
I bagged big bird warn the forum /

and now:

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
- ρδω


don't be fkn evil.


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Corn Bread The Nigger Hating GoldFish

Thu Sep-04-03 07:33 AM

11. "*Too Easy*"
In response to Reply # 0


I'll let this one slide.

"How DARE Fiyah give me a name like Corn Bread!"


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Thu Sep-04-03 07:37 AM

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16. "#7 n/m"
In response to Reply # 11




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Thu Sep-04-03 07:35 AM

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12. "It was called "The Slave Trade""
In response to Reply # 0



"No inconvenience at all, I insist on leaving an impression." - Cee Lo



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Corn Bread The Nigger Hating GoldFish

Thu Sep-04-03 07:36 AM

15. "Thank You"
In response to Reply # 12


"How DARE Fiyah give me a name like Corn Bread!"


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Member since Aug 27th 2003
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48. "RE: Thank You"
In response to Reply # 15



***extreme inability to pay attention to discussion due to incessant giggling over the name "corn bread the nigger hatin goldfish"****

NO BS I know a little girl named Alize Moet Johnson...*saying a prayer for her future*


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Member since Aug 09th 2002
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Sun Sep-07-03 07:41 PM

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78. "You had to be there"
In response to Reply # 48


Ask HottLikeFiyah about her goldfish named Cornbread...

<-------------- Tim Duncan. Emoting.

An "Official" Midnight Marauder

San Antonio Spurs
2002-2003 NBA Champions


R.I.P. Dilla 1974-2006


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Thu Sep-04-03 07:35 AM

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13. "they're too smart"
In response to Reply # 0



too volatile and too tempermental.

they're pretty damn dangerous and are very possessive. will mark any and all territory (including humans) w/ their musk (which is AWFUL!), urine and feces.

the domestication of the monkey will probably (hopefully) never happen.

and those monkeys that celebrities all have, walking around w/ them on their shoulders - generally, they are all young. you rarely hear of someone having a monkey as a life long pet because once they reach adolescence and adulthood - watch your back. here come the feces.


.:Southern Belle::Magnolia Smell:.

Lyric O' the Week:

"Ain't nobody as me, i'm just so so !"
-- 'Kast ~ So Fresh, So Clean

All Things in Moderatin':
~ "Kristy, why you do me like that!?" click for answers.
~ see an offensive avatar or post? inbox me so i can see it too!


so much awesome in one place.


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Sun Sep-07-03 06:00 PM

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74. "that could be a new show on Fox, though..."
In response to Reply # 13



>watch your back. here come the feces.

i'd watch that before all of that other reality bullshit. i mean, really. if they had a truck with some really antisocial simians, and just rolled around the city filming people, like, yo, c'mere for a minute... can you tell me how to get to *mumble, mumble*

person walks closer

SPLATT! (monkey pelts them with fecal matter)

cue laugh track and wacky monkeyshit theme music.

that would work.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Sun Sep-07-03 06:33 PM

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76. "LMAO n/m"
In response to Reply # 74



My own lil of cyberspace

the words of wisdom:

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker

All right, brain. You don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer. --Homer Simpson

I feel alone on this mission, I'm wishin' there was more of me
A pair of me, apparently I'm a parasite caught inside a paradox
A paradise, a parody --- Slug

Sleep much?... Midnight Marauders 2004™...

What's he building in ?©Tom Waits

and now without further ado, the words of wisdom:

"Magic Shell's a helluva drug"
"im a little slow cause im slow"
-as always the illust


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Member since Jul 16th 2003
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Tue Sep-09-03 03:07 AM

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95. "RE: that could be a new show on Fox, though..."
In response to Reply # 74



You are cracking me up today!!!!


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Thu Sep-04-03 07:39 AM

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17. "i don't think you can."
In response to Reply # 0



mike had to give bubbles away 'cause he was being a "rebellious teen" and unlike a human teen that you can ground a rebellious chimp will just knock your ass out.

i say
life and liberty
i say
love and unity
i say
clean livity...afrika


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Thu Sep-04-03 07:45 AM

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20. "RE: can you imagine"
In response to Reply # 17



the chimp flippin out on Mike. I'd pay to see that.

Instagram: @von_clay


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Thu Sep-04-03 07:46 AM

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21. "lol hell yea"
In response to Reply # 20



and mike with his voice "bubbles. buuuuubbles, stop it! stop it bubbles! aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"


i say
life and liberty
i say
love and unity
i say
clean livity...afrika


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Charter member
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Thu Sep-04-03 09:49 AM

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27. "*2,000 crunches* that was funny."
In response to Reply # 21



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Member since Apr 08th 2003
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Fri Sep-05-03 04:18 PM

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57. "*takes a bow*"
In response to Reply # 27



what does 2000 crunches mean though?

i say
life and liberty
i say
love and unity
i say
clean livity...afrika


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Mon Sep-08-03 12:59 PM

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87. "its an okpism now..."
In response to Reply # 57



there was some post, once upon a time, that was so funny, that write_serengeti said that she was laughing so hard, her stomach hurt like she had just done 2,000 crunches. at the time, in okland, we were looking for alternatives to lmao, lmbao(lmwao), lol, etc., and i remember thinking, that's very expressive. i, of course, could not leave shit be, so i bumped the crunch count up by 25% and, voila! *2,500 crunches*.

of course, this was all pre-ROLOL Out Ya Lemons. that changed aythang

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
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Thu Sep-04-03 07:43 AM

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18. "RE: Domestication of monkeys"
In response to Reply # 0



didnt an okp get a monkey for christmas? i remember them making a post about it.

Fat people are a joy to me. They give me great meal ideals and have taught me to do fat people things like combining foods that I would have never have thought to combine. <--okp fresh rain4u on fat people and the troubles of fasting.


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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
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Thu Sep-04-03 07:59 AM

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25. "RE: Domestication of monkeys"
In response to Reply # 18



someone please answer me... im curious.

i remember he said it was a small monkey (not a chimp), nobody remembers?

Fat people are a joy to me. They give me great meal ideals and have taught me to do fat people things like combining foods that I would have never have thought to combine. <--okp fresh rain4u on fat people and the troubles of fasting.


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Warp and Woof
Member since Dec 05th 2002
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Mon Sep-08-03 08:53 PM

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91. "that was BeholdMe."
In response to Reply # 25
Mon Sep-08-03 08:53 PM


I'm #ffffff


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Thu Sep-04-03 07:49 AM

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22. "didn't homer simpson have a helper monkey?"
In response to Reply # 0




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Thu Sep-04-03 07:50 AM

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23. "Pray --- For------Mojo"
In response to Reply # 22




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Thu Sep-04-03 04:20 PM

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28. "who wanna go half on a monkey farm?"
In response to Reply # 0



serious biz. we can raise them critters and spark it as the next big style. think about it. all we need is to get a couple rappers to start sporting monkeys, rhymin about monkeys.

shit will blow up.

we got enough rappers on this site. i don't know if thought would drop a monkey verse. but skillz? he'd prolly do it. an iriescience an ev? sho.

you know BEP would be down to rock a monkey. jean grae? little brother?

i'm telling you. we use okp clout to get these cats monkeyed up... its ON.

matter of fact, we can do a song called "Monkey UP!", basically talkin shit about poor cats who got bentleys and rims, but no monkeys. you ain't really ballin if you don't got a monkey in the 2k3.

who's down with me? Monkey UP, y'all.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
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Fri Sep-05-03 09:23 AM

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41. "RE: who wanna go half on a monkey farm?"
In response to Reply # 28


>matter of fact, we can do a song called "Monkey UP!",
>basically talkin shit about poor cats who got bentleys and
>rims, but no monkeys. you ain't really ballin if you don't
>got a monkey in the 2k3.

Shit, my monkey's got his own monkey and even that monkey has has a Bentley.

You could get throwback monkeys on some Jurassic Park type science.


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Fri Sep-05-03 10:07 AM

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47. "shiiiit"
In response to Reply # 41


welcome to my sig.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Sun Sep-07-03 03:39 AM

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71. "excellent. THAT's what i'm talking about."
In response to Reply # 41



monkey up.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Fri Sep-05-03 04:16 PM

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56. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 28




the visual on all that is comedy

call dave chapelle, maybe he'll let you cameo as a monkeyed up rapper


"I'm never hesistant to say:
fuck the president!!"
-Akil, J5

"Friend, you have a .45
automatic on your lap. I've
got a 35-millimeter camera
mine-- and I feel my weapon
is more powerful than yours."
-Gordon Parks to Black
Panther David Hilliard, 1969

''Ang hindi marunong lumingon
sa pinanggalingan, hindi
makakarating sa
pinaroroonan.'' Those who
cannot see where they came
from will never get to where
they are going.
-Jose Rizal

JP King
1980 - 2003
love and respect


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Charter member
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Tue Sep-09-03 06:17 AM

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100. "Holla at a Howler"
In response to Reply # 28


Stacks of Macaques


Lemurs for Less

Gibbons n' Ribbons


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Thu Sep-04-03 10:53 PM

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31. "I always wanted one too"
In response to Reply # 0




The offspring :-D

PSN & XBL: LOQuent


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Fri Sep-05-03 02:04 AM

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33. "errbody needs to MONKEY UP for the '03!"
In response to Reply # 0



get your monkey on!

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Fri Sep-05-03 07:47 AM

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36. "Cause of that damn 28 days later......."
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Sep-05-03 07:49 AM



I threw the idea of getting a damn monkey of any sort...right out the damn window.....

Let my sig speak for me, when I choose silence.

FUCK YOU, Fuck you and fuck you, who's next?

Unfuckwittable by definition and design.....Black, AFLAC BITCH


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Member since Aug 29th 2002
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Fri Sep-05-03 08:00 AM

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38. "too much like slavery"
In response to Reply # 0



"I wanted to write the most beautiful love poem ever, with the most beautiful words there are, but Cecilia doesnt rhyme with Davis."


out of sight, out of mind...out of mouth and vagina too


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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
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Fri Sep-05-03 10:00 AM

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46. "RE: Domestication of monkeys"
In response to Reply # 0



check out this site.

Fat people are a joy to me. They give me great meal ideals and have taught me to do fat people things like combining foods that I would have never have thought to combine. <--okp fresh rain4u on fat people and the troubles of fasting.


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Fri Sep-05-03 11:52 AM

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53. "the emancipation proclamation"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Sep-05-03 11:52 AM


shoulda kept yall niggers in cages...oh wait we do


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Member since May 22nd 2002
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Fri Sep-05-03 03:55 PM

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55. "they are wild animals"
In response to Reply # 0



they could just snap and scratch your eyes out without thinking twice.


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Fri Sep-05-03 07:46 PM

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58. "Thanks guys"
In response to Reply # 0



For making this "nothing" post into something.


<---------------Naima and Nia Simone


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Charter member
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Fri Sep-05-03 09:32 PM

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60. "Fuck a Monkey. I wanna Maguai."
In response to Reply # 0



I'll even get him that Rambo get up Gizmo wore in part II.

If you need me I'll be in the of Hell.

God Bless the .


"When the earth is vacated and the population cleared/I'll be the last starfighter sipping a goblet of my tears." -Aesop Rock


I don't come around as often but I check in now & then.


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Mon Sep-08-03 07:20 PM

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90. "they would water him around these parts."
In response to Reply # 60



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Sat Sep-06-03 04:56 AM

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61. "red pandas are officially what's up. they are"
In response to Reply # 0



endangered, but extremely cute. if you got mad bamboo growing in your back yard, you could get one.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Member since Aug 23rd 2002
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Sat Sep-06-03 04:59 AM

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62. "them some racoon lookin muhfuhz..."
In response to Reply # 61



i'd rather chill with a giant panda. hook em up with sum bamboo and shit.

True indeed.

Going to Church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car.


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Member since Oct 21st 2002
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Sat Sep-06-03 05:36 AM

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63. "archive"
In response to Reply # 0


on the strength of poetx's "monkeyspect" and "no primate"


and janey's whole reply about a deep dicking in the ass right now was sigworthy...

"i think you got slippery turds. joints is sliding down greased up intestine walls or some shit

you eat crisco son?"

- my man worms

"...Just remember the future of hip hop is in your hands, watch what you support and do


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Sat Sep-06-03 10:35 AM

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65. "I'd prefer a tiger...."
In response to Reply # 0
Sat Sep-06-03 10:36 AM


I've always wanted a pet tiger. That would be so gangster. Also ever since I saw that Janet Jackson video with JD in it I wanted a pet alligator. Imagine walking that thing down the street. Let's see that little Iraqi kid in my hood with the crazy pit bull try and fuck with me.

Twisted logic:
"Zionist Israel's occupation of Arab Palestine has forced the Arab world to waste billions of precious dollars on armaments making it impossible for these newly independent Arab nations to concentrate on strengthening the economies of their countries and elevate the living standard of their people."
-Malcolm X

משה גידון בן יעקב עיסר


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Charter member
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Sat Sep-06-03 03:28 PM

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66. "get an albino one and dye it blue. or better yet,"
In response to Reply # 65



tie dye it. now THAT would be dope. a mostly blue, but gradated purle and green tiger. partial as i am to monkeys and wolves, what's really f*cking with that?

(well, maybe if we tie dye the wolves and monkeys). we could sell the all black jawns to the rappers. and the tie dyed ones would sell real good at the grateful dead concerts.

that probably wouldn't be too safe, though. cuz think about it... if someone is tripping off of acid, should they really own a wolf or a tiger? a monkey? maybe a monkey. but they'd probably get in trouble with the tiger.

we could probably open a side business -- like an urgent care for people who've been mauled by tie dyed tigers and wolves. cuz you know the real doctors ain't f*cking with them. can you imagine the 911 call?

victim: "helloooo.... duuude... i've been attacked. i'm bleeeeding. help me..."

operator: "sir, sir? what happened? what kind of attack????"

victim: "it was a blue and purple tie dyed tiger... i bought it at the dead concert. seemed like a really good idea at the time. i tried to share a burrito with him and he--"


see? they'd have to come to us. and we could go out and capture the tiger or wolf that attacked them, too. and resell them. but i suppose we'd have to put a sticker on them or something that said that they'd tasted human meat before. we'd probably have to knock off about 50% for something like that, you think?

the environmental people wouldn't be mad. cuz we'd only use like, FD&C red and blue and yellow to make our colors. they'd be like big-assed m&m's. except furry. and a little deadlier.

i'm getting more and more hyped about this idea. do they make white monkeys, too?

we could make a red wolf and a red tiger for suge knight. do he still have money? probably we should check before we dye the tiger. or we could start him small, and let him put a red monkey on layaway.

is it just me?

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Sun Sep-07-03 06:41 PM

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77. "this has got to be the funniest"
In response to Reply # 66



thing i've ever heard...

>the environmental people wouldn't be mad. cuz we'd only use >like, FD&C red and blue and yellow to make our colors. they'd be like big-assed m&m's. except furry. and a little deadlier.

My own lil of cyberspace

the words of wisdom:

"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." -Alice Walker

All right, brain. You don't like me and I don't like you, but let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer. --Homer Simpson

I feel alone on this mission, I'm wishin' there was more of me
A pair of me, apparently I'm a parasite caught inside a paradox
A paradise, a parody --- Slug

Sleep much?... Midnight Marauders 2004™...

What's he building in ?©Tom Waits

and now without further ado, the words of wisdom:

"Magic Shell's a helluva drug"
"im a little slow cause im slow"
-as always the illust


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8032 posts
Sat Sep-06-03 03:40 PM

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68. "this thread should be archived.."
In response to Reply # 0



< favorite record of 2009

PSN ID - themoodz
Steam ID - samuraisideburns
XBL Gamertag - samurisideburns


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Sat Sep-06-03 03:42 PM

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69. "They'd take all the good jobs."
In response to Reply # 0





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Sun Sep-07-03 10:00 AM

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73. "leaf blowing?"
In response to Reply # 69



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
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Sun Sep-07-03 06:08 PM

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75. "ha!"
In response to Reply # 69



they'd be on trl with videos and er'thang


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 03:16 AM

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83. "your avatar is MAGNIFICENT."
In response to Reply # 69



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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The Wordsmith
Member since Aug 13th 2002
17074 posts
Sun Sep-07-03 08:32 PM

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79. "Whattabout...."
In response to Reply # 0



.....those little monkeys like the one that ate the poisoned date on Raiders of the Lost Ark? I've always wanted one of those.

Lookaheahfool, the sig starts heah.....

No other MC can touch my style the way I deliver it/ 'cause I'm more complex than a room full of books to an illiterate.....

Obliterate your style, meanwhile your crew is getting/ Stomped and smashed like a wine glass in a Jewish wedding.....

As for beef, too late to squash it/ I'm gon' hit you wit' so many knees & bows, you'd swear you were caught in the midst of a mosh pit.

My Hobbies: Drawing, rhyming, using the wings that sprouted out my back to fly into space, inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen without any harmful effects, walking on water, lifting ten tons. You know, normal stuff.

Since 1976


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 08:41 AM

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86. "you want a poisoned monkey? that's sick!"
In response to Reply # 79



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Member since Jun 19th 2002
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Sun Sep-07-03 08:42 PM

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80. "i see x tryna move in on my tactical wolverine security"
In response to Reply # 0



farms....its all good

bring them punk ass monkeys within 300 feet of my operations and its on

we can have some real life ghetto pokemon out this piece

i got a big one named micheal clarke duncan that i -was- gonna sell to shaq, but he is ready for battle

dont be tryna sneak no baboons in the ring either

* *
last week u burned a old lady's retina
i thought them thick coke bottle jammies might protect her, but it didnt pa
the ladies blind and its all ya fault

* *
-We all dropped out of school, man. That’s why.

-"I’m the biggest one; I’m gon’ to get shot. I’m bigger. They can see me first."

-I let Nashawn fight all of them. Me, I will fight anyone of them in their crew. I will fight their security g


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Charter member
16201 posts
Sun Sep-07-03 10:12 PM

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81. "RE: i see x tryna move in on my tactical wolverine secu"
In response to Reply # 80



>we can have some real life ghetto pokemon out this piece

That would be the shit if we could keep our pets in balls!!!

It'd be like "FETCH ROVER!!!" And you just release the puppy and he goes and fetch.


<---------------Naima and Nia Simone


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 03:06 AM

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82. "nah. consolidate, cuz. i ain't tryin to take over your"
In response to Reply # 80



wolverine binness. but lets be real for a sec. what are your profit margins? 10-20%? you need to maximize. i think that if you get with our marketing techniques, you'll be in better shape.

now, that Ghetto Pokemon ish got potential... i wonder if they can show blood on fox kids?

Pickawolf, i chooose YOU!! *kid smiles* *let's wolf go*


that could work.

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 07:15 AM

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84. "Mon-key UP! (Yap that foo!)"
In response to Reply # 0



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
7116 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 01:02 PM

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88. "Uhh, watch "Conquest of the Planet of the Apes""
In response to Reply # 0



It will only lead to the Simian revolution, duh.

Russell: Your money is not
their money!

Tate: No, it ain't! You gotta
get your money! They ain't
supposed to have it! So, we
gonna git it, or I don't know

Russell: Well, I do! Yeah, we
gonna git it! You gotta
understand - Tate, here, is
one very mean brother with a
degree from Harvard Law, and
he will go crazy academic on
your ass if you try to mess
with somebody's money!

Tate: Let me rap to them for
a minute, Russell. Listen,
y'all - you ain't even seen
the inside of Hell until
Russell comes busting down on
you with his big-ass
experience as a former editor
of the American Law Review! -


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Charter member
58865 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 02:39 PM

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89. "but what about the wolves and tigers, though?"
In response to Reply # 88



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
10644 posts
Mon Sep-08-03 09:24 PM

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93. "my monkey"
In response to Reply # 0



(words) | | |



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Charter member
58865 posts
Tue Sep-09-03 02:29 AM

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94. "he aight. we need to thug him out, though."
In response to Reply # 93



peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
256 posts
Tue Sep-09-03 03:13 AM

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96. "Apes to match the drapes."
In response to Reply # 0


It'd be on TLC. Kinda like a Queer Eye for a Monkey Guy type thing.

A lot of people have pets, but very few of those pets are really thugged out, dyed, or whatever. A crew could come in, you know, lace them with wolves, monkeys, pandas, etc. Clear out all the old litter boxes, food bowls or whatever and hook 'em up with a new monkeystudio and a dope eucalyptus grove.

Of course, the big pop comes when wifey comes back from visiting her parents. Tears welling up 'n shit.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Tue Sep-09-03 04:34 AM

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97. "see, i thought it was monkeyspect at first, but"
In response to Reply # 96



i was channel surfing one night and caught it, and was like, these dudes *do* got a flair for their monkeys.

>It'd be on TLC. Kinda like a Queer Eye for a Monkey Guy type
>A lot of people have pets, but very few of those pets are
>really thugged out, dyed, or whatever. A crew could come in,
>you know, lace them with wolves, monkeys, pandas, etc. Clear
>out all the old litter boxes, food bowls or whatever and
>hook 'em up with a new monkeystudio and a dope eucalyptus

lol. did you see the one wolf where the dude had tried to dye him and messed up, and his fur was all drab and dingy? and then they rescued his dye job, with that faux finish, and left him with that desert camo effect? i had to admit, that was nice.

and the throwback tiger that looked like he had on an old giants jersey, right down to the helmet? that was too tough. (damn shame he bit that dude up, though, but that's the risks you take).

>Of course, the big pop comes when wifey comes back from
>visiting her parents. Tears welling up 'n shit.

and at the end of the day, isn't that what it's all about. you see how she ain't even notice her lemur when she walked into the room, cause he was maroon and blending with the curtains? and that blond spot on his head matched the embroidery on the top. its a little much if you gonna sport your monkey outside, but if you got a house monkey an he match the curtains that nice, what's really f*cking with that?

peace & blessings,


"I'm on the Zoloft to keep from killing y'all." - Iron Mike

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Charter member
256 posts
Tue Sep-09-03 05:30 AM

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98. "RE: see, i thought it was monkeyspect at first, but"
In response to Reply # 97


I did see that episode. Some of the monkeystylists pretty much turn out a nice monkey every time, but that one chick is definitely monkeyspect. I mean, who wants a damn zebra-print gibbon? You know that shits gettin' dyed back as soon as they switch the cameras off.

I gotta admit though, she used were pretty cute.


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Charter member
27248 posts
Tue Sep-09-03 05:33 AM

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99. "apes that play tapes"
In response to Reply # 0



Dinco D, true visionary.




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