Daniele Watts’ Boyfriend Throws Her Under The Bus To Police Officer
September 17, 2014 ‐ By Jazmine Denise Rogers
Last week, we told you about Daniele Watts, the Django Unchained actress who says that she was detained simply for showing her White boyfriend affection in public. On Monday, a brief audio clip documenting her arrest was leaked to the web. Judging by the clip, officers were called after Daniele and her beau Chef Brian Lucas were spotted performing lewd acts in their vehicle with the door open. Once officers arrived on the scene, Daniele refused to show them her ID…and the rest is history. As previously reported, Brian took to Facebook seemingly outraged following the incident.
“Today, Daniele Watts & I were accosted by police officers after showing our affection publicly,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “From the questions that he asked me as D was already on her phone with her dad, I could tell that whoever called on us (including the officers), saw a tatted RAWKer white boy and a hot bootie shorted black girl and thought we were a HO (prostitute) & a TRICK (client).
This is something that happened to her and her father when she was 16. What an assumption to make!!! Because of my past experience with the law, I gave him my ID knowing we did nothing wrong and when they asked D for hers, she refused to give it because they had no right to do so. So they handcuffed her and threw her roughly into the back of the cop car until they could figure out who she was. In the process of handcuffing her, they cut her wrist, which was truly NOT COOL!!!
Our freedom isn’t freedom folks, when people can abuse others with no reason or evidence at all just because they “think” they have been given the power by people that are ONLY equal to us. Of course, they had to let her go eventually cuz we weren’t a threat to anyone. They weren’t expecting D to be so intelligent and outspoken, and left truly feeling the fear vibration finding out that they had just f*cked with 2 celebrities (Celebrated People). WE ALL HAVE THE SAME POWER INDIVIDUALLY IN THIS WORLD, AND I’M GLAD WE’RE ALL TAKING IT BACK ONE BEING AT A TIME!
Although he appears to be strongly defending Daniele in his Facebook post, full-length audio from his exchange with the responding officer seems to suggest otherwise.
“This is a very sensitive subject to her. You know, the black and white,” Brian began explaining to the officer. “This is about the third time we’ve gotten accosted for it.”
“It’s not as sensitive to me because I understand where you’re coming from,” Brian continued.
“She’s just using it as her crutch. It’s fine. You get used to it after a while,” said the officer.
“I bet,” adds Brian. “I understand your job so I know you don’t wanna deal with stuff like this. This is not a protect and serve issue.”
After a bit more small talk, Brian and the officer returned to their discussion about Daniele’s belief that she is being targeted because of her race.
“She needs to not see everything in black and white,” said the officer.
“No pun intended,” Brian joked. “{If a Black officer pulled up} it would’ve been the same thing. In the future, that might be what has to happen for her to…Hey, I’ll bring that up. That’s a good idea. Thank you. I’ll share that with her and I’ll do that from a perspective of you not sharing that with me, but like, ‘Hey babe, what if it was a Black cop? Would it be the same thing?'”
Once officers placed her in the patrol car Brian responds:
“It’s her first time being in the car. It’ll be good.”
Brian can even be heard laughing awkwardly after Daniele was cuffed. SMH.
(Full audio available in link)
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/287/6/c/the_wire_lineup__huge_download_by_dennisculver-d30s7vl.jpg The man who thinks at 50 the same way he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life - Muhammed Ali