there is no Kaiser Soze, not on record anyway. Have you ever wanted to get away with something and make sure you got away with it? There is no way for them to correlate the two.
Do you think Verbal had fingerprints to give that could implicate himself? After his performance in the interrogation room, I don't think so. The artist rendition was not sufficient and even if Coulyan put two and two together he'd be ghost chasing the rest of his career.
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.
legsdiamond Member since May 05th 2011 81927 posts
Thu Sep-24-15 03:30 PM
3. "why do some murderers help search for the victim?" In response to Reply # 0
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*
4. "remember the purpose of the heist was killing his enemy" In response to Reply # 0
The point was the perpetuation of his legend. Remember the story that was told earlier in the movie about how he killed anyone related to someone who crossed him. Well imagine this story being told as how far he would be willing to go to get someone who wanted to betray him. That's why he needed them to know who did it, and how confident he was that he could get away with it. And the movie said he's changed his face many times so the composite was useless after he escaped.
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.
21. "The Game: Let's assume it really was just a birthday gift" In response to Reply # 0 Fri Sep-25-15 08:32 AM by Cenario
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.
legsdiamond Member since May 05th 2011 81927 posts
Fri Sep-25-15 03:23 PM
25. "be honest, you actually thought Verbal may not be Sose all these years" In response to Reply # 0
cause ain't no way you type that shit unless you had an "or maybe..." in the back of your mind.
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*
28. "American Beauty: Lets assume the boys dad = gay" In response to Reply # 0
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.
29. "While everyone is piling on, there have been several different theories" In response to Reply # 0
on Keyser Soze throughout the years. One is that Kobayashi is really Keyser Soze and Verbal Kint just works for him. Another is that Keyser Soze isn't an actual personbut is a group of people or an organization based on one person created as a legend.
The thing is, almost everything that we know in the movie came from Verbal Kint's interrogation and he was lying the entire time. The only thing that was really revealed in the end is that it was Verbal who killed Keaton and did all that stuff on the boat, but we don't know for a fact that he is the actual Keyser Soze and that he isn't just some high level hitman working for Soze.
Atillah Moor Member since Sep 05th 2013 13825 posts
Fri Sep-25-15 03:50 PM
30. "but he goes by verbal and the name translates to King Verbal " In response to Reply # 29 Fri Sep-25-15 04:03 PM by Atillah Moor
and he spins that entire story as well as selling the team on the heist and also mimicking having a type of palsy or whatever. That whole subterfuge plays into what he was saying about Soze being a master of changing appearances.
He makes up the name Kobayashi -- and maybe even the story about his family because he's a master story teller as reflected in the alias.
Everything looks like Oprah kissing Harvey Weinstein these days
32. "it wasn't a create your own ending book." In response to Reply # 29
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.
33. "yes we do know its him because..." In response to Reply # 29
one of the main guy in the boat, the main dude who isnt one of the usual suspects, looks at Kint when the door opens and is aghast in fear as he recognizes that he is Sose puling back in fear as he then gets shot up
>on Keyser Soze throughout the years. One is that Kobayashi is >really Keyser Soze and Verbal Kint just works for him. Another >is that Keyser Soze isn't an actual personbut is a group of >people or an organization based on one person created as a >legend. > >The thing is, almost everything that we know in the movie came >from Verbal Kint's interrogation and he was lying the entire >time. The only thing that was really revealed in the end is >that it was Verbal who killed Keaton and did all that stuff on >the boat, but we don't know for a fact that he is the actual >Keyser Soze and that he isn't just some high level hitman >working for Soze.
the artist's rendering of 'Keyser Soze' as described by that dude who got burnt up seemed to depict Verbal Kint. however, VK claimed that KS changes his face all the time. plus (this is me lawyering) those depictions are often faulty as eyewitness identification is notoriously unreliable.
and i agree - most of what we know about KS came from VK and he was lying through the entire movie. so we don't really know.
35. "Goes with out saying" In response to Reply # 34
(this >is me lawyering)
-The Knicks’ coaching search still includes a lone frontrunner, Kurt Rambis, whose qualifications for the position include a strong relationship with Jackson and a willingness to take the job.