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Subject: "Do you need to WATCH the wire? Or can you just listen to it?" This topic is locked.
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Member since Feb 08th 2008
22309 posts
Wed Nov-18-15 11:55 AM

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"Do you need to WATCH the wire? Or can you just listen to it?"



How much am I gonna miss about the show if I treat it like a podcast?

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Subject Author Message Date ID
without watching it, the FUCK scene between Bunk & McNulty
Nov 18th 2015
didnt the wire provide that the hands up & walk away meme?
Nov 18th 2015
yup. Bunk & Kima
Nov 18th 2015
Is it of cinematic value?
Nov 18th 2015
      this is the most smug up your own ass comment in the history
Nov 18th 2015
      Fuck outta here because you can't understand "cinematic value" in contex...
Nov 18th 2015
      lol no the colors are terrible, there's no visual story, and the visual ...
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
      it really is. Just wow
Nov 18th 2015
           Man yall acting like the Wire was shot by Kubrick
Nov 18th 2015
      because the setting is baltimore
Nov 18th 2015
what da hell?
Nov 18th 2015
he my man, and i still can't stop shaking my head.
Nov 18th 2015
I'm a multitasker. I've gone through almost all of This American Life
Nov 18th 2015
a podcast is meant to be consumed as a podcast...
Nov 18th 2015
      Which I understand. Which is why I asked.
Nov 18th 2015
      i can't think of a single tv drama that can be enjoyed with audio only
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
           are you confused?
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
230 too homie...
Nov 18th 2015
Once you watch the whole series once or twice you can just
Nov 18th 2015
Do you need to LISTEN to The Wire, or can I just watch it on mute?
Nov 18th 2015
That's dumb.
Nov 18th 2015
      So is just listening and not watching.
Nov 18th 2015
           Not the same. I define my consumption.
Nov 18th 2015
                lol.. you don't need to hear announcers to follow a game
Nov 18th 2015
                     And you don't need visuals to follow all stories.
Nov 18th 2015
                          OK.. but the comparison to game announcers is odd
Nov 18th 2015
                               Dude said watching tv on mute was weird. I do it often.
Nov 18th 2015
                                    and i bet none of those programs have complex storyline you need to foll...
Nov 18th 2015
                                         Which is why I asked a question.
Nov 18th 2015
you should try it and see how close your imagination matches the visuals
Nov 18th 2015
The acting is too good, you'll miss out on a lot.
Nov 18th 2015
there is an underrated amount of non verbal shit from great directing.
Nov 18th 2015
too many scenes that require your viewership to understand
Nov 18th 2015
Thank you. I'm gonna opt out. I don't watch with that much detail.
Nov 18th 2015
the show has a variety of menacing characters to take in...
Nov 18th 2015
If blind folks could do it I guess you can too...
Nov 18th 2015
this remind me of an old joke about blind people watching TV
Nov 18th 2015
      J Anthony Brown I believe
Nov 19th 2015
           boom! thanks
Nov 19th 2015
A lot IMO, lots of subtle details, foreshadowing, etc that is visual
Nov 18th 2015
Thank you.
Nov 18th 2015
This scene with Cutty and Fruit is just one example.
Nov 18th 2015
Agreed. I played it with the screen face down.
Nov 18th 2015
i tried... its impossible to follow
Nov 18th 2015
or even the next scene between Cutty and Fruit
Nov 18th 2015
      lol that's actually the scene I was originally searching for.
Nov 18th 2015
watch with your undivided attention
Nov 18th 2015
The setting of the show is as important as any character
Nov 18th 2015
teleVISION. not telePHONE. so no.
Nov 18th 2015
yes there is a reason why TV shows aren't meant to be podcasts
Nov 18th 2015
man, it feels like since people on here LOVE the wire
Nov 18th 2015
RE: man, it feels like since people on here LOVE the wire
Nov 18th 2015
I don't watch TV like that though.
Nov 18th 2015
      well don't you watch movies? or is that too much too? (no shade)
Nov 18th 2015
      I watch movies. Not sagas. Not that I'm above it. Don't have the
Nov 18th 2015
           well the one thing about GoT is that it's dialogue heavy
Nov 18th 2015
                Thank you for the recommendation
Nov 18th 2015
      well it would be like going to watch a DJ while wearing Beats headphones
Nov 18th 2015
           i think that's the cynic in you. Not me.
Nov 18th 2015
           Cool. I went through GOT just fine personally.
Nov 18th 2015
                Thats crazy... I could see listening to a half hour tv show tho
Nov 18th 2015
                     Yeah. I catch a lot of moments i miss from watching.
Nov 18th 2015
What's ridiculous is that you're struggling with people being d9ifferent...
Nov 18th 2015
da fuck? you his boyfriend or some shit. Nigga get off his dick, he answ...
Nov 18th 2015
      ^ sees it.
Nov 18th 2015
      You know what you can do, homie. I'll shoot you some resources
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
                Please, show me a death threat, weirdo.
Nov 18th 2015
                     nope. i don't even play with you nomore. you can't handle it.
Nov 18th 2015
                          Lol keep imagining things. That shit never happened.
Nov 18th 2015
                               you calling hm Cy? it's clear you're bedfellows.
Nov 18th 2015
                                    Plug a toaster oven into a wall and put in a bathtub full of water.
Nov 18th 2015
                                         the word is full of hate paris is crying do we really need to read filth
Nov 18th 2015
                                         If you don't like it, stop following me around you fucking loser.
Nov 19th 2015
                                              does anyone not see this garbage? how is it okay?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                   Because you can avoid it by choosing to stop trolling me.
Nov 19th 2015
                                         matter fact stop trying ruin my mans thread with this bullshit.
Nov 18th 2015
                                              So shut the fuck up and and stop bamming things up
Nov 18th 2015
                                                   dog, you went after that young lady's neck. that was a bad show.
Nov 18th 2015
                                                        I went after her neck? With what? Vicious reasoning?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             i dont think calling her a bitch is okay. there are ways to make a
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             Fuck what you think. You're a subhuman.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                  this is bullsht. I read every edit.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       Youre factually WRONG. read the fucking timestamps, subhuman.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            apologize for calling her a bitch. is that a reasonable request?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Yes. Yes it is. I don't see you telling her to apologize to me.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            I read it all before edits. you started the interaction. stalking! you c...
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Nope. Read the damn timestamps.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            fuck a time stamp. apologize to the lady, take ur crazy ass to a shrink....
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Facts. Cry.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             like for real. who does this shit? get's online and hurls dumb
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                  I don't think he called her "poison pussy"
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                  I was vocal about it before Radin. I've made Kwesi an exception
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       what is this subhuman nonsense. this community has rules for respect.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            You. You're a dog. Aa creature. Less than a person.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            You. You're a dog. Aa creature. Less than a person.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            mods I beg you, please check this clown. every time i answer in kind ...
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            YOU INITIATE THIS SHIT!!! EVERY TIME!!!
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            you don't own KNOWN OF THIS SHT. a post is a post is a post.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Lol. Goddamn you really are delusional.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            it's so easy for you to berate. why are you having trouble apologizing?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Fuck her and fuck you. She flipped out on me, nit the other way around.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                  So says the troll swine through an alias account.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       I don't know if you're aware. but Kwesi's my real name. gov't, if you wi...
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Because YOU continue to initiate these interactions with me.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                                 I was in this thread first. with it on my radar, I came back and noticed...
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                                 Do it.
Nov 19th 2015
      Lol this is a bold faced lie, bitch. And who did i "come at" by the way?
Nov 18th 2015
           what I lie about? that you always come at women...
Nov 18th 2015
           YOOOOO this the shit that put you on my radar in the first place.
Nov 18th 2015
           this isn't the first time he came at me sideways and each time I'm like
Nov 18th 2015
                darling, im on your side.
Nov 18th 2015
                Still barking from the sidelines.
Nov 18th 2015
                     im four drinks in and im charged up. you might really get the old me.
Nov 18th 2015
                          Of course. You're a drunk. Alcohol to you is like spinach to Popeye.
Nov 19th 2015
                               you dont even make this fun anymore. i dont even know what night
Nov 19th 2015
                                    Yeah you do. Liar.
Nov 19th 2015
                Meanwhile i have absolutely no idea who you are.
Nov 18th 2015
           so u just freely and casually callin her a bitch and a pussy huh
Nov 19th 2015
                Would she have her little freakout on me in person?
Nov 19th 2015
                     She prolly would...Irregardless she's a woman...u hit girls too?
Nov 19th 2015
                          hit girls? i dont think he stops there. this the type of nigga with
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
                          If you really thought that youd have left me alone ages ago
Nov 19th 2015
                               you are nonsense.
Nov 19th 2015
                                    Nothing you say holds up to even minor scrutiny
Nov 19th 2015
                                         what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength.
Nov 19th 2015
                          Do you communicate exclusively in non sequiturs?
Nov 19th 2015
and miss Avon's "finger wag" to McNulty?
Nov 19th 2015
Just listen to it.
Nov 18th 2015
without watching, you wouldnt know that Rawls sucks cock
Nov 18th 2015
that too
Nov 18th 2015
remember the writing on the wall?
Nov 18th 2015
      forgot about that one
Nov 18th 2015
Does that make him a better character?
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
Both times? I remember him in the gay bar
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 18th 2015
           lol its been almost a decade bro.. geez
Nov 18th 2015
                I don't remember another time
Nov 18th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
                          yeah but i think it was written more as a joke than truth
Nov 19th 2015
                               but Landsman has kind of a knowing chuckle when he looks at it
Nov 19th 2015
                               I'm sure we'd pick all this it up just as well with audio only
Nov 19th 2015
                               it def could be just that
Nov 19th 2015
                                    either way i love this show
Nov 19th 2015
I have the entire series in MP3 If you want it
Nov 18th 2015
now i'm thinking the Dark Knight might be a series you could listen to
Nov 18th 2015
Honestly people are too reluctant to even try listening
Nov 18th 2015
I'll give it a try, thank you.
Nov 18th 2015
Lol Y'all are some narrow, limited motherfuckers on this subject
Nov 18th 2015
most people love everything about this show..
Nov 19th 2015
      I get that. I feel that way about of Montreal.
Nov 19th 2015
I probably could because i've seen it 10+ times
Nov 18th 2015
Whats weird is going back and watching what he missed...
Nov 18th 2015
imagine trying to figure out the Cheez dogfight story with no visuals
Nov 18th 2015
and miss Kima's big moment?
Nov 18th 2015
geez imagine "just" listening to Carver give Kima's girlfriend the news
Nov 18th 2015
yeah the more you think about it, the more terrible this idea is
Nov 19th 2015
      the physical acting is really fantastic throughout.
Nov 19th 2015
           game, set, match
Nov 19th 2015
That'd be like watching a music video on mute.
Nov 19th 2015
RE: That'd be like watching a music video on mute.
Nov 19th 2015
If one were interested in the visual aspect it would be of no consequenc...
Nov 19th 2015
      Well, it matters at least *one* iota.
Nov 19th 2015
           RE: Well, it matters at least *one* iota.
Nov 19th 2015
                This is an interesting talking point that is worth examining.
Nov 19th 2015
                     We’re ><
Nov 19th 2015
..and miss Snoops face when she sees Mike in the backseat?
Nov 19th 2015
good gracious, wtf happened in here?
Nov 19th 2015
Deadzombie happened.
Nov 19th 2015
she edited in the bug-out after you responded like a burning dick.
Nov 19th 2015
      Time stamps prove otherwise. You're delusional.
Nov 19th 2015
           fuck them stamps. I was there. this isn't an isolated incident.
Nov 19th 2015
                The recorded facts directly oppose your shitty and biased memory
Nov 19th 2015
                     cold truth, I apologize for initiating this. maybe I should've minded my
Nov 19th 2015
                          Shut the fuck up. If you were sincere you'd leave me alone
Nov 19th 2015
                          i'm cracking up. peace go with you, brother.
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
                          OH and miss me with THIS bullshit. Fuck yourself.
Nov 19th 2015
                               As a man though, don't you think that you should display a..
Nov 19th 2015
                               1, I thought it was DZ at first given the personal nature
Nov 19th 2015
                               I gotta disagree there's no reason for a man to go at a woman...
Nov 19th 2015
                                    RE: I gotta disagree there's no reason for a man to go at a woman...
Nov 19th 2015
                                    i gotta ask. why do you think he's better than this?
Nov 19th 2015
                                    Disagree completely. It would have definitely better to have brushed her...
Nov 19th 2015
                                         how are you typing all this bullshit to justify your lack of respect
Nov 19th 2015
                                              Respect is earned, you sniveling drunk
Nov 19th 2015
                                                   nah dog. you're weak. you snitched me out like a schoolgirl. ugh.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                        You're in shock that people want you to stop trolling them?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             it's no getting around you being the king of bitchassdness
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             You? YOU? You're bitchassedness personified
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                  dog. you inboxed a mod cause i hurt your weak ass feelings.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       Also false.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       you contacted Reg. he's a mod. you whinned and cried.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       Yet you cry about getting banned and possibly banned again.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                             when you sent the inbox to cry about how i've been treating you
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                       so why the fuck did you send the inbox?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Meanwhile you deal with being a troll every day.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            you really dont get it. this is a community. when i see bullshit i speak
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Speaking out both sides of your snake ass mouth as usual.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Why did you stop screaming for a mod?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            this is over. beat it.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            So you're done screaming for a mod?
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            read this again: this is over, beat it.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            ........until you see me in another post and want to troll some more.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            this dude typed 'QUIETLY TELLING REG'. i've read it all.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            still editing? stop being a bigger bitch than you already are. move on.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Note the point where you suddenly decided to move on.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            it's five oclock, you spastic half-breed. im going home.
Nov 19th 2015
                                                                            Were that the case you'd stop responding, subhuman.
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
                               SO YOU DID SNITCH ME OUT!
Nov 19th 2015
You wanted it one way.
Nov 19th 2015
sorry i asked
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
Nov 19th 2015
      Lmao. Cold truth will argue anything
Nov 19th 2015
           Fuck. You. No i won't. Here's a break down of why you're wrong.
Nov 19th 2015
The Wire > this post and the niggers involved
Nov 19th 2015
Wait what the fuck
Nov 19th 2015
great work everyone!
Nov 19th 2015
I'm never doing this again.
Nov 19th 2015
You're a goddamned liar and you know it.
Nov 19th 2015
      you're barking up the wrong tree. you mutt.
Nov 19th 2015
           Everything i said was true. Everything.
Nov 19th 2015
                i feel sorry for the people that live with you.
Nov 19th 2015
                Note how i confine my insults to you and you alone
Nov 19th 2015
                     notice how i've apologized. and have asked you to stop the insults.
Nov 19th 2015
                theyre certainly depressed
Nov 19th 2015
                     As usual the facts conflict with your imagination.
Nov 19th 2015
Lester Freamon's stripper girlfriend
Nov 19th 2015
nigga freely admitted to dancing in his underwear for another man
Nov 19th 2015
yep. you win some, you lose some.
Nov 20th 2015

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Wed Nov-18-15 12:06 PM

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1. "without watching it, the FUCK scene between Bunk & McNulty"
In response to Reply # 0



won't mean a thing...


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:08 PM

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2. "didnt the wire provide that the hands up & walk away meme?"
In response to Reply # 1



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Charter member
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:28 PM

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13. "yup. Bunk & Kima "
In response to Reply # 2



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:16 PM

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7. "Is it of cinematic value?"
In response to Reply # 1



Why can't I just go back and watch scenes that don't have much dialogue. I don't feel that it's that highlevel.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:37 PM

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17. "this is the most smug up your own ass comment in the history"
In response to Reply # 7


of okp.

holy shit.

"is it of cinematic value?" he says.

"i don't think it's that high level" he says, about a show widely regarded as the best tv drama ever, after just watching the pilot.

honestly you should probably save yourself a lot of time and just not watch or listen to it. if you're trying to multi-task it's really not for you.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:42 PM

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19. "Fuck outta here because you can't understand "cinematic value" in contex..."
In response to Reply # 17
Wed Nov-18-15 12:44 PM by MEAT



Is it visually appealing.
Do the colors tell a story.
Are the sets worth looking at.
What am I gaining visually versus listening.
Do I need to be actively engaged to gain from the content.

Was that "lowlevel" enough for you?

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:48 PM

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22. "lol no the colors are terrible, there's no visual story, and the visual ..."
In response to Reply # 19


of baltimore adds nothing.

i'm crackin up.

"is it of cinematic value?"

i still blame hip-hop.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:49 PM

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23. "Meh. "
In response to Reply # 22



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Feb 17th 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:19 PM

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43. "it really is. Just wow"
In response to Reply # 17



>of okp.
>holy shit.
>"is it of cinematic value?" he says.
>"i don't think it's that high level" he says, about a show
>widely regarded as the best tv drama ever, after just watching
>the pilot.
>honestly you should probably save yourself a lot of time and
>just not watch or listen to it. if you're trying to multi-task
>it's really not for you.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:56 PM

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49. "Man yall acting like the Wire was shot by Kubrick "
In response to Reply # 43



It's not THAT visually appealing. Which was all I was asking.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-18-15 01:54 PM

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35. "because the setting is baltimore"
In response to Reply # 7



“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Member since Jan 09th 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:08 PM

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3. "what da hell?"
In response to Reply # 0


twitter: @BrosefMalone


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:09 PM

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4. "he my man, and i still can't stop shaking my head."
In response to Reply # 3



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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:14 PM

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6. "I'm a multitasker. I've gone through almost all of This American Life"
In response to Reply # 3



Radiolab & Snap Judgement. Podcasts. I watched the first episode last night while cooking. I don't feel I would've missed much except the money scene with the white guy.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Jan 09th 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:42 PM

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20. "a podcast is meant to be consumed as a podcast..."
In response to Reply # 6



a tv show has visuals for a reason
twitter: @BrosefMalone


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:59 PM

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"Which I understand. Which is why I asked. "



Some shows are dialogue heavy. Some are visually heavy. Some are subtle. Some are overt.
It wouldn't make sense to listen to an action movie. But watching every bit of a drama may not be necessary.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Jan 09th 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:58 PM

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51. "i can't think of a single tv drama that can be enjoyed with audio only"
In response to Reply # 0



let alone arguably the best one ever made
twitter: @BrosefMalone


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:18 PM

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57. "And? "
In response to Reply # 20



>a tv show has visuals for a reason


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 09th 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:26 PM

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62. "are you confused?"
In response to Reply # 57


twitter: @BrosefMalone


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:13 PM

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94. "Yep."
In response to Reply # 62



Your logic is mystifying.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 09th 2005
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Thu Nov-19-15 09:02 PM

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230. "ok"
In response to Reply # 94


twitter: @BrosefMalone


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:17 PM

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42. " too homie..."
In response to Reply # 3



I understand the question but...c'mon now...

"yes, sometimes my rhymes are sexist, but you lovely bitches and hos should know i'm tryin to correct it"- hiphopopotamus


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:09 PM

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"Once you watch the whole series once or twice you can just"


listen and get some enjoyment out of I'm sure.

But doing that the first time or two wouldn't be wise.

There's a lot of visual storytelling that isn't going to come across just from the dialogue.

i still blame hip-hop.


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5. "Do you need to LISTEN to The Wire, or can I just watch it on mute?"
In response to Reply # 0


How much will I be missing out on?



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Wed Nov-18-15 12:17 PM

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10. "That's dumb. "
In response to Reply # 5



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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21. "So is just listening and not watching."
In response to Reply # 10


Either way you're missing out on half of the show.



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Wed Nov-18-15 12:52 PM

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25. "Not the same. I define my consumption. "
In response to Reply # 21



Where you say I'm missing out, I say I'm gaining a different perspective.
I watch most sports casts on mute so I don't have to hear shitty announcing and commentary. Am I missing out there?

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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28. "lol.. you don't need to hear announcers to follow a game"
In response to Reply # 25


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Nov-18-15 01:04 PM

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30. "And you don't need visuals to follow all stories. "
In response to Reply # 28



Which is why I asked a question.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 01:08 PM

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31. "OK.. but the comparison to game announcers is odd"
In response to Reply # 30


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Nov-18-15 01:11 PM

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33. "Dude said watching tv on mute was weird. I do it often. "
In response to Reply # 31



Sports. Science Channel. Bear Grylls ... I watch a lot of TV without the sound on.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 02:38 PM

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38. "and i bet none of those programs have complex storyline you need to foll..."
In response to Reply # 33


from one episode to the next let alone 5 season worth..

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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40. "Which is why I asked a question. "
In response to Reply # 38



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 12:16 PM

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8. "you should try it and see how close your imagination matches the visuals"
In response to Reply # 0


if it works for the first episode... roll with it.

might be dope...

but you might find yourself fucking up a great show.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Aug 10th 2003
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:17 PM

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9. "The acting is too good, you'll miss out on a lot."
In response to Reply # 0





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now or never
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:21 PM

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11. "there is an underrated amount of non verbal shit from great directing."
In response to Reply # 0



"you could drive a car with your feet if you wanted to, that doesn't mean it's to be done"

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.


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Wed Nov-18-15 12:28 PM

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12. "too many scenes that require your viewership to understand"
In response to Reply # 0



and get.

Like the standoff between Omar and Brother Mouzone in the alley.

Without watching it might just be boring dialogue. But the tensity of that scene makes it great viewership and adds to the moment.

Also there are peripheral characters shown that you wont pick up on their importance without watching it. Like there are background non speaking characters that are important to later scenes and the dialogue wont make sense to you when it happens.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:35 PM

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16. "Thank you. I'm gonna opt out. I don't watch with that much detail. "
In response to Reply # 12



So listening wouldn't help.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Jan 03rd 2005
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:34 PM

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14. "the show has a variety of menacing characters to take in..."
In response to Reply # 0


You cant possibly getthe full scope if you can see it. Is Omar really OMAR if you cant see the face scar, the trench coat, the double barrel shot gun, or that stare down???


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Big Kuntry
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Wed Nov-18-15 12:35 PM

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15. "If blind folks could do it I guess you can too..."
In response to Reply # 0



The question is why?


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Wed Nov-18-15 12:38 PM

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18. "this remind me of an old joke about blind people watching TV"
In response to Reply # 15


they always asking questions.

'well, what's he doing NOW?'

'what they doing NOW'?

'well, what's going on NOW?'

can't remember the comedian to give credit.


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109. "J Anthony Brown I believe"
In response to Reply # 18



Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..


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133. "boom! thanks"
In response to Reply # 109



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24. "A lot IMO, lots of subtle details, foreshadowing, etc that is visual"
In response to Reply # 0



The mannerisms are also priceless.

And you will know MY JACKET IS GOLD when I lay my vengeance upon thee.


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Wed Nov-18-15 12:53 PM

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26. "Thank you. "
In response to Reply # 24



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 12:59 PM

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27. "This scene with Cutty and Fruit is just one example. "
In response to Reply # 0



You would have no idea at ALL what happened from just listening to it.


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Wed Nov-18-15 01:03 PM

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29. "Agreed. I played it with the screen face down. "
In response to Reply # 27



And then watched a second time.
Thank you.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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32. "i tried... its impossible to follow"
In response to Reply # 27


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Nov-18-15 05:57 PM

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86. "or even the next scene between Cutty and Fruit"
In response to Reply # 27




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89. "lol that's actually the scene I was originally searching for. "
In response to Reply # 86



But then the one I posted worked nicely too.

Bottom line, there's no way you could just listen to this show. Imagine trying to watch all those scenes between String and Avon in the third season when tension was building between them.


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Deacon Blues
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Wed Nov-18-15 01:54 PM

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34. "watch with your undivided attention "
In response to Reply # 0



It's worth it



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36. "The setting of the show is as important as any character "
In response to Reply # 0



The Baltimore experience -- which you get through visuals--is something you don't fully appreciate if you're not watching undivided

I want to say it's the first time a tv show put that much effort into something like that. Locales. Anf having actors or regular folk appear on the show with regional dialect.


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Wed Nov-18-15 02:24 PM

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37. "teleVISION. not telePHONE. so no."
In response to Reply # 0



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Member since Sep 11th 2014
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Wed Nov-18-15 02:48 PM

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39. "yes there is a reason why TV shows aren't meant to be podcasts"
In response to Reply # 0



primarily because, unlike books, the acting or the scene or the setting isn't going to be spelled out for you. The subtle nuances that occur from scene to scene will be missed on you. Betrayal, love, lust, distrust, all of that is shown in many scenes without dialogue. How will you know who killed who if you aren't watching? They aren't going to tell you "(whoever) walks into a bar, he grabs his gun, and he shoots (Blank)"...that's a scene you'd have to see...because listening to it all you will hear is music, shooting, screams, and the scene goes on.

its' a bit ridiculous in my mind that you'd rather just listen to a show like The Wire and then go back and FIND the scenes that lack dialogue. You may as well just watch the show when you actually have time to sit down and watch it.

Instead find another podcast to listen to. Have you listened to Serial yet? Season 2 will be starting soon with a whole new case. That should fill your need.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:13 PM

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41. "man, it feels like since people on here LOVE the wire"
In response to Reply # 39


some people are trying to do anything they can to not sit down and give it a chance to live up to the hype.

listening like a podcast. nigga had to know that shit isn't possible.

there isn't one good series on cable TV you can listen to like a podcast.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Wed Nov-18-15 03:20 PM

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44. "RE: man, it feels like since people on here LOVE the wire"
In response to Reply # 41



>some people are trying to do anything they can to not sit
>down and give it a chance to live up to the hype.
>listening like a podcast. nigga had to know that shit isn't
>there isn't one good series on cable TV you can listen to like
>a podcast.

ALLA THIS.....I was just seriously just thinking the SAME thing....I can't imagine not actually WATCHING a Great show, but listening to it as I cleaned the house or something....audiobooks?? but not this...

"yes, sometimes my rhymes are sexist, but you lovely bitches and hos should know i'm tryin to correct it"- hiphopopotamus


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Wed Nov-18-15 03:36 PM

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46. "I don't watch TV like that though. "
In response to Reply # 41



There's not a single show I've ever watched that long (whatever number of seasons and episodes) Let alone devoted that much continuous attention time to (one hour run time).

I don't doubt that it's a good show. Wasn't coming up with ways to poopoo on it in the least. Trying to consume it in an alternate form.

That said. It feels like asking to do something out of the norm makes some folks here super uncomfortable. Like some folks are the type that wouldn't listen to a remix or a mash up DJ. Wouldn't try Chinese food in China because it didn't come from the man on the corner. Probably still try to argue that Doc was better than Jorn. There's so many ways to interact with the world though.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Sep 11th 2014
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:42 PM

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47. "well don't you watch movies? or is that too much too? (no shade)"
In response to Reply # 46



i get the whole not watching tv that often thing...but your comments come off more as "i don't have time to sit and pay attention to this shit" which is completely fine if that's what you mean but you will get what you put out there. it just seems like you have a disdain to sitting down and watching tv, so to us it's like why even bother dealing with any show at all?

I don't believe there is any show worth its weight you can just "listen" to and get the full context I said above, the time it would take you to go find the episode and find those scenes, you could just watch the show.

Now I do use tv for "white noise" and let it play in the background while i do other things. when i do this, it's normally for shows i have already seen or that don't require my full attention (comedic shows really, i can't do it with dramas).


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:47 PM

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48. "I watch movies. Not sagas. Not that I'm above it. Don't have the "
In response to Reply # 47
Wed Nov-18-15 03:50 PM by MEAT



Patience. But what I do have is space to fill my ears when I'm on a bike. Or when I'm at work. Or on a plane. Or in a car. Which is the reason I asked the question and thanked folks when they answered.

I'm not poopooing on the medium or the show. I just do way too many other things to give that much time to sit, listen, AND watch anything at the same time.

As far as just listening. I've basically listened to every episode of Game of Thrones and don't feel I missed on much of anything. Wife watched it live while I ironed or packed or did laundry. I can tell you most of everything that happened.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:33 PM

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67. "well the one thing about GoT is that it's dialogue heavy "
In response to Reply # 48



very script driven (to me). I don't have to watch every episode to KNOW what's happening from one show to the next. I pop in and out of that show all of the time, I can do other things. Ironically GoT is a saga, but it literally has no main character (everyone dies at some point, it moves from person to person). Similarly a show like The Knick may not require you to sit and pay attention and it's quite a good show. So I'm not really being all inclusive. If you like period pieces and medical dramas, then I would recommend that show.

I think The Wire (and other shows like a True Detective, The Leftovers) require more attention to detail because they giveaway a lot in the background, in the setting, in the details of the show.


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Wed Nov-18-15 05:23 PM

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79. "Thank you for the recommendation"
In response to Reply # 67



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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59. "well it would be like going to watch a DJ while wearing Beats headphones"
In response to Reply # 46


or talking about it Doc was a better baseball player than MJ.

It really comes across like you don't want to watch the show and that's OK.

But it damn sure isn't the same as someone else watching a show while you get recaps and peak in every so often.

My wife got me to watch GOT but I could kinda follow because she dropped names and plots while I peaked in while doing other shit.

but there is no damn way I could listen to GOT like a podcast and follow it. Hell, I went back and watched and I still don't know most of it their names.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:28 PM

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64. "i think that's the cynic in you. Not me. "
In response to Reply # 59



I get it. Folks are always trying to seem above it all. Like they don't need to watch this or "tell me why I should listen to x".

That happens all the damn time.

But what I asked is can this be consumed with just audio or will I miss too much. I explained that I don't have the time or patience to sit down and watch anything that long. And then thanked every person that said why or why not. Particularly when someone gave me a good example.

Everything else someone here read into. And that's just silly to me. That's not on me.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:36 PM

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69. "Cool. I went through GOT just fine personally. "
In response to Reply # 59



>but there is no damn way I could listen to GOT like a podcast
>and follow it. Hell, I went back and watched and I still don't
>know most of it their names.

There is the caveat that I also watch the series, but I got my Breaking Bad start going through season 1 in audio before I watched.

I listened to about a third of the Malcolm in the middle episodes before I watched the show in it's entirety. Same with Battlestar.

He'll I've I my watched SVU since season10 and went back and flipped all the old seasons into mp3 and caught up that way.

Different strokes and all that.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:46 PM

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83. "Thats crazy... I could see listening to a half hour tv show tho"
In response to Reply # 69


They actualy have radio stations that used to play tv shows because I think some of them work without the visuals...

But Breaking Bad, Lost, The Wire, The Leftovers... I think you have to watch them because you miss little clues sprinkled in the show.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:56 PM

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85. "Yeah. I catch a lot of moments i miss from watching. "
In response to Reply # 83



The Sopranos is actually a series I enjoy more in audio for some reason. Malcolm In The Middle is another, in large part due to the fact that their unique set of musical cues be ones much more prominent and adds a lot to the show.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:31 PM

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65. "What's ridiculous is that you're struggling with people being d9ifferent..."
In response to Reply # 39



>its' a bit ridiculous in my mind that you'd rather just listen
>to a show like The Wire and then go back and FIND the scenes
>that lack dialogue.

What's ridiculous is your inability to grasp that there are people quite capable of finding satisfaction and enjoyment in a format you wouldn't necessarily enjoy.

You may as well just watch the show when
>you actually have time to sit down and watch it.

Nah. I'll keep listening and watch if/when I feel like it.

>Instead find another podcast to listen to. Have you listened
>to Serial yet? Season 2 will be starting soon with a whole new
>case. That should fill your need.

No, he should just give it a go and see if he likes it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:34 PM

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68. "da fuck? you his boyfriend or some shit. Nigga get off his dick, he answ..."
In response to Reply # 65
Wed Nov-18-15 04:36 PM by StephBMore



on his own. he don't need your help.

you stay coming at women about shit but NEVER open your mouth to say anything to the men in here. You fucking undercover dick lover. shut up.

and the RIDICULOUS part was listening to the show ONLY to go BACK and watch the show for the parts he missed. Learn to read and comprehend hoe.


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70. "^ sees it. "
In response to Reply # 68
Wed Nov-18-15 04:49 PM by Kwesi


... but she edited and added some more shit.

I support the initial message of 'meat can type for himself'


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:40 PM

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73. "You know what you can do, homie. I'll shoot you some resources"
In response to Reply # 70
Wed Nov-18-15 04:40 PM by Cold Truth



So you'll have a wide variety of options available when youre finally ready to your worthless life to a close.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:43 PM

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In response to Reply # 73


making deaths threats.

I was in this thread first!

please put him on a multi week timeout, at least.


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:59 PM

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87. "Please, show me a death threat, weirdo. "
In response to Reply # 75



We both know you'll choke on your own vomit in a few years due to the fact you're a miserable morning drunk.

Why on earth would I jeopardize my ever-improving life by threading to kill a mildly irritating wretch like you?


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Wed Nov-18-15 06:04 PM

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88. "nope. i don't even play with you nomore. you can't handle it. "
In response to Reply # 87


you end up getting all offended, and then you like to snitch on me to petty officer cyren.

nope not this time. I don't feel like getting banned.

YOU need the timeout, fella.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:04 PM

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90. "Lol keep imagining things. That shit never happened. "
In response to Reply # 88
Wed Nov-18-15 07:07 PM by Cold Truth



>you end up getting all offended, and then you like to snitch
>on me to petty officer cyren.

Yeah tell Cy to show me a copy of this.

At any rate you're still trying to bark from the sidelines so you can kill this nonsense about trying to not get banned because of me. The problem is that you're a piece of shit troll, not that someone complained on your wack ass.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:09 PM

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92. "you calling hm Cy? it's clear you're bedfellows."
In response to Reply # 90


get banned!


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:12 PM

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93. "Plug a toaster oven into a wall and put in a bathtub full of water. "
In response to Reply # 92



Remove your clothes and get in the tub.

Be a saint and live stream this.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:31 PM

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96. "the word is full of hate paris is crying do we really need to read filth"
In response to Reply # 93


like this??



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 11:51 AM

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115. "If you don't like it, stop following me around you fucking loser. "
In response to Reply # 96



That includes sideline barking and cosign.

Otherwise I'll continue to remind you that you're garbage and suggest various methods of putting an end to your misery until you put down this strange obession you have with trolling me.

I'd say you're stalking me, but I don't feel like explaining (for like the fifth time already) the context in which I use that term in regard to you to that lowerevel troll of mine, cognac or whatever his shitty screen name ia.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:23 PM

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119. "does anyone not see this garbage? how is it okay?"
In response to Reply # 115


you really need a timeout.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:49 PM

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169. "Because you can avoid it by choosing to stop trolling me. "
In response to Reply # 119



Stop trolling me and I'll stop reminding you that you're worthless, subhuman garbage that nobody loves or gives half a fuck about.



“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:34 PM

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98. "matter fact stop trying ruin my mans thread with this bullshit."
In response to Reply # 93


he's a nice guy. he dont deserve this attached to his name.


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 08:46 PM

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99. "So shut the fuck up and and stop bamming things up"
In response to Reply # 98



>he's a nice guy. he dont deserve this attached to his name.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 08:51 PM

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100. "dog, you went after that young lady's neck. that was a bad show."
In response to Reply # 99


explain how that's ever okay.

matter fact. don't cause i aint reading that shit.

you're some shit.

admit it.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 11:36 AM

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114. "I went after her neck? With what? Vicious reasoning?"
In response to Reply # 100



You're shit and you're of no importance to anyone in this world, on or offline. Never forget that


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:21 PM

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117. "i dont think calling her a bitch is okay. there are ways to make a "
In response to Reply # 114


strong point without the petty 'bitches' and shit like that.

you dont get that?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:57 PM

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125. "Fuck what you think. You're a subhuman."
In response to Reply # 117



>strong point without the petty 'bitches' and shit like that.
>you dont get that.

....and this is why. Read the fucking post, mongrel.

I was disagreeable. Pointed, but not uncivil.

Conversely, she threw a goddamned tantrum full of belligerence and disrespect. I fired off a return volley that was still nowhere near as harsh or unhinged as her little meltdown.

Oh, and I didn't even realize she was a she at the time I called her a bitch.

At any rate you can hang yourself with that cape you're wearing.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:10 PM

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129. "this is bullsht. I read every edit. "
In response to Reply # 125


she edited-in the meanness after your episode.

why is it okay to call him OR her a bitch?

why are you tossing around words like this?

that's my only gripe. you know damn well I like a good back and forth.

but have some fucking class.

you're an adult. type like one.

show some responsibility.

fuck - apologize, even.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:18 PM

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134. "Youre factually WRONG. read the fucking timestamps, subhuman."
In response to Reply # 129



Jesus h you are so blind in your fury to troll me you actively choose to ignore facts in favor of your imagined story.

Far as the rest of that nonsense, FOH. You're a goddamned troll. Have a lot of Jaeger and Oxy or stop following me around.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:20 PM

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136. "apologize for calling her a bitch. is that a reasonable request?"
In response to Reply # 134



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:23 PM

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138. "Yes. Yes it is. I don't see you telling her to apologize to me."
In response to Reply # 136



We've established that facts mean very little to you though, haven't we?

You can take that request and choke on it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:30 PM

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141. "I read it all before edits. you started the interaction. stalking! you c..."
In response to Reply # 138


she wasn't trying to hurt nobody.

peoples just having a lighthearted conversation about listening to tv.

for reasons unknown to me, you decided to come in here with a chip on your shoulder.

all of your messages in this thread are laced with 'you people are too feeble to understand how to only listen to tv. meat and me are perfectly normal, y'all need to be less narrow minded'

that's you.

you can explain your perspective without being condescending.

and going hard at a lady.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:42 PM

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146. "Nope. Read the damn timestamps. "
In response to Reply # 141



Notice how nobody but you and psycho Steph really took issue with me?

Notice how I had a perfectly civil, though still disagreeable interaction with legs?.


You need to stop trying to police me.

Before you say something completely delusional, I only concern myself You in regard to what the fuck you say to me. Otherwise I ignore your existence and you can go duck yourself with your usual bit where you cry because I don't let you troll me without a response.

If you don't like it and don't want to stop than I'll continue suggesting you feed yourself some bullets.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:46 PM

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149. "fuck a time stamp. apologize to the lady, take ur crazy ass to a shrink...."
In response to Reply # 146



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:48 PM

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150. "Facts. Cry."
In response to Reply # 149





“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:31 PM

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122. "like for real. who does this shit? get's online and hurls dumb "
In response to Reply # 114


silly petty vile names at the ladies (or men, for that matter)

this is an adult male, typing on a message board referring to fellow members as 'bitch' and poison pussy (did i make that up?)

i really dont think that shit has no place here.

i know im a bamma, but reading cold truth's messages are disturbing.

am i alone?


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:38 PM

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123. "I don't think he called her "poison pussy""
In response to Reply # 122


>this is an adult male, typing on a message board referring to
>fellow members as 'bitch' and poison pussy (did i make that

I think he called her "pussy" and encouraged her to kill herself by eating rat poison. Which is different, but not better.

>i really dont think that shit has no place here.

i don't either. and i seem to remember Cold Truth being one of the vocal people about how everyone should cut that shit out after radin died, but so it goes.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:09 PM

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128. "I was vocal about it before Radin. I've made Kwesi an exception"
In response to Reply # 123



Considering he's less than a person and is actively courting precisely that sort of attention from me as we speak I see no problem.

The rat poison shit was initially written because I mistook that tantrum for the subhuman. I went back to edit and said fuck it a left it in because she went way over the top and I really didn't care and still don't.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Thu Nov-19-15 01:13 PM

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131. "what is this subhuman nonsense. this community has rules for respect. "
In response to Reply # 128


or at least it should.

how old is your bum ass?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:21 PM

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"You. You're a dog. Aa creature. Less than a person. "



Nobody cares about you and you are unworthy of human affection or even minimal compassion.

If you would like me to stop saying these things to you, there's a very easy solution.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:21 PM

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137. "You. You're a dog. Aa creature. Less than a person. "
In response to Reply # 131



Nobody cares about you and you are unworthy of human affection or even minimal compassion.

If you would like me to stop saying these things to you, there's a very easy solution.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:25 PM

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139. "mods I beg you, please check this clown. every time i answer in kind ..."
In response to Reply # 137


I get banned.

fuck is up?

I'm doing a great job of not stooping down to his level.

can I get some answers here?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:35 PM

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In response to Reply # 139



You. Not me.

You are the one who inserts yourself into my posts and interactions. I NEVER insert myself into your posts.

That's a motherfucking FACT.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:39 PM

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145. "you don't own KNOWN OF THIS SHT. a post is a post is a post. "
In response to Reply # 143


yours, mine, nothing.

that's not how that works.

what about you initiating the filth with steph?

you gonna admit to that?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:43 PM

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147. "Lol. Goddamn you really are delusional. "
In response to Reply # 145




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:51 PM

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152. "it's so easy for you to berate. why are you having trouble apologizing?"
In response to Reply # 147


cmon man. treat this place with some respect.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:55 PM

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154. "Fuck her and fuck you. She flipped out on me, nit the other way around. "
In response to Reply # 152





“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:00 PM

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126. "So says the troll swine through an alias account. "
In response to Reply # 122



Duck on an exhaust pipe bitch.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:07 PM

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127. "I don't know if you're aware. but Kwesi's my real name. gov't, if you wi..."
In response to Reply # 126


deadzombie was the alias.

it's been snatched from me, and now I'm totally exposed.

what I reeeeeaaally don't understand is how I've managed to be banned twice, yet you continue this disgusting behavior unchecked.

that's wild to me. I don't even care if you don't get checked, but I also want to have been afforded the room to type like a maniac.

how are you getting this special treatment?

why hasn't cyren returned my calls?

when will he unblock me from Twitter?

when will you stop typing like a psychotic woman abuser?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:12 PM

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130. "Because YOU continue to initiate these interactions with me."
In response to Reply # 127



Since you make a point of following me arou with your antagonistic bullshit and can put a stop to me talking down to you like the worthless dog you are by simply choosing to stop fucking with me, I'll continue to berate you.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:16 PM

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132. "I was in this thread first. with it on my radar, I came back and noticed..."
In response to Reply # 130


behaving like you lost your mind.

I call it out because I'm a freedom fighter.

you should not be allowed to continue this behavior unchecked.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:19 PM

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135. "Do it. "
In response to Reply # 132




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:37 PM

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72. "Lol this is a bold faced lie, bitch. And who did i "come at" by the way?"
In response to Reply # 68
Wed Nov-18-15 04:40 PM by Cold Truth



Far as the rest, go find some rat poison Pussy. Your response is about 10,000% over the top.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Sep 11th 2014
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:41 PM

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74. "what I lie about? that you always come at women..."
In response to Reply # 72



lets look at your replies in here...note MEAT already replied to me and I replied back in kind...he ain't need you to come through. You got the response from me you DESERVED because you gonna come through like "your inability to blah blah..." meanwhile you don't have the ability to comprehend simple words that said "it's ridiculous TO ME to listen to the show THEN watch it later." But you got it.

WHY YOU RESPONDING TO A COMMENT FOR HIM? He ain't have an issue but you do?

But listen I think he's straight so you can try shoot your shot elsewhere.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:47 PM

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76. "YOOOOO this the shit that put you on my radar in the first place. "
In response to Reply # 72


what the fuck are you doing?


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Member since Sep 11th 2014
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:50 PM

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77. "this isn't the first time he came at me sideways and each time I'm like"
In response to Reply # 76



do i know this dude? did i turn him down for a date? did i block him on twitter? why he always rowdy with me? I think ONE time he agreed with something I said, and it was recent and I was like...oh word? he not arguing with me today.

it's like he has a list of ppl he waits to make comments different than his own then he comes through all angry and when ppl respond in kind, his dick gets hard. like I shouldn't even stunt this because I know this is just some fetish shit to him.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:39 PM

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81. "darling, im on your side."
In response to Reply # 77


i need no convincing of how filthy this person is.


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:09 PM

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91. "Still barking from the sidelines. "
In response to Reply # 81
Wed Nov-18-15 07:10 PM by Cold Truth



>i need no convincing of how filthy this person is.

Have another drink why don't you.

Have your fourth youtube meltdown focused entirely on me while you're at it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:33 PM

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97. "im four drinks in and im charged up. you might really get the old me."
In response to Reply # 91


i got an appointment in two hours so let's make this quick.

what's for dinner?

why isn't your lazy ass cooking it, instead of on this computer?

aren't you tired of being a lame brain?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 11:34 AM

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113. "Of course. You're a drunk. Alcohol to you is like spinach to Popeye."
In response to Reply # 97



Stop being a piece of shit troll, and you won't be banned.

What happened to your concern over dude's post? Did that gallon of Night Train you swilled erase that concern?


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:23 PM

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120. "you dont even make this fun anymore. i dont even know what night"
In response to Reply # 113


train is.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:32 PM

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163. "Yeah you do. Liar. "
In response to Reply # 120




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:52 PM

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84. "Meanwhile i have absolutely no idea who you are."
In response to Reply # 77



Seriously none whatsoever.

Your screen name rings zero bells.

The fact that you got so amped up over a rather take disagreement and the fact that I have no idea who you are aside from this very interaction says world's more a out you.

You can now resume feeling yourself with your hilarious notion that you've somehow managed to occupy so much as a single thought apart from your absurdly asinine post to the OP.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since May 23rd 2007
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:14 PM

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158. "so u just freely and casually callin her a bitch and a pussy huh"
In response to Reply # 72



you know good and got damn well u wouldn't say that shit in her face so why type it

then again...don't answer that

you're certified

and I bet you're white



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:31 PM

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162. "Would she have her little freakout on me in person?"
In response to Reply # 158



Because that's how it began, Captain.

FOH with this one sided bullshit.

At any rate I thought she was DZ initially, considering how personal her meltdown was.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since May 23rd 2007
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:03 PM

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178. "She prolly would...Irregardless she's a woman...u hit girls too?"
In response to Reply # 162





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Thu Nov-19-15 03:09 PM

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179. "hit girls? i dont think he stops there. this the type of nigga with"
In response to Reply # 178


a human chained in his basement. as we type!

every morning he walks to the top of the basement steps and screams about how that human deserves everything it's getting right now.

who is the human you ask?

the human was someone who accidentally cut him off in traffic - TWO YEARS AGO!


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Member since May 23rd 2007
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:13 PM

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180. "lol"
In response to Reply # 179





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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:40 PM

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192. "lol"
In response to Reply # 179


i still blame hip-hop.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:00 PM

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199. "If you really thought that youd have left me alone ages ago"
In response to Reply # 179



Nobody in their right mind would consistently antagonize someone they really thought was that unstable.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:04 PM

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202. "you are nonsense."
In response to Reply # 199



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:13 PM

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206. "Nothing you say holds up to even minor scrutiny"
In response to Reply # 202




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:15 PM

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208. "what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength."
In response to Reply # 206



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:37 PM

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189. "Do you communicate exclusively in non sequiturs?"
In response to Reply # 178



Or is this just an incredibly off day for you?


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Charter member
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Thu Nov-19-15 06:59 AM

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110. "and miss Avon's "finger wag" to McNulty? "
In response to Reply # 39



Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..


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Atillah Moor
Member since Sep 05th 2013
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Wed Nov-18-15 03:27 PM

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45. "Just listen to it."
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Nov-18-15 03:29 PM by Atillah Moor



in the end it's still just a tv show with all the familiar story elements you've seen a million times.


Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days


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Wed Nov-18-15 03:56 PM

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50. "without watching, you wouldnt know that Rawls sucks cock "
In response to Reply # 0



and you would have missed both times they tried to show you that...


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Member since Jan 27th 2003
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:02 PM

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52. "that too"
In response to Reply # 50



hed missed that 1-second shot of him in that gay bar...


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:13 PM

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55. "remember the writing on the wall?"
In response to Reply # 52



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Jan 27th 2003
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:32 PM

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66. "forgot about that one"
In response to Reply # 55




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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:06 PM

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53. "Does that make him a better character?"
In response to Reply # 50



I laughed though. I probably would've missed it watching anyways. Now when I do get a chance to watch I'll pay attention.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:13 PM

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54. "infinitely"
In response to Reply # 53



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Jan 18th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:22 PM

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60. "Both times? I remember him in the gay bar"
In response to Reply # 50



What was the other time?


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Wed Nov-18-15 04:37 PM

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71. "c'mon....THINK"
In response to Reply # 60



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Jan 18th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 09:05 PM

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101. "lol its been almost a decade bro.. geez"
In response to Reply # 71




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Wed Nov-18-15 11:17 PM

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102. "I don't remember another time"
In response to Reply # 101



But he's constantly overdoing the macho talk.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Thu Nov-19-15 02:11 PM

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156. ""
In response to Reply # 102




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Thu Nov-19-15 02:43 PM

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167. "yeah but i think it was written more as a joke than truth"
In response to Reply # 156



the audience knows more than the person who wrote it, at least that's how I saw it.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:52 PM

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172. "but Landsman has kind of a knowing chuckle when he looks at it"
In response to Reply # 167


it's not as strong an implication as rawles at the gay bar, but i think it's meant to imply the cop shop at least kinda knows.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Thu Nov-19-15 03:31 PM

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186. "I'm sure we'd pick all this it up just as well with audio only"
In response to Reply # 172



>it's not as strong an implication as rawles at the gay bar,
>but i think it's meant to imply the cop shop at least kinda


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Thu Nov-19-15 03:29 PM

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184. "it def could be just that"
In response to Reply # 167



but knowing what we know leaves a definite possibility of it being more


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Thu Nov-19-15 03:30 PM

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185. "either way i love this show"
In response to Reply # 184



so good.

“So back we go to these questions — friendship, character… ethics.”


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:17 PM

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56. "I have the entire series in MP3 If you want it"
In response to Reply # 0



I also have the following complete series in mp3:

Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Malcolm In The Middle, South Park except for seasons 4 and 18, Game of Thrones, Twin Peaks....

I also have most of Law and Order SVU and a ton of sporadic movies like Coming to America, The Dark Knight, Goodfellas, The Godfather, The Departed... Harold And Kumar, 12 Years A Slave, Dallas Buyers ub, uh... Beavis and Butthead Do America, a bunch of Family guy eps, seasons one and two of New Girl, the first season of Arrow, all in MP3 if you want any of it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:18 PM

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58. "now i'm thinking the Dark Knight might be a series you could listen to"
In response to Reply # 56



i've played youtube clips of Bane a few times.

but just him. batman's voice would drive me crazy

I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:27 PM

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63. "Honestly people are too reluctant to even try listening"
In response to Reply # 58



Yeah you miss certain things from the visual aspect but by and large I've found it to be a great experience.

For example, Lost have me problems when Sun and Jin for the first few seasons, but by and large I had a very similar level of enjoyment as I did watching.

Obviously that would be somewhat of a hinderence if you haven't ready watched the show.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:19 PM

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78. "I'll give it a try, thank you."
In response to Reply # 56



“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Cold Truth
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Wed Nov-18-15 04:24 PM

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61. "Lol Y'all are some narrow, limited motherfuckers on this subject"
In response to Reply # 0



It's different experience taking in shows and movies entirely in audio and it's certainly not for everyone, but all this talk about what it's "meant" for or and this telePHONE/teleVISION so NO business is pure nonsense.

It's not that these formats are somehow impossible to be enjoyed without the visuals, It's really just that *you* have a hard time with it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:22 PM

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118. "most people love everything about this show.."
In response to Reply # 61


so for someone to ask if they need to watch or can they just listen and go back for parts they miss is dammn near blasphemy.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:28 PM

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121. "I get that. I feel that way about of Montreal. "
In response to Reply # 118



You can listen to their albums. But you get the full grasp of who they are when you see a live show. Flaming Lips too.

I figured I'd ask.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Charter member
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:26 PM

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80. "I probably could because i've seen it 10+ times"
In response to Reply # 0
Wed Nov-18-15 05:30 PM by Mynoriti



so I can visualize most of it. obviously not the preferred way, but I would still enjoy it.

as a first time thing, or even a second time, i'd say fuck no


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Member since May 05th 2011
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Wed Nov-18-15 05:42 PM

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82. "Whats weird is going back and watching what he missed..."
In response to Reply # 80


I cant see how he could listen to the first episode and follow it.

I listened to that clip up top and on youtube and hid the window and I had no idea who was shooting at who and while I could tell one guy guy got away...

I would have completely missed that dude had a clean shot and let him get away because his heart wasnt in it.

TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Wed Nov-18-15 07:13 PM

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95. "imagine trying to figure out the Cheez dogfight story with no visuals"
In response to Reply # 80


I didn't fully understand that one til I watched it 2 or 3 times and I used my eyes the whole time.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Innocent Criminal
Member since May 03rd 2003
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Wed Nov-18-15 11:50 PM

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103. "and miss Kima's big moment?"
In response to Reply # 0



There are dozens of us! Dozens!


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Member since Sep 16th 2002
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Wed Nov-18-15 11:55 PM

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104. "geez imagine "just" listening to Carver give Kima's girlfriend the news"
In response to Reply # 0


Lose the whole scene.

And that's an A+ acted scene.

i still blame hip-hop.


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Charter member
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:26 AM

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105. "yeah the more you think about it, the more terrible this idea is"
In response to Reply # 104



>Lose the whole scene.
>And that's an A+ acted scene.

McNulty's face when Rawls is saying it's not on him, that commander's face when he sees that Daniels is the lieutenant and not the white guy... So may small details, and that's just a few minutes


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Thu Nov-19-15 12:29 AM

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106. "the physical acting is really fantastic throughout."
In response to Reply # 105


it's more about the physical acting than the cinematography. but the cinematography is designed to showcase the subtlety of the physical acting, so really it's both.

and most importantly can you imagine missing Nik Sobotka's girl's cans?


i still blame hip-hop.


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Charter member
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:21 AM

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107. "game, set, match"
In response to Reply # 106



>and most importantly can you imagine missing Nik Sobotka's
>girl's cans?


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Frank Longo
Member since Nov 18th 2003
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:27 AM

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108. "That'd be like watching a music video on mute."
In response to Reply # 0



You're taking away half of the medium's intended method of storytelling.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 07:05 AM

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112. "RE: That'd be like watching a music video on mute."
In response to Reply # 108



Which is way more fun than you know.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:15 PM

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116. "If one were interested in the visual aspect it would be of no consequenc..."
In response to Reply # 108



>You're taking away half of the medium's intended method of

As someone who consumes a significant amount of visual contenet audibly, the visual half is really far less significant in the grand scheme of things than people are making out to be.

The Wire loses some things without the visuals but it's still a phenomenal audio experience to me.

Yes, for me, and meat seems at least somewhat similarly inclined. What I'm seeing in here is an awful lot of incredulity at the very notion as opposed to a far more reasonable "not for me" stance.

Not a single one of the half baked analogies in here are anywhere close to the mark and the intended storytelling method matters not one iota because the consumer will ultimately determine how he or she enjoys a product.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Frank Longo
Member since Nov 18th 2003
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:52 PM

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173. "Well, it matters at least *one* iota."
In response to Reply # 116



>Not a single one of the half baked analogies in here are
>anywhere close to the mark and the intended storytelling
>method matters not one iota because the consumer will
>ultimately determine how he or she enjoys a product.

You can enjoy a product how you will. I'm not saying you *can't* enjoy The Wire based on audio alone. I used to record David Mamet films and listen to them. You absolutely can enjoy them.

As long as you know that you're only getting half of the artist's storytelling, if that. It may still be strong, and it may tell a story, and you may enjoy it. But it's not the art as it was meant to be taken. That's not really an arguable point.

So it is like watching a music video on mute. I certainly enjoyed a music video on mute or two back in my day (BET Uncut, anyone?), but it's not the intended intake of the product. I knew that and didn't care. You know that and don't care. That's fine. But you do at least know that it's not the *ideal* way of getting the story the artist wants to tell.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:34 PM

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212. "RE: Well, it matters at least *one* iota."
In response to Reply # 173



I’m making the distinction between intent and consumption.

I’m not saying that the intent wouldn’t get lost when you change mediums.

I’m saying that intent is immaterial to whether or not people will enjoy and adequately absorb the content, so there’s a reason I say those analogies don’t work at all.
Mainly because, as with me, everyone is different.

For me it’s nothing at all like watching a music video on mute because I don’t even like music videos with the sound. I get nothing at all from the medium so the analogy just doesn’t work when I can enjoy a movie immensely without the visual yet have zero interest in watching a movie without sound. Those analogies may work in an individual context but not at all in general.

For whatever reason, I’ve always been able to cut the screen out and listen and enjoy it. It may not be the way the artist intended the art to be consumed, but that’s immaterial to the fact that I am getting what I want out of it regardless of the artists intent. Whether I get the “full” experience or not is immaterial to whether or not I can enjoy it in a given format.

Actually, that brings me to something else that now catches my attention.

One thing I am curious about is the distinction you’re making regarding the artists intention. Forgive me if I’m misquoting you (I’m not digging up archives for this and don’t view this as an argument where I want to stick it to you or find a gotcha or anything) but I seem to recall you saying something along the line of a writers intent being immaterial due to the interpretation of the reader and that subtext can exist whether or not it’s intended to exist.

If I remember correctly, I argued that subtext may exist in terms of how the reader interprets things, but that it still wouldn’t change the writers intent.

I could have this backward or sideways or misquoted or what have you, but it seems to correlate to this.

I’m not arguing the intent of the artist or whether there are elements that may not translate fully when you remove one aspect of the senses intended to consume the medium as a whole, but I am drawing a distinction in whether or not people will, on an individual basis, lose as much in translation as someone else will due to our general aesthetic preferences as individuals.

So my overarching point is that while, say, legs may not enjoy GOT at ALL in audio, the music video on mute thing is applicable. With me, since I enjoy a movie equally with sound as I do with sound and video, it’s really not applicable.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Frank Longo
Member since Nov 18th 2003
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Thu Nov-19-15 05:24 PM

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223. "This is an interesting talking point that is worth examining."
In response to Reply # 212



>One thing I am curious about is the distinction you’re
>making regarding the artists intention. Forgive me if I’m
>misquoting you (I’m not digging up archives for this and
>don’t view this as an argument where I want to stick it to
>you or find a gotcha or anything) but I seem to recall you
>saying something along the line of a writers intent being
>immaterial due to the interpretation of the reader and that
>subtext can exist whether or not it’s intended to exist.
>If I remember correctly, I argued that subtext may exist in
>terms of how the reader interprets things, but that it still
>wouldn’t change the writers intent.
>I could have this backward or sideways or misquoted or what
>have you, but it seems to correlate to this.
>I’m not arguing the intent of the artist or whether there
>are elements that may not translate fully when you remove one
>aspect of the senses intended to consume the medium as a
>whole, but I am drawing a distinction in whether or not people
>will, on an individual basis, lose as much in translation as
>someone else will due to our general aesthetic preferences as

I think there's a difference between one's interpretation vs. one's choice regarding intake of artistic medium.

If you interpret a scene in a book or movie, or you interpret a song or an acting choice in a play, or what have you--- when doing that, you are absorbing the art through its intended medium. Now, how you choose to interpret what the artist is putting out there? That's up to you, as you're viewing it through your own lenses, your colors, your personal biases, your histories, etc.

If you choose to take in a piece of art by selectively isolating merely a part of the artist's intended medium of conveying his or her story, you still are making your own individual interpretations regarding what you are absorbing... but you are making the choice to ignore certain sensory aspects of the storytelling.

And sometimes this can still be enjoyable. Some books obviously work as audiobooks well, as do some movies, TV shows, plays. I'm sure some music videos are enjoyable without audio, as would be some plays, movies, TV shows, etc.

But it's still not the full story. Not quite. Hence my hesitation and my particular analogy. I think the distinction between interpretation and partial sensory intake is an important one. Not saying "IF YOU DO THIS YOU'RE A DUM DUM LULZ" or anything, but for people saying the visuals *are* an important part of the story... well, that's pretty undeniable. It was conceived as a visual/auditory experience. I'm sure The Wire would also be enjoyable and the storytelling would still be conveyed if you watched it on mute... but it still wouldn't be the entire medium.

Does that make sense? I see where you're coming from and I'm not trying to belittle the notion that listening to movies/TV/plays can contain aesthetic value or can even accurately convey the majority of the story. Again, I've listened to recordings of David Mamet films. I used to make audio recordings of my favorite TV stand-up specials, and there would be gaps where I would miss the faces, the movements, etc... but I still was able to derive a great deal of pleasure from them.

I merely disagree with the notion that only listening to an audio/visual medium work of art is akin to consumer interpretation. Because any interpretation you may be forming from that audio, you're only forming from half of the (and this is the most confusing term I could use for this conversation) "picture." I have no doubt that seeing the visuals after hearing only the audio would unquestionably change one's take on the story-- "oh, that facial expression/camera angle/color/mise en scene/etc. means I was off on how I thought this scene went."

Now, is there anything wrong with that? I'm inclined to say no. Hence why I think it's worth examining. But I definitely tend to place more value on taking the medium as intended before diving into personal interpretation.

11/13: Hot Frosty (on Netflix)
11/23: Three Wiser Men & A Boy (on Hallmark)
11/27: Christmas Under the Lights (on Hallmark Mysteries)
12/14: The Santa Class (on Hallmark)


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 05:48 PM

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225. "We’re ><"
In response to Reply # 223



As I told legs, there are certain things that I miss (Much of Sun and Jin’s story in Lost, for example) and that the fact that I’d watched a lot of these beforehand made a difference at those points.

I do think this particular bit of exposition you’ve given is at odds with much of the responses on the subject, as so much of it stops at the “music video on mute” analogy while wondering why on earth anyone would do such a thing.

For the record, I didn’t interpret it as “you’re dumb if you do this”, I just felt there was a key distinction between, for example, what it’s like for legs to consume a show in audio and me consuming the same show in audio that made the ‘music video on mute’ type of analogy insufficient to adequately describe the effect of removing part of the intended medium.

I agree wholeheartedly that if someone wants to truly immerse themselves in something, then it’s unarguable that you need to partake in the intended format.

Shoot, the experience of a game like Final Fantasy 7 becomes something entirely different when you remove the score. Even the HD remake that’s coming- something a LOT of people are salivating for, myself included, will be a markedly different experience once we remove the original look. I don’t think someone could adequately discuss that game as a whole without including the soundtrack.

As far as The Wire, Baltimore is a character in and of itself and the same holds true. Ditto Malcolm in the Middle. The look of pure horror on Malcolm’s face whenever his family does something to embarrass him adds a significant layer to the story.

Those concessions aside, I still contend that there are things about a purely audible experience that I’ve found consistently create a unique experience. As I previously noted, Malcolm is a particularly different experience because the musical cues stand out much more and the depth that they added to the show stood out more when I listened in audio.

So, while the full audio/visual experience will give one a more nuanced interpretation of the product, I’m content to still argue that a purely audible experience can bring a layer of depth that may have otherwise been overlooked.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Thu Nov-19-15 07:02 AM

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111. "..and miss Snoops face when she sees Mike in the backseat?"
In response to Reply # 0



Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..


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Member since Jan 01st 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 12:54 PM

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124. "good gracious, wtf happened in here?"
In response to Reply # 0




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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:26 PM

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140. "Deadzombie happened. "
In response to Reply # 124



I disagreed with someone.
That person bugged the fuck out on me.
I responded in a way that was still tamer than her tantrum.

DZ did his usual schtick whenever I post.

I gave him my usual stream of verbal abuse that he craves almost as much as he craves whiskey at 6am.

That's the gist.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:32 PM

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142. "she edited in the bug-out after you responded like a burning dick. "
In response to Reply # 140



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:44 PM

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148. "Time stamps prove otherwise. You're delusional. "
In response to Reply # 142




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Thu Nov-19-15 01:49 PM

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151. "fuck them stamps. I was there. this isn't an isolated incident. "
In response to Reply # 148



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:53 PM

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153. "The recorded facts directly oppose your shitty and biased memory"
In response to Reply # 151



The same way the facts show that you're the one who always initiates hostile exchanges with me despite your equally incessant crying about the verbal abuse I lob at you.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:59 PM

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155. "cold truth, I apologize for initiating this. maybe I should've minded my"
In response to Reply # 153
Thu Nov-19-15 02:09 PM by Kwesi


business, but I really think your behavior toward the lady was unacceptable.

I couldn't not jump in.

perhaps she should apologize, too.

I really want this to be a better place.

I don't want it to be filled with bullshit like this.

do you really need to communicate so nastily with people?

are you ready to make a difference?

I am.

what do you think?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:13 PM

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157. "Shut the fuck up. If you were sincere you'd leave me alone"
In response to Reply # 155



That’s the crux of this shit. You want to be able to troll unfettered and play this shux, who me? bullshit when you get called on it.

You piss and moan about how I speak to you- which, if you haven’t noticed you fucking mutt, is markedly different from the way I speak to everyone else. Psycho Steph caught a dose of that in the crossfire after she wigged the fuck out so bad I naturally assumed I was responding to you initially and decided to leave it in when I edited because that shit was way over the top. Again, check the fucking timestamps your delusional nitwit.

So if your wack ass was really sincere, you’d stop trolling me. And everyone else for that matter, but I’m only concerned with your incessant need to troll every goddamned thing I post.

I don’t say word fucking one to you until you come at me either directly or doing that sideline cosign passive aggressive bullshit, so you can stop being so fucking obtuse about that.

Yes, I don’t own this shit.

Yes, people can type what they want to whom they want.

Just know that I never, ever, ever, fucking EVER initiate any interactions with you. I can’t remember the last time that shit happened. It’s been a long time and even if I happened to initiate something with you a time or two…. It’s definitely only a time or two and you jump on my posts pretty much whenever I post, regardless of what the fuck I post.

Stop trolling my posts- which means stop saying things to or about me, since I know you’ll be obtuse about that too- and you won’t have me telling you to play in traffic and calling you a worthless mutt unworthy of human affection.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Thu Nov-19-15 02:18 PM

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159. "i'm cracking up. peace go with you, brother. "
In response to Reply # 157



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:27 PM

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161. "Jump. "
In response to Reply # 159



Do it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:26 PM

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160. "OH and miss me with THIS bullshit. Fuck yourself. "
In response to Reply # 155



>business, but I really think your behavior toward the lady
>was unacceptable.
>I couldn't not jump in.
>perhaps she should apologize, too.

No. NOPE. FOH. Fuck yourself. With an icepick or some shit.
No. I was disagreeable. Sarcastic? Slightly. That said, the tone of my INITIAL response to her mirrored the tone of the post she’d written about the OP.
The tone of HER response to that, however, was on some other shit entirely.

I don’t owe her a damn thing but the words I had already typed when I thought it was you and decided to leave it in because she fucking deserved it.

You “couldn’t not jump in” because of the screen name and because you’re a troll and because you’ve got a long history of trying to use me as a way of ingratiating yourself to an OKP populace who you continue to troll at length.

Nah. She said some wild shit and got LESS wild shit thrown back at her. Remember when she said meat could respond for himself?


Same goes for her, muttley. Nobody needs you to be their fucking hero.

You’re not a fucking peacemaker.
You’re not trying to better anything.

You’ve made it very clear that your ACTUAL FUCKING INTENT is to troll people and you want those people to just let you run amok and not call you on it and not suffer repercussions when people complain on your sorry ass. For the last fucking time, by the way, that is NOT me doing that, despite your continued insistence that I’m somehow in cahoots with Cy to get rid of you.

I hit up Reg once, shit like 8 months, maybe a year ago, to tell him that I’d like you to leave me alone, but that if you didn’t then I’d happily ruin every thread you trolled me in with endless back and forths. With you. That could have been sent to Cy, but I’m pretty sure it was Reg. I never tried to have your sorry ass banned but I’d support it 100%.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Big Kuntry
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:34 PM

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164. "As a man though, don't you think that you should display a.."
In response to Reply # 160



level of self control out of respect for her bein a woman?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:43 PM

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"1, I thought it was DZ at first given the personal nature "
Thu Nov-19-15 02:47 PM by Cold Truth



of her tantrum

2, what’s this “out of respect for her for being a woman” nonsense?
No. Her tirade deserved no respect. She deserved no respect from me.
I initially intended to edit the header when I realized it wasn’t DZ and that it was likely a woman given the screen name, but I chose to keep it when I realized that my only real reasoning for editing that part boiled down to not wanting to deal with the hordes of people who would likely react in horror because you’d choose to see it falsely as some poor defenseless woman who was just walking along her merry path when a big bad wolf ran in to beat her to a pulp.

Being a woman did not give her a pass for her tantrum and she deserved the exact response she got and it was STILL much tamer than her tirade toward me, so fuck it. I left that in.

What’s the logic, aside from traditionalism and a dated, arrogant view that women are weak, fragile creatures who will turn to dust at the slightest negative word from a man, to support the notion that her being a woman should have protected her from a response to her wildly baseless and personal response to me?

EDIT: why exactly should her being a woman afford her additional respect a man would not get for saying the same things under the same circumstances?

The words stand on their own, regardless of gender.

Can you articulate a reason why you are policing me when I was the one on the receiving end of a far angrier and unhinged tirade than the two lines I gave her?


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Big Kuntry
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:50 PM

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170. "I gotta disagree there's no reason for a man to go at a woman..."
In response to Reply # 0



like she's a nigga off the street, let alone argues wit a woman to the point of above. Cmon bruh you're better than that, do you know how corny you'd look if this played out IRL?

I'm sure you'll see it different but you started the back & forth.

>of her tantrum
>2, what’s this “out of respect for her for being a
>woman” nonsense?
>No. Her tirade deserved no respect. She deserved no respect
>from me.
> I initially intended to edit the header when I realized it
>wasn’t DZ and that it was likely a woman given the screen
>name, but I chose to keep it when I realized that my only real
>reasoning for editing that part boiled down to not wanting to
>deal with the hordes of people who would likely react in
>horror because you’d choose to see it falsely as some poor
>defenseless woman who was just walking along her merry path
>when a big bad wolf ran in to beat her to a pulp.
>Being a woman did not give her a pass for her tantrum and she
>deserved the exact response she got and it was STILL much
>tamer than her tirade toward me, so fuck it. I left that in.
>What’s the logic, aside from traditionalism and a dated,
>arrogant view that women are weak, fragile creatures who will
>turn to dust at the slightest negative word from a man, to
>support the notion that her being a woman should have
>protected her from a response to her wildly baseless and
>personal response to me?


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Member since May 07th 2011
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:57 PM

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174. "RE: I gotta disagree there's no reason for a man to go at a woman..."
In response to Reply # 170



>like she's a nigga off the street, let alone argues wit a
>woman to the point of above. Cmon bruh you're better than
>that, do you know how corny you'd look if this played out
>I'm sure you'll see it different but you started the back &


Big K is right.



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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:59 PM

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175. "i gotta ask. why do you think he's better than this?"
In response to Reply # 170


does he really have redeeming qualities when at the end, it all boils down to his terrible lack of respect for people?

im asking for real.

is he like a great guy on the sports board or something.

does he think THIS is the sports board?

do you have any insight?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:01 PM

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176. "Disagree completely. It would have definitely better to have brushed her..."
In response to Reply # 170



Were I to witness said argument in real life and in person, I'd say it would be better for dude to brush it off and keep it moving.

At the same time I'd say she's the one who elevated things to that level and truthfully only caught a couple of mildly stinging jab bars in correlation to the personal verse she spit to begin with, so fuck it.

Of I saw a smaller dude popping SHIT to a much bigger dude and big dude put a beating on little dude, I'd say big boy would have been better if letting it go......but Lil man doesn't get a pass for biting off more than he could chew.

Also, there's a distinction to be made here in that I started the exchange, but my initial exchange absolutely did not warrant the response it got. In fact, my first post to her mirrored the tone of her post regarding the op pretty closely.

So yes, I started the exchange, but not the vitriolic turn it took.

I'd say that's a factually accurate assessment.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:02 PM

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177. "how are you typing all this bullshit to justify your lack of respect"
In response to Reply # 176


it's disgusting.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:22 PM

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181. "Respect is earned, you sniveling drunk"
In response to Reply # 177



I show respect to those that show me respect.

You warrant disrespect.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:23 PM

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182. "nah dog. you're weak. you snitched me out like a schoolgirl. ugh."
In response to Reply # 181
Thu Nov-19-15 03:24 PM by Kwesi


that truly is some bitch ass shit.

im in shock.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:35 PM

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187. "You're in shock that people want you to stop trolling them? "
In response to Reply # 182




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:39 PM

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191. "it's no getting around you being the king of bitchassdness"
In response to Reply # 187


it's in your signature.

it's clear as day.

and it makes sense.

only a bitch-ass person would act the way you do.

before i thought you were overly angry.

you still may be, but now i also realize you're trying to run from that bitchassdness you mention in your signature.

i cant BELIEVE you snitched me out.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:44 PM

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193. "You? YOU? You're bitchassedness personified"
In response to Reply # 191



I bet you walk twenty miles for cheesecake four times a year just to keep your bitchassedness sharp.

You troll people for kicks. That's the goddamned definition of bitchassedness.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:46 PM

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195. "dog. you inboxed a mod cause i hurt your weak ass feelings."
In response to Reply # 193
Thu Nov-19-15 03:51 PM by Kwesi



dont be trying to make no lousy-ass making the band jokes.

you corny.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:57 PM

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197. "Also false. "
In response to Reply # 195



But we've already established that you actively ignore the truth in favor of your perception.

That's one reason why nobody would miss you if you jumped.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:02 PM

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200. "you contacted Reg. he's a mod. you whinned and cried."
In response to Reply # 197


what are you defending right now?

it's not your honor or strength.

you have no honor to respect the lady, and you have no strength to not have to snitch on me to a mod.

*sings* yooooooooousss a hoe.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:09 PM

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204. "Yet you cry about getting banned and possibly banned again. "
In response to Reply # 200



The logic behind me somehow being a bitch for getting tired of your consistant harrassment is sorely lacking.

Especially since you openly cry about the way I talk down to your mongrel was IN THIS VERY FUCKING POST.

You actively try to flag down a mod in passing at every turn.

Then you play like you're trying to keep the peace and improve okp.

You're a goddamned snake and nobody in the real world gives two fucks about you.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:14 PM

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207. "what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength."
In response to Reply # 204



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Thu Nov-19-15 03:45 PM

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194. "when you sent the inbox to cry about how i've been treating you"
In response to Reply # 187


were you emotional about it?

were your hands shaking?

why oh why would you cry to a mod like you're a teenager?

you can't handle yourself in here?

too hot for you?

and if you're so aware of being harrassed, WHY WOULD YOU DO IT TO THE LADY?


what the fuck is taking so long?


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:55 PM

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196. "False. "
In response to Reply # 194



But go ahead and cook.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:59 PM

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198. "so why the fuck did you send the inbox? "
In response to Reply # 196
Thu Nov-19-15 04:00 PM by Kwesi


i just tried to bring myself to send a message about your behavior to someone and for the life of me i just couldln't do it.

it seemed like THE WEAKEST MOVE.

when you cried about me, you made THE WEAKEST MOVE.

you're gonna have to deal with being a snitch ass bitch today.


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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:04 PM

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201. "Meanwhile you deal with being a troll every day. "
In response to Reply # 198



What's that like?

Because I feel no way at all about deciding I'd like to post without dealing with your thirsty ass following me around.

I can't imagine being so thirsty for another man's negative attention that I make it a point to seek him out on a daily basis.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:06 PM

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203. "you really dont get it. this is a community. when i see bullshit i speak"
In response to Reply # 201



you delivered some totally unnecessary bullshit in this thread.

it's the community's responsibility to call you out.



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:10 PM

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205. "Speaking out both sides of your snake ass mouth as usual."
In response to Reply # 203
Thu Nov-19-15 04:14 PM by Cold Truth



>you delivered some totally unnecessary bullshit in this
>it's the community's responsibility to call you out.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:15 PM

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209. "what are you defending right now? not your honor or strength."
In response to Reply # 205



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:29 PM

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210. "Why did you stop screaming for a mod? "
In response to Reply # 209




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:31 PM

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211. "this is over. beat it."
In response to Reply # 210



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:35 PM

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213. "So you're done screaming for a mod?"
In response to Reply # 211
Thu Nov-19-15 04:35 PM by Cold Truth



You're done typing Cyren in all caps because I called you a subhuman and told you to eat a bullet?

Is it because I pointed out your hypocrisy?


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:38 PM

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214. "read this again: this is over, beat it."
In response to Reply # 213



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:44 PM

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215. "........until you see me in another post and want to troll some more."
In response to Reply # 214



You'll iniate the exchange.

I'll tell you you're a worthless mongrel who should play in traffic.

You'll openly scream and beg for a mod to One save you from an exchange you created, all the while oblivious to the irony of you trying to shit on me for quietly telling reg if nobody reigns your wack ass in then every post you troll me will just end in another train wreck of a back and forth.

Rinse, wash, repeat.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:49 PM

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217. "this dude typed 'QUIETLY TELLING REG'. i've read it all."
In response to Reply # 215



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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:45 PM

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216. "still editing? stop being a bigger bitch than you already are. move on."
In response to Reply # 213



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:52 PM

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218. "Note the point where you suddenly decided to move on. "
In response to Reply # 216



Like, you’re SO goddamned eager.

Shit you were feeling yourself like crazy thinking you had a gotcha

That is, until I pointed out that you’ve been openly screaming for
mods to come and rescue you from exchanges you go out of your way to create time and again.

Then, suddenly, magically, you’re done. You no longer want to play.

Curious timing…. Or not.

Yeah bitch. Shit is clear as day.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 04:53 PM

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219. "it's five oclock, you spastic half-breed. im going home. "
In response to Reply # 218
Thu Nov-19-15 04:54 PM by Kwesi


get it?


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 05:01 PM

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220. "Were that the case you'd stop responding, subhuman."
In response to Reply # 219




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:43 PM

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168. "."
In response to Reply # 164
Thu Nov-19-15 02:45 PM by Cold Truth





“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:51 PM

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In response to Reply # 160


if that aint a bitch move, i don't know what is.


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Member since Feb 08th 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 01:38 PM

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144. "You wanted it one way. "
In response to Reply # 124



But it was the other way.

“There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn.” -Albert Camus


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Member since Jan 01st 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:34 PM

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165. "sorry i asked"
In response to Reply # 124




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Member since May 05th 2011
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Thu Nov-19-15 02:39 PM

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166. "lol"
In response to Reply # 165


TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*


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Thu Nov-19-15 03:24 PM

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183. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 165




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Member since Jan 18th 2008
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:36 PM

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188. "Lmao. Cold truth will argue anything"
In response to Reply # 165





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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 03:38 PM

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190. "Fuck. You. No i won't. Here's a break down of why you're wrong. "
In response to Reply # 188




“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Thu Nov-19-15 05:15 PM

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221. "The Wire > this post and the niggers involved"
In response to Reply # 0




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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 05:22 PM

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222. "Wait what the fuck "
In response to Reply # 221
Thu Nov-19-15 05:23 PM by Cold Truth



Lol nope. I just caught that last part.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Government Name
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Thu Nov-19-15 05:28 PM

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224. "great work everyone!"
In response to Reply # 0





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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 06:29 PM

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226. "I'm never doing this again. "
In response to Reply # 0



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 08:02 PM

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228. "You're a goddamned liar and you know it. "
In response to Reply # 226



The next thing I post you'll be in there saying some slick shit for no reason whatsoever.

The next interaction I have with another poster you'll be in there trying to police my words like a fucking soccer mom.

Then, when I finally decide I've had enough and start talking down to you like the unloved, unwanted, empty, miserable, vile vermin you are, you'll start jumping up and down, waving your arms and typing a mods name in all caps begging for them to ban me for giving you the exact attention you were fucking begging me for in the first place.

Then you'll say some shit, I'll point out how and why you're factually incorrect and don't have a leg to stand on. Then, you'll decide you've had enough for the day and suddenly be above it all.

Then you'll have a few drinks and get a newfound burst of energy/courage/nutts/whateverthefuck and get right back to your trolling.

This will happen.

Because that's who you are, what you do, and from what I've seen over the course of the last two years, pretty much the only thing you have to live for.

How sad is it that your entire day to day existence can be so easily summed up in a few short paragraphs detailing your message board exploits? How shitty must that feel?

Hell I can honestly say that I only pop in here and there and if you see my name in a long, messy back and forth like this, the vast majority of the time it involves you and when it does it ALWAYS begins with you initiating things, and if it's not you, you can pretty much guess who the other names are without looking.

But you? This is your fucking LIFE homie. This is your day to day fix that you can't fucking live without. I'm happy as can be these days and whether or not I'm here tomorrow, the next day, next week or next month, it's a goddamned guarantee that you WILL be here, trolling SOMEONE, bitching about possibly getting banned yet again in the process.

Fun fact: I've never been banned. I've only really received one serious warning and that was fucking YEARS ago. You've been banned at least once and apparently have had a shit ton of warnings and always seem to be on the edge of getting the booted yet again.

So really, whose the bitch? Who's crazy ? Who's overly angry? Who's got serious issues?

Yet again, the facts point in your direction and not mine. You're a sad, sad, pathetic little man and you'll be back doing this bullshit tomorrow and the next day and the day after that because it's all you have in this world.

Have a nice night fucker. You clearly need it.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 08:30 PM

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229. "you're barking up the wrong tree. you mutt."
In response to Reply # 228



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 09:18 PM

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231. "Everything i said was true. Everything. "
In response to Reply # 229



I feel sorry for you.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 09:20 PM

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232. "i feel sorry for the people that live with you."
In response to Reply # 231



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Cold Truth
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Thu Nov-19-15 10:14 PM

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234. "Note how i confine my insults to you and you alone"
In response to Reply # 232



Note how you've attempted to bait me using my family on more than one occasion.


So while I'm busy putting furniture together for my wife and kids in my fantastic new house tomorrow on my day off from a very stable job where I'm currently becoming a goddamned golden boy, you'll be drinking heavily, trolling people on OKP, crying because your trolling ways are gabout to get you banned, and wondering how that became your life.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 10:28 PM

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236. "notice how i've apologized. and have asked you to stop the insults."
In response to Reply # 234


you see what you made me do?!


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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 09:21 PM

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233. "theyre certainly depressed"
In response to Reply # 231


and it's more than likely all your fault.


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Cold Truth
Member since Jan 28th 2004
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Thu Nov-19-15 10:18 PM

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235. "As usual the facts conflict with your imagination."
In response to Reply # 233



At any rate I'm about to watch the Hunger Games with my happy and wonderful wife.

Have fun with your bottle of whatever while plot tomorrow's day of drinking, trolling, more drinking and more trolling.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Member since Jan 27th 2003
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Thu Nov-19-15 07:12 PM

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227. "Lester Freamon's stripper girlfriend"
In response to Reply # 0



She's a nice visual to look at


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Thu Nov-19-15 11:13 PM

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237. "nigga freely admitted to dancing in his underwear for another man"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since Jan 11th 2004
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Fri Nov-20-15 01:52 AM

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238. "yep. you win some, you lose some."
In response to Reply # 237



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