>no definitive statement by the mods at that time that >verified that vex was legit hacked, and therefore not >responsible for those statements. > >at the time, apparently, cyren and others vouched for vex >being a generally good dude, but, as we all know, that's >different. > >cyren didn't realize that aspect of it and so he's using his >mod superpowers now, albeit late, to clear this up for anyone >who may still be side-eyeing vex over that. > >i think that is cool. vex mentioned it, in passing, during the >other poast, and cyren acted on it. which is appropriate, >since generally whenever there's effery on the internets, >first thing ppl do is scream, 'i wuz hackeded'. so this >confirmation was warranted. > >peace & blessings, > >x. > >www.twitter.com/poetx > >========================================= >I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just >focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and > >not having much to show for it. (c) mad