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Subject: "COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Update (3)..." This topic is locked.
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34204 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 12:44 PM

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"COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Update (3)..."
Mon Apr-13-20 12:50 PM by CyrenYoung



*Check the archives for the previous thread(s).

Health care workers and officials are relentlessly working to slow the pace of this pandemic, while actively pushing to develop a cure/vaccine.

Meanwhile: Local, state, & government officials continue placing blame, defending egos, and wasting valuable time & resources.

Here's hoping that you and your family are healthy & home.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
Fans/Critics of Cuomo, can we get a response? (Link/Videos)
Apr 13th 2020
how does shitty NYPD have anything to do with Cuomo?
Apr 13th 2020
      they are acting on Cuomo's draconian policies...
Apr 13th 2020
           ok i checked those links
Apr 14th 2020
                Cuomo's silence is deafening...
Apr 15th 2020
                     this is true. fair enough.
Apr 15th 2020
"Council to Reopen America" announced. ***jerk-off motion***
Apr 13th 2020
how can you reopen something that hasnt been closed?
Apr 13th 2020
It's not like you can magically re-open shit either. No one wants to ge...
Apr 13th 2020
east and west coast states say nah
Apr 13th 2020
Industry scrambles to stop fatal bird flu in South Carolina
Apr 13th 2020
osha announces employers dont have to record covid19 cases.
Apr 13th 2020
Apr 13th 2020
um don't paint all local govt's with the same brush, please
Apr 13th 2020
it says a iot that trumps approval on handling the virus
Apr 13th 2020
exactly. lets hope we all KTSE in November
Apr 13th 2020
I didn't say that at all...
Apr 13th 2020
      RE: I didn't say that at all...
Apr 13th 2020
another bonkers press briefing.
Apr 13th 2020
he constantly sinks to new lows
Apr 13th 2020
My local station cut it off a minute into the propaganda video.
Apr 13th 2020
CNN did basically the same thing
Apr 14th 2020
Apparently he formally announced his dictatorship tonite ?
Apr 13th 2020
      RE: Apparently he formally announced his dictatorship tonite ?
Apr 14th 2020
           We're still doing the "checks and balances" thing ?
Apr 14th 2020
                RE: We're still doing the "checks and balances" thing ...
Apr 14th 2020
The elderly account for almost half of all the Virus-related deaths
Apr 13th 2020
Just wanted to post this here too. Really good all-black-women panel on
Apr 14th 2020
Fascinating/infuriating stuff - thanks for this. Will watch later.
Apr 14th 2020
happy to share!
Apr 15th 2020
thank you thank you ..bookmarking this!
Apr 14th 2020
      lol np!
Apr 15th 2020
thinking more and more about the effects on globalization
Apr 14th 2020
This is basic risk management
Apr 14th 2020
      This crises has exposed the U.S. in so many ways...
Apr 14th 2020
      yeah. all america's sins are laid bare in this.
Apr 14th 2020
      yeah if a crisis don't get us to change ...
Apr 15th 2020
good to see some regionalism from the CA and NY factions
Apr 14th 2020
Anyone else thinking of jumping ship
Apr 14th 2020
RE: Anyone else thinking of jumping ship
Apr 14th 2020
It's not easy but not impossible
Apr 14th 2020
# 41
Apr 15th 2020
Correction: America has ALWAYS BEEN a terrible country...
Apr 15th 2020
      thank you for putting this so succintly.
Apr 18th 2020
i was gonna move to canada on a business or investor visa.
Apr 14th 2020
There's provisions under NAFTA/USMCA that allow Americans to work in
Apr 15th 2020
      correct me if im wrong but i believe those are heavily geared
Apr 15th 2020
      Ya they are, about 1 year with extensions/renewals possible. But
Apr 15th 2020
      on this in particular, I think you were over-complicating it:
Apr 15th 2020
      this is really helpful...thanks
Apr 15th 2020
Apr 15th 2020
Yes, we are planning for Jan/Feb
Apr 14th 2020
That's if you're able to get in as the border is closed to Americans.
Apr 14th 2020
      I'm aware but Jan/Feb is a long way from now.
Apr 15th 2020
unless its Canada, better be ready ot learn a whole new lang and culture
Apr 15th 2020
      what's with this discouraging response?
Apr 15th 2020
      good luck with the TESL thing
Apr 15th 2020
           yeah i'm aware of that too. why?
Apr 18th 2020
                Some people make it work
May 25th 2020
      That's why we're considering New Zealand.
Apr 15th 2020
trump: i will be authorizing governors to reopen their states
Apr 14th 2020
Essence Fest back in 2021:
Apr 15th 2020
It's time to get the FOCK out of america
Apr 15th 2020
the list got me shook for real
Apr 15th 2020
Everybody on there has a clear incentive to open everything up yesterday
Apr 15th 2020
      RE: Everybody on there has a clear incentive to open everything up yeste...
Apr 15th 2020
Face masks are law now in NYS...
Apr 15th 2020
Only now?
Apr 15th 2020
In slightly brighter news, stimulus is rolling out
Apr 15th 2020
RE: In slightly brighter news, stimulus is rolling out
Apr 15th 2020
These fucking idiots are going to get everyone killed
Apr 15th 2020
like 70% of michiganders approve of whitmers handling of the crisis.
Apr 15th 2020
not only Michigan, but it appears to be a firestorm of other states
Apr 16th 2020
      I think "firestorm" isn't the right word.
Apr 16th 2020
yesterday was our deadliest day by far.
Apr 15th 2020
its really stupid
Apr 15th 2020
Well, the peak day will be the worst
Apr 15th 2020
Using crisis to grab power. Trump threatens to adjourn Congress...
Apr 15th 2020
He just cut funding to the WHO.
Apr 15th 2020
Vaccine injury compensation is a thing.
Apr 15th 2020
Please don't go here...
Apr 16th 2020
No, it illustrates the rossover between REAL and FAKE
Apr 16th 2020
RE: Please don't go here...
Apr 16th 2020
      I’m specifically talking about mentioning autism along
Apr 16th 2020
      Can you name a few?
Apr 17th 2020
           RE: Can you name a few?
Apr 17th 2020
Apr 18th 2020
                I know vaccines can have side effects.
Apr 20th 2020
I wish "mass stupidity injury compensation" was a thing.
Apr 22nd 2020
Another 5.2 million new unemployment claims ☹️
Apr 16th 2020
HOLD UP. The NY zipcode with the most cases is named...
Apr 16th 2020
Man, I hope The Beatnuts are okay
Apr 16th 2020
we now have more americans dead than hillary had emails (c) rick wilson
Apr 16th 2020
this bitch is really mad that states are getting too much credit.
Apr 16th 2020
~4600 deaths yesterday. over 2000 more than previous high (day before).
Apr 17th 2020
Repugs SNUCK a tax break for the wealthy into stimulus bill
Apr 17th 2020
Got a link ?
Apr 17th 2020
Apr 17th 2020
      Repugnantcans being repugnant. Jesus.
Apr 17th 2020
      dayum. and ppl out here sweating $1,200
Apr 17th 2020
Are you madder at the DNC for this?
Apr 18th 2020
Thank you for the concern about my emotional well-being
Apr 19th 2020
Or wealthy Dem's stand to benefit from it, hence the non-opposition.
Apr 18th 2020
Stimulus bill wouldn't have been passed without it
Apr 20th 2020
      C'mon fam
Apr 20th 2020
           RE: C'mon fam
Apr 23rd 2020
                RE: Repups wanted to not give ANY stimulus money
Apr 23rd 2020
                     i got no skin in the game to cop pleas for anyone
May 01st 2020
so WWE is essential business in FL.
Apr 17th 2020
today Cuomo had time!!! Damn, he killed Trump
Apr 17th 2020
? Please elaborate !
Apr 17th 2020
      he spent a good 15 minutes shooting down Trump’s BS
Apr 17th 2020
           Fuck yea. Hope this is the start of a trend.
Apr 17th 2020
Good for Cuomo man, hit em.
Apr 17th 2020
Florida man is gonna kill us all. Beaches are packed
Apr 18th 2020
RE: Florida man is gonna kill us all. Beaches are packed
Apr 18th 2020
      But Floridians are not the ones spreading the virus, though.
Apr 18th 2020
           RE: But Floridians are not the ones spreading the virus, though.
Apr 18th 2020
           25,000+ cases in Florida......that’s not exactly insignificant
Apr 19th 2020
apparently there have been 6000+ deaths in the last 24 hrs.
Apr 18th 2020
I don't know about this one. I've been using this...
Apr 18th 2020
why aren’t these protesters being arrested? ITWABM/W
Apr 20th 2020
Even San Diego has the BULLSHIT
Apr 20th 2020
We'd be gone if it was easier to do so
Apr 20th 2020
"respect authority" "simple dont break the law"
Apr 20th 2020
Georgia folks, you going out and getting a cut on Friday?
Apr 20th 2020
I'm old enough to remember when Brian Kemp was the last motherfucker on ...
Apr 20th 2020
Apr 21st 2020
forget all that! what about Magic City?!
Apr 21st 2020
hell the fuck no
Apr 21st 2020
I'm not going to a barbershop until there's a vaccine
Apr 21st 2020
This is fucking infuriating.
Apr 22nd 2020
      Though exceptions and laws are being made, this actually isn't true ...
Apr 22nd 2020
           Thanks for the insight. You definitely know more about this than I do.
Apr 22nd 2020
My latest conspiracy theory is this whole "Open Up America!" movement...
Apr 21st 2020
I don't know that I'd classify that as a 'conspiracy theory'
Apr 21st 2020
I don't believe this at all
Apr 21st 2020
I dont think it's as much planned
Apr 21st 2020
Nah, they've been organizing these things for a little while
Apr 21st 2020
Apr 21st 2020
they openly talk about it in right wing circles.
Apr 21st 2020
think about how this affects unemployment filing
Apr 22nd 2020
I see it like Romney's "47%" comment.
Apr 22nd 2020
      voters 65+ seem to be reacting negatively to all of this.
Apr 22nd 2020
           Yeah I saw some stories to that effect this morning.
Apr 22nd 2020
Kemp is a dick for reopening but it’s on US not to patronize those pla...
Apr 21st 2020
The Real Reason for Gov. Kemp's Reopening of Georgia
Apr 22nd 2020
Crazy twitter thread about the "Anti-Mask League" in 1918/1919
Apr 21st 2020
we have reached the part where repubs are now accusing nurses
Apr 22nd 2020
why wont they show their faces? *hmm emoji*
Apr 22nd 2020
theyre officially throwing alex azar under the bus.
Apr 22nd 2020
Mayor of Las Vegas offers her citizens up as tribute (vid)
Apr 22nd 2020
Let the record show; IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC, Congress is on
Apr 22nd 2020
Dude,I know watching KLAN vs Foodies rallies and smoking weed on
Apr 22nd 2020
      Weird that you cut the 2nd half of that article
Apr 23rd 2020
Apr 23rd 2020
                vote by proxy scrapped...congress is still in recess
Apr 24th 2020
                     The house passed the bill YESTERDAY before you replied
Apr 24th 2020
                          they still on recess?
Apr 30th 2020
trump threw brian kemp under the bus lol
Apr 22nd 2020
trump praised kemp behind the scenes on tuesday
Apr 22nd 2020
      How do you know Kemp’s team recorded this? I do believe they leaked it
Apr 22nd 2020
           because everyone records trump lol.
Apr 22nd 2020
the chyron:
Apr 22nd 2020
CNN is kinda wilding right now
Apr 22nd 2020
everything is flopping for republicans.
Apr 23rd 2020
all job gains created after the great recession are now gone.
Apr 23rd 2020
Elizabeth Warren lost her brother.
Apr 23rd 2020
damn. and i skimmed a minute knowing what to expect
Apr 23rd 2020
Cuomo ethers Cocaine Mitch.
Apr 23rd 2020
Fred the Godson passed from COVID
Apr 23rd 2020
Damn I remember seeing a couple of weeks ago he had turned for the worse
Apr 23rd 2020
Rest in peace, Fred The Godson. :(
Apr 23rd 2020
Trump bout to have folks injecting Lysol & cooking themselves in tanning...
Apr 23rd 2020
hypothetically...lets say that these people were trying to kill everyone...
Apr 23rd 2020
Birx finally fed up:
Apr 23rd 2020
If ANYONE you knows supports him then GHOST THEM
Apr 23rd 2020
Apr 24th 2020
Birx & Fauci just won't be there until the next news cycle.
Apr 24th 2020
Truly hate to say it but you might be right.
Apr 24th 2020
Trump is a master at this shit
Apr 24th 2020
Looks like he's going with option 2.
Apr 24th 2020
His statement on bleach
Apr 24th 2020
      RE: His statement on bleach
Apr 24th 2020
           Yea this was classic. The "me ?!" cracked me up.
Apr 25th 2020
Cuomo just dared McConnell to allow states...
Apr 24th 2020
Trump RE disinfectants: It was just jokes....I was foolin y'all
Apr 24th 2020
Apr 24th 2020
so best case scenario and every benefit of the doubt
Apr 24th 2020
      ^ word.
Apr 24th 2020
Well, Nebraska to tentatively begin re-opening May 4th.
Apr 24th 2020
according to conservatives, trust these two random doctor's from Bakersf...
Apr 25th 2020
Fucking creeps.
Apr 25th 2020
What are they saying??
Apr 25th 2020
      The argument (and it could be true, just way premature),
Apr 25th 2020
           i havent watched the video but do they consider
Apr 25th 2020
                Don't watch it. It's not worth your time.
Apr 25th 2020
                     my nephew posted that dr erickson video in family group chat smh.
Apr 28th 2020
Tyler Perry somehow someway has a sorta good idea to film his shows:
Apr 25th 2020
And now Scarface is on dialysis.
Apr 26th 2020
Good interview with Face and Willie Dee (video)
Apr 27th 2020
New Yorker article about New York's response
Apr 27th 2020
Does your town have COVID deniers protesting?
Apr 27th 2020
These stories about dogs and cats having COVID-19 make me think
Apr 28th 2020
if they don't, even more lives could be unnecessarily @ risk...
Apr 28th 2020
RE: These stories about dogs and cats having COVID-19 make me think
Apr 29th 2020
nurse claims NY is 'murdering' COVID-19 patients by putting them on vent...
Apr 28th 2020
Whitehouse release Cov-19 Commerciatve Coins
Apr 29th 2020
I don't think that store has any official ties to The White House.
May 01st 2020
I fear that this is going to impinge upon our human rights, and lead
Apr 29th 2020
^^Super ridiculous example there but I kind of see it and disagree
Apr 30th 2020
      RE: ^^Super ridiculous example there but I kind of see it and disagree
Apr 30th 2020
Apr 30th 2020
                RE: WHAT?????????????????????????????????????
Apr 30th 2020
                     You are super awesome bro
Apr 30th 2020
                          RE: You are super awesome bro
Apr 30th 2020
                               Super AWESOME!!
Apr 30th 2020
blackface obama dance at reopen michigan rally.
May 01st 2020
"But they are fighting for our rights!"
May 01st 2020
i have no idea why repubs are doubling down
May 01st 2020
the only reason they do anything: money
May 01st 2020
yup yup.
May 03rd 2020
It's becuase IT IS WHO THEY ARE
May 01st 2020
this too.
May 03rd 2020
they can't do otherwise without burning their rule book
May 03rd 2020
      lol @ you showing exactly why in your post
May 03rd 2020
we just reported our deadliest day. as states are opening up.
May 03rd 2020
It's still going to get worse
May 03rd 2020
70+% of people who claimed unemployment havent received payments.
May 03rd 2020
Why does the CDC show only 37,000 COVID-19 deaths?
May 03rd 2020
This article covers it
May 03rd 2020
The clown show continues in San Deigo - wearing a KKK hood for a mask
May 04th 2020
May 04th 2020
Sad but not surprised that this happened in Klantee
May 04th 2020
Santee back again - now with swastikas !!!!!
May 09th 2020
these videos of protesters all in cops faces
May 04th 2020
RE: these videos of protesters all in cops faces
May 04th 2020
Trump Administration Models Predict Near Doubling of Daily Death Toll by...
May 04th 2020
Basically a 9/11 a day
May 04th 2020
How to win a second term? Kill off voters in urban areas
May 05th 2020
This is kind of interesting...
May 05th 2020
Wisdom from " VIBRATE HEALING with Sarah???"
May 05th 2020
      thanks for updating the link
May 05th 2020
May 05th 2020
Dr. Rick Bight's files whistleblower complaint
May 05th 2020
Special Counsel determines sufficient grounds to believe retaliation
May 08th 2020
are we gonna be to sick to vote?
May 05th 2020
white supremacists discussed using virus as a bioweapon
May 06th 2020
I've got a 4-count on Plandemic truthers so far as well
May 07th 2020
Native American Health Center asked for supplies got body bags (swipe)
May 06th 2020
Word around the campfire is America reopens by July 1st...
May 07th 2020
the porn industry could teach us how to test & trace (swipe):
May 08th 2020
White House refuses to hear any additional stimulus legislation in May
May 08th 2020
Stephen Miller's wife caught the hoax
May 08th 2020
I don't wish death on anybody
May 08th 2020
11 Cases in the Secret Service
May 08th 2020
      This means Melania has to have it since she is fucking 2 of them
May 08th 2020
May 09th 2020
Roy of 'Siegfried and Roy' fame dies of COVID-19
May 08th 2020
COVID-19 Took Black Lives First. It Didn't Have to. (Swipe)
May 09th 2020
This Made me smile (Wuhan Virus aint nuthing to...)
May 09th 2020
The right is now gearing up anti-vax narrative
May 09th 2020
theres a transnational syndicate carrying this stuff out.
May 11th 2020
      The Unbelievable Story Of The Plot Against George Soros (Swipe)
May 11th 2020
           great article.
May 11th 2020
Fed Government turned down company's offer to make 7 mil N95 masks (link...
May 09th 2020
why isnt the press more curious about *why* this is happening?
May 11th 2020
Trump answers the tough questions (link)
May 11th 2020
May 11th 2020
This needs a real source
May 11th 2020
      yeah it was a joke.
May 11th 2020
           You playin' with my emotions
May 11th 2020
Live Coverage of Senate Committe Hearing with Fauci Testimony
May 12th 2020
LA to keep stay at home order in place through July
May 12th 2020
we're getting used to no smog and traffic
May 12th 2020
Slow, rolling open unique to LA County. Nothing has changed.
May 12th 2020
Cal State Univ system (23 campuses) plan to cancel fall in person classe...
May 12th 2020
The Four Men Responsible For America’s COVID-19 Test Disaster (Swipe)
May 13th 2020
Trump and task force pushing CDC to reduce # of deaths counted (link)
May 13th 2020
Whistleblower warns US of 'darkest winter in modern history' in testimon...
May 13th 2020
this and the cdc calculation shit
May 13th 2020
Right wingers swear this is all in an attempt to beat Trump
May 14th 2020
May 14th 2020
RE: .
May 15th 2020
      the typa context the media needs to do a much better job reporting
May 15th 2020
i still cant believe we live in country dumb enough
May 15th 2020
87,000 U.S. dead as of 5/15/2020
May 15th 2020
fam this shit looks like a real life haunted house or nightmare sequence
May 15th 2020
and of course trump amplifies it.
May 15th 2020
it's horrifying on its face. the president saying journalism isn't essen...
May 15th 2020
Anyone who thinks Trump cant win is fooling themselves.
May 16th 2020
      RE: Anyone who thinks Trump cant win is fooling themselves.
May 16th 2020
           Not sure what to believe but these white folks are scary af
May 17th 2020
Gov. Kemp apologizes after chart mistakenly shows downward trend (link)
May 17th 2020
This motherfucker seriously put the days in the wrong order.
May 17th 2020
Promising early results from vaccine trial
May 18th 2020
Donald Trump is taking an experimental drug - Fox is shook
May 18th 2020
He is lying through his hydroxy-ass
May 18th 2020
I can't wait for the no I didn't say that
May 19th 2020
welp... Pops (age 80) tested positive yesterday, stuck in hospital Covid...
May 19th 2020
have (had?) covid
May 19th 2020
300 and 301, I hope you both recover
May 20th 2020
RE: 300 and 301, I hope you both recover
May 22nd 2020
Damn, man. Congrats on making it through - stay strong
May 20th 2020
      i appreciate it
May 22nd 2020
Fla. COVID-19 Data Chief responsible for dashboard fired
May 19th 2020
Rebekah Jones to make public statement Thursday ( swipeupdate)
May 25th 2020
Lockdown Delays Cost at Least 36,000 Lives, Data Show (Swipe)
May 21st 2020
We'll be able to do it better next time
May 21st 2020
DC we are starting to reopen next Friday. Y'all ready???
May 21st 2020
My 12-year-old nephew has experienced covid toe since May 1
May 22nd 2020
RE: My 12-year-old nephew has experienced covid toe since May 1
May 22nd 2020
In good news, Cameroon Pastor claiming to heal Corona dies of Corona
May 22nd 2020
Coronavirus Does Not Spread Easily on Surfaces, C.D.C. Says
May 23rd 2020
So all that to say that it does and has spread via surfaces lol
May 23rd 2020
      But from a risk management standpoint it's not as dangerous as it could ...
May 25th 2020
Front page of NYT
May 23rd 2020
Remembering the nearly 100,000 Lives Lost (NY Times Interactive Link)
May 24th 2020
Microdroplets Suspending in Air (Video)
May 24th 2020
i think this memorial day weekend is gonna go down in history.
May 24th 2020

Charter member
34204 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 12:59 PM

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1. "Fans/Critics of Cuomo, can we get a response? (Link/Videos)"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon Apr-13-20 01:06 PM by CyrenYoung


   agenda, but this is not a good look:

*Edit (for proper context):

Rebecca Kavanagh
Apr 11

Cell phone video shot yesterday on the 145th Street subway platform in Harlem shows a group of NYPD officers terrorizing a little boy for allegedly selling candy.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Member since Sep 12th 2002
35982 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 05:50 PM

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9. "how does shitty NYPD have anything to do with Cuomo?"
In response to Reply # 1


i haven't been watching his updates so am i missing something?

has he told police to do this?



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Charter member
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Mon Apr-13-20 06:49 PM

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16. "they are acting on Cuomo's draconian policies..."
In response to Reply # 9



*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Member since Sep 12th 2002
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Tue Apr-14-20 04:06 PM

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31. "ok i checked those links"
In response to Reply # 16


yes Cuomo has been a shitty governor, but i don't absolve individual police for their actions on behalf of the Police State

nan person can successfully direct me to beat down a defenseless human being. I wouldn't do it..fuck the job

alls I'm saying is, i'm not letting them off the hook. they can follow his draconian policy WITHOUT behaving in an inhumane way.



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34204 posts
Wed Apr-15-20 12:07 AM

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42. "Cuomo's silence is deafening..."
In response to Reply # 31



..I actually hold him and Deblasio equally responsible, as well as the direct officers involved.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Member since Sep 12th 2002
35982 posts
Wed Apr-15-20 08:55 AM

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49. "this is true. fair enough."
In response to Reply # 42



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Member since Dec 06th 2004
44905 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 01:51 PM

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2. ""Council to Reopen America" announced. ***jerk-off motion***"
In response to Reply # 0



As expected, it's the usual collection of clowns and disaster capitalists: Ivanka, Jared, Mnuchin, Wilbur Ross, Larry Kudlow, etc.

This is largely a waste of time, because it's really up to the state and local governments to decide when is the right time to "reopen."

Also, as everyone should now, "re-opening" the country without mass and expedient testing is a recipe for disaster. Even if it's a "rolling" re-opening.


Checkin' Our Style, Return To Zero:


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mista k5
Member since Feb 01st 2006
16575 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 02:33 PM

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4. "how can you reopen something that hasnt been closed?"
In response to Reply # 2




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Member since Feb 13th 2003
5659 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 02:47 PM

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5. "It's not like you can magically re-open shit either. No one wants to ge..."
In response to Reply # 4



45 could proclaim Reopening Day, but still no one going to fly, no one going to stay in hotels, restaurants still gonna be crushed, concert venues still busted, still gonna be massive unemployment and still gonna be bodies piling up.

You can't wave that off and just proclaim this shit solved.

In a generation of swine, the one-eyed pig is king.
-Hunter S. Thompson


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15505 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 07:12 PM

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18. "east and west coast states say nah "
In response to Reply # 2




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1725 posts
Mon Apr-13-20 02:02 PM

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3. "Industry scrambles to stop fatal bird flu in South Carolina"
In response to Reply # 0



The good thing is that they had it contained....or did they?
And this is why what I was talking about in the CVU(2)thread is very concerning. These mutations are happening at a faster rate than every 50-100 years. Commercialized factory farming, where these animals are on top of each other in the most unhygienic buildings, are creating super pathogens we have no immunity to.
This current pandemic wasn't something created in a lab, this is something that has been seen before; whether 1918 to 1950's to the early 2000's.
And if this fatal strain of bird flu somehow combines with this strain of coronavirus to make something new, then the world would be in more serious trouble.
There has to be a way to curb the industry so pathogens like this stop popping up.
Also, somehow shut down those wet markets across the globe.

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — An infectious and fatal strain of bird flu has been confirmed in a commercial turkey flock in South Carolina, the first case of the more serious strain of the disease in the United States since 2017 and a worrisome development for an industry that was devastated by previous outbreaks.

The high pathogenic case was found at an operation in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, marking the first case of the more dangerous strain since one found in a Tennessee chicken flock in 2017. In 2015, an estimated 50 million poultry had to be killed at operations mainly in the Upper Midwest after infections spread throughout the region.

“Yes, it’s concerning when we see cases, but we are prepared to respond very quickly and that was done in this case,” said Lyndsay Cole, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

The USDA has been working in recent months with scientists and farmers in North Carolina and South Carolina, where a low pathogenic — or less severe — strain of bird flu had been detected.

Low pathogenic bird flu causes few clinical signs in infected birds. However, two strains of low pathogenic bird flu — the H5 and H7 strains — can mutate into highly pathogenic forms, which are frequently fatal to birds and easily transmissible between susceptible species.

Low pathogenic cases were already in an area near the South Carolina and North Carolina state line and USDA was closely monitoring and testing. The case in Chesterfield County, South Carolina was expected to be another low pathogenic case, but it came back from the laboratory high pathogenic which means the less severe virus mutated into the more severe version, Cole said.

“Our scientists at the National Veterinary Services Laboratory had looked at the virus characteristics of the low path virus and they had previously indicated that this was one that was probably likely to mutate so they were watching it very closely,” Cole said.

A laboratory in Ames, Iowa, confirmed the virus with that had been killing turkeys was a high pathogenic H7N3 strain of avian influenza.

A report on the outbreak indicates in was discovered on April 6. It has killed 1,583 turkeys and the remainder of the 32,577 birds in the flock were euthanized.

State officials quarantined the farm, movement controls were implemented and enhanced surveillance was already in place in the area.

“The flock was quickly depopulated and will not enter the marketplace,” said Joel Brandenberger, president of the National Turkey Federation, an industry trade group. “Thorough disinfecting and cleaning procedures have already been initiated on premises as well as surveillance of commercial flocks in the surrounding area. This occurrence poses no threat to public health. Turkey products remain safe and nutritious.”

He said poultry farmers implement strict biosecurity measures year-round and routinely test flocks for avian influenza.

These measures were implemented after an H5N2 avian influenza outbreak that began in December 2014 swept commercial chicken, egg laying and turkey populations throughout much of 2015 killing 50 million birds and causing as much as $3 billion in economic damage. That outbreak is believed to have originated in wild birds.

Nearly 90 percent of the bird losses were on egg-laying chicken farms in Iowa and turkey farms in Minnesota. The bulk of other cases occurred in the adjacent states of Nebraska, Wisconsin, and South Dakota.

Cole said since 2015 significant planning, exercises and coordination has occurred between the federal government, state agencies and the industry.

Cole said the coronavirus pandemic has not affected the ability of the government to respond to the bird flu.

A highly pathogenic H7N9 bird flu strain was detected in Lincoln County, Tennessee, in a chicken flock of 73,500 birds in early March 2017. Ten days later samples from a commercial flock less than two miles away also tested positive for the same strain. The birds were euthanized and buried and the virus didn’t spread further indicating immediate mitigation action can stop spread.


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Mon Apr-13-20 03:36 PM

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6. "osha announces employers dont have to record covid19 cases."
In response to Reply # 0
Mon Apr-13-20 04:05 PM by Reeq


these people are ghouls.

meanwhile a pork plant in south dakota had to shut down due to an outbreak of coronavirus infections. they accounted for half the confirmed cases in the entire state.

meat plants in places like pa and ia have shut down under similar circumstances too. it looks like the food supply is starting to get disrupted (which is another story).


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Mon Apr-13-20 03:44 PM

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7. "WTF"
In response to Reply # 6


I work OSHA-adjacent and am appalled by this.


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Mon Apr-13-20 05:49 PM

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8. "um don't paint all local govt's with the same brush, please"
In response to Reply # 0


the lack of a coordinated national response is at fault for all the states being left to fend for themselves (or not), so please place the blame where it belongs

Every other country has responded nationally, except us.


Trump and his minions want the death and destruction..this plays right into their fucking greedy cruel hands

they want the "blue" states to suffer. they want Black people to suffer.

The cruelty is the point.



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Mon Apr-13-20 05:58 PM

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11. "it says a iot that trumps approval on handling the virus"
In response to Reply # 8


is falling and currently underwater in every reputable poll.

and the governors who are implementing shutdowns and doing the best they can without the fed govt are skyrocketing into 70+% approval.

the people get it.


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Mon Apr-13-20 06:38 PM

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14. "exactly. lets hope we all KTSE in November"
In response to Reply # 11


he must go.

bruh, he's trying to sacrifice the post office just so we can't vote by mail



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Mon Apr-13-20 07:02 PM

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17. "I didn't say that at all..."
In response to Reply # 8
Mon Apr-13-20 07:04 PM by CyrenYoung



>the lack of a coordinated national response is at fault for
>all the states being left to fend for themselves (or not), so
>please place the blame where it belongs

The lack of a coordinated national response is precisely why I included local, state, and government officials. As of today, they're still arguing about the right steps to take and continue playing the blame game. There are biases being exposed and its clear that financial agendas trump health & humanity for some of these elected officials (pun intended).

>Trump and his minions want the death and destruction..this
>plays right into their fucking greedy cruel hands
>they want the "blue" states to suffer. they want Black people
>to suffer.
>The cruelty is the point.

You have a right to your opinion (it could very well be true), but this is bigger than political affiliation. Its not blue vs red state when everyone is at risk.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Mon Apr-13-20 07:30 PM

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19. "RE: I didn't say that at all..."
In response to Reply # 17


>The lack of a coordinated national response is precisely why I
>included local, state, and government officials. As of today,
>they're still arguing about the right steps to take and
>continue playing the blame game.

and i was making the point that that's by design. and if your reference to 'blame game' is about them blaming the feds, their complaints are legit.

There are biases being
>exposed and its clear that financial agendas trump health &
>humanity for some of these elected officials (pun intended).

yup, very true.

>You have a right to your opinion (it could very well be true),
>but this is bigger than political affiliation. Its not blue vs
>red state when everyone is at risk.

I totally agree with you...i'm describing the Trump admin's point of view, not my own. red vs blue is bullshit when it comes to this public health crisis.

He's the one stoking this Battle Royale for everything its worth.

That's what I'm saying...he's pitting the states against each other by outbidding them on the open markets and/or seizing some PPE from "blue" states (that's why its in quotes cuz its bullshit) and sending his favored governors what they need.

he doesn't care at all for the lives lost. its all political score cards to him and his team.

>*skatin' the rings of saturn*
>..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Mon Apr-13-20 05:55 PM

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10. "another bonkers press briefing."
In response to Reply # 0


this felt like it was months ago...


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12. "he constantly sinks to new lows"
In response to Reply # 10



I had as little respect for him as one could possibly have back in 2016, and he’s still managed to fall insanely short of my incredibly low expectations of him.

He’s one of the worst human beings in world history.


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13. "My local station cut it off a minute into the propaganda video."
In response to Reply # 10





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26. "CNN did basically the same thing"
In response to Reply # 13



cut away to fact check


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Mon Apr-13-20 07:42 PM

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20. "Apparently he formally announced his dictatorship tonite ?"
In response to Reply # 10


Good for this reporter:

Obviously those of us with brains have seen it coming for years but I think this it the first time he's come out and said it this explicitly ?

He even mentioned his intention to "draft papers." We've been fucked for a while but damn.


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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Tue Apr-14-20 09:48 AM

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22. "RE: Apparently he formally announced his dictatorship tonite ?"
In response to Reply # 20
Tue Apr-14-20 09:51 AM by allStah


It does not matter. He does not have that kind of power. He does not realize that we have a check and balance system that keeps all forms of government under control.
He can draft all he wants to, but nothing will come to fruition.


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Member since Nov 23rd 2002
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Tue Apr-14-20 09:57 AM

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23. "We're still doing the "checks and balances" thing ?"
In response to Reply # 22
Tue Apr-14-20 09:58 AM by Brew


>It does not matter. He does not have that kind of power. He
>does not realize that we have a check and balance system that
>keeps all forms of government under control.
>He can draft all he wants to, but nothing will come to

I hope you're being sarcastic. Even my most ardent left-wing friends were saying those exact words after the election in 2016. "Yea this is bad but thank god for checks and balances"

How's that worked out so far.

Edit: sorry for sounding like such a dick here - my vitriol is of course not aimed at you. Just frustrated with everything, obviously.


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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Tue Apr-14-20 11:08 AM

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27. "RE: We're still doing the "checks and balances" thing ..."
In response to Reply # 23
Tue Apr-14-20 11:09 AM by allStah


It has worked out just fine. Trump has not done anything that he is not entitled or has power to do. That’s fact.

Presidents can issue executive orders. That is why every president comes into office and immediately changes the executive orders of the previous president. However, executive orders are not legislative laws, only congress can push that. That’s why when Lincoln issued an executive order to abolish slavery in 1863 it didn’t mean much, and people still owned slaves. However, in 1865, once it was passed as a legislation and added to the constitution, it became an official law of the land. ...that’s check and balance. There is no way around it.

2/3rd of Congress will always have more power than the president when it comes to declaring wars, issuing laws, etc . A president cannot engage the country in an armed conflict nationally or internationally without consent of congress. So this I am king over the states is just pure verbiage. The states created the federal government by forming a union, not the other way around.


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Shaun Tha Don
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Mon Apr-13-20 06:44 PM

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15. "The elderly account for almost half of all the Virus-related deaths"
In response to Reply # 0


where I'm from. The nursery home is just not the place to be.


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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Tue Apr-14-20 09:35 AM

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21. "Just wanted to post this here too. Really good all-black-women panel on"
In response to Reply # 0


the crisis hosted by Angela Rye. Highly recommend:

Black Women Speak: The Politics of COVID-19.
Did you know Black people are disproportionately affected by and dying with COVID-19? It’s time to take matters into our own hands. In this discussion, Angela Rye called on the justice league of Black Women commentators—

Joy Reid,
Amanda Seales,
Jemele Hill,
Sunny Hostin,
Tiffany Cross,
Errin Haines,
Brittany Packnett Cunningham

to help America understand the politics and racial disparities associated with corona virus.

^^I kind of just stumbled upon it and couldn't stop watching/listening. Really good mix of perspectives and I'd enjoy seeing the same group tackle other topics, for example as a weekly web or cable series.

It's about 1.5h long and just a gently mediated talk - centered on black American experiences - about community-specific risks, impacts, and possible strategies to deal with the pandemic. They touch on lots of angles including (but not limited to):

-thinking about how to message risk communications to get people to care and galvanize across different black experiences;

-commentary about the ingenuity/resilience of folks creating makeshift PPE in the face of shortages/lacking access, and also the racial profiling layer with respect to higher risk of targeting by LE when wearing PPE and/or having to venture to wealthier neighborhoods just to find essentials in the first place;

-barriers to accessing stimulus assistance like owing back child support, lower rate of homeownership (where Sunny speaks from a legal perspective just how unprotected renters are), having a small biz but not employing enough staff by a certain time to qualify for help with payroll, having priors, etc;

-larger proportion of single-parent homes (the parents, aunts/uncles, grandparents of which are the higher risk black folk with chronic conditions leaving kids behind with less caregivers);

And one part I found the most interesting, Sunny summarizes some chatter happening in (black) legal circles laying out what she believes could take the form of a class action, centered on the disproportionate impact that negligent decision-making, failure to test, failure to treat, etc is inflicting on black families during the crisis.


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Tue Apr-14-20 10:07 AM

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24. "Fascinating/infuriating stuff - thanks for this. Will watch later."
In response to Reply # 21



"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Wed Apr-15-20 12:13 AM

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45. "happy to share!"
In response to Reply # 24



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Tue Apr-14-20 06:59 PM

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39. "thank you thank you ..bookmarking this!"
In response to Reply # 21



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Wed Apr-15-20 12:12 AM

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44. "lol np! "
In response to Reply # 39



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Tue Apr-14-20 10:55 AM

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25. "thinking more and more about the effects on globalization"
In response to Reply # 0



after all the dust settles from this

a push towards the idea that some goods and services like med supplies need to be produced here.


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Tue Apr-14-20 11:41 AM

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28. "This is basic risk management"
In response to Reply # 25


>a push towards the idea that some goods and services like med
>supplies need to be produced here.

The reason they aren't is because someone could make $1 more by having it done elsewhere.

I hope people see certain industries and functions should not be driven solely by profit.

We'll see.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Tue Apr-14-20 12:11 PM

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29. "This crises has exposed the U.S. in so many ways..."
In response to Reply # 28



..From infrastructure to industry.

We've always known that our jobs/livelihood were sacrificed for profit. For years people leveraged others for the sake of financial gain.

Right now, we have calls for volunteers to participate in manufacturing PPEs and other resources needed to help quell this pandemic. We know that certain industries closed up shop here years ago in favor of lower wages and larger profit margins overseas. If they don't see the urgent need to maintain the balance at home at all times, we're doomed to repeat these scenarios (or worst).

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Tue Apr-14-20 05:34 PM

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34. "yeah. all america's sins are laid bare in this. "
In response to Reply # 29



- lack of universal healthcare = colossal health and economic risk
- healthcare tied to employment is stupid.
- inequity and inverted prioritization of gov't (under good circumstances, not even counting trump fuckery)
- trump fuckery: power motivation is so strong someone can do (pick any 2 things he's done) and face no consequences or pushback
- extreme outsourcing = economic and security risk. we need ability to have a critical supply chain for food, medical and other goods, with a certain percentage home grown

that's a lot of big ticket shit. if hrc woulda won (extending obama presidency) i think we could have been much closer to a public option, which could have morphed into m4a by her 2nd term). *maybe* we can get some kind of public option / m4a-ish solution as a result of this complete and total disaster. but then again, you still got states that ain't even on lockdown, and ppl protesting to kick off corona part 2.

peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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Wed Apr-15-20 08:49 AM

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48. "yeah if a crisis don't get us to change ..."
In response to Reply # 28



>>a push towards the idea that some goods and services like
>>supplies need to be produced here.
>The reason they aren't is because someone could make $1 more
>by having it done elsewhere.
>I hope people see certain industries and functions should not
>be driven solely by profit.

>We'll see.

but we'll see though

Because I can see the needle moving back towards a nationalist sentiment in countries. I hope that doesn't happen, and that we just focus on certain industries and functions producing shit in our own borders.


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Dr Claw
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Tue Apr-14-20 04:03 PM

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30. "good to see some regionalism from the CA and NY factions"
In response to Reply # 0



in considering when to ease restrictions. because interstate travel and commerce, of course.

but... none of this can really open back up unless there is widespread testing and isolation guidelines to which the country tightly adheres.

and that's before medicine catches up.

the USA is uniquely screwed in this regard. even if you get rid of Trump and that shithole federal government, you still got the rogue's gallery of governors: Ass-bott (TX), Shitt (OK), Ivey (AL), Reeves (MS), Lyin' Kemp (GA), McBastard (SC), De-Scam-Tis (FL) and others fucking it up for everyone else.

Yes, I'm mad. Let's move on.

Jays | Cavs | Eagles | Sabres | Tarheels

PSN: Dr_Claw_77 | XBL: Dr Claw 077 | FB: drclaw077 | T: @drclaw77 |


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Tue Apr-14-20 04:12 PM

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32. "Anyone else thinking of jumping ship"
In response to Reply # 0



My wife and I had a serious conversation about leaving the US. We both have savings, we own a house that has equity, we don;t have children, and she has family in NZ that has offered to help us get situated. (Her cousin left after Bush 43 was elected)

I personally do not/cannot trust this country. Way to many failing for what benefits? I can't fathom that leaving in NZ would be worse than here. My parents did it, they left a country searching for better. Why not us.

If a fat guy falls in the woods and there is no one around to see it, do the trees laugh?


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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Tue Apr-14-20 04:53 PM

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33. "RE: Anyone else thinking of jumping ship"
In response to Reply # 32


If it were easy, a lot of people would have done it already. I would have left years ago for Canada.

It’s not that easy. Being an immigrant in a another country is very difficult, which puts you on the other side of the fence. America has become a terrible country. However, as a citizen you still have rights and civil liberties.

In order to live and work in another country, you have to possess a certain skill or have a certain trade the country can use, or be sponsored by a company or job to work and and live in a particular country. Or you can apply or seek asylum. Canada gets a boat load of applications from Americans seeking asylum. It’s crazy. To me racism and capitalism are a threat and danger to life, so I would seek asylum ,too. I imagine all applicants get rejected, though, since it’s not the same as a person trying to escape war, death or famine in their homeland


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Tue Apr-14-20 06:46 PM

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38. "It's not easy but not impossible"
In response to Reply # 33


just takes research and planning.

there are also some countries that actually do make it easy for American expats



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Wed Apr-15-20 12:09 AM

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43. "# 41"
In response to Reply # 33


it's actually a relatively painless mechanism for skilled professionals. I'm not sure whether many Americans even realize it's available to them.

The problem now tho is the pandemic making job searches tough for the next while.

But worth looking into for folks very interested


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Wed Apr-15-20 12:10 PM

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57. "Correction: America has ALWAYS BEEN a terrible country..."
In response to Reply # 33



>It’s not that easy. Being an immigrant in a another country
>is very difficult, which puts you on the other side of the
>fence. America has become a terrible country. However, as a
>citizen you still have rights and civil liberties.

I know what you meant, but I just wanted it on record in this convo (since this will be archived).

This country was founded on slavery, genocide, and theft. Its been the worst country in the world since its inception, and until they right those wrongs, they'll always remain in that pole position.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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110. "thank you for putting this so succintly."
In response to Reply # 57


Coming to this realization and acceptance over the last 5 years has been devastating for me because I grew up believing the hype about America, and really bought into Obama's hope and change....I barely understood they way capitalism and government worked back then.

I definitely have to thank the Trump Era for shaking me out of that doldrum. This place is fucking trash and I can't wait to be able to leave.



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Tue Apr-14-20 06:19 PM

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36. "i was gonna move to canada on a business or investor visa."
In response to Reply # 32


that was the fastest way to jump the line and also go from temp to permanent resident if you can afford it.

i was also thinking about enrolling in a college up there and just spending a few years as a visitor to see if things cooled off. i got a hookup at ryerson in toronto too. and i could prolly get a post grad work permit to extend the 'trial' a few more years.

ultimately i felt like id never be able to sleep at night if i left the rest of my family here to deal with this shit on their own.


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Wed Apr-15-20 12:03 AM

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41. "There's provisions under NAFTA/USMCA that allow Americans to work in "
In response to Reply # 36
Wed Apr-15-20 12:04 AM by kfine


Canada (for a temporary period with renewals) through an expedited work permit approval process, as long as they can qualify under one of the eligible job titles (they're listed under section 3.8 in the below link):

If you google TN professionals or NAFTA work permit or TN visas the results that come up most frequently are resources for Canadian or Mexican citizens seeking/able to work in the US, which I think might lead people to not realize there's full reciprocity in the agreement.

TNs are pretty popular bc once a job offer is secured the applicant can just focus on getting their paper work together (offer letter, credentials, passport, etc) and get processed right at the border/a port of entry same day.

More links:


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Wed Apr-15-20 01:05 AM

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46. "correct me if im wrong but i believe those are heavily geared"
In response to Reply # 41


torward temporary work (some sort of estimated start/end date). and part of the reason for the nature of expedited admission is because youre agreeing to only serve a specific purpose then get your ass out lol.

its fairly strict what you can/cant do within the country too (to discourage any notion of extended residence). the most common form of illegal immigration isnt border crossing but overstaying these type of employment visas and going below the radar. so they pay particular attention to the type of behavior that usually precedes that.

i think the op (and the person you replied to up there) was talking about long term emigration tho. and the type of options that are more long term or open ended and providing a pathway to permanent residence/citizenship (like employment/skills visas that you just keep renewing as long as you are employed).

one of the biggest barriers to employment related entry/residence is that you typically have to *already* be hired by a company up there. and you cant stay for an extended period of time up there just to search for employment (its specifically forbidden and they will check to see how/when you were hired). if you violate could be banned from traveling there period.

when i first started digging around...i was looking at going up there for the typical max 3/6 month visa-free stay. then getting an apt off the books or airbnb while looking for a job (im self employed so i technically dont need it to support myself...just to secure the visa). then coming back and applying for the proper visa when i got the employment offer.

after researching a bunch of personal anecdotes on expat boards and speaking to somebody at a consulate down here...i decided it wasnt worth the risk of getting banned.


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Wed Apr-15-20 09:20 AM

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53. "Ya they are, about 1 year with extensions/renewals possible. But"
In response to Reply # 46


the expediency is convenient for anyone that's perhaps just looking for an immediate break from their country for a while. It's not like permanent emigration is a light decision. And yes you're right, folks are limited to just working the one job they get but this is what a lot of ppl do anyway. The timeframe and stability is more dependent on the employer tbh, applicants work more closely with them on paperwork etc.

I mean temporary visa overstays are common, in both countries, but they happen with all sorts including student visas. It's seriously not that hard to follow the rules of a new country if it's one's intent. The dynamic you're talking about is moreso driven by people seeking to exploit non-immigrant pathways with long-term residence always being the goal, and they're often from countries that don't have luxuries like the TN pathway agreed to by Can-US-Mex via treaty. It's kind of like the GC marriage circuit: it's not like its abuse discredits the entire fiance visa mechanism as a path for actual couples seeking to unite/marry in the US. Imho, non-shady people that take the time to learn their mechanism and follow the rules have very little to worry about.. other than maybe getting a jerk at the border (and Canadian agents tend to be friendlier than American ones anyway lol).

Anywho I just suggested it because I've been seeing a lot of chatter on this topic in reaction to the possibility of 45s re-election, and I've observed mostly positive experiences with this mechanism first-hand (tho its usually been folks using it to work in the US).

Restricting oneself to ONLY permanent emigration may seem overwhelming to some folks, is my overall point I guess. But if someone was interested in trying a new situation out temporarily (say, until 2024 lol), and then evaluating then whether they're ready to try the US again or look into more permanent emigration pathways (eg. school, marriage, etc), then a hassle-free mechanism where the first and biggest step is a job search may be an easier baby step for some people.

Like they could literally just look for/find a job, get some renters for their condo or house or whatever, and bounce. Binational taxation sucks tho.

>torward temporary work (some sort of estimated start/end
>date). and part of the reason for the nature of expedited
>admission is because youre agreeing to only serve a specific
>purpose then get your ass out lol.
>its fairly strict what you can/cant do within the country too
>(to discourage any notion of extended residence). the most
>common form of illegal immigration isnt border crossing but
>overstaying these type of employment visas and going below the
>radar. so they pay particular attention to the type of
>behavior that usually precedes that.
>i think the op (and the person you replied to up there) was
>talking about long term emigration tho. and the type of
>options that are more long term or open ended and providing a
>pathway to permanent residence/citizenship (like
>employment/skills visas that you just keep renewing as long as
>you are employed).
>one of the biggest barriers to employment related
>entry/residence is that you typically have to *already* be
>hired by a company up there. and you cant stay for an
>extended period of time up there just to search for employment
>(its specifically forbidden and they will check to see
>how/when you were hired). if you violate could be
>banned from traveling there period.
>when i first started digging around...i was looking at going
>up there for the typical max 3/6 month visa-free stay. then
>getting an apt off the books or airbnb while looking for a job
>(im self employed so i technically dont need it to support
>myself...just to secure the visa). then coming back and
>applying for the proper visa when i got the employment offer.
>after researching a bunch of personal anecdotes on expat
>boards and speaking to somebody at a consulate down here...i
>decided it wasnt worth the risk of getting banned.


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Wed Apr-15-20 09:33 AM

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55. "on this in particular, I think you were over-complicating it:"
In response to Reply # 46
Wed Apr-15-20 09:48 AM by kfine


>when i first started digging around...i was looking at going
>up there for the typical max 3/6 month visa-free stay. then
>getting an apt off the books or airbnb while looking for a job
>(im self employed so i technically dont need it to support
>myself...just to secure the visa). then coming back and
>applying for the proper visa when i got the employment offer.
>after researching a bunch of personal anecdotes on expat
>boards and speaking to somebody at a consulate down here...i
>decided it wasnt worth the risk of getting banned.

It's generally a bad idea to use non-immigrant pathways for purposes other than they were intended for. So basically, a 3-6month visit under non-immigrant tourist status should be for just chilling, sight-seeing, etc. I mean I'm sure lots of people have found/been offered jobs while visiting, but the point is re-locating to hopefully find a job during that period would have been bad strategy imho.

I think it'd be much safer to apply for jobs from the US, travel up if/as needed for interviews and such (as a regular visa-free visitor), and then if successful, work with the employer (as you're preparing to leave the US) to get your offer letter and other documentation in order (degree(s), transcripts, etc.), so that you'll have everything ready for your move day when you get processed at the Port of Entry (as a TN).

Airbnbs would make more sense to stay at on your interview trips or immediately upon longer-term arrival (after getting processed/approved at the Port of Entry), like if you had trouble securing an apartment/place to stay before your move/hire date kind of thing.


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Member since Sep 12th 2002
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52. "this is really helpful...thanks"
In response to Reply # 41



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56. "np!"
In response to Reply # 52



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37. "Yes, we are planning for Jan/Feb"
In response to Reply # 32


maybe sooner, if I get an inkling that Trump would try to prevent folks from leaving

My plan is to temporarily settle in Montreal. I have a friend with a big house there. I'll also be studying to become a certified English teacher so I can then travel to other countries and work. I have a non-regional accent and a MA degree so I should be good to work in South Korea, Japan etc

My younger son is planning to start over in Tokyo and the older one will likely head to Europe once his show is done

I'm ready for a new life and this country is severely and irreparably (at least for the next 10 years) compromised.



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Shaun Tha Don
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Tue Apr-14-20 07:08 PM

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40. "That's if you're able to get in as the border is closed to Americans. "
In response to Reply # 37


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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50. "I'm aware but Jan/Feb is a long way from now. "
In response to Reply # 40
Wed Apr-15-20 08:59 AM by Damali


Canada isn't a trash country like the U.S.

They will likely open the border in the fall and potentially require a 14 day quarantine for americans entering and i'm fine with that

thanks for the Debbie Downer support.



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47. "unless its Canada, better be ready ot learn a whole new lang and culture"
In response to Reply # 32




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51. "what's with this discouraging response?"
In response to Reply # 47


you really think someone considering to move out of the country hasn't considered that?


got any words of encourgement to spare?



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59. "good luck with the TESL thing"
In response to Reply # 51



I'd encourage you to read more about people's experience going to Korea and stuff

esp non white people

They have a very specific idea of what someone qualified to teach english should look like


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111. "yeah i'm aware of that too. why? "
In response to Reply # 59


cuz i'm a dark skinned black woman and how i fucking look is always the first thing I consider when considering travelling anywhere for any reason

like why the fuck are you so hellbent on being a snarky debby downer?

i also personally know dark skin black poeple who have done well teaching specifically in Seoul.



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320. "Some people make it work"
In response to Reply # 111



My brother who's kinda fairskinned/lightskinned taught English in Taiwan a long time ago. He said it was a good experience for the most part. He kind of had to disprove a couple of stereotypes early on but after that initial period the students warmed up to him alot.

Good luck!

<--- Me when my head hits the pillow


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68. "That's why we're considering New Zealand. "
In response to Reply # 47



If a fat guy falls in the woods and there is no one around to see it, do the trees laugh?


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35. "trump: i will be authorizing governors to reopen their states "
In response to Reply # 0
Tue Apr-14-20 06:19 PM by Reeq


whenever and however they want lol.
Trump says he is authorizing governors to make their own decisions on when to reopen. Ok.

dude really still tryna sound powerful while he tucks his tail.


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Member since Feb 17th 2006
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Wed Apr-15-20 09:23 AM

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54. "Essence Fest back in 2021:"
In response to Reply # 0



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Wed Apr-15-20 12:12 PM

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58. "It's time to get the FOCK out of america"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Apr-15-20 12:21 PM by allStah


The president added Vince Mcmahon and Dana White to the National Reopen Economic task force. The majority of people on that list should be economist and scientist.

That's not the case. The force is mostly made up of people like Jerry Jones, Marc Cuban, etc. BUSINESS Tycoons calling the shots on when and how to reopen.

Where are the Governors, scientist, economists,etc?


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Wed Apr-15-20 12:57 PM

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61. "the list got me shook for real"
In response to Reply # 58



In a generation of swine, the one-eyed pig is king.
-Hunter S. Thompson


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Wed Apr-15-20 01:50 PM

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63. "Everybody on there has a clear incentive to open everything up yesterday"
In response to Reply # 58


I'm trying to imagine Sheldon Adelson on a conference call being like "well, I think we should wait until its safe before we open the casinos back up"



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64. "RE: Everybody on there has a clear incentive to open everything up yeste..."
In response to Reply # 63



I can’t lie. I miss poker like crazy.

Seriously, there is not one lawmaker or democrat on that list, and they are slowly trying to force Dr. Fauci to give a full approval. He is now saying that sports league could return behind closed doors and that he wants to see sports leagues return.


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Wed Apr-15-20 12:22 PM

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60. "Face masks are law now in NYS..."
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Apr-15-20 12:22 PM by Trinity444





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Shaun Tha Don
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Wed Apr-15-20 03:34 PM

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67. "Only now? "
In response to Reply # 60


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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62. "In slightly brighter news, stimulus is rolling out"
In response to Reply # 0



I feel so weird right now. I'm kind of out of work, and the restaurant industry could still fully collapse at any moment, but right today? I feel relatively rich for the first time in my life. Just need to keep reminding myself this is NOT to be spent on a new TV or anything dumblike that.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook:


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65. "RE: In slightly brighter news, stimulus is rolling out"
In response to Reply # 62


Well, also, Democrats are working on another stimulus bill, where everyone will be paid 2000 dollars a month until the economy is a full strength.


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66. "These fucking idiots are going to get everyone killed"
In response to Reply # 0



Ultra-right Michigan dipshits are pissed that Whitmer (the Governor of Michigan) has put strict shelter-in-place order. So they decided to hold a "mass protest" in Lansing, but try to obey social distancing guidelines. Of course, they didn't, marching the streets, carrying assault weapons, and posing for photos on the steps of the capitol.

The kicker is that Whitmer's restrictions don't seem that strict. These guys seem stuck on that is it bars "in-state travel to vacation residences." Like, seriously, they're pulling guns out because they can't got to their vacation homes and get on their boats? They're also restricting large stores having to close areas "dedicated to carpeting, flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries, or paint." Lots of states do this already.

Morons are complaining that Witmer is treating them like children, and they're acting exactly like them.


Checkin' Our Style, Return To Zero:


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Wed Apr-15-20 04:26 PM

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69. "like 70% of michiganders approve of whitmers handling of the crisis."
In response to Reply # 66


so these dickheads (and right wing media) gotta make shit up and say she banned american flags nshit like that. and of course thats one of the top stories being circulated on facebook in regards to whitmer/michigan.


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81. "not only Michigan, but it appears to be a firestorm of other states"
In response to Reply # 66


following: Ohio and now Virginia, and soon more will follow.

which leads me to believe a wealthy donor is behind this.

take a message


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82. "I think "firestorm" isn't the right word."
In response to Reply # 81



You're correct in that this is being funded by wealthy Right-wing shit-heads, but this is like groups of dozens in each state. Hardly a genuine groundswell of rejection. It's getting a lot of traction in the news because "both sides" have to get covered, I guess.

Unfortunately, even the acts of dozens can put the rest of the population in serious danger during a pandemic.


Checkin' Our Style, Return To Zero:


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Wed Apr-15-20 04:29 PM

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70. "yesterday was our deadliest day by far."
In response to Reply # 0


meat processing plants, grocery stores, and farmers markets are shutting down because of outbreaks.

nursing homes and jails/prisons are death traps in a full state of crisis (that repubs are trying to suppress information about).

just as theyre talking about 'opening the economy'.


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mista k5
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71. "its really stupid"
In response to Reply # 70



if we completely shut down for 3 weeks we could potential dead it completely.

instead were going to drag it on for months and just let more people get sick and die. keep looking for excuses to stay open and go out.


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Wed Apr-15-20 05:32 PM

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72. "Well, the peak day will be the worst"
In response to Reply # 70


Hoping that was this week - specifically yesterday.

But work's thinking maybe we'll be back in office in June - unless it's longer.

We're at

27,967 deaths RIGHT now. That's 6x the U.S. deaths of the Iraq War - 8x of those on 9/11.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Wed Apr-15-20 05:53 PM

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73. "Using crisis to grab power. Trump threatens to adjourn Congress..."
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Apr-15-20 05:55 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


If they don't approve his nominees like for the head of Voice of America (wtf).

Says he is thinking about adjourning Congress and doing recess appointments for all open positions requiring votes, including judges



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Shaun Tha Don
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Wed Apr-15-20 07:47 PM

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74. "He just cut funding to the WHO. "
In response to Reply # 73


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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Wed Apr-15-20 11:36 PM

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75. "Vaccine injury compensation is a thing. "
In response to Reply # 0


People develop serious injuries from vaccine trials, and since the covid-19 vaccine candidate is being fast tracked, meaning it is bypassing animal testing and going straight to testing humans, a lot of injuries are going to come from it. This is a very dangerous process. Animals are usually tested before anything goes to human trials.

I would rather wait the 5-10 years that it takes to properly develop a vaccine, instead of having people develop cancer and autism because scientists rushed to have a vaccine developed within 1-2 years.


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Thu Apr-16-20 11:44 AM

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79. "Please don't go here..."
In response to Reply # 75



>autism because scientists rushed to have a vaccine developed
>within 1-2 years.


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Thu Apr-16-20 11:48 AM

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80. "No, it illustrates the rossover between REAL and FAKE"
In response to Reply # 79


>>autism because scientists rushed to have a vaccine
>>within 1-2 years.

And how this world is filled with people who can not be trusted.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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Thu Apr-16-20 03:46 PM

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83. "RE: Please don't go here..."
In response to Reply # 79
Thu Apr-16-20 03:48 PM by allStah


What do mean don’t go there?

A lot of science testing protocols, depending on who is doing the testing, might be getting side stepped, while dealing with this pandemic....and no might be.. they are getting side stepped normal protocols.

These vaccine testings has bypassed the necessary animal testing stages, going straight to humans, and you don’t think there are going to be some serious health issues to come from that?

I was talking to another poster about this in another thread. He stated they are going to have a vaccine before the year is out, and I told him that was impossible. Normal vaccine development takes 5-10 years, and in extreme, by way of a miracle, 1-3 years.

If they say they will have a vaccine before the year is out, don’t take that shit .. you will either die, develop serious issues, or your offsprings will develop autism to lupus , to whatever.

I’m not against proper vaccines, but there are a lot of vaccines out here creating massive health issues.

Ain’t no fake news about it. They are taking hugeeeeee risks. And understand this, American drug companies are the ones who bypassed animal trials.... foreign countries did not.


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Thu Apr-16-20 05:20 PM

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84. "I’m specifically talking about mentioning autism along "
In response to Reply # 83



with the possibility of being caused by a vaccine. Any link between autism and vaccines has been disproven time and time again, and it’s a connection that would have never been made separate from the one fraudulent paper from the late 90’s that sparked the anti-vaccine movement.

As a father of a son with ASD, this is a touchy subject for me.


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Fri Apr-17-20 04:25 AM

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88. "Can you name a few?"
In response to Reply # 83



>I’m not against proper vaccines, but there are a lot of
>vaccines out here creating massive health issues.

Are you referring to older, discontinued vaccines, or current ones?

I agree that these trials shouldn't be rushed and that it's unlikely we'll have a vaccine soon*, but specifically mentioning autism and making sweeping statements in relationship to vaccine safety comes dangerously close to fear mongering, imo.

*) There are about 80 vaccine projects underway and the main route of speeding them up is finding volunteers who will deliberately be exposed to the virus. If researchers can deal with the ethical implications of that approach, we might see vaccines sooner than is normally the case with new viruses.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Jun 21st 2014
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93. "RE: Can you name a few?"
In response to Reply # 88
Fri Apr-17-20 01:50 PM by allStah


>>I’m not against proper vaccines, but there are a lot of
>>vaccines out here creating massive health issues.
>Are you referring to older, discontinued vaccines, or current
>I agree that these trials shouldn't be rushed and that it's
>unlikely we'll have a vaccine soon*, but specifically
>mentioning autism and making sweeping statements in
>relationship to vaccine safety comes dangerously close to fear
>mongering, imo.
>*) There are about 80 vaccine projects underway and the main
>route of speeding them up is finding volunteers who will
>deliberately be exposed to the virus. If researchers can deal
>with the ethical implications of that approach, we might see
>vaccines sooner than is normally the case with new viruses.

Yes. I can name one. The flu vaccine. The CDC even has a website for people who have been injured by the vaccine to go to. From allergic reactions to other serious to mild issues, people have been injured from current flu vaccines. So I’m not a big fan of the flu vaccine because of the frequency at which they are recommended ( every year), and due to some of the question marks regarding the safety of the vaccine.

I don’t have a problem with the chicken pox,mumps,polio or tetanus vaccines. Those shots stay the same and are only needed once, and a booster shot needed for tetanus, I believe, every ten years.

As far as seeing a vaccine getting approved rather sooner than later, still will not be ready for at least 1-2 years( and that’s with skipping animal testing ). I stress that America is the only country that is bypassing animal testing ( to my knowledge) , so keep that in mind futuristically. By bypass animal testing you could possibly make the process even longer , because issues could come about that could have been addressed before hand via animal testing. It’s like painting a wall without priming it first. If the paint doesn’t cure, you have to strip everything and start all over.


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101. "..."
In response to Reply # 93


he's going to keep pushing the line on misinformation. - the other stuff i'm looking at


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114. "I know vaccines can have side effects."
In response to Reply # 93



You were saying "a lot of vaccines out here creating massive health issues" and only managed to give the flu shot as an example of a shot that *you* consider risky, without citing any evidence to support your claim.

It's like saying seat belts are incredibly dangerous because on some incredibly rare occasions, people get trapped by them instead of having their lives saved.

You're muddying the waters, for what?

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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147. "I wish "mass stupidity injury compensation" was a thing. "
In response to Reply # 75
Wed Apr-22-20 06:37 PM by stravinskian




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76. "Another 5.2 million new unemployment claims ☹️"
In response to Reply # 0


22 million total over past month



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77. "HOLD UP. The NY zipcode with the most cases is named..."
In response to Reply # 0



Corona NY? Get the fuck out.

see for yourself:

zipcode 11368



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78. "Man, I hope The Beatnuts are okay"
In response to Reply # 77


Corona Kings:

Actually I hope everyone's okay


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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85. "we now have more americans dead than hillary had emails (c) rick wilson"
In response to Reply # 0



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86. "this bitch is really mad that states are getting too much credit."
In response to Reply # 0

TRUMP: "We have some states that got too much credit for what they've done, frankly. I could name you a couple of those."


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87. "~4600 deaths yesterday. over 2000 more than previous high (day before)."
In response to Reply # 0

Reported U.S. coronavirus deaths reached a record-high 4,591 in 24 hours ending Thursday night, an analysis of data from Johns Hopkins shows


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89. "Repugs SNUCK a tax break for the wealthy into stimulus bill"
In response to Reply # 0




Either Dems didn’t read it, or they’re incompetently ignorant

Repugs been playing dirty pool since the 2000 election

Dems stay pwned


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90. "Got a link ?"
In response to Reply # 89


>Either Dems didn’t read it, or they’re incompetently
>Repugs been playing dirty pool since the 2000 election
>Dems stay pwned


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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92. "link"
In response to Reply # 90


Y'all buy those labels, I was born supreme


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95. "Repugnantcans being repugnant. Jesus."
In response to Reply # 92



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100. "dayum. and ppl out here sweating $1,200"
In response to Reply # 92



peace & blessings,


I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad


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102. "Are you madder at the DNC for this? "
In response to Reply # 89



Than, you know, the party behind the move?


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112. "Thank you for the concern about my emotional well-being "
In response to Reply # 102
Sun Apr-19-20 08:38 AM by bentagain



Do you have a comment to add about the topic?

I’d be more interested in your opinion on the topic...than a continuation of your criticism of me personally

Trillions, upon trillions of taxpayer money is being handed out

...during a repug administration...

How do you feel about a D party being complicit...whether through intent, ignorance or providing financial windfalls for the wealthy during a national crisis



To clarify, I’m mad that the story is being presented in a context that the Ds are helpless or being tricked, etc...

That’s not a valid defense in 2020

Please offer yours.


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you can't understand it with an explanation


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Shaun Tha Don
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105. "Or wealthy Dem's stand to benefit from it, hence the non-opposition. "
In response to Reply # 89


Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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116. "Stimulus bill wouldn't have been passed without it"
In response to Reply # 89


Repups wanted to not give ANY stimulus money

Dems wanted to not give ANY tax breaks to the rich.

They compromised.

Pelosi and Shumer explained exactly that.

This is what always happens. Sadly, this is how U.S. government works. There has never been any such thing as an earmark-free bill.



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121. "C'mon fam"
In response to Reply # 116



Repugs didn't want any bailout...riiiiiiiiiight


So it's woe is me for the Ds, they had no choice?

You really think the Repugs were just going to let the entire economy crumble...




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159. "RE: C'mon fam"
In response to Reply # 121


>Repugs didn't want any bailout...riiiiiiiiiight
>So it's woe is me for the Ds, they had no choice?

please point me to where i said woe is me they had no choice.
>You really think the Repugs were just going to let the entire
>economy crumble...

of course not, however, they don't believe that giving money to poor people props up the economy.

Republicans are 100% trash. The Democratic Party is tragically flawed as well, but at least they aren't bending the knee for Trump...right now that's their only saving grace.

On the other side of Trump, i truly hope their can be a viable progressive third party formed...Dems are now way too moderate and the GOP is too far to the right.


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162. "RE: Repups wanted to not give ANY stimulus money"
In response to Reply # 159



3 bills later...and working on a 4th...that sounded like a plea cop.


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219. "i got no skin in the game to cop pleas for anyone"
In response to Reply # 162


i'm simply adding my thoughts and analysis just like you are

except, you're doing that dumb annoying shit where you switch to judging me cuz you don't agree *shrug*

have fun tho.



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91. "so WWE is essential business in FL."
In response to Reply # 0


this is why can't have nice things.

World Wrestling Entertainment resumed its live televised shows Monday at its facility in Orlando without fans present. After weeks of airing taped pro wrestling matches, WWE received permission last week with a signed order from Florida's Emergency Management Director. The order says "employees at a professional sports and media production with a national audience" are exempt from a stay-at-home order as long as "the location is closed to the general public."

The order was signed April 9. At a press conference Monday, Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said when Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ordered a statewide lockdown April 1, at first, WWE was not exempted. "With some conversation with the governor's office regarding the governor's order, they were deemed an essential business," Demings said. "And so therefore, they were allowed to remain open."

The order opens the way for Ultimate Fighting Championship and other professional sports associations to resume production and live events in Florida, as long as they're done without an audience.

The WWE events are resuming after the online news site Pro Wrestling Sheet reported one of those involved with the production's on-air staff tested positive for the coronavirus. In a statement to the news site, WWE said, "We believe this matter is low risk to WWE talent and staff, as the individual and a roommate became symptomatic in the days following exposure to two people working in acute health care on the evening of March 26, after WWE's TV production on a closed set was already complete." WWE says the employee has had no contact with anyone with the organization since then and has since recovered.

In a statement released to multiple news organizations, WWE said: "We believe it is now more important than ever to provide people with a diversion from these hard times. We are producing content on a closed set with only essential personnel in attendance following appropriate guidelines while taking additional precautions to ensure the health and wellness of our performers and staff."

In Tallahassee on Tuesday, DeSantis said the decision to declare certain sports or entertainment companies "essential businesses" is done on a "case-by-case basis." He said he believes it's time to begin allowing some sports to resume if, like WWE, it can be done without an audience present. The governor said, "If NASCAR does a race and can televise it without having large crowds, I think that's a good thing." DeSantis said he'd also like to see Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson face off in a golf match. "You wouldn't have a gallery there. You wouldn't have crowds," he said. "But to put that on TV, I think people have been starved for content

Y'all buy those labels, I was born supreme


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94. "today Cuomo had time!!! Damn, he killed Trump"
In response to Reply # 0



Been waiting for that. Much deserved.


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96. "? Please elaborate !"
In response to Reply # 94



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97. "he spent a good 15 minutes shooting down Trump’s BS"
In response to Reply # 96



Trump was tweeting about Cuomo during this press conference. Reporter told him what Trump had tweeted and asked him to respond.

Cuomo discusses Trump “giving the Governors the power” to decide when to open up...basically suggests he should read the Constitution.

- Cracks that Trump should get up and go to work instead of watching TV.
- Addresses how Trump keeps asking for thank yous on the occasions that he actually does his job.
- Points out that they were going off the CDC’s projections as far as how many ventilators and hospital beds would be needed.
- Talks about how Trump wants nothing to do with helping with testing because “it’s too hard”.

Lots of good stuff in there...

51:25 mark is where it starts.


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98. "Fuck yea. Hope this is the start of a trend."
In response to Reply # 97



"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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99. "Good for Cuomo man, hit em."
In response to Reply # 0


Thought this was a concise reminder of how Trump has shit the bed and made us more vulnerable.


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103. "Florida man is gonna kill us all. Beaches are packed"
In response to Reply # 0




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104. "RE: Florida man is gonna kill us all. Beaches are packed"
In response to Reply # 103


Well, Trump said he would leave it up to the states. So each state is going to do it’s own thing, even if it’s dangerous. His refusal to implement a federal restriction order for all states is what has created this mess. Now he keeps flip flopping. Had he implemented a rule from the jump, all states would be in order.

I love what the tri state governors are doing. They are going to work together to reopen their states, as well as most of the Midwest Governors. It makes sense, considering the proximity of each state to one another, and with citizens routinely crossing each other’s borders.

If i were a neighboring state to Florida, I would definitely close off the border to Floridians.

This is going to create a lot of division.


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Shaun Tha Don
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Sat Apr-18-20 07:08 PM

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107. "But Floridians are not the ones spreading the virus, though. "
In response to Reply # 104


That would New Yorkers, New Jerseyites and Michiganders.

>If i were a neighboring state to Florida, I would definitely
>close off the border to Floridians.
>This is going to create a lot of division.

Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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108. "RE: But Floridians are not the ones spreading the virus, though. "
In response to Reply # 107
Sat Apr-18-20 07:38 PM by allStah


If Florida is doing something opposite than what the neighboring states want to do with the lockdown , then the move would be to close borders

The point is all states are not on the same page, and Florida isn’t workin with neighboring states. ( to my knowledge). That’s my point.

It’s a shit show, because there isn’t any federal guidance. And considering Florida has a lot of retirement communities, you would think they would be more cautious.

The whole point is not to become a hotspot. We have witnessed what has happened to states and countries who relaxed or rejected lockdown orders.....see South Dakota and see Russia


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113. "25,000+ cases in Florida......that’s not exactly insignificant"
In response to Reply # 107




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106. "apparently there have been 6000+ deaths in the last 24 hrs."
In response to Reply # 0


trump set his 'good job' bar at 60-100k deaths. its looking like we will surpass both of those.

republican governors opening up their states right now would make it even worse.


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109. "I don't know about this one. I've been using this..."
In response to Reply # 106



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115. "why aren’t these protesters being arrested? ITWABM/W"
In response to Reply # 0



Imagine a group of black protesters defying stay at home orders during a national crisis

Why aren’t they being arrested?

...and wtf does this have to do with the 2nd amendment...



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117. "Even San Diego has the BULLSHIT"
In response to Reply # 115


I have to think it's because they are Republicans / extremists. There's ALWAYS Trump bullshit - 95 of the time there are pickup trucks with two USA flags in the back, 90% of the time there's a Gadsden flag, 80% there's a Trump 202 flag, 75% a Confederate flag, and 35% of the time it's just a flag with a swastika on it.

And the police always seem to sympathize with them in some way.

San Diego Protests here: <-This lady was upset her favorite trail was closed LAST WEDNESDAY. <-NO IDEA WTF is wrong with these people.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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118. "We'd be gone if it was easier to do so"
In response to Reply # 115


Shit is fucking disgusting...


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119. ""respect authority" "simple dont break the law""
In response to Reply # 115



by their own logic it should be 100% fine to shoot them

but there's that one tiny distinction


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120. "Georgia folks, you going out and getting a cut on Friday?"
In response to Reply # 0


KEMP: This Friday allowing certain businesses to reopen:
Fitness centers
Hair dressers
Nail salons
Massage therapists.



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navajo joe
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122. "I'm old enough to remember when Brian Kemp was the last motherfucker on ..."
In response to Reply # 120
Mon Apr-20-20 06:58 PM by navajo joe


that didn't understand that asymptomatic people could spread the disease... three weeks ago

I wouldn't trust that cracker to re-open a ziploc bag


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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124. "Lmao!"
In response to Reply # 122


Please say hello to you mom for me.


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123. "forget all that! what about Magic City?!"
In response to Reply # 120


>KEMP: This Friday allowing certain businesses to reopen:
>Fitness centers
>Hair dressers
>Nail salons
>Massage therapists.


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127. "hell the fuck no"
In response to Reply # 120



Cases in Fulton county still rising....have we even peaked in our first wave to talk about a second wave? And we want to open some of the least distanced/least sanitary places? Fucking idiot governor


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129. "I'm not going to a barbershop until there's a vaccine"
In response to Reply # 120



Giving myself the corona ceasar cut at home until then

Too close quarters, physical contact, possible skin breaks

I'm wondering, how the fuck you get a haircut while wearing a mask

I'm resigned to not going to the barber until there's a vaccine
+restaurants, bars, concerts, sporting events

...and those are YUGE sacrifices for me as they are my favorite things to do...

But I recently accepted the fact that normal life for me won't happen until there is a vaccine...which is at least a year away

SMH@people risking their lives for haircuts

Fuck that.


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you can't understand it with an explanation


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145. "This is fucking infuriating."
In response to Reply # 120


What people often don't realize is that these stay at home orders have provided protection to ECONOMICALLY vulnerable people, not just physically vulnerable people.

When there's a stay-at-home order in place, businesses can make insurance claims over the fact that they're not legally allowed to be open, through no fault of their own. Furloughed workers can draw unemployment (inadequate, but better than nothing).

Once this is lifted, businesses have no legal cover; they either have to reopen or go out of business. If they reopen, furloughed workers can't draw unemployment anymore, they HAVE to risk their lives and go to work, or ASK to be fired so that they can draw unemployment again.

And nobody's gonna go into these businesses anyway. Certainly not enough to keep them from hemorrhaging income, particularly if they have to pay staff again.

It makes the economic situation worse, AND it makes the public health situation much worse.

My brother lives in Atlanta and has a heart condition. He'll be fine. He's a lawyer. He'll be working from home for the foreseeable future. A lot of people don't have that power, and they'll be forced to choose between health (their own and the public), and starvation.

I honestly hope Brian Kemp gets the bug and has a really rough time with it, just so he knows to take this fucking seriously.


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148. "Though exceptions and laws are being made, this actually isn't true ..."
In response to Reply # 145
Wed Apr-22-20 06:51 PM by Brew


>When there's a stay-at-home order in place, businesses can
>make insurance claims over the fact that they're not legally
>allowed to be open, through no fault of their own. Furloughed
>workers can draw unemployment (inadequate, but better than

I work in insurance - what you speak of is called "business interruption insurance" which is a type of coverage that *used* to cover epidemics and pandemics under your typical commercial liability insurance. But after the SARS outbreak in the early aughts, insurance companies (in typical asshole insurance carrier fashion) started considering pandemics and epidemics add-ons or "endorsements" to their general coverages, and could therefore jack up premiums for those add-ons. So a lot of companies (specifically small businesses) have been either unwilling or unable to pay for this endorsement and therefore, aren't covered for this "business interruption".

It's fucked up shit but that's how the insurance industry works, sadly.

Thankfully, a lot of state legislatures (California being one, obviously) are basically forcing insurance companies that operate in their states to cover these companies' losses. Specifically small companies. So there is some recourse, depending on where you live/operate your business.

But it's not a foregone conclusion. And I can't imagine GA is one of the states referenced above ha.

EDIT: come to think of it, maybe you are speaking specifically about GA, in which case you may know better than me whether or not they are one of the states forcing insurance carriers to cover these losses. My response is, obviously, about this type of coverage in general.


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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150. "Thanks for the insight. You definitely know more about this than I do."
In response to Reply # 148


All I know is that one of my brother's friends runs a restaurant in Atlanta and was planning on filing for interruption insurance, so yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Maybe things are different in GA (like you, I'm skeptical). Maybe for some reason he was paying for that extra coverage. Or maybe he just wouldn't have had a payable claim. If so, I'd say it's the state's responsibility to step in and regulate their fucking insurance industry, like you're saying. Or better yet, the federal government should be doing more to keep these businesses afloat while they have to stay closed.

People think of this as a "balancing act." But that's a bad analogy. There is ONLY ONE WAY right now to stop this spread -- shutting down nonessential businesses. There are other ways (especially in a nation that controls the world's reserve currency) to mitigate the economic damage. It doesn't have to be one or the other, and the fact that people are phrasing it that way is a statement of how little people care about public health.


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125. "My latest conspiracy theory is this whole "Open Up America!" movement..."
In response to Reply # 0


is directly tied to the data that people of color are being infected and dying at a significantly disproportionate rate and how those people generally vote.


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126. "I don't know that I'd classify that as a 'conspiracy theory'"
In response to Reply # 125



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128. "I don't believe this at all"
In response to Reply # 125


There are more cost effective ways to target people of color.


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130. "I dont think it's as much planned"
In response to Reply # 125



as it is tied to how certain white people think about the virus vs the cost of human lives

Oh its mostly them? We need to open up!


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132. "Nah, they've been organizing these things for a little while"
In response to Reply # 125


I don't think the data motivated these things but they're certainly less concerned about the ramifications if it's black people getting hurt disproportionately.



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133. "Yup!"
In response to Reply # 125


Once that data came out about american hispanics and blacks, trump pushed a whole different tune after flipping in the first place.


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135. "they openly talk about it in right wing circles."
In response to Reply # 125


the same way replacement theory became a foundation of right wing nativism and authoritarianism in formalized politics worldwide.

their politics are driven by a mixture of veiled corporate interests (which their base is too dumb to recognize) and acute racial/cultural utterances (war on christmas, bathroom bills, etc). the coronavirus provides them an opportunity to attend to both.

i dont think people grasp just how nihilistic the current conservative movement is. literally theyve abandoned every other principle but inflicting pain/hardship/death on anyone they can (even themselves).


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navajo joe
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137. "think about how this affects unemployment filing"
In response to Reply # 125


so your job opens back up and you say 'nope, staying home not safe' can you file for unemployment if they fire you?


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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146. "I see it like Romney's "47%" comment."
In response to Reply # 125


Or whatever the number was.

Few of them will say, even to themselves, "we don't care about 'those people,' let them die." Poor people, black people, old people, ...

But it doesn't change the fact that they simply DON'T care about the people most vulnerable to this. The most reliable Republican voters will be able to work from home just fine no matter what happens.


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149. "voters 65+ seem to be reacting negatively to all of this."
In response to Reply # 146


a lot of recent polls have biden up in that demo. and not by slim margins.


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151. "Yeah I saw some stories to that effect this morning."
In response to Reply # 149


Curious to see what happens in Florida and Arizona, in this cycle and beyond.

I'm never gonna say that this pandemic has any kind of silver lining. But some of the things that are gonna happen in the next six months will be pretty damn hard for even Mr Trump to spin his way through.


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Tue Apr-21-20 03:15 PM

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131. "Kemp is a dick for reopening but it’s on US not to patronize those pla..."
In response to Reply # 0


It HAS to be on us to not patronize those spots if we don’t want to die...We can blame Kemp all we want for legalizing things but we can’t say he forced us to go get that shape up or those nails done or hair did.

Just say no y’all.


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141. "The Real Reason for Gov. Kemp's Reopening of Georgia"
In response to Reply # 131



The Real Reason for Gov. Kemp's Reopening of Georgia
Written by George Chidi:

“You really want to know what I think about rescinding shelter in place in the way this order is structured?


It's about making sure people can't file unemployment. It isn't about saving lives, certainly. It's not about the peak of the curve. I think lots of people are going to ignore the governor and stay home regardless. This isn't a decision being driven by epidemiology. /2

It's the rawest and most lethal of political decisions, and it will kill people.

Kemp is looking forward to the fiscal discussion in 2021 and 2022, when all of this really starts to hit. He got elected by out-yahooing the field./3

His base has been trained to view government spending as a crime, and he knows that he becomes politically vulnerable to an attack if he raises taxes. He is not capable of delivering a nuanced message around necessity, because his base doesn't know how to hear it.


The state is staring at one million unemployment applications. It probably cannot pay those over six months. The unemployment fund has a reserve of about $2.6 billion. Last week it paid out about $42 million -- which is about three times as much as it usually does./5

That figure will double in two weeks, give or take. Maybe more.

At that rate, the fund is empty in about 28 weeks. Probably less. Even if things improve later, that fund will run dry in a year, because unemployment isn't going to return to 5 percent for a long time.


Georgians did the Kansas thing a couple of years ago and instituted a hard constitutional limit on income taxes of 6 percent. It cannot go higher without amending the state constitution. What that means is that there's no easy mechanism for the state to accommodate an /7

extraordinary expense, like this, without somehow telling Republican reactionaries that they must raise taxes.

Those reactionaries are the ones who will be protesting in front of the state house Friday, when this order goes into effect.


If there's no state order calling for businesses to be closed, the people who are unemployed can no longer claim that their unemployment is involuntary, even if it would be utter idiocy for them to return to work./9

A hair dresser or a massage therapist cannot maintain social distance. But they can certainly file for relief ... unless the law says they can work.

"Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbers, cosmetologists, hair designers, nail care artists,/10

estheticians, their respective schools & massage therapists."

Not banks. Not software firms. Not factories. Not schools.

It is no coincidence that the businesses on this list are staffed by relatively poor people. Because that's who he wants off the unemployment rolls./11

And if they die ... well, they're mostly black people, or Asian, and poor, and an acceptable political loss for a Republican governor.

The purpose of this isn't to open up these businesses. It's to get the workers there off the dole. Work, and die. Or don't work .../12

but you're on your own. Because we can't raise taxes to cover the time you spent trying to save your life and the lives of the people around you.”


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134. "Crazy twitter thread about the "Anti-Mask League" in 1918/1919"
In response to Reply # 0


So ... we always been dumb as fucking fuck huh


"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Wed Apr-22-20 05:17 AM

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136. "we have reached the part where repubs are now accusing nurses"
In response to Reply # 0


of being crisis actors.


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139. "why wont they show their faces? *hmm emoji*"
In response to Reply # 136



first thing i thought when i saw those photos were that they were gonna be accused of not being real


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138. "theyre officially throwing alex azar under the bus."
In response to Reply # 0


via rupert murdochs rag.


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140. "Mayor of Las Vegas offers her citizens up as tribute (vid)"
In response to Reply # 0


Says she offered to have Las Vegas serve as a control but was turned down by statisticians. That was just one of the many bat shit crazy things she said in her interview.



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142. "Let the record show; IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC, Congress is on"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Apr-22-20 05:13 PM by bentagain




Can’t just blame repugs at this point

Pelosi won’t save you.

...out here parroting voter fraud conspiracy theories...

Fucking shameful!


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you can't understand it with an explanation


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Wed Apr-22-20 05:47 PM

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143. "Dude,I know watching KLAN vs Foodies rallies and smoking weed on"
In response to Reply # 142


Check the fucking date of the article. April 2nd.

The FUCKIGN REPUBLICANS have been throwing a SHIT FIT about it - it's not that Nancy and Chuck are against it completely - they are willing to look at it - but they concerned that it could be abused outside pandemic times.

Also she's been supportive of voice votes - which the fucking extremist Republicans have squashed.

They are going to hash out what Remote Voting is and if proxy voting will be allowed - but it's going to be as bitterly partisan as everything is now.


A push for proxy voting in the US House of Representatives during the age of coronavirus has been postponed — for now.

*After an outcry from Republicans,* <-look for this line in the next paragraph.

*After an outcry from Republicans,* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi canceled a planned Thursday vote on a resolution to allow remote voting-by-proxy proposed by House Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern. Had the resolution passed, it would have been an unprecedented change — House rules say that members shall be present to vote — in keeping with the unprecedented challenges of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Instead, Pelosi announced Wednesday on a caucus phone call that a bipartisan group will consider ways to do remote voting and committee work, to allow Congress to social distance during the pandemic.

Proxy voting is the act of allowing members of Congress to cast votes on behalf of those who can’t be there in person, in this case because of Covid-19 concerns. While initially reluctant to entertain remote voting, Pelosi recently signaled openness to proxy voting in the midst of the pandemic.

But after a letter from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) asking for “a clear, safe and effective plan for reopening Congress,” Pelosi decided to wait longer for bipartisan consensus on a plan.

The House wasn’t planning to use proxy voting to pass an interim funding bill containing billions of dollars for small businesses slated for Thursday. While leadership is encouraging every member who can safely vote present to return to the Capitol Hill, they were initially hoping to separately pass the proxy-voting resolution as a contingency plan for future votes.

“We are asking every Member to return who can return. And we hope that that is a large number,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) told reporters on Tuesday, adding over half of its members are expected to be present for the vote. “We’re not ordering members to come back. We do expect sufficient members to come back so we can have a quorum.”


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157. "Weird that you cut the 2nd half of that article "
In response to Reply # 143



Where there is clear opposition from Pelosi on REMOTE voting using teleconference applications


What does the date of the article have to do with the information?

Are you saying they didn’t recess for almost the entire month of April?

We’re in month 2 of social distancing...and there’s still no plans for remote voting

You did see where primary voters in Wisconsin contracted covid...?

It’s fucking shameful that people have to risk their lives to cast votes

Both in Congress and the public.

It’s hilarisad how easily we’ve moved to remote working and communicating in our professions, where possible

But our leaders can’t.


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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In response to Reply # 157


>Where there is clear opposition from Pelosi on REMOTE voting
>using teleconference applications

So YOU START OUT SAYING "they are complete against remote voting in any form any time anywhere" AND THEN YOU CHANGE TO "..Using remote teleconference applications."

>We’re in month 2 of social distancing...and there’s still
>no plans for remote voting

So yesterday Pelosi introduced a specific, implementable plan - and THE REPUBLICANS THROUGH A SHIT FIT.

The plan was completed SEVEN DAYS AGO:

>You did see where primary voters in Wisconsin contracted


The Democratic governor on Wisconsin canceled the election and then the Republicans brought it to the Supreme court where THE REPUBLICANS on the court said "It must go on, even if you catch the fucking plague."

(Moved this down since it was a non sequitur)
>Are you saying they didn’t recess for almost the entire
>month of April?

Yes they did. Do you think having all of them in a room would have made the policy decisions more possible? Leadership in both parties are working on bills - having all of them in the room at the same time wouldn't help.

So you know what happened - they passed a bill in the Senate that THE HOUSE IS VOTING ON TODAY. And the leaderships wants it to be a VOICE VOTE so congress people don't have to fly back to vote on it.

And you know who could fuck it up? Any of the people you wanted to be sequester together during the pandemic.

>It’s fucking shameful that people have to risk their lives
>to cast votes
>Both in Congress and the public.

Wow, you're really super woke here.

>It’s hilarisad how easily we’ve moved to remote working
>and communicating in our professions, where possible
>But our leaders can’t.

Yes, your job and the congress of united states are EXACTLY THE SAME. I get it. They should facetime in - what could go wrong?



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173. "vote by proxy scrapped...congress is still in recess "
In response to Reply # 161



Today is April 24th

What am I missing here?


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you can't understand it with an explanation


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Fri Apr-24-20 11:43 AM

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178. "The house passed the bill YESTERDAY before you replied"
In response to Reply # 173


1)Vote by proxy scrapped.


2)Being in recess stops bills from being presented or voted on?


So I think I get what's in your mind.

1)Call the House of Representatives back into active session.
2)Have the congress people fly/drive/bike back.
3)They all sit down.
4)They say the pledge of allegiance and salute the flag.

5)They come up with bills that address the issues, call for votes, have the good ones pass and the bad ones not pass and send them to the Senate who takes them as good faith policies, debates the merits of the bills, passes the good ones, rejects the bad ones, and sends it to the president who signs it into law without a signing statement that directly contradicts it.

You haven't bee paying attention - because THE REPUBLICANS WILL NEVER ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN.

Now in the past, say in 1968, in a time of crisis would the parties come together and do good for the country?? Yes.

Hasn't been that was since 1994 when Gingrich took over.

And yes I know things have always been fucked - there's also been graft and pork on BOTH SIDES, but things changed in 1994 - and they ain't going back.

What changed? The Republicans.


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207. "they still on recess?"
In response to Reply # 178




If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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Wed Apr-22-20 06:16 PM

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144. "trump threw brian kemp under the bus lol"
In response to Reply # 0


this dude aint taking responsibility for nathannn. he aint even backing people who do the exact shit he wanted them to do.

i feel bad for anyone who pushed chloroquine under his orders. cuz down the line dude is gonna act like he wasnt fully on board and prolly even suggest they should be investigated and sued lol.


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153. "trump praised kemp behind the scenes on tuesday"
In response to Reply # 144

Pres. Trump and VP Pence called Georgia Gov. Kemp on Tuesday and expressed support and praise for the move to reopen businesses starting Friday, a source says. Trump later said the opposite -- that he told Kemp he disagreed "strongly" with the decision.

the reason this leaked so quickly is because kemps team leaked it.

the reason kemps team leaked it is because they have it recorded/documented to back it up.

the reason they have it recorded/documented to back it up is because...just like cuomo, hogan, the govs on conference calls, etc...everybody knows not to trust the president to tell the truth in public. even his own party members.

dude is literally lying about (and getting called out by) everything/everyone now. governors, his own admin personnel, etc.


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154. "How do you know Kemp’s team recorded this? I do believe they leaked it"
In response to Reply # 153



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156. "because everyone records trump lol."
In response to Reply # 154


this is why we have a constant stream of leaked audio feeds, memos, etc. recently.

if a source is leaking to the press within hours of trumps comments...and the source is instantly deemed credible (and corroborated by another party just as quickly)...they were already prepared for this (and willing to publicly dispute it). they got the goods.

pretty sure even sean hannity keeps evidence on trump at this point.


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Wed Apr-22-20 08:27 PM

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152. "the chyron: "
In response to Reply # 0



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155. "CNN is kinda wilding right now"
In response to Reply # 152



From sending niggas in there to get into shouting matches with the president, to the latest chyrons.

They stoking the flames for ratings.


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158. "everything is flopping for republicans."
In response to Reply # 0


americans views on shutdowns, reopenings, protests, etc couldnt be more clear.


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160. "all job gains created after the great recession are now gone."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Apr-23-20 08:40 AM by Reeq



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163. "Elizabeth Warren lost her brother."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Apr-23-20 12:20 PM by stravinskian


Don't read the responses if you want to have a high opinion of our species.


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168. "damn. and i skimmed a minute knowing what to expect"
In response to Reply # 163



it's never exactly shocking but it's pretty depressing.

>Don't read the responses if you want to have a high opinion of
>our species.


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164. "Cuomo ethers Cocaine Mitch."
In response to Reply # 0



"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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165. "Fred the Godson passed from COVID"
In response to Reply # 0



shit is wild out here man.



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navajo joe
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167. "Damn I remember seeing a couple of weeks ago he had turned for the worse"
In response to Reply # 165


and was hoping no news was good news.

That's so sad man. Damn.


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Shaun Tha Don
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166. "Rest in peace, Fred The Godson. :("
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Apr-23-20 04:03 PM by Shaun Tha Don


Dude had some sick wordplay.

Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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169. "Trump bout to have folks injecting Lysol & cooking themselves in tanning..."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Apr-23-20 10:00 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


*Trump whisper* what do you have to lose

Starts with an official presenting the effects of heat and disinfectants on the virus on surfaces and in the air

Trump misunderstands that and riffs about hitting bodies with tremendous light and injecting disinfectants to clean the virus out of the lungs

Then he tries to rope Dr. Birx into it. She moonwalks away lol

Dr Birx reaction in real time. Trying to disappear into her scarf lol:



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170. "hypothetically...lets say that these people were trying to kill everyone..."
In response to Reply # 169


one way or another...

would they be doing anything differently than they are now?


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Thu Apr-23-20 10:43 PM

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171. "Birx finally fed up: "
In response to Reply # 0


Tomorrow’s press conference is gonna be wild because the first question from anyone will be to Birx or Fauci and what they think of this bleach bullshit


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172. "If ANYONE you knows supports him then GHOST THEM"
In response to Reply # 171


And anyone who tells you that "both sides are the same."

Fuck them.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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175. "Word "
In response to Reply # 172



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174. "Birx & Fauci just won't be there until the next news cycle."
In response to Reply # 171


Probably Monday. That's Trump's usual trick. He's gonna say some other dumb shit today that Birx & Fauci might be more willing to dance around for him on Monday.

That or Trump will come out today and furiously insist he'd been misquoted. Some reporter will read it back to him word for word. He'll say the reporter is wrong, call them names. Then the story becomes 'Trump picks fight with reporter,' which is much more manageable than 'Trump suggests injecting bleach.'


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176. "Truly hate to say it but you might be right. "
In response to Reply # 174



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179. "Trump is a master at this shit"
In response to Reply # 174



He is really playing that next level troll game and everyone falls for it every time.

I don't think that he is as aggressively dumb enough to believe this whole thing. He is just controlling the entire narrative.



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182. "Looks like he's going with option 2."
In response to Reply # 174



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180. "His statement on bleach"
In response to Reply # 171


"So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful, light — and I think you said that hasn’t been checked but you’re going to test it — and then I said suppose you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.

Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning, ‘cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me, so we’ll see but the whole concept of the light. The way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful."

-Donald J. Trump, President of the United States 04/23/2020


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Fri Apr-24-20 10:56 PM

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187. "RE: His statement on bleach"
In response to Reply # 180




And shout out to Pete Rock for posting.

"Music is not to be possessed; it's to be shared.” - James Mtume

"Just stay loose, keep it raw, and bang ya drums out sometimes." - Madlib


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195. "Yea this was classic. The "me ?!" cracked me up."
In response to Reply # 187



"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Fri Apr-24-20 11:14 AM

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177. "Cuomo just dared McConnell to allow states..."
In response to Reply # 0



... to declare bankruptcy. He dared him to pursue the legislation, pass it, and have the President sign it.


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Fri Apr-24-20 12:44 PM

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181. "Trump RE disinfectants: It was just jokes....I was foolin y'all"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Apr-24-20 12:45 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


President Trump says remarks about heat, light, disinfectant were sarcastic: "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen."

"It didn't seem like it was coming off as sarcastic when he was talking and turning to Dr. Birx on the side," Fox News anchor Bret Baier said on air after Trump's walk-back was reported.



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183. "wow!"
In response to Reply # 181



Sometimes you have to look reality in the face and say 'No!'
-Ben (Reaper)

If you need any help, don't. Hesitate to ask.


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Fri Apr-24-20 05:18 PM

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184. "so best case scenario and every benefit of the doubt"
In response to Reply # 181



he's cracking jokes about treatment for the virus that killed 50,000 americans in the last 2 months.


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186. "^ word."
In response to Reply # 184



"Fuck aliens." © WarriorPoet415


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Fri Apr-24-20 05:57 PM

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185. "Well, Nebraska to tentatively begin re-opening May 4th."
In response to Reply # 0



Restaurants will move to 50% capacity, no bar seating, all staff must wear masks and gloves, no table larger than 6, and no tables within 6 feet. Salons, tattoo/massage parlors will also open with use of masks.

The initial reaction from most unemployed service industry workers I know is incredibly negative, with most assuming this is really a ploy by the state government to get out from under its unemployment benefits load (many people I know have not received a single payment in over 6 weeks) and force people back to work who are making more money on unemployment than they'd expect to back at work. In some cases, like cooks, making a significantly higher income.

Additionally, I've seen a lot of people worried that allowing customers into the restaurant will significantly increase exposure for the staff, and thus they not only won't be dining in but will discontinue ordering out as well.

I'd say about 80% of the social media feedback I've seen is strongly negative, and this is a state that's as Red as it gets.


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Sat Apr-25-20 07:19 AM

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188. "according to conservatives, trust these two random doctor's from Bakersf..."
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how long until this shit ends up on Fox and eventually Trump's ears?



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Sat Apr-25-20 08:47 AM

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190. "Fucking creeps."
In response to Reply # 188


Yeah, this kind of talk is gonna get bigger and bigger. I've seen a lot of otherwise very smart (and supposedly lefty) people fall for this. I'm surprised we haven't seen more of it here.

And they could very well turn out to be right. The problem is, we don't have good enough data yet to honestly judge these questions. They're not saying it like this, but these guys want us to roll the dice on something that could potentially kill millions of people.

Nobody disputes that the death count will be exponentially correlated with our control measures. And nobody disputes that it takes at least two weeks to find out if we've loosened up too far. So what these guys are really saying is: people are out of work, we don't want the government to have to cover so much unemployment, so let's just forget about the disease and hope for the best.

I'm so fucking tired of hearing people say "we need to follow the science" and then immediately report the preliminary data that they cherry-picked specifically to make the case they wanted to make from the start. (For the record, MDs are not scientists. You should never trust an MD to make a scientific case. Or any individual actual scientist, for that matter.)

A lot of these arguments rest on some measurements of Santa Clara County and LA County that the whole community immediately recognized as fatally flawed.

By the researchers' OWN estimates, their data was consistent with all their seropositive cases being false-positive. So they basically haven't measured anything at all. This episode will be a textbook example of bad statistics for the next 50 years. And yet we still get to hear how "Stanford scientists have shown that we don't need social distancing!"

The whole thing is a direct echo of the bullshit arguments we've heard against 'climate alarmism' or 'HIV alarmism' for our entire lives.

A little bit of knowledge can do a hell of a lot of harm.


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Sat Apr-25-20 12:23 PM

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191. "What are they saying??"
In response to Reply # 188


A synopsis for a video??? I watched for 3 minutes and the dude said nothing. So off he goes.

I found this:

So these docs are saying it's not that bad and that you should just let everyone go outside and those who die will die - then we'll have herd immunity - and it won't be bad - just like the same or a little mroe than the flu kills.

And he's using data from the past few months to compare to flu data for a year.


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Sat Apr-25-20 01:01 PM

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192. "The argument (and it could be true, just way premature),"
In response to Reply # 191
Sat Apr-25-20 01:03 PM by stravinskian


is that the disease is killing a lot of people because it's hugely infectious, not because it's particularly dangerous to those who get it. So supposedly a huge number of people have gotten it but only a tiny fraction of that big number have died.

This wouldn't mean it's not a problem. But it could conceivably mean that social distancing is pointless. If we're all gonna get it, and a few hundred thousand people are gonna die from it no matter what we do, then by shutting down the economy we're just delaying the inevitable. We should suck it up and let it burn itself out.

At least that's the closest thing to a rational argument. (The data on this is veerry sketchy at this point, which they never admit.) Unfortunately it also travels in the same conspiracy theory world as 'covid19 is a hoax!', or 'only fat and old people are at risk' (as if such people don't matter), or 'it's just the flu,' or 'vodka will disinfect your throat.' So even if it turns out there's something to it it really shouldn't be dignified with as much attention as it'll get.


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Sat Apr-25-20 01:21 PM

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193. "i havent watched the video but do they consider"
In response to Reply # 192
Sat Apr-25-20 01:24 PM by Reeq


that the numbers arent completely catastrophic precisely because much of the world basically shut down?

without the shutdowns...the death toll would be dramatically worse. not only would you have an increase in the 1st layer of infection...but with an overwhelmed health system...theres less life saving treatment available in ratio to those infected (spiking the rate of death). then you have those indirect deaths where people at the hospital for other life threatening ailments might miss out on emergency treatment too (shortage of beds, available staff, etc).

basically italy.


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Sat Apr-25-20 01:42 PM

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194. "Don't watch it. It's not worth your time."
In response to Reply # 193
Sat Apr-25-20 01:50 PM by stravinskian


I only skimmed it, but it's the same naive shit I've been arguing over with my sociologist cousin, who thinks he understands statistics better than the whole epidemiology community.

These guys are flexible on their conspiracy theories. If pushed, they'll admit that social distancing has slowed the outbreaks, and yes, that the outbreaks would be bigger (but briefer) if we went back to normal. But they still want to think there would be enough beds and ventilators if we 'lessened' the social distancing. They're remarkably vague (and inconsistent) about *how much* we can let up, fundamentally because they don't have any fucking idea. All they know is that right now we're probably doing more than we need to do, which isn't news to anyone, and to the extent it's news, it's good news, not bad news.

A few weeks ago, the argument was "In March the models said there'd be 200,000 deaths by August, now they're down to 60,000 deaths by August. How low will it have to go before these alarmists admit they were wrong?!" Meanwhile, we're now on track to hit those 60,000 deaths by the end of April.

It's a fast-moving analog of climate denial.


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201. "my nephew posted that dr erickson video in family group chat smh."
In response to Reply # 194



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189. "Tyler Perry somehow someway has a sorta good idea to film his shows:"
In response to Reply # 0


TMZ of course is right, what if a cast member has to leave to deal with a family medical emergency and yeah day players could be an issue but I’m low key impressed at this plan.


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Shaun Tha Don
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196. "And now Scarface is on dialysis. "
In response to Reply # 0



Rest In Peace, Bad News Brown


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197. "Good interview with Face and Willie Dee (video)"
In response to Reply # 196



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be about it or be without it



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Mon Apr-27-20 11:20 AM

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198. "New Yorker article about New York's response"
In response to Reply # 0



to the corona virus compared to Seattle's. Article is a bit too long to copy and paste, so here's the link:

"Sean sparks like John Starks, nah, Sean ball like John Wall" - Rest In Power Forever Sean Price.


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Mon Apr-27-20 02:02 PM

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199. "Does your town have COVID deniers protesting?"
In response to Reply # 0
Mon Apr-27-20 02:02 PM by handle


San Deigo does - and on the coast, just not inland. <-pictures

Protesters with signs such as “COVID is a LIE” and “PB IS OPEN” gathered Sunday near a lifeguard station in Pacific Beach to protest state and county stay-home orders and beach closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

At least 200 people rallied with U.S. flags and protest signs next to the PB Shore Club at 4343 Ocean Blvd., most not following social distancing orders or wearing facial coverings.

Two police motorcycle officers circled the area with dozens of officers patrolling on foot, mostly keeping roadways clear.

The protest, dubbed “A Day of Liberty San Diego Freedom Rally,” was organized by Naomi Soria, who organized last week’s downtown San Diego rally. (A group chanted: “We are Naomi.”)

A protester with a sign joins hundreds of people in Pacific Beach calling for an end to stay-at-home orders.
Hundreds of people in Pacific Beach called for an end to stay-at-home orders. Photo by Chris Stone
It was not immediately known whether anyone was cited for violating the stay-at-home order or congregating on a closed beach.
The protest began at 1 p.m. and people started to leave the area near the lifeguard tower after about half an hour, gathering at the corner of Mission Boulevard and Grand Avenue.

The Rev. Shane Harris, whose call for citations led to a move to charge April 18 rally organizer Soria, reacted to a sign he saw Sunday in Pacific Beach likening stay-at-home orders to slavery.

“I’m sorry but slavery is a far reach for social distancing,” tweeted Harris, leader of the People’s Alliance for Justice. “Don’t compare your protests for a beach opening up to our fight for basic human dignity.”

Also Sunday, the group Showing Up for Racial Justice San Diego issued a statement critical of the protests.

“Make no mistake — the bulk of these people are members of extremist groups that are taking advantage of this moment to advance their political agenda,” said Blair Overstreet, a leader of the group — part of a national network “that educates and mobilizes white people in the collective fight for racial and economic justice.”

“These same organizations and participants have been the drivers behind anti-LGBTQ+, anti-Muslim, and anti-vaxx protests, both locally and statewide,” Overstreet said. “These very small, local protests have been encouraged and amplified by organizers that then bring people in from all over the state, traveling to each of these rallies, and bringing vulnerable people into their cause.”


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Tue Apr-28-20 07:51 AM

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200. "These stories about dogs and cats having COVID-19 make me think"
In response to Reply # 0



"How did a dog/cat get a test when there are humans out here who can't get tests!?"

♥ Inescapably Me ♥

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Tue Apr-28-20 03:03 PM

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202. "if they don't, even more lives could be unnecessarily @ risk..."
In response to Reply # 200



..There's no way around it.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...


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Wed Apr-29-20 12:47 PM

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204. "RE: These stories about dogs and cats having COVID-19 make me think"
In response to Reply # 200


Animal blood samples go to animal testing labs. They don't go to human testing labs, so animal tests are not jumping over human tests that are waiting to be processed.

Human tests go to human test labs, and cannot be processed by animal test labs. So animal tests are not exhausting the resources of human test labs.


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Tue Apr-28-20 03:32 PM

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203. "nurse claims NY is 'murdering' COVID-19 patients by putting them on vent..."
In response to Reply # 0


Nurse working on coronavirus frontline in New York claims the city is 'murdering' COVID-19 patients by putting them on ventilators and causing trauma to the lungs


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Wed Apr-29-20 01:57 PM

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205. "Whitehouse release Cov-19 Commerciatve Coins "
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216. "I don't think that store has any official ties to The White House."
In response to Reply # 205



For whatever it's worth.


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206. "I fear that this is going to impinge upon our human rights, and lead "
In response to Reply # 0


to severe measures of condemnation.

I don’t necessarily agree with the anti-lockdown protestors. However, I’m seeing this pandemic lead to digital and physical witch hunts.

Example, A male Chicagoian held a house party of 50 people. A video of the party was uploaded to Facebook. Within a matter of minutes , the video had gone viral, and a hunt was out for the person who organized the gathering. The individual was verbally degraded and reprimanded throughout the social media universe, and some were saying that he needed to be jailed or shot.

Major news outlets tracked him down to get an interview , and the interview is already in the papers. His address and photo are in the papers as well. It appears that the young man was simply oblivious and unaware on just how dangerous the virus is. He also stated that he threw the party to honor his 2 friends who had recently been murdered.

I can honestly see our laws and amendments being changed to acknowledge some form of distancing, and individuals being jailed for breaching them, or something even more severe than that. We are dealing with a pandemic and the necessary precautions need to be implemented, but our liberties and rights as human beings and citizens shouldn’t just be tossed out the window either.....

Things are going to get really slippery as human interactions continue to be suppressed.....


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Thu Apr-30-20 10:23 AM

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208. "^^Super ridiculous example there but I kind of see it and disagree"
In response to Reply # 206


I agree - don't DOX people.

But, if the world is so fragile that you can't NOT party for a few month before HAVING TO PARTY then we are in BIG trouble.

But yes, don't DOX people. Don't go harm people. Shaming people??? I'm fine with that right now - when an actual plague is spreading.

And watch the video - dude says he thought the virus was a scam - but he gets it now.

BTW, he got a violation for disorderly conduct.


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Thu Apr-30-20 12:32 PM

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209. "RE: ^^Super ridiculous example there but I kind of see it and disagree"
In response to Reply # 208
Thu Apr-30-20 12:39 PM by allStah


I don't think you are following me here. It's not so much about having a party. It's more about where do your liberties end and begin with this as a citizen and as a human being?

That's the question.

At the end of the day, regardless of governments, laws, orders, etc, you are your own free organism and existence. That is fact. When it comes to any order given by government, religion, or just man in general, it tends to travel to the extreme, and then an uprising comes about sooner or later, because of the simple nature of free will, volition etc.

For instance take the Spanish Inquisition, not a similar situation, but an order to either follow Catholicism or be tortured. Now that wasn't a pandemic and has nothing to do with the pandemic, but it was an order to have people exist and act a certain way, and infringed upon their rights as free human beings.

What if this situation graduates to where government orders everyone to get vaccinated, or that there will permanently be no close interaction in public, and those who breach those orders will be detained, etc?

If these lockdowns are extended, and they definitely will be, the number of people who are against them will continue to rise and rise. Human suppression can only last for so long, no matter if it is 400 years or 2 days. Life is a matter of balance, where there will always be opposing energies, or opposition to a constant mechanism....

A constant mechanism is never agreed upon or followed by all, no matter if the mechanism is to save lives or uplift the people. The matrix taught us that. It is just the simple nature of opposing tendencies or energies.....and that opposition usually comes about when certain actions have swayed to a point of an imbalance.

So again where and when does the line ( imbalance) gets drawn where liberties and rights start to become fractured with all of this?


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Thu Apr-30-20 12:55 PM

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210. "WHAT?????????????????????????????????????"
In response to Reply # 209



They didn't even make dude sit in THE COMFY CHAIR! Much less torture.

Dream of your revolution where your more free to spread the plague than to not.

If that's who you are then cool. (House partiers, biker gangs, and gun rights advocates will be at your party spreading it too!)

The other extension is:
If anyone spreads the plague to me and then tells me they have a right to - well I'm simply going to murder that person. I have the right to defend myself, don't I??? <-Another "logical" conclusion that's not good.

Note: California Governor Newsom is likely to order ALL beaches shut down this weekend (after many re-opened.) We'll hear a lot of your arguments on the news about liberties from people in swim trunks decrying the over reach of governemnt.

Right now I think you're all just babies.


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Thu Apr-30-20 01:12 PM

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211. "RE: WHAT?????????????????????????????????????"
In response to Reply # 210
Thu Apr-30-20 01:14 PM by allStah


Your verbal actions are very hostile and lack calmness. and you don't read to well. I stated that the SI is not the pandemic or related to it, but no different when it comes to government orders....government orders are government orders.

Anyway, Your response proves my point. Your hostility and anger that OPPOSES my comments for the beliefs and views of your own. This is the balance. There will be those who are against, and those who are for...and this is where the battle happens. You just stated that someone opposing those orders would give you the right to protect yourself, by even killing if you have to.....You are proving my point.

There are uprisings and revolutions that happen almost every year, in different countries,etc. That will always exist. There was recently one in the middle east ( the arabian spring where leaders were killed). There was one happening before covid in Hong Kong.....No one is exempt of an uprising, no country either.

WE didn't see this epidemic coming, but it is here. So it is safe to say that we do not know what will happen. And as lockdowns get extended and possibly become stricter, will the protests grow even bigger?.....

I take no sides here ...just merely stating what history has already stated and continues to state.


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Thu Apr-30-20 01:20 PM

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212. "You are super awesome bro"
In response to Reply # 211
Thu Apr-30-20 01:21 PM by handle


You do you.


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213. "RE: You are super awesome bro"
In response to Reply # 212


Our Governor is already facing lawsuits regarding our stay at home order. There are lawsuits that talk about the state impinging on their constitutional rights.

"Pastor Steve Cassell with Beloved Church in Lena, Illinois, was preaching last week on isolation, but is now challenging the governor's restrictions on church gatherings.

"The devil does his greatest works in isolation," Cassell said during an online church service.

He's seeking a temporary restraining order to allow his congregation to once again meet in person and not online. Stephenson County, where his church is located, has had just 35 COVID-19 cases and no deaths, according to the Department of Public Health.

"The First Amendment has been taken away," Cassell said. "I would like it back, please. I would like it back, please. The freedom to exercise my religious liberties and the freedom to peaceably assemble are some of the core foundations of what our entire nation is built on."

It does not matter what type of order it is or what type of rule it is, no matter what the ruling is for, there will always be a group of people who think opposite to whatever is being ordered. Same way with the American Revolution, it was people (colonies)stating "no taxation without representation", and why should we be forced to pay taxes
or agree to laws that we did not vote for or having any representation to vote.

Again, I take no sides. Just stating on how all living things act when it comes to orders or laws.


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Thu Apr-30-20 10:02 PM

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214. "Super AWESOME!!"
In response to Reply # 213


Why not reply again to get the last word???


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215. "blackface obama dance at reopen michigan rally."
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navajo joe
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Fri May-01-20 12:49 PM

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217. ""But they are fighting for our rights!""
In response to Reply # 215


Clown niggas say clown things


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Fri May-01-20 12:50 PM

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218. "i have no idea why repubs are doubling down "
In response to Reply # 0


on 'opening up the economy' and backing these reopen protests.

the protests are extremely unpopular.

even seniors, rural folks, and working class whites tilt against trump on this.

govs who shut down and went against trump saw huge boosts in approval.

and people like brian kemp (trump friendly gov who shut down late and reopened early) saw their approval collapse.


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Fri May-01-20 01:17 PM

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220. "the only reason they do anything: money"
In response to Reply # 218


leaving the economy "closed" puts the onus on the state & federal budgets to provide funds for the citizenry (unemployment payments, stimulus etc)

opening up means that responsibility shifts back to private businesses.

that's it.



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222. "yup yup."
In response to Reply # 220



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Fri May-01-20 01:49 PM

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221. "It's becuase IT IS WHO THEY ARE"
In response to Reply # 218


They are deplorable.


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223. "this too."
In response to Reply # 221



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229. "they can't do otherwise without burning their rule book"
In response to Reply # 218


If the gov handled this even close to right, it would prove that government can actually play an important role.

Think about how much progressive shit was done after the great depression...think about (in some respects, anyway) how that helped lurch the country left for a few decades.

Everyone with half a brain knows 1 $1200 check isn't the answer, and knows that this isn't a problem that is going away next month.

Whole situation makes me **extra** mad at the left for not running better candidates/campaigns.

I really think this *could* have been an opportunity to elect a progressive candidate and president. I do. Its just that Warren ended up being a bad politician and Bernard ended up being a really bad movement leader who ran a very misguided campaign.

But I don't know if the country is built for something like this anyway. Its like if we can't go to work, eat out, and buy shit we don't know what to do with ourselves.


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Sun May-03-20 11:42 PM

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230. "lol @ you showing exactly why in your post"
In response to Reply # 229
Sun May-03-20 11:44 PM by Damali


>I really think this *could* have been an opportunity to elect
>a progressive candidate and president. I do. Its just that
>Warren ended up being a bad politician and Bernard ended up
>being a really bad movement leader who ran a very misguided

this BS is exactly why there is no viable progressive candidate...cuz most people want a perfect progressive...y'all always have a caveat.

there's ALWAYS going to be something wrong with a progressive candidate.

why? cuz they are flawed human beings, just like any other candidate. no one is ever gonna be good enough if we always trying to play some dumb ass zero sum game.

Warren or Bernie would have been just fine.



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Sun May-03-20 08:18 AM

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224. "we just reported our deadliest day. as states are opening up."
In response to Reply # 0

WHO: US just reported deadliest day for coronavirus


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226. "It's still going to get worse "
In response to Reply # 224


My hospital is still saying that the current model puts the peak like 10 days from now. (They update the model and prediction every few days.)


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Sun May-03-20 09:23 AM

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225. "70+% of people who claimed unemployment havent received payments."
In response to Reply # 0


in florida...only 8% of claims have been approved.

meanwhile corporations are getting millions in bailouts they dont even need with no requirement to pay employees or limit executive pay.

we no longer live in a democratic country with a functioning government. we live in a failed state.

this is russian/eastern bloc level shameless corruption.


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Sun May-03-20 11:04 AM

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227. "Why does the CDC show only 37,000 COVID-19 deaths?"
In response to Reply # 0


Am I missing something on their website or reading it wrong?


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navajo joe
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Sun May-03-20 08:03 PM

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228. "This article covers it"
In response to Reply # 227



A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Mon May-04-20 12:13 PM

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231. "The clown show continues in San Deigo - wearing a KKK hood for a mask"
In response to Reply # 0


SANTEE — A man was spotted wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood in a Vons in Santee on Saturday, igniting outrage from the mayor, the head of the Anti-Defamation League in San Diego and others.
A corporate spokeswoman said grocery clerks repeatedly asked the shopper to remove the hood or leave the store, located on Mission Gorge Road.

A supervisor found the man once he was in a checkout line and asked him again to take off the hood or leave, said Melissa Hill, a spokeswoman for Vons, Albertsons and Pavilions stores in Southern California.

The man removed the hood, purchased his items and left.

Photos shared on social media showed the man pushing the cart in the store’s produce area and holding a plastic produce bag while wearing the hood. At least one photo shows the man, who appears to be white and middle-aged, standing behind a cart without a hood.

Santee Mayor John Minto and other leaders condemned the incident.

“San Diego is #NoPlaceForHate,” Tammy Gillies, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League in the San Diego area, said on Twitter.

Minto and residents who commented on social media said the shopper’s actions do not represent the values of the East County city of almost 60,000 residents. The city has worked over the years to overcome a history of racially motivated attacks and skinhead activity that led to the nicknames “Klantee” and “Santucky.”

“So troublesome in so many ways this is still happening in Santee at Vons,” resident Tiam Tellez wrote on Facebook, where he shared photos he took of the shopper. “Disgusting!”

While some questioned why the man was not forced to leave the store, Tellez, Minto and others thanked the store’s management team for stepping in.

“Many thanks to all who stepped forward to curtail this sad reminder of intolerance,” the mayor said. “Santee, its leaders and I will not tolerate such behavior.”

County Supervisor Dianne Jacob, who represents Santee and other East County communities, also denounced the man’s actions.

“The images I’ve seen are abhorrent,” she said in a statement. “This blatant racism has no place in Santee or any part of San Diego County. It is not who we are. It is not what we stand for and can’t be tolerated.”

Hill said the incident was alarming and shocking.

“At Vons, fostering an environment of courtesy, dignity, and respect is one of our highest priorities, and we work hard to hold everyone in our stores to these standards, including customers,” Hill said. “This was a disturbing incident for our associates and customers, and we are reviewing with our team how to best handle such inappropriate situations in the future.”

The incident occurred a day after a San Diego County mandate requiring residents to wear face coverings in public, including in grocery stores, took effect. The mandate is aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19.


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233. "sarkkkasm"
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237. "Sad but not surprised that this happened in Klantee"
In response to Reply # 231



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Sat May-09-20 06:52 PM

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262. "Santee back again - now with swastikas !!!!!"
In response to Reply # 231
Sat May-09-20 06:53 PM by handle


This is a store close enough to me that I've shopped there.

A customer wearing a swastika face mask was confronted by deputies at a grocery store in the same Southern California community where another shopper wore a Ku Klux Klan hood just days ago ― the latest examples of white supremacist and anti-Semitic symbols being used to protest COVID-19 safety measures.

The shopper removed the swastika after being ordered to do so by deputies called to the scene at Food 4 Less in Santee on Thursday, said law enforcement authorities.

The shopper — who later identified himself to the Times of San Diego (and to police) as Santee resident Dustin Hart — uploaded a video of his confrontation with a store clerk and a pair of deputies called to the scene to deal with a “disturbance.” He claimed it was his “First Amendment” right to wear the mask. But one of the deputies pointed out that he was in a “family friendly” private store that “can make their own rules.” The officer added: “They don’t want people seeing that. It’s offensive.”

Seconds earlier, the Times reported, a store clerk asked him to remove the mask because it was “basically a hate crime.” He refused.

In a video of the incident Hart posted to BitChute, a right-wing video platform that often features hate speech, he appeared to be with his wife, who was wearing a black T-shirt with the “honkler” clown version of Pepe the Frog, a white nationalist meme.

The San Diego Sheriff’s Department issued a statement saying that when deputies “asked for the symbol to be removed, the man complied.” Investigators will “continue to look into the matter,” the statement added. “The Sheriff’s Department does not condone hate or acts of intolerance. We are a county that is welcoming of people from all backgrounds.”

Hart was asked not to return to the store, reported NBC 7 in San Diego.


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Mon May-04-20 12:25 PM

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232. "these videos of protesters all in cops faces"
In response to Reply # 0



aside from it being rich to see the bluelivesmatter respect authority crowd screaming at cops, and the obvious reason cops aren't using any force whatsoever...

the cops not wearing masks... you could damn near see spit flying in these videos.

obviously a good amount of cops are trumpsters and i'm sure there are plenty are on some "I'm just doing my job because the democrat mayor" etc..

on the other, cops are catching covid. last week i think 20% of the nypd was out sick

in a sane word, cops and firefighters would be out here telling these people to stfu but damn we're broken.


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Mon May-04-20 12:45 PM

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235. "RE: these videos of protesters all in cops faces"
In response to Reply # 232
Mon May-04-20 12:50 PM by allStah


this is my real problem with the protest. I agree they have the right to protest and to assemble, no qualms there. As a citizen, you have the right to question legislations and the government that implements those legislations when it comes to your existence as a citizen and as a human being.

However, why aren't African Americans or other minorities afforded that same right to protest without being harmed or penalized in some form or fashion? We are always instructed to fall in line and stop causing trouble when we stand up for our dogmas or beliefs. That is where the true bias exist.

And they should be wearing masks as they protest. If african americans were out protesting without wearing a mask, would they afford that same tolerance?


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Mon May-04-20 12:43 PM

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234. "Trump Administration Models Predict Near Doubling of Daily Death Toll by..."
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The Trump administration projects about 3,000 daily deaths by early June.

As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of cases and deaths from the coronavirus over the next several weeks, reaching about 3,000 daily deaths on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, nearly double from the current level of about 1,750.

The projections, based on government modeling pulled together in chart form by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases now.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: While the United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks, not much has changed. And the reopening to the economy will make matters worse.

“There remains a large number of counties whose burden continues to grow,” the Centers for Disease Control warned.

The projections confirm the primary fear of public health experts: that a reopening of the economy will put the nation right back where it was in mid-March, when cases were rising so rapidly in some parts of the country that patients were dying on gurneys in hospital hallways as the health care system grew overloaded.

(SWIPE STOPPED, but use the link above if you want to read it all.)


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navajo joe
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Mon May-04-20 12:50 PM

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236. "Basically a 9/11 a day"
In response to Reply # 234


And this was preventable.

This administration WANTS this to happen.


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238. "How to win a second term? Kill off voters in urban areas"
In response to Reply # 234


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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double negative
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Tue May-05-20 02:41 PM

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239. "This is kind of interesting..."
In response to Reply # 0



it kind of falls in line with what I've been thinking that our perspective is changing real time. I think eventually we're going to come to a non-ventilator treatment eventually. What that is...I have NO idea, its just a really good solution for the time.



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Tue May-05-20 03:31 PM

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240. "Wisdom from &quot; VIBRATE HEALING with Sarah???&quot;"
In response to Reply # 239
Tue May-05-20 03:35 PM by handle


Why would YOU have an opinion on what it could be??

This guy says it's "High Altitude Sickness" And for some reason he's one of the few doctors to see it - and the others are all wrong.

Is this guy a doctor, or does he jsut wear scrubs? Any info would be helpful.

EDIT: original video:

Coudl he be right? I'm no doctor, I don't know.

Maybe this virus just fucks the lungs out so bad that no one know how to deal with it yet?


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double negative
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244. "thanks for updating the link"
In response to Reply # 240



>Why would YOU have an opinion on what it could be??
>This guy says it's "High Altitude Sickness" And for some
>reason he's one of the few doctors to see it - and the others
>are all wrong.
>Is this guy a doctor, or does he jsut wear scrubs? Any info
>would be helpful.
>EDIT: original video:
>Coudl he be right? I'm no doctor, I don't know.
>Maybe this virus just fucks the lungs out so bad that no one
>know how to deal with it yet?

I guess, this might make some sense if viewed in context.

My opinion just comes from watching our understanding of covid evolve.

At first it was ventilate no matter what - we need ventilators. And the response to the call was to source ventilators. In addition, the homebrew/hacker community started rigging up potential solutions while totally missing the mark on/about what ventilators do besides cycling air into and out of the lungs.

also, the big thing to look out for was fever and dry cough - but then the interesting part is most folks who need hospital care don't even have fevers.

Ventilators also potentially introduce a form of trauma (which is a known known and why the ventilator is not just a machine that pumps air into and out of the lungs - when in proper use it's riding a fine line).

Next to that, doctors have also been reporting that covid affected lungs are "tougher" in texture which can make ventilation difficult.

one other very interesting observation ER doctors have mentioned is how patients will go from 0 to 100 extremely quickly. Oxygen levels will drop to critical levels before the patient will even become aware of it at times.

So, hospitals started sending folks home with pulse oximeters with explicit instructions to come in if and when blood oxygen levels hit 93-90%.

I know this is a word salad. I'm obviously not a doctor, I'm interested in how treatment has evolved in real time.



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navajo joe
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Tue May-05-20 07:01 PM

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242. "Dr. Rick Bight's files whistleblower complaint"
In response to Reply # 0


Told Trump in January and was ignored. Remember Trump WANTS Americans to die. It's not only been his long-standing fantasy, it's his path to keep in power.

My only goal in life is to live long enough to watch these people suffer


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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navajo joe
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251. "Special Counsel determines sufficient grounds to believe retaliation"
In response to Reply # 242



A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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243. "are we gonna be to sick to vote? "
In response to Reply # 0



I feel like, opening outside is a set up...


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245. "white supremacists discussed using virus as a bioweapon"
In response to Reply # 0


to infect nonwhite people and law enforcement.

for people who thought this was just a conspiracy theory.

theres a tacit acknowledgment among white people (not just extremists) that theyre carriers less likely to die from the virus as nonwhite people (at this stage).

if you know anything about how white race survivalism (low white birth rates in the midst of a browning world) is driving conservative politics all across the globe (immigration, healthcare, social safety net, etc) then youve prolly already come to the conclusion that this is already built into some of the perspective (even if just subconcious) that conservatives view these shutdowns/reopenings through.


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248. "I've got a 4-count on Plandemic truthers so far as well"
In response to Reply # 245



I know it's a different strain of mental virus but it's the same bullshit. The best thing I can say is that none of those 4 were people I respected prior to them falling down that hole anyway.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook:


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navajo joe
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Wed May-06-20 07:17 AM

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246. "Native American Health Center asked for supplies got body bags (swipe)"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed May-06-20 07:20 AM by navajo joe


In another case of "Here's what they they think about you' (c) Ice Cube

They asked for tests and were just given body bags.

If there was any question that this administration is deliberately using crisis as an opportunity to redistribute wealth, close borders, and disenfranchise and kill 'undesirables' I hope that there is no longer any question.

May 5, 2020, 5:56 PM EDT
By Erik Ortiz

Native American health center asked for COVID-19 supplies. It got body bags instead.
"Are we going to keep getting body bags or are we going to get what we actually need?" a Seattle Indian Health Board official asked.

In mid-March, as the Seattle region grappled with a coronavirus outbreak, a community health center caring for the area's Native American population made a pressing request to county, state and federal health agencies: Please send medical supplies.

What it received almost three weeks later left staff members stunned.

"My team turned ghost white," said Esther Lucero, chief executive officer of the Seattle Indian Health Board. "We asked for tests, and they sent us a box of body bags."

The health board's center — serving about 6,000 people a year in Seattle and King County — still has the package, which is filled with zippered white bags and beige tags that read "attach to toe."

Image: A box of body bags received by the Seattle Indian Health Board.A box of body bags received by the Seattle Indian Health Board.Seattle Indian Health Board
Lucero said the body bags were a mistaken — yet nonetheless macabre — delivery from a distributor via King County's Public Health Department.

Abigail Echo-Hawk, the health board's chief research officer, said she believes that the message it sends, even unintentionally, is resonating in Native American communities across the United States during the pandemic: There is a pressing lack of adequate resources and funding as promised.

Full coverage of the coronavirus outbreak

"The Navajo Nation is in a crisis with cases, and there are tribes and other Indian organizations across the country that are in similar crises and can use medical supplies and help instead of watching people die," Echo-Hawk said. "This is a metaphor for what's happening."


While Trump minimizes the toll, government orders 100,000 new body bags
Her concern comes as the federal government announced Tuesday that it will begin distributing billions of dollars in desperately needed pandemic-relief funds to Native American tribal governments, money that was delayed for more than a month in a related legal dispute.

While Seattle and Washington as a whole have managed to slow the spread of the coronavirus after being the nation's earliest hot spot at the beginning of March, Echo-Hawk said she's worried about whether the center will be able to perform the necessary coronavirus testing or secure enough personal protective equipment, or PPE, as businesses reopen and if a second wave of the virus crops up later this year, as health officials have warned.

"My questions is: Are we going to keep getting body bags or are we going to get what we actually need?" Echo-Hawk said.

‘Swelling hotspot’ : Navajo Nation has more than 2000 coronavirus cases
MAY 4, 202002:25
Research shared this month from Public Health — Seattle & King County suggests that social distancing efforts in the region have been effective, with the county's infection rate falling since early March, although the rate of infection among people of color is still four times that of whites.

The Seattle Indian Health Board is one of 41 urban health programs under the federal Indian Health Service, which provides health care access to about 2.5 million American Indians and Alaska Natives.

Lucero said receiving PPE or COVID-19 tests, and not body bags, back in March was critical while they were working to curb the spread of the virus. At the time, the Seattle Indian Health Board did not have the capacity to test, and although the Federal Emergency Management Agency did offer to provide testing for the center, the logistics involved didn't make the process feasible, Lucero said.


She's a doctor on the front lines of the coronavirus. At home, she has no running water.
After turning down FEMA's offer, the box of body bags inexplicably arrived, Lucero added. The health board did not have a contact at the county health department to ask about the shipment. Meanwhile, Lucero said, the county did help deliver about 200 COVID-19 test kits through FEMA.

She welcomed those tests because unlike the earlier ones, the health board was permitted to use their own lab to process the tests and communicate the results to patients directly.

Public Health — Seattle & King County on Tuesday could not immediately verify the health board's claims, but said it would look into them.

Image: Abigail Echo-Hawk, a Pawnee tribal member, is chief research officer for the Seattle Indian Health Board.Abigail Echo-Hawk, a Pawnee tribal member, is chief research officer for the Seattle Indian Health Board.Seattle Indian Health Board
While the Seattle Indian Health Board has the PPE and supplies it needs as of now, Echo-Hawk and Lucero said, they were disappointed in the lack of aid in those crucial, earlier weeks and have since relied on Native-owned business such as the retail brand Eighth Generation in Seattle for donations to adequately fill the void.

"We need to have the correct resources and be included at the state and federal level," Echo-Hawk said. "Until then, Native organizations like mine are going to push forward to create the resources needed for us and by us."

The Seattle Indian Health Board has previously received some federal funding, which has helped to set up an additional testing site and keep the center operating, Echo-Hawk said. But she added that the program could benefit further from funding set aside for tribes and federal Indian programs in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, a $2 trillion stimulus package passed in March.

The U.S. government has an obligation to provide health care to all Native Americans as stipulated in longstanding treaties with Indian tribes.

Download the NBC News app for latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak

The Treasury and Interior departments announced the distribution Tuesday of $4.8 billion to tribal governments, divvied up based on their census figures. However, urban Indian programs are not part of this phase.

The stimulus money was expected to be released before the end of April, as mandated by the law, but a legal feud erupted when tribal governments denounced the idea that Alaska Native corporations, which are for-profit businesses that serve tribal villages, would be allocated some of the funding.

Tara Sweeney, the assistant secretary for Indian affairs in the Department of Interior and an Alaska Native, has been accused by some tribes of having a conflict of interest and trying to divert some of the funding for Alaska Native corporations.

The Interior Department said in a statement that Sweeney has acted ethically and that some are "seeking to sow division during a time of crisis with unfounded allegations of favoritism."

Some Native American tribes have filed lawsuits challenging the aid for Alaska Native corporations, and the Treasury Department said Tuesday that such funding will be "held back" until the litigation is resolved.

Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., the vice chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, said the funds should have been out the door to help Native communities on the outset of the pandemic.

"Treasury's announcement is the definition of 'too little, too late,'" Udall said in a statement. "It comes weeks after the deadline and billions of dollars short."


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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247. "Word around the campfire is America reopens by July 1st..."
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... Without restriction meaning no ppe, no social distancing, or sanitary guidelines. is a real time coronavirus tracker. 1 is a full blown pandemic whereas 0 means no cases.

Why is this happening so soon?

No empathy for white misery (c) BDot

"root for everybody black haters say that's crazy, wow..."


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Fri May-08-20 09:26 AM

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249. "the porn industry could teach us how to test & trace (swipe):"
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make sense to me

reopen workplaces in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, they’re grappling with what seems like an endless list of questions: where to test, who to test, and how often to test for the virus? Further complicating matters are issues of workers’ privacy, geography, politics, science, and cost. It’s a difficult mandate. But there is one place to look for guidance — the adult film industry.

Since the late 1990s, when an outbreak of HIV infections threatened to shutter the multibillion-dollar industry, the mainstream porn community has implemented procedures that require all performers to be tested for HIV and a host of other sexually transmitted infections every 14 days before they can be cleared to work. Any HIV-positive test leads to an immediate shutdown of all U.S. sets, followed by detailed contact tracing before sets can reopen. While not perfect, those in the industry say the nationwide PASS program works to protect thousands of performers, ensures safer workplaces, and curtails the spread of disease.

“I don’t think I could be in this industry without it. That would be insane. Bareback sex with strangers 20 times a month? It would be like the most dangerous job in the world,” said Lance Hart, a gay and straight adult film performer and independent pornographer in Las Vegas who runs the production companies Sweet Femdom and Man Up Films.

In the 20 years it has been in place, PASS has met, and overcome, many of the same challenges that any large-scale coronavirus testing program might encounter, from issues of keeping databases of private medical information secure, preventing the forging of test results, dealing with false positive results, and educating workers about the need for repeated testing to keep workplaces safe. Those devising strategies to reopen workplaces and the larger economy during the coronavirus pandemic say their plans would involve, at their core, processes of rigorous testing, isolation, and contact tracing similar to those used in the adult film industry.

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“In many ways, what they are doing is a model for what we are trying to do with Covid,” said Ashish Jha, a physician who directs Harvard University’s Global Health Institute and has been calling for widespread national testing to contain the coronavirus. “The adult film industry teaches us that as a proof of concept, this can work. We just have to scale it up.”

Lance Hart
Lance Hart, an adult film performer who also runs two production companies.
Jha said he could envision a program similar to PASS where Covid-19 test results are put into a secure database that could be checked to verify whether people had recently tested negative for the virus. “You could imagine TSA verifying someone had tested negative before they were allowed on a flight,” he said. “Testing is particularly important for areas that are high risk, like airplanes or meatpacking plants.”

While it did not cite the adult film industry, a “National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan” released by the Rockefeller Foundation last month included the creation of an “infection database” that could be accessed by employers, schools, TSA, and those scanning tickets for entry into sports or music venues.

“What the adult film industry has produced has worked, and really could be the kind of tool we need,” Jha said. “People can’t get distracted because it’s from a business they don’t approve of.”

Mike Stabile, communications director for the Free Speech Coalition, the adult entertainment trade association that runs PASS, said the adult film industry understands “better than most the discussion that has to happen for businesses to reopen.”

Yet for all of that expertise, it would be hard to imagine the Trump administration, or state politicians, reaching out to the porn industry for guidance. Stabile said that while he has not been contacted by any government officials, he would have plenty of advice to share. “It’s going to be an ongoing process. It’s not going to be a binary open or shut,” he said. “But it’s not as heavy a lift as people think. This is something that’s doable.”

Stabile, who is closely following coronavirus news, feels most people are unaware of the need for repeat testing that is standard in his industry. “When you look at the world at large, there’s an idea you’ll be tested once and then go back to work, but with coronavirus, it’s not that simple. We’re looking at a series of regular tests until this gets under control,” he said.

Repeat testing will be necessary for the coronavirus, too, because — like with HIV — there is so much asymptomatic spread of the coronavirus, said Elizabeth “Betz” Halloran, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Washington who directs the Center for Inference and Dynamics of Infectious Diseases at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

“You’ll have to keep testing, maybe every 10 days. We need simpler tests that people can just do at home,” said Halloran, who envisions a low-cost “10-pack” of tests for home use.

“We can’t sit around for 18 months waiting for a vaccine. We have to find a way out without pharmaceuticals, and that’s repeat testing, taking people out of circulation, and then contact tracing, so it’s an interesting analogy,” said Halloran, who is working with colleagues to model a plan where the disease could be kept at levels that would not exceed health care capacity and that would require quarantining less than 10% of people.

Related: ‘We need an army’: Hiring of coronavirus trackers seen as key to curbing disease spread
Performers say they have a lot to teach the rest of the post-Covid-19 world. “We’re already used to working in an environment of risk. That’s something the rest of the normal world is just learning to do,” said Lotus Lain, a bisexual adult film actress who works with Stabile’s group as an advocate for other performers.

Lain said the porn sets she works on are extremely clean and precautions are taken to limit infectious-disease risk. “All of the things people are looking for right now — gloves, masks, alcohol wipes — we have all those things on sets. It’s standard operating procedure,” she said. “I hope other industries look to our industry not just to learn, but to credit us as well.”

Lotus Lain
Adult-film actress Lotus Lain
AIDS experts say the testing program within the adult film industry provides insight into how we might build national testing programs to safeguard workplaces, but also helps illustrate the many challenges that lie ahead, in part because the coronavirus has proved so contagious.

“HIV is our prior pandemic. Surely we can learn from that,” said Robert Gallo, the virologist who co-discovered HIV and now directs the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. But Gallo said preventing the spread of HIV in the film industry is a far more tractable problem than reining in the novel coronavirus.

“You have to deal with every virus differently,” said Gallo, who in 2011 co-founded the Global Virus Network, a consortium working to prevent and eradicate viral disease. HIV, he said, was difficult to contain because symptoms don’t occur for years, but it was also harder to transmit. “This virus is viciously infectious,” he said. “It’s as infectious as anything I’ve ever heard of.” One key to containment, he added, would be to take time now, before widespread testing begins, to ensure tests are highly accurate and avoid the false positive results caused by cross reactions with other common coronaviruses.

Pamina Gorbach, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health, has studied the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the adult film industry. She says the testing program is a step in the right direction to protect the health of performers, but thinks there is room for improvement.

Gorbach’s 2017 study of 360 adult film workers showed 24% of performers were infected with either chlamydia or gonorrhea. One-third of those infections were found in the throat or rectum, she said, undetectable by the urine tests the industry uses to screen for sexually transmitted infections and serving as reservoirs for ongoing transmission. The findings show that testing protocols need to be carefully thought through, she said. (Chlamydia and gonorrhea, for example, can be transmitted within the 14-day repeat testing window that was chosen because it works to prevent HIV transmission.)

Her study also found more than 20% of film workers were self-treating without medical advice when they had symptoms, hoping to shorten the time they might miss work. Gorbach said she feared the same thing could happen with Covid-19, with people misusing or overusing inappropriate treatments in an attempt to cure themselves or mask symptoms so they won’t miss work. (Porn performers don’t get paid when they can’t get to sets, just like other workers without paid sick leave.)

Gorbach said she did see clear lessons that coronavirus testing programs could take from the film industry, including thinking about how to address people who “float,” or work at multiple locations that have vastly different standards for screening or protection. “People in nursing homes float, just like the adult film industry. They float, they work at multiple places with different rules and standards,” she said. “If one place they work screens for infection and one doesn’t, they can take the infection from one place to another.”

Related: Covid-19 spreads too fast for traditional contact tracing. New digital tools could help
The film industry deals with this through frequent testing, and Stabile said most performers won’t work with untested partners. While the testing program is voluntary, Stabile said clear test results are a requirement on most mainstream sets.

Who would pay for tests is also an issue. In the film industry, performers generally pay the roughly $150 testing fee to be cleared to work. Public health officials argue that workers, especially low-wage workers, should not bear the brunt of coronavirus-testing costs. “In public health, we try to reduce barriers to prevent the spread of disease, especially economic barriers,” said Angela Bazzi, an assistant professor of community health sciences at Boston University School of Public Health who has studied the health of sex workers in Mexico, Kenya, Ghana, and Boston. “If we place this burden on individuals, that’s worrisome.”

The geography of testing is also a concern; when permits and condoms were required on film sets in Los Angeles, many producers moved filming to less restrictive locations. Employers might do the same, experts said, to avoid coronavirus testing programs they deem costly or onerous.

Bazzi said it was fascinating to think about what could be learned from a program that increased safety for actors in the adult film industry. “It’s informative,” she said. “They’ve clearly gone through a decision-making process.” But she added that coronavirus testing would likely be far trickier for practical reasons. Adult film testing started more than a decade after the HIV outbreak, and only after years of research to improve HIV tests. Coronavirus tests are still a work in progress.

“In HIV, we saw this progression of tests that took decades, and there are still new tests being developed,” Bazzi said. “With coronavirus, there are still a lot of unknowns with testing.”

Politics will also likely play a role in coronavirus testing programs, if the film industry is an indicator. The testing program continually comes under fire from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, whose leaders think testing does not do enough to prevent on-set HIV transmission and that condoms should be required. Another issue has been a simmering argument over whether HIV-positive performers who have such low levels of the virus that they cannot transmit it should be allowed to participate in filming. For now, any HIV-positive result, regardless of viral titre, disqualifies a performer from being cleared to film in the PASS program.

Now, fears about sexually transmitted infections have faded into the background as those in the film industry grapple with the coronavirus. Performers can obtain the tests they need to be cleared to work because medical clinics remain open, but Stabile said few were participating, mainly because production is on hold due to the coronavirus. (People can still shoot solo videos, or videos with people they are quarantining with.)

Like many industries, Stabile’s group is trying to determine when and how it could safely resume work. Like workers across the country, those in the film industry are feeling the economic pain of loss of work — although those who run subscription porn sites say their business is booming during quarantine. “My revenue is through the roof,” said Hart, who, while at home with his wife and four cats, is raising money for makeup artists, production assistants, and other set workers who are struggling.

A Free Speech Coalition task force is meeting twice a week by Zoom, grappling with questions like whether they can incorporate Covid-19 in their testing protocols and how to protect camera operators, makeup artists, and other on-set employees that did not require testing before. “We’re asking questions like whether directors and camera people can shoot with N95 masks on,” Stabile said. “We are actively trying to figure out how to make sets safe, and that means coronavirus as well as HIV.”


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navajo joe
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Fri May-08-20 10:16 AM

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250. "White House refuses to hear any additional stimulus legislation in May"
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A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Fri May-08-20 02:56 PM

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252. "Stephen Miller's wife caught the hoax"
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navajo joe
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Fri May-08-20 08:04 PM

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253. "I don't wish death on anybody"
In response to Reply # 252


who doesn't deserve it.


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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navajo joe
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Fri May-08-20 08:08 PM

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254. "11 Cases in the Secret Service "
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A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Fri May-08-20 11:38 PM

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256. "This means Melania has to have it since she is fucking 2 of them "
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258. "?????????????????"
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navajo joe
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Fri May-08-20 09:36 PM

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255. "Roy of 'Siegfried and Roy' fame dies of COVID-19"
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Roy Horn—the iconic illusionist who, alongside creative partner Siegfried Fischbacher, established one of the most essential acts to dazzle the Las Vegas Strip—has died due to complications caused by coronavirus. Horn was diagnosed with the virus on April 28. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Siegfried confirmed the death in a statement: “Today, the world has lost one of the greats of magic, but I have lost my best friend. From the moment we met, I knew Roy and I, together, would change the world. There could be no Siegfried without Roy, and no Roy without Siegfried. Roy was a fighter his whole life including during these final days. I give my heartfelt appreciation to the team of doctors, nurses and staff at Mountain View Hospital who worked heroically against this insidious virus that ultimately took Roy’s life.” He was 75 years old.

More to come...



A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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navajo joe
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Sat May-09-20 08:11 AM

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257. "COVID-19 Took Black Lives First. It Didn't Have to. (Swipe)"
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I'm only posting the first section of the article here because it is way too long to post the full thing. But it is a very important look at the lives lost and the systemic reasons behind their death

In Chicago, 70 of the city’s 100 first recorded victims of COVID-19 were black. Their lives were rich, and their deaths cannot be dismissed as inevitable. Immediate factors could — and should — have been addressed.

LARRY ARNOLD lived less than a mile from a hospital but, stepping out of his South Side apartment with a 103-degree fever, he told the Uber driver to take him to another 30 minutes away.

Charles Miles’ breathing was so labored when a friend called to check on him that the friend called an ambulance. Still, Miles, a retired respiratory therapist, was reluctant to leave his home.

Close family support had helped Rosa Lynn Franklin recover from a stroke several years ago, but when she was admitted to the hospital in late March, her daughter could do little more than pat her on the back and say goodbye.

All three were among the first people to die of COVID-19 in Chicago, and all three were African American. Their deaths reflect the stunning racial disparity in the initial toll of the virus. Of the city’s first 100 recorded victims, 70 were black.

As the pandemic has spread, that gap has narrowed, and Latinos now make up the largest portion of any reported demographic of confirmed cases across Illinois, state data shows. But the disparity in black deaths persists. As of early May, African Americans, who make up just 30% of Chicago’s population, are about half of its more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths.

It has been well established that African Americans are dying of COVID-19 at a disproportionate rate in cities across America. ProPublica sought to explore the problem by examining the first 100 recorded deaths in Chicago, a city with a rich and often troubled history on issues of race.

Using a database obtained from the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office that listed the names, health and location information of all COVID-19-related deaths, reporters reached out to the families and friends of each person who died. Reporters ultimately spoke with those who knew 22 of the victims; gleaned details about the lives of many others from obituaries and social media posts; and interviewed experts, medical professionals and government officials to understand how and why those first 100 died.

The racial disparities in coronavirus deaths have largely been attributed to endemic and entrenched inequalities in Chicago — decades of disinvestment in the predominantly black neighborhoods on the South and West sides that have left residents with fewer jobs, poorer health and diminished opportunities. Those forces often are portrayed as intractable and, during a pandemic, nearly impossible to fix.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot acknowledged the challenge when she spoke publicly about the disparities last month and announced a plan to address them.

“We’re not going to reverse this in a moment, overnight, but we have to say it for what it is and move forward decisively as a city, and that’s what we will do,” she said. “This is about health care accessibility, life expectancy, joblessness and hunger.”

While all this is true, ProPublica’s reporting also revealed other patterns, factors that could — and should — have been addressed and which almost certainly exist in other communities experiencing similar disparities. Even though many of these victims had medical conditions that made them particularly susceptible to the virus, they didn’t always get clear or appropriate guidance about seeking treatment. They lived near hospitals that they didn’t trust and that weren’t adequately prepared to treat COVID-19 cases. And perhaps most poignantly, the social connections that gave their lives richness and meaning — and that played a vital role in helping them to navigate this segregated city that can at times feel hostile to black residents — made them more likely to be exposed to the virus before its deadly power became apparent.

Many of the first 100 recorded Chicago COVID-19 victims led lives threaded through with community and civic involvement, powerfully connected to their city, to friends and family. Some had led careers of service, like Patricia Frieson, a retired nurse, and Rhoda Hatch, a former teacher, and Carl Redd, a U.S. Army veteran. Their small businesses helped shape their corners of the city; Hardwell Smith, 85, arrived in Chicago as part of the Great Migration from the Jim Crow South and established gas stations and auto repair shops on the South Side. They were church deacons and musicians; doting uncles like 32-year-old Carl White and nurturing mothers like Juliet Davis, who, despite her limited means, fed the homeless who lived under a neighborhood viaduct.

Patricia Frieson, 61, was the first known person to die of COVID-19 in Illinois. She was a retired nurse and active in her church community.

Carl White, 32, was a computer whiz and “a gentle giant,” his mother said. “If he could help you, he would.”
Most of the first 100 lived in majority-black neighborhoods, according to an analysis of medical examiner data; hardest hit were South Shore, Auburn Gresham and Austin, where the median income for 40% or more of the residents in each community is less than $25,000.

Many were already sick, with underlying health conditions. Seventy-eight of them had hypertension and 53 had diabetes. Just 12 had one health condition, and only five people had no comorbidities. James Brooks, a 27-year-old black man, was the youngest to die.

“I’m not surprised because every natural disaster will peel back the day-to-day covers over society and reveal the social fault lines that decide in some ways who gets to live and who gets to die,” said Dr. David Ansell, senior vice president for community health equity at Rush University Medical Center. “And in the United States, those vulnerabilities are often at the intersection of race and health.”

Ansell, who wrote “The Death Gap: How Inequality Kills,” has spent decades documenting the life expectancy gap between black and white Chicagoans, which is the largest in the country. Structural racism, concentrated poverty, economic exploitation and chronic stress cause what’s known as biological weathering, Ansell said, where the body ages prematurely and results in earlier death.

Who dies first is different for each pandemic, said Dr. Howard Markel, director of the Center for the History of Medicine at the University of Michigan. The coronavirus’s earliest victims, he said, were the most vulnerable.

“They’re not quite forgotten, but we don’t pay close enough attention to the health and well-being of this segment of the population,” he said. “Then a microscopic organism comes and topples them over.”

They were vulnerable, but their deaths cannot be dismissed as inevitable.



A lot of you players ain't okay.

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Sat May-09-20 12:43 PM

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259. "This Made me smile (Wuhan Virus aint nuthing to...)"
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R.I.P. Loud But Wrong Guy
Dec 29th 2009 - Dec 17th 2017


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navajo joe
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Sat May-09-20 02:40 PM

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260. "The right is now gearing up anti-vax narrative "
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Against the 'Gates Vaccine' which is a globalist plot that they will refuse (spoiler: no they won't they will say they will while letting the cult members die)

White House-approved OAN is pushing Russian propaganda that the virus was created by globalists/Deep State for population control and they are trying to stymie hydroxychloroquine (you know, the drug that saw increase in COVID deaths in clinical trials) in favor of another drug.

All while a small, vocal subset of people on okp try to downplay the seriousness of this.


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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