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Subject: "Looks like the Pope is riding with Kim Davis. Feelings anyone?" This topic is locked.
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Wed Sep-30-15 08:00 PM

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"Looks like the Pope is riding with Kim Davis. Feelings anyone?"



LGBT Catholics Confused And Hurt By Pope's Visit With Kim Davis
Others say Kim Davis is the main person at fault.

Antonia Blumberg
Associate Religion Editor, The Huffington Post

Pope Francis’ meeting with Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis has upset gay Catholics who call it “puzzling” amid the pontiff’s calls for a welcoming church.

The Vatican confirmed on Wednesday that the meeting between Pope Francis and Kim Davis, who made headlines in September for refusing to issue marriage licenses for gay couples, took place during the pontiff’s visit to the United States last week.

"I do not deny that the meeting took place, but I have no further comments," Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi told reporters in Rome.

Without comment from the Vatican, the only description of the meeting thus far comes from Davis, herself.

“He told me before he left, he said, ‘stay strong.’ That was a great encouragement. Just knowing that the pope is on track with what we're doing, it kind of validates everything to have someone of that stature,” Davis told ABC on Wednesday.

“I fear that this meeting and claims that the pope told Ms. Davis to ‘stand strong’ will embolden the many U.S. bishops and others who continue to try to turn back support for LGBT people,” said Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of LGBT Catholic group DignityUSA. “It will make even more of us feel like the pope’s message of mercy and love was not meant for LGBT people and families.”

Francis DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, a gay Catholic organization agreed, saying in a statement that the meeting "throws a wet blanket on the good will that the pontiff had garnered during his U.S. visit last week."

But the meeting is "puzzling" for several reasons, DeBernardo continued. The pontiff steered clear of political debates during his trip to the U.S. and has in the past promoted a welcoming attitude toward gays DeBernardo noted. But the Vatican denied an invitation for a meeting between the pope and gay families during his U.S. visit, which makes the meeting with Davis all the more painful.

“Though LGBT and ally Catholics have welcomed Pope Francis’ affirming remarks, many, including myself, have also remarked that he sometimes talks out of both sides of his mouth,” DeBernardo wrote. “Moreover, while he is LGBT-positive in general ways, his remarks on specific moral and political issues are often at odds with his welcoming stance.”

Pope Francis hasn’t commented specifically about Davis’ case, but he addressed conscientious objection, the notion that someone may engage in civil disobedience based on their moral code, during an on-flight press conference en route back to Rome on Sunday. He upheld the right to object according to one’s conscience but specifically warned against construing his comments as blanket support for all cases. "I can't have in mind all cases that can exist about conscientious objection but, yes, I can say that conscientious objection is a right that is a part of every human right,” Francis said.

The pontiff did get specific about two other -- and much more widely celebrated -- conscientious objectors during his trip: Martin Luther King Jr. and Dorothy Day. As Christopher J. Hale, executive director of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, wrote in a statement: “Davis didn't practice moral heroism by refusing to step down as county clerk. King and Day opted out of the system they morally disagreed with. Davis still receives a paycheck from the American people.”

Aaron Jay Ledesma, a gay Catholic who was invited to the White House to help welcome Pope Francis last week, said the meeting between the pope and Davis does not in any way change his opinion of the pontiff.

“The pope met so many people on his trip to the United States, so who am I to judge who he meets,” Ledesma told HuffPost. “The meeting itself does not bother me -- if anything she probably needs it.”

What does bother him, Ledesma said, is that Kim Davis would use the meeting to push an agenda.

“She’s using her faith and her meeting with Pope Francis out of context to justify her discrimination against gay people,” he said. Ledesma said he doesn’t think the pope would approve of such discrimination, given his emphasis on love and compassion.

The extent to which Francis even knew about Davis’ case before meeting her is unclear, and many have cautioned against interpreting the meaning of the encounter without comment from the Vatican. Crux, a Catholic outlet, suggested the meeting may indicate anything between an appeal to show solidarity with conservative corners of the U.S. church and an attempt to appease bishops before renewing efforts for a more welcoming stance toward gays at the upcoming synod on the family. But for DeBernardo, such incidents sow undue confusion.

“The time for vagueness, ambiguity, and secret meetings is over,” he wrote. “Pope Francis needs to state clearly where he stands in regard to the inclusion of LGBT people in the church and society.”

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Subject Author Message Date ID
Lol @ that snake shit.
Sep 30th 2015
been saying he's a fraud...nm
Sep 30th 2015
folk flocked to him like he was Jesus
Sep 30th 2015
i think this ruins his anti christ chances no?
Sep 30th 2015
      bible says folks will love him (the anti christ)
Sep 30th 2015
      right he'll say all the right things!
Sep 30th 2015
      not at all -- his existence is anti Christ
Oct 01st 2015
           right my response was tongue in cheek
Oct 01st 2015
                my bad
Oct 01st 2015
lol, but he was so cool...
Sep 30th 2015
I like how people are immediately turning on the Pope....
Sep 30th 2015
So the Pope stood by his faith and folks are magically mad. SMH
Oct 01st 2015
So who is on the wrong side with this one?
Oct 01st 2015
      KD for trying to use Christianity to persecute others
Oct 01st 2015
      Well the Bible says that We Win, it's just a matter of time.
Oct 01st 2015
I hate this country and our need for political binaries.
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
^ 'It's not my issue so I dont care'.
Oct 01st 2015
if IF was a spliff we'd all be high!!!
Oct 01st 2015
If Zimmerman was a devout catholic and said he did what he was
Oct 01st 2015
RE: If Zimmerman was a devout catholic and said he did what he was
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
Edit: I'm not getting sucked into this.
Oct 01st 2015
      ^ 'it's not my issue, so I don't care'
Oct 01st 2015
      I didn't defend him. I said that his actions are consistent with being
Oct 01st 2015
           fine if that's what you meant.
Oct 01st 2015
      Harry Har @ the edit.
Oct 01st 2015
           He can curry all the good favor he wants...the gay thing was
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
might have been fine
Oct 01st 2015
How y'all going to be mad if yall don't know the conversation?
Oct 01st 2015
ikr...he is the Pope after all...
Oct 01st 2015
do you have kids? I imagine this is the Kim Davis equivalent of DisneyLa...
Oct 01st 2015
Pope told her to 'stay strong' and referred to the importance of
Oct 01st 2015
Who said the Pope told her to stay strong? Her?
Oct 01st 2015
      *pats head*
Oct 01st 2015
           Please read the OP and Reply 19....
Oct 01st 2015
                *pats head*
Oct 01st 2015
                     smh....smug over nothing.
Oct 01st 2015
                          no, 'smh' stands for 'shaking my head'.
Oct 01st 2015
Its what they do.
Oct 01st 2015
What do you think he meant when he told her to stay strong?...
Oct 01st 2015
lol @ anyone caring what the pope thinks
Oct 01st 2015
So just screw 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, huh?
Oct 01st 2015
      the ones in the church who see it's fallacy will depart
Oct 01st 2015
           Ok Prophet.
Oct 01st 2015
                I didn't write those words -- I'm just re-typing them,
Oct 02nd 2015
                     you added your own words to them
Oct 02nd 2015
                          I paraphrased which should be pretty obvious
Oct 05th 2015
confirmation of the meeting & a report on the conversation (link/swipe):
Oct 01st 2015
i cant wait for her 15 minutes to be up
Oct 01st 2015
The joke is he'll meet with Kim Davis, but Trayvon's or Mike's folks??
Oct 01st 2015
Trayvon and Mike were Catholics?
Oct 01st 2015
Kim Davis ain't Catholic either
Oct 01st 2015
      Oh, I thought she was catholic. I stand corrected. I don't get it then...
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
                Because I am pretty sure I read somewhere she is catholic. but she isn'...
Oct 01st 2015
                     oh okay.
Oct 01st 2015
                     she was raised Catholic.
Oct 01st 2015
the joke is you agree w/ Davis that same-sex marriage is an abomination
Oct 01st 2015
I never placed him on a pedestal...
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
He was never a more liberal pope. Just a smarter one.
Oct 01st 2015
Yeah, screw you Leo XIII and Paul VI
Oct 01st 2015
I felt the "some" was implied. Apologies.
Oct 01st 2015
he is a *more* liberal pope, doesn't make him across the board liberal
Oct 01st 2015
^^^^people made him into what they wanted him to be
Oct 01st 2015
he's the pope.
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
i don't like how it was a secret
Oct 01st 2015
Yup. Its like the Vatican PR firm was in full swing
Oct 01st 2015
lol if we only knew the other secrets within the organization
Oct 01st 2015
you really need to stop reading Dan Brown novels.
Oct 01st 2015
      Never heard of the Medici's I take it? Or Hittler?
Oct 01st 2015
           if they are secrets then how do you know so much about them?
Oct 02nd 2015
                this is a fun one
Oct 05th 2015
                     super happy fun time!
Oct 06th 2015
                          You're confused sir and have started with a huge 'L' to boot
Oct 06th 2015
There are many things that're shameful...
Oct 01st 2015
stands in this line, we got 24/7 media coverage of the pope in a fiat
Oct 01st 2015
Why does it even matter? Why did the Pope need to tell anyone?
Oct 01st 2015
lol, this pope has been all marketing hype from the beginning and people...
Oct 01st 2015
and red shoes... he has red shoes!!!
Oct 01st 2015
The Pope is the most conservative person on the planet - its his job
Oct 01st 2015
It's not the job of religious leaders to be conservative. To say that
Oct 01st 2015
it's the pope's job to be conservative.
Oct 01st 2015
My point is that it's possible to be conservative on Gay Issues and
Oct 01st 2015
      but the pope is not, nor has he given any hint that he was.
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
      he just makes stuff up.
Oct 01st 2015
      You didn't repeat what I said. You said something different.
Oct 01st 2015
           this post is about the pope.
Oct 01st 2015
                It's not the pope's job to be conservative.
Oct 01st 2015
                     his job is to repeat catholic doctrine, which is all he has ever done.
Oct 01st 2015
RE: The Pope is the most conservative person on the planet - its his job
Oct 01st 2015
It's like folks expect the pope to come out and say "eff the bible", lol
Oct 01st 2015
      who expected the pope to support gay civil rights?
Oct 01st 2015
           I think it's the impression that this Pope specifically was signaling a
Oct 01st 2015
                i've never heard of him contradicting catholic doctrine.
Oct 01st 2015
                     He is very vocal about things most Popes were pretty quiet about
Oct 01st 2015
                          he has never contradicted catholic doctrine.
Oct 01st 2015
The political climate nowadays is insane...
Oct 01st 2015
who is doing this?
Oct 01st 2015
I'm going off of comments I've seen here as well as other "liberal" sour...
Oct 01st 2015
      when has this pope ever contradicted the Catholic position on gays?
Oct 01st 2015
Yup. It was always 'everybody'.
Oct 01st 2015
Thank you for your contribution
Oct 01st 2015
thanks for YOURS.
Oct 01st 2015
"some people" are saying this is a "controversial" position.
Oct 01st 2015
      Everybody thinks this is a fair point.
Oct 01st 2015
it's only going get worst i think
Oct 01st 2015
      who expected the pope to be in favor civil rights for gay ppl?
Oct 01st 2015
           No one intelligent expects the pope to be pro gay agenda...
Oct 01st 2015
                so ppl like it when the pope does stuff they agree with...
Oct 01st 2015
                     It's not simply dislike of 1 statement, it's total revocation of support
Oct 01st 2015
                          the pope was always 100 percent against me on gay rights.
Oct 01st 2015
                               Then I'm not talking about you specifically then, am I?
Oct 01st 2015
                                    yet you said "everybody."
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
                                              so, not everybody.
Oct 01st 2015
                                                   You shouldn't turn their pedantic tactics back on them
Oct 01st 2015
                                                        My god you guys are the most miserable people to debate with lol
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             everybody agrees.
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             we sure are.
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             to be fair, they have a right to be miserable right now...
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             the ppl that thought the Catholic Pope was pro-gay got played.
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             Perhaps they are projecting their own misery elsewhere
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             he gobbled a L even engaging with them
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             It's not you it's the Pope... LOL
Oct 01st 2015
                                                             There's misery all up and down your reply
Oct 01st 2015
                                                                  It is miserable to discuss with someone who focuses on semantics
Oct 01st 2015
                                                                       it can be miserable to discuss stuff w/someone who is sloppy
Oct 01st 2015
                                                                       << Lawyered
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
                                                                       Common language used to inflate the idea of proportion, yes
Oct 01st 2015
                                                                            Thank you. I will do better next time
Oct 01st 2015
So whats the issue, that he met with her at all?
Oct 01st 2015
Stay strong kinda sounds like he's riding wit her
Oct 01st 2015
we know he didn't do that.
Oct 01st 2015
      Yeah. Telling her to chill doesn't warrant an in-person clandestine meet...
Oct 01st 2015
      No. We don't know. We weren't there..
Oct 01st 2015
           yes, we know.
Oct 01st 2015
                To be fair, It's the pope. Head of a global church with 2.2B followers
Oct 01st 2015
                     i'm sure the world is filled w/things that are strange to YOU.
Oct 01st 2015
                          I'll wait for that apology.........
Oct 02nd 2015
                               you won't get one.
Oct 02nd 2015
                                    Homey you were a condescending prick who got the facts wrong. That
Oct 02nd 2015
                                         could you get to talk to the pope?
Oct 02nd 2015
Oct 02nd 2015
                                              Oh then you are a poor sport with too much riding on being right
Oct 03rd 2015
                                                   'If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have made some of those state...
Oct 05th 2015
                                                        Then why are you so bad at this? I mean why bother to type "If I known t...
Oct 05th 2015
Oct 05th 2015
pope cant help her keep her job for breaking federal law
Oct 01st 2015
she's an elected official.
Oct 01st 2015
      she can be impeached tho
Oct 01st 2015
           agreed. they won't.
Oct 01st 2015
RE: Its hilarious...
Oct 01st 2015
the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'
Oct 01st 2015
RE: the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'
Oct 01st 2015
RE: the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'
Oct 01st 2015
yes. it does.
Oct 01st 2015
Gay mafia be on some Dick Cheney don't you dare talk to my enemies shit
Oct 02nd 2015
^ Stands in this line.
Oct 01st 2015
I get that, what I disagree with is the notion that this make everything
Oct 01st 2015
      who has expressed that notion?
Oct 01st 2015
      It's literally starts with the second post here.
Oct 01st 2015
           that looks like someone that ALWAYS thought the pope is a fraud.
Oct 01st 2015
           no, that guy says he's 'been saying' the pope is a fraud.
Oct 01st 2015
                Yeah and he is using this as proof that everything he has done is
Oct 01st 2015
                     no, he's not.
Oct 01st 2015
                          The phrase you are thinking of is Distinction without a Difference
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
      everything he has ever said and did is in line with cathlolic doctrine.
Oct 01st 2015
like most Christians he always had a hate the sin love the sinner
Oct 01st 2015
popes gon' pope and all, but i won't lie, i hate that it was her
Oct 01st 2015
Ditto all of that.
Oct 01st 2015
How you gonna hate on her and the Pope would do the same thing.
Oct 01st 2015
      pope is doing his job. she's not doing hers
Oct 01st 2015
           Yep. This basic understanding is beyond some people though.
Oct 01st 2015
           she's also not a conscientious objector.
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
           A conscientious objector? Where is that in Christianity?
Oct 01st 2015
                Ask Pope Francis, sport.
Oct 01st 2015
                     I'm talking about in context to her faith stance on Same Sex Marriage
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
                               You'll catch it tomorrow.
Oct 01st 2015
                               His retort failed after your reply, so he's trying to change tacks
Oct 01st 2015
                                    you know?
Oct 01st 2015
                                         Check this out
Oct 01st 2015
           All Christians have the SAME JOB - POPE included
Oct 01st 2015
Oct 01st 2015
Vatican: Pope's encounter with Kentuky clerk Kim Davis not a form of sup...
Oct 02nd 2015
Oct 02nd 2015
apologize ..silly niggers
Oct 02nd 2015
for what?
Oct 02nd 2015
Another article; US Church beef with the pope and he got set up!
Oct 02nd 2015
this doesnt surprise me at all.
Oct 02nd 2015
I want the coworker who's been relentlessly calling Pope a dbag all week...
Oct 02nd 2015
your coworker is still correct.
Oct 02nd 2015
The Vatican is now an honest and trustworthy entity
Oct 02nd 2015
so the vatican embassy made sure the pope had political cover?
Oct 02nd 2015
      How does this confirm the Pope doesn't care about you?
Oct 02nd 2015
           the Catholic Church, as an institution, opppses gay rights.
Oct 02nd 2015
                But you don't know that
Oct 02nd 2015
Hope its not a postjack, but why isn't Kim Davis' job automated by now?
Oct 02nd 2015
Real Talk: Why were some of y'all so quick to believe Kim D.?
Oct 02nd 2015
The vatican gave a very 'we cannot confirm or deny' response
Oct 02nd 2015
Fair enough but alot of people bought in without knowledge of the first
Oct 02nd 2015
      because it was clear the pope was on some slick shit.
Oct 02nd 2015
      i knew that the Vatican had not denied the meeting.
Oct 02nd 2015
how many ppl got to visit the pope?
Oct 02nd 2015
We get it you don't like Catholicism. But Catholicism aside, that
Oct 02nd 2015
      the fact that she saw him was enough.
Oct 02nd 2015
           Well you are pretty alone in making no distinction between the
Oct 03rd 2015
the Vatican hasn't denied the meeting or the language used.
Oct 02nd 2015
      And your fool ass still believing her and lying about it.
Oct 03rd 2015
           My goodness you are pretty deeply invested here.
Oct 05th 2015
                Kids were asleep and wife was out on girls night. I got the time.
Oct 05th 2015
                     girls night. at 3:30 PM on a Saturday.
Oct 05th 2015
                          Weird. My time stamp says 9:30pm. If that's the case kids were
Oct 05th 2015
Now the Vatican is like......
Oct 02nd 2015
of course he isnt. anyone who thought otherwise was being foolish.
Oct 02nd 2015
      Huh? Why would they go to see someone like Kim Davis if thats the case?
Oct 03rd 2015
Perhaps we (including me) were too quick to judge. (SWIPE)
Oct 02nd 2015
It depends if people were waiting on facts to form an opinion on this is...
Oct 02nd 2015
It's turning into #popegate. Only in America.
Oct 02nd 2015
Oct 03rd 2015
Some people outta pocket with their expectations
Oct 02nd 2015
Some people will be, I don't know how big a problem that is
Oct 02nd 2015
So basically.....
Oct 02nd 2015
That's the cleanup story, so that everyone can feel better
Oct 02nd 2015
lol just say you wish he was more like you and be done with it
Oct 03rd 2015
Dude supporting K Davis goes against everything this Pope
Oct 03rd 2015
and not only that -
Oct 03rd 2015
Didn't he also meet with a same sex couple?
Oct 03rd 2015
Oct 03rd 2015
No he didn't (c) people in this post with agendas.
Oct 04th 2015
      Right LOL
Oct 06th 2015
Gotta hear both sides
Oct 04th 2015
Pope expected to fire Archbishop who set up the meet (swipe)
Oct 04th 2015
read that this morning
Oct 05th 2015
thats as far as i could get
Oct 06th 2015
*Files nails*
Oct 05th 2015
Oct 05th 2015
Pope cool again
Oct 05th 2015
but if you molest a child you keep your position?
Oct 05th 2015
Hold-up, I thought she "ambushed" the pope?
Oct 05th 2015
      RE: Hold-up, I thought she &quot;ambushed&quot; the pope?
Oct 05th 2015
      I'm just LOL'in at the comment above about her ambushing the Pope
Oct 05th 2015
      RE: I'm just LOL'in at the comment above about her ambushing the Pope
Oct 05th 2015
      Yeah, people will read into this what they will
Oct 05th 2015
      Yes, people hold different perspectives on a controversial event
Oct 05th 2015
in an ideal world this old, crusty, white catholic would have no
Oct 05th 2015
Nice article on the Liberty Counsel
Oct 06th 2015
Great article
Oct 06th 2015
This whole thing is like a "Where's Waldo" picture
Oct 06th 2015
that's a great analogy, case
Oct 06th 2015

Charter member
154163 posts
Wed Sep-30-15 08:17 PM

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1. "Lol @ that snake shit."
In response to Reply # 0



Even Cool Pope is still a pope. Like all of the rest.

fuck you.


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Charter member
46051 posts
Wed Sep-30-15 10:36 PM

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2. "been saying he's a fraud...nm"
In response to Reply # 0



I wanna go to where the martyrs went
the brown figures on the walls of my apart-a-ment...


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Charter member
33376 posts
Wed Sep-30-15 10:43 PM

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3. "folk flocked to him like he was Jesus"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since May 22nd 2002
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Wed Sep-30-15 10:45 PM

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4. "i think this ruins his anti christ chances no?"
In response to Reply # 3




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Charter member
33376 posts
Wed Sep-30-15 10:48 PM

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5. "bible says folks will love him (the anti christ)"
In response to Reply # 4





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Member since May 22nd 2002
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Wed Sep-30-15 11:11 PM

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8. "right he'll say all the right things!"
In response to Reply # 5



i would say this would be a mark(see what i did there) against that UNLESS its the idea that hes gonna say ALL the right things to ALL the people


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:04 AM

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24. "not at all -- his existence is anti Christ "
In response to Reply # 4




Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since May 22nd 2002
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:38 PM

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100. "right my response was tongue in cheek"
In response to Reply # 24




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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Thu Oct-01-15 03:47 PM

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146. "my bad"
In response to Reply # 100




Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since May 05th 2011
81871 posts
Wed Sep-30-15 11:10 PM

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6. "lol, but he was so cool..."
In response to Reply # 0


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Nov 10th 2004
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Wed Sep-30-15 11:11 PM

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7. "I like how people are immediately turning on the Pope...."
In response to Reply # 0



as if they were in the room with Pope Francis and Kim Davis and know exactly what was said in the proper context.

The article suggests an anti-LGBT agenda by the Vatican but didn't actually prove anything.

Come on.



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Charter member
54687 posts
Thu Oct-01-15 01:53 AM

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9. "So the Pope stood by his faith and folks are magically mad. SMH"
In response to Reply # 0


He's the same Pope that y'all loved last year and last month, but now the love is gone. Talk about crazy.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Oct-01-15 05:59 AM

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10. "So who is on the wrong side with this one?"
In response to Reply # 9


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:17 AM

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28. " KD for trying to use Christianity to persecute others"
In response to Reply # 10



I'd like to say P Frizzle is in the wrong too, but I'm not sure what he said to her -- maybe he urged her to not do the above. He's wrong though just for being the Pope and a Jesuit, but I digress.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Charter member
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:27 PM

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124. "Well the Bible says that We Win, it's just a matter of time."
In response to Reply # 10


Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Member since Jul 31st 2002
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Thu Oct-01-15 06:29 AM

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11. "I hate this country and our need for political binaries. "
In response to Reply # 0



It's almost like this Pope is capable of weighing each issue against his own moral and theological stances and evaluating them accordingly. You know, like a person.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard


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Charter member
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Thu Oct-01-15 06:35 AM

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12. "^^^This."
In response to Reply # 11



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Thu Oct-01-15 07:59 AM

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18. "^ 'It's not my issue so I dont care'."
In response to Reply # 11



We see it. Bc if homie had met with George Zimmerman and told him to 'stay strong' you'd not give us the 'oh well'.

Right on.

fuck you.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Oct-01-15 08:14 AM

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20. "if IF was a spliff we'd all be high!!!"
In response to Reply # 18


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:03 PM

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42. "If Zimmerman was a devout catholic and said he did what he was"
In response to Reply # 18



doing because of his catholic beliefs, yeah I think the Pope would be right to meet with him and talk about those beliefs.

>We see it. Bc if homie had met with George Zimmerman and told
>him to 'stay strong' you'd not give us the 'oh well'.
>Right on.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:08 PM

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46. "RE: If Zimmerman was a devout catholic and said he did what he was"
In response to Reply # 42


>doing because of his catholic beliefs, yeah I think the Pope
>would be right to meet with him and talk about those beliefs.

so if george zimmerman shot travon martin dead because of
his catholic beliefs, you would think the Pope would be right to
meet with him?

where do you come from?
what have you been through in your life to make you side against
the oppressed group of people every single time?

i'm genuinely curious.


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:19 PM

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50. "Lol"
In response to Reply # 42



Of course you think so. In your lil hypo maybe the pope chastises Zimmy for falsely claiming that his faith supported his bad act. Sure.

That is NOT what happened here with Kim Davis. The pope did NOT chastise her at all. He offered support and encouragement. We know bc the Vatican has not corrected KD's lawyer's recount of the conversation.

fuck you.


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Member since Jul 31st 2002
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Thu Oct-01-15 08:32 PM

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164. "Edit: I'm not getting sucked into this. "
In response to Reply # 18
Thu Oct-01-15 08:40 PM by Lardlad95



But this does bring up the troubling matter of how the Pope managed to over rule the supreme court with a meeting.


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Thu Oct-01-15 08:39 PM

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165. "^ 'it's not my issue, so I don't care'"
In response to Reply # 164
Thu Oct-01-15 08:44 PM by SoWhat



LIke I said.

Your new reply doesn't address what I called out. You chastised folk for being upset and _defended_ the pope, player. You blamed folk for 'binary thinking'. So don't try now to claim he's just some old catholic doing what Catholics do. You can't have it both ways, Francis.

I'm standing on what I said.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 08:59 PM

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167. "I didn't defend him. I said that his actions are consistent with being"
In response to Reply # 165
Thu Oct-01-15 09:00 PM by Lardlad95



the pope. Kim Davis's actions are consistent with being a strict Catholic. That doesn't meant that her actions aren't also consistent with being a strict bigot. The same goes for the pope.

>You can't have it both ways, Francis.

He can want whales to swim in clean oceans, hate capitalism, say shit like "Who am I to judge" and still be a fucking bigot. None of those issue have to necessarily inform one another BECAUSE HE TAKES HIS CUES FROM A BOOK WRITTEN 2000 YEARS AGO. That shit only makes sense in our current political worldviews if you contort it in a bunch of ways...which people tend to do, so when you have someone says both that we should be stewards of the earth and "ew, gays" people act fucking surprised as if both of those things weren't in the same fucking book to begin with.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:48 PM

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171. "fine if that's what you meant."
In response to Reply # 167



>the pope. Kim Davis's actions are consistent with being a
>strict Catholic. That doesn't meant that her actions aren't
>also consistent with being a strict bigot. The same goes for
>the pope.

okay, fine. if that's what you meant.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 08:47 PM

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166. "Harry Har @ the edit."
In response to Reply # 164
Thu Oct-01-15 08:51 PM by SoWhat



As I said below, Francis has spent the last few months currying good will with the ppl who now feel slapped in the face by his clandestine meeting with Kim D. We don't have to act brand new about that. They rightly feel the slap and are talking about it.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 09:04 PM

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169. "He can curry all the good favor he wants...the gay thing was"
In response to Reply # 166
Thu Oct-01-15 09:06 PM by Lardlad95



still gonna come up eventually, Kim Davis or no Kim Davis. Furthermore it's not like people (especially gay people) weren't already trying to say, "Hey, don't let this one pull the wool over your eyes." way before this trip was even being planned.

Yeah, I like that he's talking more about social issues than other Popes. I haven't started saying the rosary again just because the muthafucka is on twitter.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:50 PM

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172. "word."
In response to Reply # 169



he's been trying it but he's still a pope. which is why i'm not falling for his game...and he HAS been spitting game. LOL

this Kim Davis thing was yet another wake-up call. the Junipero Serra canonization was an earlier one...and it came during this same trip.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:26 AM

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30. "might have been fine "
In response to Reply # 11



but a secret meeting
not leaked until after he's off US soil

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Thu Oct-01-15 06:37 AM

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13. "How y'all going to be mad if yall don't know the conversation?"
In response to Reply # 0



Also how are people going to be mad about it if one of the main features they like about this pope is his willingness to meet, mingle and accept all types of people murderers, rapist, prostitutes, etc.?

In my mind this is completely consistent with the type of pope he has shown to be.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Thu Oct-01-15 07:29 AM

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14. "ikr...he is the Pope after all..."
In response to Reply # 13


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Mar 19th 2008
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Thu Oct-01-15 07:54 AM

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16. "do you have kids? I imagine this is the Kim Davis equivalent of DisneyLa..."
In response to Reply # 13



= rewarding negative behavior

w/o knowing what was said

I didn't read the swipe in the OP

but my understanding of the issue is that the Pope ducked any type of stance on LGBT issues

while he was here

and then this story breaks after he leaves

= he stands with Kim Davis

looks suspect IMO

why hide it?

also, has to be about 300M more people deserving of a visit from the Pope than her

only thing I could ride for is if the Pope offered her a position in Vatican City

because that's the only place where her BS flies.


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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Thu Oct-01-15 07:55 AM

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17. "Pope told her to 'stay strong' and referred to the importance of"
In response to Reply # 13
Thu Oct-01-15 08:02 AM by SoWhat



conscientious objection being preserved as a right. Which tells me where he stands as to whet

Omg so the fuck what?

Anyway, if homie had met with George Wallace and told him to 'stay strong' youd shrug your shoulders again. You're generally clueless.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 09:06 AM

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22. "Who said the Pope told her to stay strong? Her?"
In response to Reply # 17



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Thu Oct-01-15 09:07 AM

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23. "*pats head*"
In response to Reply # 22



Bless your heart.

fuck you.


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Member since Nov 10th 2004
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:04 PM

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"Please read the OP and Reply 19...."



Kim Davis and her lawyer said that Pope Francis told her to 'stay strong'.

In neither swipe was the context of that comment elaborated upon. There is nothing in either report to prove that Pope Francis is supportive of an Kim Davis' bigoted actions nor is there any proof that the Pope was explicitly encouraging such a stance.

Under your logic, if the Pope told a convicted murderer on death row to stay strong, he would be agreeing that he was supportive of the murderer's decision to murder.....under your logic.

You were first in the post with a kneejerk reaction under flawed logic. You're approaching Case levels of punditry.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:07 PM

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81. "*pats head*"
In response to Reply # 0



Bless your heart.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:12 PM

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86. "smh....smug over nothing."
In response to Reply # 81






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Thu Oct-01-15 01:51 PM

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106. "no, 'smh' stands for 'shaking my head'."
In response to Reply # 86



here's a guide so next time you use Internet acronyms correctly:

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 11:34 AM

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41. "Its what they do. "
In response to Reply # 13




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Big Kuntry
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:03 PM

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74. "What do you think he meant when he told her to stay strong?..."
In response to Reply # 13



I mean the details of the convo were private but i mean cmon


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Ashy Achilles
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Thu Oct-01-15 07:34 AM

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15. "lol @ anyone caring what the pope thinks"
In response to Reply # 0



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Thu Oct-01-15 02:41 PM

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131. "So just screw 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world, huh?"
In response to Reply # 15


Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Atillah Moor
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Thu Oct-01-15 03:44 PM

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144. "the ones in the church who see it's fallacy will depart"
In response to Reply # 131
Thu Oct-01-15 03:46 PM by Atillah Moor



and not long after the whore that rides the beast with many heads who drinks from the cup filled with the blood of the slain will be set upon.

At least according to John and the book of Revelation -- assuming you believe what's written in a book of fairy tales.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Thu Oct-01-15 05:34 PM

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159. "Ok Prophet. "
In response to Reply # 144


Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Atillah Moor
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180. "I didn't write those words -- I'm just re-typing them, "
In response to Reply # 159



as I'm sure you know.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Fri Oct-02-15 03:57 PM

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210. "you added your own words to them"
In response to Reply # 180
Fri Oct-02-15 03:58 PM by 40thStreetBlack


that's a big no-no, is it not?


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Atillah Moor
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234. "I paraphrased which should be pretty obvious "
In response to Reply # 210



outside of that I can't say that I did. I'd ask you to point out where there is such an error, but then we'd be pretending this is a subject you have an interest in.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Thu Oct-01-15 08:14 AM

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19. "confirmation of the meeting & a report on the conversation (link/swipe):"
In response to Reply # 0



ROME — Pope Francis met privately in Washington last week with Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who defied a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, adding a new element to an American tour that saw Francis attract huge crowds and articulate left-leaning positions on poverty, immigration, the environment and inequality.

Vatican officials initially would not confirm that the meeting occurred, finally doing so on Wednesday afternoon, while refusing to discuss any details.

Ms. Davis, the clerk in Rowan County, Ky., has been at the center of a nationwide controversy over whether government employees and private businesses have a legal right to refuse to serve same-sex couples. She spent five days in jail for disobeying a federal court order to issue the licenses.

On Tuesday night, her lawyer, Mathew D. Staver, said that Ms. Davis and her husband, Joe, were sneaked into the Vatican Embassy by car on Thursday afternoon. Francis gave her rosaries and told her to “stay strong,” the lawyer said. The couple met for about 15 minutes with the pope, who was accompanied by security guards, aides and photographers.

“I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me,” Ms. Davis said Wednesday in an interview with ABC News. ‘Thank you for your courage.’”

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 08:52 AM

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21. "i cant wait for her 15 minutes to be up"
In response to Reply # 19


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Atillah Moor
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:06 AM

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25. "The joke is he'll meet with Kim Davis, but Trayvon's or Mike's folks??"
In response to Reply # 0



So for any black person to even think one good thought about this wolf in sheep's clothing is nothing short of absurd.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:04 PM

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43. "Trayvon and Mike were Catholics?"
In response to Reply # 25



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Thu Oct-01-15 12:13 PM

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47. "Kim Davis ain't Catholic either"
In response to Reply # 43




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Thu Oct-01-15 12:33 PM

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59. "Oh, I thought she was catholic. I stand corrected. I don't get it then..."
In response to Reply # 47



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:42 PM

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64. "why?"
In response to Reply # 59



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Thu Oct-01-15 12:54 PM

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68. "Because I am pretty sure I read somewhere she is catholic. but she isn'..."
In response to Reply # 64



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:55 PM

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70. "oh okay. "
In response to Reply # 68




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Thu Oct-01-15 01:06 PM

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79. "she was raised Catholic."
In response to Reply # 68



Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:05 PM

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78. "the joke is you agree w/ Davis that same-sex marriage is an abomination"
In response to Reply # 25


>So for any black person to even think one good thought about
>this wolf in sheep's clothing is nothing short of absurd.

one good thought I think about him is that he makes you mad.


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Starbaby Jones
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:12 AM

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26. "I never placed him on a pedestal..."
In response to Reply # 0



So, I don't really have feelings about it. He pretty much has held the line with women's rights and gay rights that the catholic church has always had. I do think it's shady the way he tried to package it, but this ain't exactly a revelation. My thing is...there are people who could perfectly illustrate his points on economic injustice he could've met with, but he chose the nut getting paid $80,000 a year to NOT do her job as an elected official to prop up as a hero. Fuck that guy.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:45 PM

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104. "^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 26




stand ur ground, believe in urself,
believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve


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Frank Longo
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:13 AM

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27. "He was never a more liberal pope. Just a smarter one."
In response to Reply # 0



Acknowledging the existence of climate change and evolution didn't make him liberal, it just made him someone who understands facts. Catering to the poor and rejecting decadence didn't make him liberal, it just made him someone who practices what he preaches more than previous popes.

He's always been anti-LGBT when it comes to marriage and adoption. That is unlikely to ever change in the Catholic Church, sadly.

I do wish, if he was going to make anti-LGBT statements stateside, he wouldn't have done it by entertaining that idiot. Oh well.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:45 AM

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34. "Yeah, screw you Leo XIII and Paul VI"
In response to Reply # 27


>Catering to the poor and rejecting
>decadence didn't make him liberal, it just made him someone
>who practices what he preaches more than previous popes.

You should consider the possibility that you're not really in a position to evaluate the historical relationship between the papacy and the poor.


"Walleye, a lot of things are going to go wrong in your life that technically aren't your fault. Always remember that this doesn't make you any less of an idiot"

--Walleye's Dad


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Frank Longo
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:53 AM

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36. "I felt the "some" was implied. Apologies."
In response to Reply # 34
Thu Oct-01-15 11:03 AM by Frank Longo



I might've appreciated the lesson from someone more well-versed in the particulars of the history of the papacy in a reply that wasn't designed to try to make me feel shitty but was rather aimed to politely inform me instead.

But maybe you're having a rough morning and something about my reply in particular set off the Snark-o-Meter, so fine, my bad for forgetting a qualifying word.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:15 PM

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89. "he is a *more* liberal pope, doesn't make him across the board liberal"
In response to Reply # 27



Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:47 PM

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105. "^^^^people made him into what they wanted him to be "
In response to Reply # 27




stand ur ground, believe in urself,
believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:24 AM

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29. "he's the pope."
In response to Reply # 0


i mean... that's what i'd expect the pope to do.


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Ashy Achilles
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40. "yup"
In response to Reply # 29



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Thu Oct-01-15 10:27 AM

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31. "i don't like how it was a secret"
In response to Reply # 0



theres definitely something shameful about this

When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:35 AM

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32. "Yup. Its like the Vatican PR firm was in full swing"
In response to Reply # 31



"We’ve gotten such good liberal media press along with the republicans. This might come off too far right, lets just do it behind close doors so we can appease the Repubs that pushed for us here"

Kinda invalidates the whole trip; we even knew when the pope took a fucking piss for a week so it seems really odd for them to hide his views on a very controversal case a few weeks ago


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Atillah Moor
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:37 AM

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33. "lol if we only knew the other secrets within the organization "
In response to Reply # 31



they'd probably make this pale in comparison.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:16 PM

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91. "you really need to stop reading Dan Brown novels. "
In response to Reply # 33



Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Atillah Moor
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Thu Oct-01-15 03:39 PM

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140. "Never heard of the Medici's I take it? Or Hittler?"
In response to Reply # 91
Thu Oct-01-15 04:08 PM by Atillah Moor



or the crusades? Cesar Borgia maybe?

What kind of church amasses wealth and holds secret and mysterious rituals? Prays to statues and the dead for miracles? Read a history book or two chief? Maybe even know a little something about what you're trying to defend(?) which I think is what you're doing. Not sure.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Fri Oct-02-15 02:11 PM

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207. "if they are secrets then how do you know so much about them?"
In response to Reply # 140


>What kind of church amasses wealth

ask your boy Creflo $$$

>and holds secret and
>mysterious rituals?


Prays to statues and the dead for


>Read a history book or two chief?

This from the guy who thinks a book of mythology is historical fact?

> Maybe even know a
>little something about what you're trying to defend(?) which I
>think is what you're doing. Not sure.

That's the thing - you don't actually know what you are talking about. I'm sure you think you do, but you have an extreme case of confirmation bias where you only see what you want to see to fit your preconceived notions. I'm just pointing out the fallacies of your arguments.


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Mon Oct-05-15 03:16 PM

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238. "this is a fun one"
In response to Reply # 207
Mon Oct-05-15 03:18 PM by Atillah Moor



>>What kind of church amasses wealth
>ask your boy Creflo $$$
^ The exact same type of "church" which is what I'm getting at. Both the Church of Creflo and the Vatican are equally corrupt in that they amass gross amounts of wealth and do not distribute or utilize said wealth to care for the poor, widowed, and orphaned (to say the least) which is exactly what they should be doing with it.

>>and holds secret and
>>mysterious rituals?
^ just as wrong (not sure how your bringing a religion with heavily racist undertones into the conversation helps your point)

>Prays to statues and the dead for
^ Also just as wrong (if in fact they do this)

(you do know that these branches are all interconnected? -- I want to say since the first council of Nicaea)

>>Read a history book or two chief?
>This from the guy who thinks a book of mythology is historical

A mythological book containing records of historically accurate kingdoms and rulers would be a little closer to the truth, however your opinion about words you don't believe is pretty much irrelevant.

>> Maybe even know a
>>little something about what you're trying to defend(?) which
>>think is what you're doing. Not sure.
>That's the thing - you don't actually know what you are
>talking about. I'm sure you think you do, but you have an
>extreme case of confirmation bias where you only see what
>you want to see to fit your preconceived notions. I'm just
>pointing out the fallacies of your arguments.

But you haven't really done that -- at least not by pointing out non Christian practices as practiced by other entities which may or may not be christian themselves. So again I'm not sure what you're getting at. Other than saying "hey these religions/churches that also don't adhere to what's written in a book of mythology are doing it wrong too" which I could have told you and saved you some typing.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Tue Oct-06-15 01:28 PM

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250. "super happy fun time!"
In response to Reply # 238
Tue Oct-06-15 01:42 PM by 40thStreetBlack


>>>What kind of church amasses wealth
>>ask your boy Creflo $$$
>^ The exact same type of "church" which is what I'm getting
>at. Both the Church of Creflo and the Vatican are equally
>corrupt in that they amass gross amounts of wealth

that's funny, cuz when ppl here were talking about Creflo fleecing his flock of $60 million to buy himself a luxury private jet you didn't have a single word to say against it. You did however give tacit agreement with the rationale he gave for needing it - ironic, huh? And to make matters worst, Creflo is specifically taking advantage of YOUR OWN PEOPLE who you are always professing to defend against injustices and wrongdoing, but when this shyster is stealing from them hand over fist in the name of Jesus you don't have a word to say about it. So nah don't come in here now trying to say this is the same thing that you're getting at because you didn't have shit to say about it before.

>and do not
>distribute or utilize said wealth to care for the poor,
>widowed, and orphaned (to say the least) which is exactly what
>they should be doing with it.

Actually the Catholic Church does exactly that.

>>>and holds secret and
>>>mysterious rituals?
>^ just as wrong (not sure how your bringing a religion with
>heavily racist undertones into the conversation helps your

you asked a question and I gave an answer. And my point is you think they're just as wrong and acknowledge their heavily racist undertones yet never say a peep about them.

>>Prays to statues and the dead for
>^ Also just as wrong (if in fact they do this)

They do the same stuff that you are opposed to Catholics for doing (Anglicans/Episcopals too!) Again funny that you aren't even aware of this but are so obsessed with Catholics doing the same things they do.

>(you do know that these branches are all interconnected? -- I
>want to say since the first council of Nicaea)

Which branches? The Catholic Church and Lutheran Church? You are aware that the Lutheran Church was specifically established to NOT be interconnected with the Catholic Church, right? And didn't even exist until well over 1,000 years after the first council of Nicaea? Or maybe you meant something else? Not sure what you are talking about here.

>A mythological book containing records of historically
>accurate kingdoms and rulers would be a little closer to the
>truth, however your opinion about words you don't believe is
>pretty much irrelevant.

You mean the Heimskringla? But as for the one I was referring to, a mythological book containing record of a global flood that wiped out most of humanity and animal life on earth which the scientific geological and archaeological record (not to mention common sense) clearly shows never happened, and a mass population exodus from a historically well-attested kingdom for which extensive historical and archaeological records exists, yet there is absolutely zero historical or archaeological evidence for such an event taking place would be a more accurate assessment. However you're a creationist so your opinion on science, history, or even basic logic is pretty much irrelevant.

>>That's the thing - you don't actually know what you are
>>talking about. I'm sure you think you do, but you have an
>>extreme case of confirmation bias where you only see what
>>you want to see to fit your preconceived notions. I'm just
>>pointing out the fallacies of your arguments.
>But you haven't really done that -- at least not by pointing
>out non Christian practices as practiced by other entities
>which may or may not be christian themselves. So again I'm not
>sure what you're getting at.

No I've done that before. Here I was just answering the questions you asked.

Other than saying "hey these
>religions/churches that also don't adhere to what's written in
>a book of mythology are doing it wrong too" which I could have
>told you and saved you some typing.

except that you don't actually ever say anything about that, which was the point I was making.


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Tue Oct-06-15 02:54 PM

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252. "You're confused sir and have started with a huge 'L' to boot"
In response to Reply # 250
Tue Oct-06-15 02:55 PM by Atillah Moor



>>>>What kind of church amasses wealth
>>>ask your boy Creflo $$$
>>^ The exact same type of "church" which is what I'm getting
>>at. Both the Church of Creflo and the Vatican are equally
>>corrupt in that they amass gross amounts of wealth
>that's funny, cuz when ppl here were talking about Creflo
>fleecing his flock of $60 million to buy himself a luxury
>private jet you didn't have a single word to say against it.
>You did however give tacit agreement with the rationale he
>gave for needing it - ironic, huh? And to make matters worst,
>Creflo is specifically taking advantage of YOUR OWN PEOPLE who
>you are always professing to defend against injustices and
>wrongdoing, but when this shyster is stealing from them hand
>over fist in the name of Jesus you don't have a word to say
>about it. So nah don't come in here now trying to say this is
>the same thing that you're getting at because you didn't have
>shit to say about it before.

I have never supported him here or elsewhere for obvious reasons such as having the word "Dollar" as his last name. I tend to think most people can see him for what he is and here is my one reply from that post and it's in regard to the Gospel reaching the whole world (as it is written it will do for that matter).

subject: Creflo is raising money for a G650 jet

j. #104 "there are still millions of people on this planet who have never heard of Jesus Christ and know nothing of His greatness."

Who in 2015 has never heard of Jesus Christ? and millions at that?

Atillah #211 There are still many who have not"
In response to Reply # 104

When everyone has heard it-- you'll know.

How does that support Creflo? And just to spell it out -- in the last days the entire world will have heard of Jesus. That time is not yet, but when it is we will know. Got it?

You should really not respond to anything else because you're clearly just making stuff up. I had responses to the rest of what you typed, but it's obvious you're coming from some irrational mindset (to which you'll likely reply with "but, but, you read a fairy tale book!!) so now that we've settled that please know about what you're typing before you type it.

Thanks for playing "super happy fun time!".


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Member since Oct 10th 2005
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Thu Oct-01-15 10:59 AM

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37. "There are many things that're shameful..."
In response to Reply # 31



The leader of the Vatican, with its own rocky history regarding
self-imposed sovereignty with disregard of international law,
coming to another country and outwardly supporting a political
dissident is a MAJOR one imo.

Secondly, of all the political dissidents to align themselves with, they choose
someone who not just holds opposing political views to her government,
but has broken both the law of her own country... AND relevant "laws"
of the Vatican. This wench has been divorced SEVERAL times and
should've been speaking to the Pope about that if anything.

Thirdly, let's give the Pope and his political handlers the benefit
of the doubt and assume their intentions were "good" and they just
wanted to council someone who's clearly in need of it...if they cant
discern an opportunist who will milk their gesture for all it's worth
they have no business traveling the globe and offering opinions on
international affairs...


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Thu Oct-01-15 11:11 AM

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38. "stands in this line, we got 24/7 media coverage of the pope in a fiat"
In response to Reply # 31



the pope speaking here

the pope speaking there

for about a week

feels like this story was purposely kept out of the media

until he left

if that's how you feel

let it be known then.


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:34 PM

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129. "Why does it even matter? Why did the Pope need to tell anyone?"
In response to Reply # 31


Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:51 AM

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35. "lol, this pope has been all marketing hype from the beginning and people..."
In response to Reply # 0


fell for it hook line and sinker, lol.

"Oh look, he carries his own bags! "He rides in a Fiat!"

"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:24 PM

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122. "and red shoes... he has red shoes!!!"
In response to Reply # 35


same people on his nuts 3 days ago are all "fuck that guy" today!

these niggas stay in the wrong

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu Oct-01-15 11:14 AM

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39. "The Pope is the most conservative person on the planet - its his job"
In response to Reply # 0


He's just not as crazy as the "conservatives" here in America.

Global Warming and Evolution and Being nice to the poor are conservative values, just not conservative Republican values.

They do all hate gays (well, unless someone in their family is gay and they its okay) and sex in general. The pope calls it sing, the right here calls it ABOMINATION!!!!!!

Kim Davis needs to be in a jail, preaching the word of "god."


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Charter member
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:06 PM

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44. "It's not the job of religious leaders to be conservative. To say that"
In response to Reply # 39



reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights Movement which was lead by the clergy.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:27 PM

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55. "it's the pope's job to be conservative. "
In response to Reply # 44


because... he's the pope.
the catholic church is and has always been very clear about its position on gay shit.

it's a sin, it's wrong, etc.

why are you bringing up other religious leaders?
we are talking about the pope.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:08 PM

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82. "My point is that it's possible to be conservative on Gay Issues and "
In response to Reply # 55



Progressive on other issues. Like duke said above, it's not that binary.

I think it's silly to say because he is the pope he has to be conservative on all issues. It's a silly as believing that because he is progressive on some issues he will be progressive on all issues.

To say that a religious leader has to be conservative on all issues is

>because... he's the pope.
>the catholic church is and has always been very clear about
>its position on gay shit.
>it's a sin, it's wrong, etc.
>why are you bringing up other religious leaders?
>we are talking about the pope.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:59 PM

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111. "but the pope is not, nor has he given any hint that he was. "
In response to Reply # 82


>I think it's silly to say because he is the pope he has to be
>conservative on all issues.

the pope is reinforcing catholic doctrine, as reasonable
people would have expected him to.
he's always done that.
this is no different.

>It's a silly as believing that
>because he is progressive on some issues he will be
>progressive on all issues.

and i've not seen anybody that thought the pope would be
progressive when it comes to gay rights.
have you?

i've not seen this pope do anything other than uphold catholic doctrine.

>To say that a religious leader has to be conservative on all
>issues is

stop. STOP.
we are talking about the pope.
the catholic pope.
pope francis, in particular.

it is ridiculous to think the pope would come out in favor of gay rights.

he won't come out in favor of pre-marital sex, either.
or abortion.

he's the pope.

a Unitarian Pastor might come out in favor of that stuff.
but a Catholic Pope absolutely would not.

if this pope did those things, it would be unusual.
but he hasn't.

so what are you talking about?


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:29 PM

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57. "????????????????????????????"
In response to Reply # 44


>reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights
>Movement which was lead by the clergy.


Link please.

But my post is NOT about that. It's about THE POPE and how he's (he meaning the person who has that job) VERY CONSERVATIVE.


Gone: My Discogs collection for The Roots:


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:34 PM

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60. "he just makes stuff up. "
In response to Reply # 57


>>reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights
>>Movement which was lead by the clergy.
>Link please.
>But my post is NOT about that. It's about THE POPE and how
>he's (he meaning the person who has that job) VERY


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:03 PM

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76. "You didn't repeat what I said. You said something different."
In response to Reply # 57



>>reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights
>>Movement which was lead by the clergy.

I said clergy. You equated that to Catholic Church to make your point.

Do you disagree with the notion that religious leaders/the clergy lead the CRM?

Do you agree that catholic clergy were involved in the CRM?

Faulty logic to read what I said as Catholics lead the CRM.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:06 PM

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80. "this post is about the pope. "
In response to Reply # 76


pope francis, to be exact.
it is the POPE's job to be conservative.

and he is.

the pope repeats catholic doctrine.
that is what he is doing here.
that is what he has always done.

because that is what popes do.

>>>reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights
>>>Movement which was lead by the clergy.
>I said clergy. You equated that to Catholic Church to make
>your point.
>Do you disagree with the notion that religious leaders/the
>clergy lead the CRM?
>Do you agree that catholic clergy were involved in the CRM?
>Faulty logic to read what I said as Catholics lead the CRM.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>Five Star -
>Appropriate Behavior -


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:56 PM

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109. "It's not the pope's job to be conservative. "
In response to Reply # 80



You can absolutely be very liberal and very catholic. You can be catholic leadership and liberal.

It's possible to be the pope and progressive.

It's possible to be the pope and progressive on some issues and conservative on others.

There are points in history where religious people were progressive on certain issues.

I guess my point is that religious, christian or catholic (or even the pope) doesn't HAVE TO equal conservative.

>pope francis, to be exact.
>it is the POPE's job to be conservative.
>and he is.
>the pope repeats catholic doctrine.
>that is what he is doing here.
>that is what he has always done.
>because that is what popes do.
>>>>reflects knowing virtually nothing about the Civil Rights
>>>>Movement which was lead by the clergy.
>>I said clergy. You equated that to Catholic Church to make
>>your point.
>>Do you disagree with the notion that religious leaders/the
>>clergy lead the CRM?
>>Do you agree that catholic clergy were involved in the CRM?
>>Faulty logic to read what I said as Catholics lead the CRM.
>>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>>Five Star -
>>Appropriate Behavior -

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:07 PM

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115. "his job is to repeat catholic doctrine, which is all he has ever done. "
In response to Reply # 109


catholic doctrine is not progressive.
it's just not.

i won't argue about that, either.

the pope is not a progressive man.


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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:07 PM

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45. "RE: The Pope is the most conservative person on the planet - its his job"
In response to Reply # 39


>He's just not as crazy as the "conservatives" here in
>Global Warming and Evolution and Being nice to the poor are
>conservative values, just not conservative Republican values.
>They do all hate gays (well, unless someone in their family is
>gay and they its okay) and sex in general. The pope calls it
>sing, the right here calls it ABOMINATION!!!!!!
>Kim Davis needs to be in a jail, preaching the word of "god."


GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:19 PM

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49. "It's like folks expect the pope to come out and say "eff the bible", lol"
In response to Reply # 39


"Take the surprise out your voice Shaq."-The REAL CP3


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:38 PM

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62. "who expected the pope to support gay civil rights?"
In response to Reply # 49


did anybody?
did you?

please point these people out.
and then, stop listening to their opinions about things.


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Member since Mar 19th 2008
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:50 PM

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66. "I think it's the impression that this Pope specifically was signaling a "
In response to Reply # 62
Thu Oct-01-15 12:52 PM by bentagain



change in the church

obviously, we know what the Pope has stood for in the past

but specifically Pope Francis

has been presented to us a change from the old guard

very convenient for his visit to focus on current issues like climate change, the refugee crisis, etc...

while omitting his acceptance of oppressive beliefs on LGBT and women's rights

until after he's left the US that is.


If you can't understand it without an explanation

you can't understand it with an explanation


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:54 PM

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69. "i've never heard of him contradicting catholic doctrine. "
In response to Reply # 66


have you?
did he say gayness is not a sin?

and anyway, all that stuff he says about social justice is totally in the bible.

so he's not going against doctrine when he says that stuff.

he's a pope being the pope.
i dunno that anybody thought he was doing or saying anything
that we wouldn't expect the pope to do.

>change in the church
>obviously, we know what the Pope has stood for in the past
>but specifically Pope Francis
>has been presented to us a change from the old guard
>very convenient for his visit to focus on current issues like
>climate change, the refugee crisis, etc...
>while omitting his acceptance of oppressive beliefs on LGBT
>and women's rights
>until after he's left the US that is.


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Member since Oct 06th 2005
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:01 PM

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73. "He is very vocal about things most Popes were pretty quiet about"
In response to Reply # 69


That what makes Francis unique



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Mike Jackson
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77. "he has never contradicted catholic doctrine. "
In response to Reply # 73


point out a time when he has contradicted catholic doctrine
and i will understand your point.

but you can't do that,
because this pope, like other popes,
always speaks in line with catholic doctrine.

and the pope is not "quiet" on issues of gay civil rights.
his visit makes his stance on that clear.



he's a pope being the pope.


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48. "The political climate nowadays is insane..."
In response to Reply # 0


Pope does/says like 20 things people like and everyone loves him.

Does one questionable thing and everybody's like FUCK HIM. Lol



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Mike Jackson
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51. "who is doing this?"
In response to Reply # 48


>Pope does/says like 20 things people like and everyone loves
>Does one questionable thing and everybody's like FUCK HIM.

the pope is the pope.
the leader of the catholic church.

what has this pope done before now that would make this visit surprising?

i have always known where i stand with the pope.


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56. "I'm going off of comments I've seen here as well as other "liberal" sour..."
In response to Reply # 51


He is lauded for his economic philosophy and environmental stance, and proposed reforms in general. The liberal press is/was all on his nuts to the dismay of conservatives.

Now these same folks are like "He is what he thought he was" (c) Denny Green
One visit trumps the whole narrative built up about him.

Conservatives who used to hate him are now bigging up this visit to support him. It's crazy



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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:32 PM

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58. "when has this pope ever contradicted the Catholic position on gays?"
In response to Reply # 56
Thu Oct-01-15 12:33 PM by Mike Jackson


the answer is never.

and all that stuff the pope is saying about social justice
was always in the bible.

he's just reading what it says.

none of this is surprising.
people that are surprised are not paying attention to history
or current events.

i don't know what you are talking about.

>He is lauded for his economic philosophy and environmental
>stance, and proposed reforms in general. The liberal press
>is/was all on his nuts to the dismay of conservatives.
>Now these same folks are like "He is what he thought he was"
>(c) Denny Green
>One visit trumps the whole narrative built up about him.
>Conservatives who used to hate him are now bigging up this
>visit to support him. It's crazy


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52. "Yup. It was always 'everybody'."
In response to Reply # 48



And now everybody is going to burn catholic churches. And then everybody will throw rosaries in the river. And everybody is going to go around attacking nuns. Everybody.

fuck you.


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53. "Thank you for your contribution"
In response to Reply # 52




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88. "thanks for YOURS."
In response to Reply # 53



fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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54. ""some people" are saying this is a "controversial" position."
In response to Reply # 52


will there now be "backlash" against the pope?
"the people" want to know!


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84. "Everybody thinks this is a fair point."
In response to Reply # 54



fuck you.


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61. "it's only going get worst i think"
In response to Reply # 48



but yea i heard about this meeting yesterday and thought of that dennis green quote you used above
knew feeling were going be hurt
i imagine some ppl feel salty right now after going so hard in on the pope's behalf



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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:39 PM

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63. "who expected the pope to be in favor civil rights for gay ppl?"
In response to Reply # 61


please point these ppl out.
this pope has never contradicted church doctrine on anything.

because... he is the pope.

his job is to repeat catholic doctrine.
he's never done anything but that.

>but yea i heard about this meeting yesterday and thought of
>that dennis green quote you used above
>knew feeling were going be hurt
>i imagine some ppl feel salty right now after going so hard in
>on the pope's behalf


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Thu Oct-01-15 12:47 PM

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65. "No one intelligent expects the pope to be pro gay agenda..."
In response to Reply # 63


I was not saying that at all.

What I am saying is that this Pope was seen as a champion of liberal causes (relative to other Popes).
Liberals love him for taking stances that align with their beliefs.
His is the people's Pope. The popular Pope.

UNTIL some like this happens and its like forget all that other stuff.

It goes further than this Pope situation. On the conservative side, a politician is a RINO if the go against the standard conservative message for just one instance.
Let Bernie Sanders make just one statement that goes against the liberal talking points and see how his current supportors will respond



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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 12:52 PM

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67. "so ppl like it when the pope does stuff they agree with..."
In response to Reply # 65


but dislike it when the pope does stuff they don't agree with.

shocking. lol

anyway, that reads quite a bit differently from your comment about
"everybody" loving the pope before,
but "everybody" hates him now.

i like some stuff the pope said about economic social justice.
some ppl disliked it.

we all get in where we fit in.

i dunno what your point is,
but good luck with it.

>I was not saying that at all.
>What I am saying is that this Pope was seen as a champion of
>liberal causes (relative to other Popes).
>Liberals love him for taking stances that align with their
>His is the people's Pope. The popular Pope.
>UNTIL some like this happens and its like forget all that
>other stuff.
>It goes further than this Pope situation. On the conservative
>side, a politician is a RINO if the go against the standard
>conservative message for just one instance.
>Let Bernie Sanders make just one statement that goes against
>the liberal talking points and see how his current supportors
>will respond


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71. "It's not simply dislike of 1 statement, it's total revocation of support"
In response to Reply # 67
Thu Oct-01-15 12:59 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


That's my original statement was about the political climate in general.

There is heavy overreaction in this environment to where unless someone is with me 100% he is against me.



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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:03 PM

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75. "the pope was always 100 percent against me on gay rights. "
In response to Reply # 71


i knew that before,
i know that now.

it was always clear.

i like hearing the pope talk about how we should empower the poor.
i am with him on that.

much like other ppl that were in favor of those comments.

i dunno what you are talking about.

>That's my original statement was about the political climate
>in general.
>There is heavy overreaction in this environment to where
>unless someone is with me 100% he is against me.


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83. "Then I'm not talking about you specifically then, am I?"
In response to Reply # 75


Good for you for having more a nuanced perspective than the general populace



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Mike Jackson
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85. "yet you said "everybody.""
In response to Reply # 83


i've not seen anybody that thought the pope was in favor of
gay civil rights.

not on this message board, not on other message boards,
not in real life, not in a catholic mass, not in youtube comments sections...

i've literally never seen anyone say that.

so i doubt my "nuanced perspective" is rare.

>Good for you for having more a nuanced perspective than the
>general populace


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87. "Ok"
In response to Reply # 85




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Mike Jackson
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90. "so, not everybody. "
In response to Reply # 87



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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:05 PM

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114. "You shouldn't turn their pedantic tactics back on them"
In response to Reply # 90
Thu Oct-01-15 02:06 PM by Ted Gee Seal



That's not fair. You ought to know by now there's one rule for you and yours and it does not apply to them and theirs.

You should always remember that everyone means all people who conveniently aren't present in the conversation to refute the lack of nuance and over generalisation of a non-monolithic group of individuals.

Just IMO though.


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116. "My god you guys are the most miserable people to debate with lol"
In response to Reply # 114




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118. "everybody agrees."
In response to Reply # 116



fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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120. "we sure are. "
In response to Reply # 116



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128. "to be fair, they have a right to be miserable right now..."
In response to Reply # 116


The Pope played the fuck out of them.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:36 PM

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130. "the ppl that thought the Catholic Pope was pro-gay got played."
In response to Reply # 128


who are these ppl?
can you name some names?


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Ted Gee Seal
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147. "Perhaps they are projecting their own misery elsewhere"
In response to Reply # 130



That's why they keep throwing out adjectives do describe groups of people that they can't back up with any real substance.

They're looking for company.

Just IMO though.


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133. "he gobbled a L even engaging with them"
In response to Reply # 128



some of these dudes in a couple of threads i clicked looking miserable as hell though
probably has nothing to do with the pope



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132. "It's not you it's the Pope... LOL"
In response to Reply # 116


Matter of fact they are really mad at Jesus.
Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 03:46 PM

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145. "There's misery all up and down your reply"
In response to Reply # 116



The misery of someone who is bereft of principle to respond with and so has to switch to insults.

I was just trying to help Mike Jackson see the way of things. Sorry if that hurt you, but the truth will do that sometimes.

Just IMO though.


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151. "It is miserable to discuss with someone who focuses on semantics"
In response to Reply # 145
Thu Oct-01-15 04:19 PM by PimpTrickGangstaClik


See the constant harping on the usage of "everyone" just once as if I meant literally everybody in the world.
I'm just using common language.
Substitute in "people" for "everyone" if it makes you feel better.

Why waste keystrokes trying to come to some understanding when the reply is going to just be "So everyone thinks that"?



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Thu Oct-01-15 04:25 PM

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152. "it can be miserable to discuss stuff w/someone who is sloppy"
In response to Reply # 151




fuck you.


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153. "<< Lawyered"
In response to Reply # 152




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154. "LOL!"
In response to Reply # 153



fuck you.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 04:41 PM

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155. "Common language used to inflate the idea of proportion, yes"
In response to Reply # 151



>See the constant harping on the usage of "everyone" just once
>as if I meant literally everybody in the world.
>I'm just using common language.
>Substitute in "people" for "everyone" if it makes you feel

Just like you're using the idea of me feeling better to inflate your idea of what my emotional response is, despite being ignorant to the truth of it.

>Why waste keystrokes trying to come to some understanding when
>the reply is going to just be "So everyone thinks that"?

Because everyone is common language used to distort the significance of a principle or phenomenon. Of course some people will turn on the Pope. See also, water is wet. There will be extremes of response, but there are also plenty of people in the middle who will support the Pope when his statements are in line with their views and be critical when they're not.

I guess that doesn't sound as sexy as saying everyone though, does it?

Also interesting to note that coming to an understanding only appears to apply to others understanding you.

Just IMO though.


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156. "Thank you. I will do better next time"
In response to Reply # 155




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72. "So whats the issue, that he met with her at all?"
In response to Reply # 0



Based on what he has said in the past I don't think he agree's with her decisions at all. For all we know he could of told her to chill the fuck out and bounced.
PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510


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Big Kuntry
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92. "Stay strong kinda sounds like he's riding wit her"
In response to Reply # 72




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93. "we know he didn't do that."
In response to Reply # 72



fuck you.


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94. "Yeah. Telling her to chill doesn't warrant an in-person clandestine meet..."
In response to Reply # 93




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95. "No. We don't know. We weren't there.."
In response to Reply # 93






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97. "yes, we know."
In response to Reply # 95



1. Kim Davis's lawyer has talked publicly about what ill papa said to Kimmie D.

2. the Vatican has not denied the meeting's occurrence, nor corrected the lawyer's summary of the conversation between die Kimmie Die and il puta.

3. what kind of person would make a public statement lying on the poop?

4. and if that person had made such a public lie, clearly the VatICan't would've issued a stern correction.

anyway, those of us who aren't willfully ignorant or taking the piss know what was said during the meeting. the rest of you are free to continue w/your shenanigans.

fuck you.


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139. "To be fair, It's the pope. Head of a global church with 2.2B followers"
In response to Reply # 97



Kim Davis is enjoying 15 minutes of fame and really isn't that big of a deal to warrant the Pope issuing a denial.

Also so she seems a bit crazy. So I disagree with you that she is above making the whole thing up.

So if we learn this didn't happen, it wouldn't surprise me.

If it did happen it seems strange to me that he would meet with her.

>1. Kim Davis's lawyer has talked publicly about what ill papa
>said to Kimmie D.
>2. the Vatican has not denied the meeting's occurrence, nor
>corrected the lawyer's summary of the conversation between die
>Kimmie Die and il puta.
>3. what kind of person would make a public statement lying on
>the poop?
>4. and if that person had made such a public lie, clearly the
>VatICan't would've issued a stern correction.
>anyway, those of us who aren't willfully ignorant or taking
>the piss know what was said during the meeting. the rest of
>you are free to continue w/your shenanigans.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Thu Oct-01-15 03:43 PM

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143. "i'm sure the world is filled w/things that are strange to YOU."
In response to Reply # 139



bless your heart.

fuck you.


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178. "I'll wait for that apology........."
In response to Reply # 143



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:16 AM

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179. "you won't get one."
In response to Reply # 178
Fri Oct-02-15 08:22 AM by SoWhat



i assume the pope/Vatican is aware of the hurt felt by those who saw his meeting w/Davis as a slap in the face. if so, i assume that the Vatican issued a statement clarifying his position - he didn't mean to show Davis support and may not have been aware of the potential ramifications of meeting w/her - b/c the pope and/or the Vat wanted to assuage some of that hurt. some are interpreting the statement to mean that the pope did indeed intend to stay out of the fray surrounding the states' issuance of marriage licenses to gay couples. and he didn't necessarily mean to include Davis's act when he spoke of conscientious objection as an important right.

if this is true i'm glad the pope is so aware and concerned about the ppl w/whom he seems to want to curry good will. none of that was clear before the most recent statement. so i won't 'apologize' for expressing what i thought in the wake of the previous climate. i stand by everything i said.

fuck you.


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:54 AM

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188. "Homey you were a condescending prick who got the facts wrong. That "
In response to Reply # 179



merits an apology. You really dont' want to back off your condescending statements in #23, #50, #143?

You really want to double down on Kim Davis's version of the story by adding a vatican conspiracy and cover-up rather than admit their might be some truth to the Vatican's more practical explanation that she was invited to a meet and greet by a US official and the pope greeted her without really knowing who she was?

It just seems to me very american-centric to think the pope would know who Kim Davis was an request an audience with her.

>i assume the pope/Vatican is aware of the hurt felt by those
>who saw his meeting w/Davis as a slap in the face. if so, i
>assume that the Vatican issued a statement clarifying his
>position - he didn't mean to show Davis support and may not
>have been aware of the potential ramifications of meeting
>w/her - b/c the pope and/or the Vat wanted to assuage some of
>that hurt. some are interpreting the statement to mean that
>the pope did indeed intend to stay out of the fray surrounding
>the states' issuance of marriage licenses to gay couples. and
>he didn't necessarily mean to include Davis's act when he
>spoke of conscientious objection as an important right.
>if this is true i'm glad the pope is so aware and concerned
>about the ppl w/whom he seems to want to curry good will. none
>of that was clear before the most recent statement. so i
>won't 'apologize' for expressing what i thought in the wake of
>the previous climate. i stand by everything i said.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
Appropriate Behavior -


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:24 AM

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197. "could you get to talk to the pope?"
In response to Reply # 188


How many ppl do you know that can talk to the pope.

The pope talking to her is all we needed to know.

How many many do YOU set aside time for when you are in a country you don't live in? And you are you. He is the pope.

The fact that this woman talked to thw pope tells us all we need to know.


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Fri Oct-02-15 11:22 AM

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201. "nope."
In response to Reply # 188



>merits an apology. You really dont' want to back off your
>condescending statements in #23, #50, #143?

not at all.

if i knew then what i know now i wouldn't have made some of those statements. but armed w/the same info as i had then i'd make those statements again. which means i offer no apology.

>You really want to double down on Kim Davis's version of the
>story by adding a vatican conspiracy and cover-up rather than
>admit their might be some truth to the Vatican's more
>practical explanation that she was invited to a meet and greet
>by a US official and the pope greeted her without really
>knowing who she was?

i didn't say i'd 'double down'.

>It just seems to me very american-centric to think the pope
>would know who Kim Davis was an request an audience with her.

i'm sure it seems that way to you.

fuck you.


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222. "Oh then you are a poor sport with too much riding on being right"
In response to Reply # 201



all the time.

I mean I learned like in the first week of Moot Court that if you don't concede when you are clearly wrong or misspoken everything you say looses credibility.

Grow up.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Mon Oct-05-15 07:28 AM

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229. "'If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have made some of those state..."
In response to Reply # 222



you want me to apologize for hurting your feelings. I won't bc if armed with the info I had when I made those statements I would make them again - even knowing they'd hurt your feelings. Sorry I'm not sorry.

And I learned early on that I'm not cut out for moot court - I am a trial lawyer. And the moot court ppl told me to try out for the trial ad team. I did - I made the team. And I was on several winning teams and I coached a winning team after graduation.

fuck you.


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Mon Oct-05-15 03:13 PM

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236. "Then why are you so bad at this? I mean why bother to type "If I known t..."
In response to Reply # 229



what I know now, I wouldn't have typed..."

When you can just type "I was wrong"?

And I am the one who is invested. SMH.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Mon Oct-05-15 03:51 PM

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239. "lol"
In response to Reply # 236



you need me to say i was wrong?


i don't apologize for anything i said and if armed w/the same info i'd reach the same conclusions and make the same statements. there's nothing i'd do differently.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:32 PM

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96. "pope cant help her keep her job for breaking federal law"
In response to Reply # 0



they should still remove her a$$ from her job for abdicating her job duties

she cant still shout her beliefs from every rooftop....with another job


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:36 PM

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98. "she's an elected official."
In response to Reply # 96



she can't/won't be fired.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:22 PM

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121. "she can be impeached tho"
In response to Reply # 98



She can be removed through an impeachment process in the Kentucky State Assembly if they wanted to go through with it.

They probably wont though.


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:30 PM

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126. "agreed. they won't."
In response to Reply # 121



fuck you.


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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Thu Oct-01-15 01:37 PM

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99. "RE: Its hilarious..."
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Oct-01-15 01:40 PM by murph71


...that some people in this thread r either acting brand new or r just plain clueless about the ideology of the Vatican and the Pope...

They have always been outspoken against gays...What Pope Francis did was to say "Hey guys...we dont need to be dicks about it...We can be against the gay lifestyle AND not be on some finger wagging shit..."

U talking about a religion that thinks contraception is a fucking

The only people who r shocked about the Pope supporting that troll either r late to the party or r pissed that the said Marriage clerk troll is getting a co sign...

But the Pope is just being a Pope. Its just now they r taking a more traditional Catholic tone and less of the CRAZY RIGHT WING shit we find here as soneone in this post rightly noted... In their mind calling homosexuality a sin is the same as calling out climate change deniers....

Thats old school Catholicism....

GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:43 PM

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101. "the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'"
In response to Reply # 99
Thu Oct-01-15 01:45 PM by SoWhat



stance. b/c giving Kimmie Dickwad a show of support ('stay strong') is a dick move. especially when he'd dodged a question earlier in the week when he was asked about her in relation to conscientious objection. he said som'n like 'i can't know all cases involving conscientious objection'. which seemed to indicate he wanted to stay out of the debate related to her case and possibly the whole question of issuing of states marriage licenses to gay couples. and also he had made contradictory statements about gay families - first saying som'n about God's blessing for kids involving a man and woman or some bullshit and then saying that as long as a family is bringing love to the kids it doesn't matter what the family looks like. he was trying to play both sides of the fence it seemed. okay, fine. but then he does this snake shit here.

anyway, it's not a shock that homie is supporting her but it's definitely a slap in the face delivered to folks w/whom he's been trying to build good will. they rightly feel the slap and are acknowledging it. there's no need for US to act brand new about that either.

fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:26 PM

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123. "RE: the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'"
In response to Reply # 101


this is fair.

>anyway, it's not a shock that homie is supporting her but it's
>definitely a slap in the face delivered to folks w/whom he's
>been trying to build good will. they rightly feel the slap
>and are acknowledging it. there's no need for US to act brand
>new about that either.

absolutely, you are right about that.


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:59 PM

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134. "RE: the meeting contradicts the Ill Puta's 'let's not be dicks about it'"
In response to Reply # 101
Thu Oct-01-15 03:02 PM by murph71

   doesnt...A dick move would have been the Pope saying in a speech "I support that dumpy troll ass, delusional broad's religious freedom...and Gays r going to hell..."

Pope didnt do that. In fact it took that blathering, Jesus freak chick to let the cat out of the bag for everyone to find out Francis met with that fool...

The Vatican were very low key about it...The previous Pope would have been a lot more brazen about it...Of course the real issue isnt that the clerk is "wrong" for her antiquated beliefs. Its the fact that shes a public elected figure using her power to disenfranchise tax payers...

But Catholicism is pretty straight up about their views on gays...

GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Thu Oct-01-15 03:07 PM

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136. "yes. it does."
In response to Reply # 134



> doesnt...A dick move would have been the Pope saying
>in a speech "I support that dumpy troll ass, delusional
>broad's religious freedom...and Gays r going to hell..."

yes, that ALSO would've been a dick move.

and what he did instead was still a dick move.

fuck you.


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:31 AM

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185. "Gay mafia be on some Dick Cheney don't you dare talk to my enemies shit"
In response to Reply # 101
Fri Oct-02-15 08:32 AM by Jon


Selling freedom fries instead of french fries if you aren't dropping bombs with us

Just the act of acknowledging her presence and being anything but confrontational or "fuck off" toward her, god forbid actually have a convo (regardless of its content), is enough to make you the enemy too

If some of y'all had nukes we'd all be dead


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103. "^ Stands in this line."
In response to Reply # 99



>The only people who r shocked about the Pope supporting that
>troll... r pissed that the said Marriage clerk troll is getting a co sign...

Like, of all the people to visit...her? She's the 2015 "Joe the Plumber"


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:58 PM

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110. "I get that, what I disagree with is the notion that this make everything"
In response to Reply # 99



else bullshit.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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112. "who has expressed that notion?"
In response to Reply # 110



fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:14 PM

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117. "It's literally starts with the second post here. "
In response to Reply # 112



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:19 PM

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119. "that looks like someone that ALWAYS thought the pope is a fraud. "
In response to Reply # 117


that looks like somebody that thinks catholic doctrine is
bullshit, as a general rule.

and i would agree, it is.

this pope has always done nothing but repeat Catholic doctrine.
which generally, is on some bullshit re: women's rights, gay rights, the separation of church and state, i could go on
and on and on

about how much of a fraud the Catholic church is.
so could the person that wrote reply #2, probably.

>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>Five Star -
>Appropriate Behavior -


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Thu Oct-01-15 02:29 PM

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125. "no, that guy says he's 'been saying' the pope is a fraud."
In response to Reply # 117



as in the guy was saying that about the pope BEFORE this meeting w/KD. that reply doesn't say 'now that pope met KD everything else he's said is bullshit'.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 03:02 PM

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135. "Yeah and he is using this as proof that everything he has done is "
In response to Reply # 125




You are making a distinction that really doesn't make a difference.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Thu Oct-01-15 03:09 PM

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137. "no, he's not."
In response to Reply # 135



if anything he's saying that this pope was a fraud before this meeting and that guy had already identified such. which doesn't support your contention that the clandestine meeting w/KD caused ppl to shift their thinking and decry everything the pope has said in recent months where the ppl had previously lauded the pope.

>You are making a distinction that really doesn't make a

you are using that phrase incorrectly. i'm not sure you know what it means.

fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 03:13 PM

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138. "The phrase you are thinking of is Distinction without a Difference"
In response to Reply # 137



I didn't quite say that. I say you are making a distinction (Dude always thought he was a fraud, versus Dude thinking is a fraud now that it is revealed het met kim), that really doesn't make a difference to my position.

>if anything he's saying that this pope was a fraud before
>this meeting and that guy had already identified such. which
>doesn't support your contention that the clandestine meeting
>w/KD caused ppl to shift their thinking and decry everything
>the pope has said in recent months where the ppl had
>previously lauded the pope.
>>You are making a distinction that really doesn't make a
>you are using that phrase incorrectly. i'm not sure you know
>what it means.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Thu Oct-01-15 03:42 PM

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142. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 138
Thu Oct-01-15 03:43 PM by SoWhat



try making your point w/a different example.


actually...don't. b/c i don't care.

fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Thu Oct-01-15 02:00 PM

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113. "everything he has ever said and did is in line with cathlolic doctrine. "
In response to Reply # 110


>else bullshit.

this pope is a more catholic Catholic than other popes.
but no matter how catholic he is, he is Catholic first and foremost.

you know, because he's a Catholic pope.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:44 PM

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102. "like most Christians he always had a hate the sin love the sinner "
In response to Reply # 0



Mentality. And gay Catholics got excited about that lil crumb....(we gay Protestants are usually familiar with this stance)...all he said is that gay Catholics shouldn't be shunned from the church...they saw what they wanted to see...I feel bad for them but then again I don't. If u don't see gayness as a sin or something wrong I don't see how could ever be all hype for this pope. He's whatever to me


stand ur ground, believe in urself,
believe in love, prepare urself for love, remove the negativity from ur life, and accept the love u kno u deserve


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:51 PM

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107. "popes gon' pope and all, but i won't lie, i hate that it was her"
In response to Reply # 0



like most of these republican mascots, she's just a ridiculous human being, made out to be some kind of freedom fighter. shit's just gross.


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Thu Oct-01-15 01:54 PM

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108. "Ditto all of that."
In response to Reply # 107




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Thu Oct-01-15 02:31 PM

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127. "How you gonna hate on her and the Pope would do the same thing."
In response to Reply # 107


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Thu Oct-01-15 03:42 PM

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141. "pope is doing his job. she's not doing hers"
In response to Reply # 127



if pope was a kentucky clerk, and did the same thing, he'd be wrong too.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 03:56 PM

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148. "Yep. This basic understanding is beyond some people though."
In response to Reply # 141



Too busy trying to force their beliefs on others even as they cry about others' beliefs being forced on them.

Just IMO though.


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Thu Oct-01-15 04:02 PM

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149. "she's also not a conscientious objector."
In response to Reply # 141



a real c/o would resign from the job, not stay in the job and obstruct the office's business.

she can be the c/o she and the pope want her to be - after she's resigned. she can claim her principles forced her to resign rather than engage in activity she knows to be sin and yadda yadda yadda. she could be an advocate - speaking engagements, tv talking-head appearances, book deal(s)...the whole nine. of course, that's what she's up now i suspect. so good for her on that. still...what she's doing ain't quite c/o. b/c she's still accepting her pay and working in an office that IS issuing licenses - which she claims is a sinful act. even if her name isn't on the licenses they're still going out and she's still collecting a check from the same entity that's recognizing and facilitating 'sin'. she's hustling backward and violating her own principle. too bad the pope didn't educate her on that. maybe he's not smart enough to see it.

fuck you.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 04:06 PM

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150. "Exactly"
In response to Reply # 149



Just IMO though.


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Thu Oct-01-15 05:33 PM

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158. "A conscientious objector? Where is that in Christianity? "
In response to Reply # 149


Flips through Bible looking for the Opt-Out of standing on and up for faith option in my Bible. I must be missing that page. Do you have it?
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Thu Oct-01-15 06:00 PM

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161. "Ask Pope Francis, sport."
In response to Reply # 158



fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 07:14 PM

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162. "I'm talking about in context to her faith stance on Same Sex Marriage "
In response to Reply # 161


Tell me where you can be a CO on that issue Sport.
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Thu Oct-01-15 07:36 PM

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163. "What? "
In response to Reply # 162



fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 09:02 PM

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168. "You'll catch it tomorrow. "
In response to Reply # 163


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Ted Gee Seal
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Thu Oct-01-15 09:05 PM

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170. "His retort failed after your reply, so he's trying to change tacks"
In response to Reply # 163



while pretending that was his point all along, even though it's irrelevant to your point and context.

Just IMO though.


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Thu Oct-01-15 10:51 PM

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173. "you know?"
In response to Reply # 170



oh well.


fuck you.


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Thu Oct-01-15 11:25 PM

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174. "Check this out"
In response to Reply # 173
Thu Oct-01-15 11:34 PM by Case_One


This is just for you. That fact is that people want to place the Political Correctness label of Conscientious Objector on this Kim Davis matter. All they are doing is trying to do is pacify the opposition with an agreeable definition for her actions. She should just stand on her Faith and keep it moving because you can't Milktoast this situation and by doing so its only causing more confusion. Just take a stand and deal with the matter.
Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Thu Oct-01-15 05:31 PM

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157. "All Christians have the SAME JOB - POPE included"
In response to Reply # 141


Mind Blown!

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160. ""
In response to Reply # 157




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Fri Oct-02-15 07:00 AM

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175. "Vatican: Pope's encounter with Kentuky clerk Kim Davis not a form of sup..."
In response to Reply # 0



Vatican: Pope's encounter with Kentuky clerk Kim Davis not a form of support
Tribune wire reports
October 2, 2015, 5:57 AM Vatican City

The Vatican on Friday distanced Pope Francis from Kim Davis, the focal point in the gay marriage debate in the U.S., saying she was one of dozens of people the pope greeted in the U.S. and that their encounter "should not be considered a form of support of her position."

After days of confusion, the Vatican issued a statement Friday clarifying the circumstances of Francis' Sept. 24 encounter with Davis, a Kentuky county clerk who went to jail for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

In a statement, the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Francis met with "several dozen" people at the Vatican's embassy in Washington just before leaving for New York.

Lombardi said such meetings are par for the course of any Vatican trip and are due to the pope's "kindness and availability." He said the pope only really had one "audience" in Washington: with former students and his family members.

"The pope did not enter into the details of the situation of Mrs. Davis and his meeting with her should not be considered a form of support of her position in all of its particular and complex aspects," Lombardi said.

Davis, an Apostolic Christian, spent five days in jail for defying a series of federal court orders to issue same-sex marriage licenses after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage across the country.

A judge ultimately freed Davis on the condition she not interfere with her deputies issuing the licenses. When Davis returned to work, she confiscated the marriage licenses and replaced them with new ones saying they were issued not under the authority of the county clerk, but "pursuant to federal court order."

Davis said earlier this week that she and her husband met briefly with the pope at the Vatican's nunciature in Washington and that he encouraged her to "stay strong."

"Just knowing that the pope is on track with what we're doing and agreeing, you know, it kind of validates everything," she told ABC.

The Vatican statement made clear the pope intended no such validation.

News of the audience sent shockwaves through the U.S. church, with Davis' supporters saying it showed the pope backed her cause and opponents questioning whether the pope had been duped into meeting with her.

Initially the Vatican only reluctantly confirmed the meeting but offered no comment.

On Friday, Lombardi met with Francis and issued a fuller statement to "contribute to an objective understanding of what transpired."

He declined to say who invited Davis into the nunciature or what the pope knew of the case ahead of time. Such encounters are arranged by the Vatican ambassador and his staff, not the pope's delegation or the U.S. bishops' conference.

An assistant to Lombardi, the Rev. Thomas Rosica, said he believed the pope was unaware of Davis or the implications of the meeting.

"I don't think it's a matter of being tricked as of being fully aware of the situation and its complexities," he said. "I don't think anyone was willfully trying to trick the pope, and at the same time nor was the pope briefed properly on who was he meeting. He wasn't properly briefed on the person or the impact of such a visit."

From the start of his six-day tour, Francis encouraged Americans to preserve religious freedom, which he called "one of America's most precious possessions." But he listed it among many other issues, including immigration, climate change and the death penalty.

Francis firmly upholds church teaching that marriage is between a man and woman, but he did not focus on the debate over same-sex marriage during his visit, at one point telling the U.S. bishops to avoid "harsh and divisive" language despite the challenges they face in society.

As he left the country, Francis told reporters who inquired that he did not know Davis' case in detail, but he defended conscientious objection as a human right.

"It is a right. And if a person does not allow others to be a conscientious objector, he denies a right," Francis said.


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Fri Oct-02-15 07:55 AM

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176. "Cool."
In response to Reply # 175



fuck you.


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Fri Oct-02-15 07:59 AM

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177. "apologize ..silly niggers"
In response to Reply # 175



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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:15 AM

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195. "for what?"
In response to Reply # 177



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Fri Oct-02-15 08:17 AM

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181. "Another article; US Church beef with the pope and he got set up!"
In response to Reply # 175
Fri Oct-02-15 08:19 AM by BigReg



While I have no doubt the pop is as anti gay and gay marriage as everyone else who rocks hard with da jesus, like I said above this gaffe just seems odd considering how well planned a PR trip the whole tour was. Looks like we have a legit reason why! IT LOOKS LIKE MY NIGGA GOT SET UP BY HATER US BISHOPS. POWER STRUGGLES WITHIN THE ILLUMINATI!!!

"It is a meeting some charge was orchestrated by the man who lived there, the Pope’s representative here, Carlo Maria Vigano.
Not even the Papal Spokesman Federico Lombardi knew about it ahead of time. Nor did the leadership of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which would have opposed it.

Others claim the Pope knew about the meeting and had ordered Vatican diplomats, perhaps even Vigano, to set it up.
CBS 2’s Vatican source doesn’t think so.

A close advisor to Pope Francis tweeted that the Pope was, in his words, “exploited” by those who set up what the CBS 2 source says was a “meeting that never should have taken place.”

Some call it an attempt by highly placed church leaders in the U.S. to diminish the impact of the Pope’s visit.


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Fri Oct-02-15 11:56 AM

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204. "this doesnt surprise me at all."
In response to Reply # 181



There are a number of bishops in the US that dont like the way he is threatening to turn over the apple cart

Much like the rest of America, they are tunnel-visioned on things that dont matter like gay marriage and abortion.



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Fri Oct-02-15 08:17 AM

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182. "I want the coworker who's been relentlessly calling Pope a dbag all week..."
In response to Reply # 175


take just a couple bites of humble pie with her chill pill


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:16 AM

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196. "your coworker is still correct."
In response to Reply # 182


the pope is still a d-bag.


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Atillah Moor
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Fri Oct-02-15 08:19 AM

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183. "The Vatican is now an honest and trustworthy entity "
In response to Reply # 175



what a game changer


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 08:58 AM

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189. "so the vatican embassy made sure the pope had political cover?"
In response to Reply # 175


this changes nothing
and confirms what we already knew.

the pope doesn't really care about us.


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Fri Oct-02-15 09:37 AM

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198. "How does this confirm the Pope doesn't care about you?"
In response to Reply # 189



“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:44 AM

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199. "the Catholic Church, as an institution, opppses gay rights."
In response to Reply # 198


The pope, as the top official of that organization, has never contradicted that official position.

Then, he flew from another country and found time to chop it up with an infamous bigot who is actively opposing gay rights.

I am gay.

The pope is not on my side.


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Fri Oct-02-15 04:59 PM

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211. "But you don't know that"
In response to Reply # 199



I understand you being critical of the church, but he seems genuine to me. I think you consider having on open mind about this Pope.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:21 AM

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184. "Hope its not a postjack, but why isn't Kim Davis' job automated by now?"
In response to Reply # 0


The fact that anyone would be stuck having to go through her with no other just-as-easy option is beyond me, but even more so, the fact that this isn't just all out automated by now with like an optional customer service rep if you need help with the process baffles me

But I'm sure it's been discussed and maybe it's not that easy


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:44 AM

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186. "Real Talk: Why were some of y'all so quick to believe Kim D.?"
In response to Reply # 0



We all know that she is a crazy dingbat and everything that comes out of her mouth is dumb and wrong. So why buy her uncorroborated story?

I mean didn't it set off common sense spidey senses that the Pope, head of a global church of 2.2B people would even know who Kim Davis was, nevermind you have a special one on one meeting with her?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Fri Oct-02-15 08:45 AM

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187. "The vatican gave a very 'we cannot confirm or deny' response"
In response to Reply # 186



which seemed odd, and apparently there was a fire where there was smoke.


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Fri Oct-02-15 08:59 AM

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190. "Fair enough but alot of people bought in without knowledge of the first"
In response to Reply # 187



statement by the Vatican. I didn't even know about the neither confirm or deny until today.

Alot of people here were basing their belief on the Vatican NOT responding which seems weird because the story was only a day old.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:10 AM

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193. "because it was clear the pope was on some slick shit."
In response to Reply # 190


the pope would say stuff like,
"gay ppl should not be shunned from the church" so younger ppl will like him...

but he won't walk back the standing Catholic doctrine of
gayness being an abomination.

then this nationally bigototed woman
that is nationally known as a bigot gets a visit from the pope.

Hardly anybody gets to see the pope.
A figure of speech for someone you can never see is,"it's like seeing the pope."

The fact that she got an audience with the pope that millions want
but only a few get tells us all we need to know about how the pope feels about gays.

It was always clear.

>Atatement by the Vatican. I didn't even know about the
>neither confirm or deny until today.
>Alot of people here were basing their belief on the Vatican
>NOT responding which seems weird because the story was only a
>day old.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>Five Star -
>Appropriate Behavior -


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Fri Oct-02-15 11:36 AM

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203. "i knew that the Vatican had not denied the meeting."
In response to Reply # 190



>I didn't even know about the
>neither confirm or deny until today.

you didn't know. i did.


fuck you.


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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:04 AM

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191. "how many ppl got to visit the pope?"
In response to Reply # 186


how many ppl wanted to visit the pope?

it's cute that the pope has plausible deniability, but it changes nothing.

this pope is trying to put a gentler face on the Catholic church.
but he is still the pope, and is still on that bullshit.

it's not hard to see through.
pretty insulting on his part.

we still see him.


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Fri Oct-02-15 09:09 AM

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192. "We get it you don't like Catholicism. But Catholicism aside, that"
In response to Reply # 191



doesn't answer why you would take the word of the Kim Davis without any skepticism when you know to be skeptical of everything else she says.

Is it possible that your dislike of Catholicism has clouded your judgement and objectiveness?

Is it possible you fell for a confirmation bias?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Mike Jackson
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:11 AM

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194. "the fact that she saw him was enough."
In response to Reply # 192


i never cared what he said to her.
i never even mentioned that in any of my replies in this post.

>doesn't answer why you would take the word of the Kim Davis
>without any skepticism when you know to be skeptical of
>everything else she says.
>Is it possible that your dislike of Catholicism has clouded
>your judgement and objectiveness?
>Is it possible you fell for a confirmation bias?
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>Five Star -
>Appropriate Behavior -


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223. "Well you are pretty alone in making no distinction between the "
In response to Reply # 194



the pope requesting an audience with her and the pope shaking her hand at a meet and greet and not knowing who she is.

Most rationale people would say those are clearly two different things.

>i never cared what he said to her.
>i never even mentioned that in any of my replies in this
>>doesn't answer why you would take the word of the Kim Davis
>>without any skepticism when you know to be skeptical of
>>everything else she says.
>>Is it possible that your dislike of Catholicism has clouded
>>your judgement and objectiveness?
>>Is it possible you fell for a confirmation bias?
>>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>>Five Star -
>>Appropriate Behavior -

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
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Fri Oct-02-15 11:34 AM

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202. "the Vatican hasn't denied the meeting or the language used."
In response to Reply # 186



she met the pope. apparently he told her to 'stay strong'.

some of us misinterpreted the point of the meeting. our misinterpretation was rooted in context clues we picked up from other statements the pope had made during the visit ( it was also rooted in what we know about the value of having a private meeting w/the pope. b/c so few ppl get an audience of any kind there's usually some significance attached to the private meetings. usually the pope/Vat is communicating something just by meeting w/folks. we understand this. we tried to figure out what the pope/Vat could be communicating w/that private meeting. again, the Vat saw that some of us had misinterpreted and so the clarification was issued.

fuck you.


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Sat Oct-03-15 04:34 PM

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224. "And your fool ass still believing her and lying about it. "
In response to Reply # 202
Sat Oct-03-15 04:35 PM by Buddy_Gilapagos



>she met the pope. apparently he told her to 'stay strong'.

Again, who said the pope told her to stay strong? She did. And now the pope didn't deny it doesn't mean it happened and further made clear that the Pope didn't know who she was he met (which I would interpret as a pretty clear denial that he told her to stay strong in her opposition to gay marriage).

If I had to guess I would imagine the Pope tells 1000 people a day to stay strong.

And don't try to say this "we TRIED to figure out what the pope/Vat could be communicating w/that private meeting."

You thought you knew the point of the meeting and tried to clown me for suggesting that it might be otherwise because we don't know how the meeting transpired.

It's all in this post. Don't try now to act like you were rationally and objectively trying to figure out what happened.

I guess it's too much for you to take your L gracefully but I would think you could not play yourself further by dropping a snarky line and K.I.M.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
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Mon Oct-05-15 07:30 AM

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230. "My goodness you are pretty deeply invested here."
In response to Reply # 224



What's going on?

You actually thought about this over the weekend????

Are you okay?

>Again, who said the pope told her to stay strong? She did.
>And now the pope didn't deny it doesn't mean it happened and
>further made clear that the Pope didn't know who she was he
>met (which I would interpret as a pretty clear denial that he
>told her to stay strong in her opposition to gay marriage).
>If I had to guess I would imagine the Pope tells 1000 people a
>day to stay strong.
>And don't try to say this "we TRIED to figure out what the
>pope/Vat could be communicating w/that private meeting."
>You thought you knew the point of the meeting and tried to
>clown me for suggesting that it might be otherwise because we
>don't know how the meeting transpired.
>It's all in this post. Don't try now to act like you were
>rationally and objectively trying to figure out what happened.
>I guess it's too much for you to take your L gracefully but I
>would think you could not play yourself further by dropping a
>snarky line and K.I.M.
>"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then
>they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson
>Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:
>Five Star -
>Appropriate Behavior -

fuck you.


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Mon Oct-05-15 03:14 PM

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237. "Kids were asleep and wife was out on girls night. I got the time. "
In response to Reply # 230



"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

Five Star -
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Mon Oct-05-15 03:52 PM

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240. "girls night. at 3:30 PM on a Saturday."
In response to Reply # 237




fuck you.


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Mon Oct-05-15 04:34 PM

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243. "Weird. My time stamp says 9:30pm. If that's the case kids were "
In response to Reply # 240



in the play room and I was watching them (and by watching them I mean surfing the web).

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

Movies I need y'all bastids to see so we can discuss:

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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Fri Oct-02-15 10:38 AM

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200. "Now the Vatican is like......"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-02-15 10:41 AM by murph71


NOPE....we not endorsing this crazy


GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Fri Oct-02-15 12:01 PM

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205. "of course he isnt. anyone who thought otherwise was being foolish."
In response to Reply # 200



Everything he has talked about for the last few years, and he's going to fuck that up by supporting the biggest loser in the country?

Hell no. Her lawyers got in front of it and took control of the narrative, which is hilarious to me. Everything out of his and her mouths has been bullshit but *now* they are telling the truth and giving a complete summary of the events?

Lol cmon. Id bet anyone $10 he didnt even know who she fuckin was.



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Sat Oct-03-15 10:13 AM

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218. "Huh? Why would they go to see someone like Kim Davis if thats the case?"
In response to Reply # 205


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Frank Longo
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Fri Oct-02-15 01:09 PM

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206. "Perhaps we (including me) were too quick to judge. (SWIPE)"
In response to Reply # 0



Pope Francis met with openly gay couple — and unlike Kim Davis, who ambushed him, he did so intentionally

Pope Francis met with openly gay couple — and unlike Kim Davis, who ambushed him, he did so intentionally
(Credit: Reuters/Aristide Economopoulos)
Pope Francis met with a gay couple the day before he met with same-sex marriage opponent Kim Davis, CNN’s Daniel Burke reports.

Yayo Grassi and his partner, Iwan — old friends of the pope from Argentina — visited the pontiff and were greeted with warm hugs. In an interview with CNN, Grassi said that “three weeks before the trip, he called me on the phone and said he would love to give me a hug.”

Unlike the publicity stunt manufactured by Kim Davis, her lawyers, and elements within the church hostile to Francis’ agenda, this meeting was both deliberate and purposive.

Referring to the Vatican’s statement about Davis, in which Reverend Federico Lombardi said that “the only real audience granted by the Pope at the nunciature was with one of his former students and his family,” Grassi said “that was me.” Pope Francis taught him at Inmaculada Concepcion high school in Flores, Argentina, from 1964-1965.

The pope is aware of Grassi’s sexuality, but “he has never been judgmental. He has never said anything negative.”

“Obviously he is the pastor of the church and he has to follow the church’s teachings,” Grassi continued. “But as a human being he understands all kinds of situations, and he is open to all kinds of people, including those with different sexual characteristics.”

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Fri Oct-02-15 02:32 PM

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208. "It depends if people were waiting on facts to form an opinion on this is..."
In response to Reply # 206



or if their mind was made up coming into it.

>Pope Francis met with openly gay couple — and unlike Kim
>Davis, who ambushed him, he did so intentionally
>Pope Francis met with openly gay couple — and unlike Kim
>Davis, who ambushed him, he did so intentionally
>(Credit: Reuters/Aristide Economopoulos)
>Pope Francis met with a gay couple the day before he met with
>same-sex marriage opponent Kim Davis, CNN’s Daniel Burke
>Yayo Grassi and his partner, Iwan — old friends of the pope
>from Argentina — visited the pontiff and were greeted with
>warm hugs. In an interview with CNN, Grassi said that “three
>weeks before the trip, he called me on the phone and said he
>would love to give me a hug.”
>Unlike the publicity stunt manufactured by Kim Davis, her
>lawyers, and elements within the church hostile to Francis’
>agenda, this meeting was both deliberate and purposive.
>Referring to the Vatican’s statement about Davis, in which
>Reverend Federico Lombardi said that “the only real audience
>granted by the Pope at the nunciature was with one of his
>former students and his family,” Grassi said “that was
>me.” Pope Francis taught him at Inmaculada Concepcion high
>school in Flores, Argentina, from 1964-1965.
>The pope is aware of Grassi’s sexuality, but “he has never
>been judgmental. He has never said anything negative.”
>“Obviously he is the pastor of the church and he has to
>follow the church’s teachings,” Grassi continued. “But
>as a human being he understands all kinds of situations, and
>he is open to all kinds of people, including those with
>different sexual characteristics.”

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

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Fri Oct-02-15 02:33 PM

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209. "It's turning into #popegate. Only in America. "
In response to Reply # 206


Ambushed indeed. Riiiiight.. ROTFL
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Sat Oct-03-15 03:07 PM

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220. "Yeah. "
In response to Reply # 206



...In my initial reply I entertained giving him and his handlers the
benefit of the doubt. They got played/exploited.


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Fri Oct-02-15 05:08 PM

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212. "Some people outta pocket with their expectations"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-02-15 05:10 PM by ConcreteCharlie



I take pride in how far we have come that some people expect *THE POPE* not to be against gay marriage. LOL. This guy is *relatively* modern. For the pope to be *relatively* modern, his views need to adapt to the forward thinking of roughly the 17th century.

No one with a brain would be surprised by his stance on gay marriage and it was well known before Kim Davis had her 15 seconds of infamy. Of course people snapped to judgment on the details here, too.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Fri Oct-02-15 09:01 PM

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213. "Some people will be, I don't know how big a problem that is"
In response to Reply # 212



People will try to appropriate the Pope where convenient. You'll find Presbyterians, even in this post I'll bet, who will use the Pope to try to act against those who they disagree with, but who will throw him under the bus when it suits them as well.

Really, the Pope is in a complicated situation. I wouldn't want to be too presumptuous about what any of his public actions mean, but will agree or not agree on a case by case basis.

Just IMO though.


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Fri Oct-02-15 10:28 PM

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214. "So basically....."
In response to Reply # 0



she met the Pope at an autograph signing and tried to act like she was hanging out backstage with him.....

We the children of the Light, you know what I mean?
That's why I'm hating on the darkness like Paula Deen
Cause in my hood they masked up like it's Halloween
We going hard for the Rock, but we not some fiends
- Andy Mineo


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Fri Oct-02-15 11:58 PM

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215. "That's the cleanup story, so that everyone can feel better"
In response to Reply # 214


It's amazing that people wanted to champion the Pope for his liberal approach, then vilify the Pope for his position on Biblical Doctine, only to come back and say, "Well he was always cool with us" because the story changed back to something they want to believe... LOL Humans.
Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Sat Oct-03-15 08:42 AM

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216. "lol just say you wish he was more like you and be done with it"
In response to Reply # 215



You keep projecting your own shit on to him, but unfortunately for you (and fortunately for everyone else) he isnt like you

You want him to champion this woman so badly that its kind of hilarisad



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Sat Oct-03-15 10:22 AM

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219. "Dude supporting K Davis goes against everything this Pope"
In response to Reply # 215
Sat Oct-03-15 10:26 AM by makaveli



has always said on the topic. he has always preached acceptance, he's not anti gay. He met hundreds of different people and probably doesn't know who most of them are. Because he is more liberal than a typical Pope, he has enemies within the church who want to spread their own message. It's very possible they are somehow involved in this.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Sat Oct-03-15 08:45 AM

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217. "and not only that - "
In response to Reply # 214



She was apparently planted there by loyalists to the previous pope, a real conservative d-bag, in an attempt to neuter his message of acceptance

I wouldnt be surprised to see some of these conservative american bishops called to rome in the near future for reassignment. This is totally beyond the pale.



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221. "Didn't he also meet with a same sex couple?"
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225. "Yes"
In response to Reply # 221



“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Sun Oct-04-15 06:00 AM

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226. "No he didn't (c) people in this post with agendas. "
In response to Reply # 221


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253. "Right LOL"
In response to Reply # 226






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Sun Oct-04-15 06:07 AM

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227. "Gotta hear both sides"
In response to Reply # 0


PSN: ShinobiShaw

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c)T510


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Ted Gee Seal
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Sun Oct-04-15 06:11 PM

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228. "Pope expected to fire Archbishop who set up the meet (swipe)"
In response to Reply # 0
Sun Oct-04-15 06:16 PM by Ted Gee Seal



Read into this article what you will. Based on this post some people are going to hold their side no matter the facts to the contrary. I guess that's nothing new where religion is concerned.

After the huge blowback and resulting PR firestorm the Vatican endured for meeting with Kim Davis — the Kentucky county clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples — Pope Francis is expected to fire the church official who arranged the meeting.

On Friday, the Vatican’s press office reiterated that the meeting with Davis was not meant to be interpreted as an endorsement of her views, but rather a simple exchange of pleasantries between the Pope and a group of admirers, one of whom happened to be Davis. The Vatican also emphasized that the only one-on-one meeting that Pope Francis had during his time in Washington, D.C. was with Yayo Grassi, a gay man and former student of the Pope’s. But the Vatican appears to go one step further to make it clear that the Holy See in no way endorses Kim Davis’ bigotry.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who arranged the Pope’s meetings in Washington (including the one with Kim Davis), is expected to be held responsible for blowback resulting from the meeting with Davis. According to the New York Times, Viganò is “likely to be removed at the first respectable opportunity” if blowback from the meeting with Davis continues to build.

“The pope has to be able to rely on his own system, and in this case the system failed him,” theology professor Dr. Massimo Faggioli told the Times. “The question is, was it a mistake, or was it done with full knowledge of how toxic she was?”

According to Faggioli, Pope Francis was very careful to structure his trip and his speeches in such a way to not be politicized by any particular faction. Archbishop Viganò’s misstep may have been the final nail in the coffin for his tenure within the church.

“This thing is the most politicized thing that you can imagine,” Faggioli added.

Just IMO though.


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Mon Oct-05-15 12:32 PM

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231. "read that this morning"
In response to Reply # 228




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251. "thats as far as i could get"
In response to Reply # 231



once the cynicism kicked in
its hard to shake

but yes
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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232. "*Files nails*"
In response to Reply # 228



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Frank Longo
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Mon Oct-05-15 02:26 PM

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233. "Vi-Gone-O"
In response to Reply # 228



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Mon Oct-05-15 03:03 PM

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235. "Pope cool again"
In response to Reply # 228




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Atillah Moor
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Mon Oct-05-15 04:02 PM

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241. "but if you molest a child you keep your position? "
In response to Reply # 228




Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Mon Oct-05-15 04:15 PM

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242. "Hold-up, I thought she "ambushed" the pope?"
In response to Reply # 228


LOL. This story has taken on a life of it's own.

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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Mon Oct-05-15 04:48 PM

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244. "RE: Hold-up, I thought she &quot;ambushed&quot; the pope?"
In response to Reply # 242
Mon Oct-05-15 04:58 PM by murph71


Davis is a pawn....She didnt ambush shit. Vigano and the Liberty Counsel pulled this off. THEY ambushed the

That organization backing Kim Davis is shade worthy.....That inside story:

GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Mon Oct-05-15 04:51 PM

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245. "I'm just LOL'in at the comment above about her ambushing the Pope"
In response to Reply # 244


And how people turned on the Pope only to give him their pass when they thought he was ambushed. Folks trying to find all kinds of excuses.

Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Member since Sep 15th 2005
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Mon Oct-05-15 05:43 PM

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247. "RE: I'm just LOL'in at the comment above about her ambushing the Pope"
In response to Reply # 245


>And how people turned on the Pope only to give him their pass
>when they thought he was ambushed. Folks trying to find all
>kinds of excuses.

Uh huh....

GOAT of his era......long live Prince.....God is alive....


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Ted Gee Seal
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Mon Oct-05-15 07:04 PM

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248. "Yeah, people will read into this what they will"
In response to Reply # 244



As I said.

Also, the main authority for the article I linked is theology professor Dr. Massimo Faggioli.

People on both sides are projecting at this point. Who knows what really went on.

Just IMO though.


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Ted Gee Seal
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Mon Oct-05-15 07:07 PM

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249. "Yes, people hold different perspectives on a controversial event"
In response to Reply # 242



It's been known to happen in the internet age.

Just IMO though.


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Mon Oct-05-15 05:40 PM

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246. "in an ideal world this old, crusty, white catholic would have no"
In response to Reply # 0



importance assigned to him and his views.

though, as it stands, he does, hence this (highly entertaining) post.

*hurls L's into the crowd of those who got too deeply involved*

If you're innocent, be cool.
Only the guilty's catchin' offence.


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Tue Oct-06-15 05:22 PM

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254. "Nice article on the Liberty Counsel"
In response to Reply # 0



“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Ted Gee Seal
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Tue Oct-06-15 05:58 PM

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255. "Great article"
In response to Reply # 254




The shifting story doesn't look good.

Just IMO though.


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Tue Oct-06-15 06:42 PM

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256. "This whole thing is like a "Where's Waldo" picture"
In response to Reply # 0


Every time you think you see'em or in this case, have a clear picture something changes. It's too funny.

Every News Hound as an article that read, "WE KNOW THE TRUTH, WE THINK?" The Vatican is running all over itself. Kim Davis is standing firm on her story. The fickle public is ping-ponging it with a love, no hate, no love, no kinda still hate, no wait we might love the Pope. Bu, But, But! The Pope has homosexual friends, but he still ain't performing same-sex marriages - NEVER. So, it's kinda back to hating the Pope, buuuuut with a lil more love.


Speaking inspiration to your situations on Instagram @jeromejcase.


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Tue Oct-06-15 09:46 PM

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257. "that's a great analogy, case"
In response to Reply # 256



I wish I had come up with the Where's Waldo thing myself.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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