>It’s funny you mention potential. I think, perhaps that >looking for potential isn’t necessarily a bad thing, if you >look for it in the right ways. Cause potential without >action (which you mention) is what causes problems. Nothing >wrong with a diamond in the rough, as long as the right >person is willing to cut it…
at the end of the day, i'm learning i'm willing to love, but i'm not quite as willing to *teach*. there are certain things you have to come with.
>This whole thing about being whole and grown in your own >right… Why didn’t folks tell us this? I can recall >countless conversations with people in my life, but very >very few about having my own shit together. About how well >you treat yourself being mirrored in how well the world >treats you. Hell, I’m 35 and that’s something I have to >remind myself about everyday.
i was always told this...not necessarily directly, but it's something that comes naturally to me. my mother always tells me that her & my dad were determined not to raise us with their hangups.
i'm an oddball because i am--for the most part--a whole, functional human being who understands unconditional love. i hate to say it like that because it sounds arrogant, but as years go by i see just how unusual that is. and how scarred folks are.
my parents have those scars, but i don't. sometimes i wonder if i'm attracted to those injuries in others because i could always see the not-so-happy times behind my parents' smiles? maybe i want to "fix" them because i couldn't fix their inner children? i don't know.
it's amazing what you pass on, despite your best efforts.
>And this dream (wo)man…who the hell is that? I tell you >what © Hank Hill, the man I dreamt about in my girlish >fantasies doesn’t hold a candle to who I’m with. Mind you, >he always knows the right things to say, is romantic as >hell, has the sex drive of an 18-year-old coupled with the >maturity of a man, cooks likes a chef and thinks the sun >shines outta my ass… Wait, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, >this man of my dreams. He looks good on paper, but his ass >doesn’t challenge me, he doesn’t inspire me, he doesn’t >revel in the fact that the hard work I do on me and on us >makes me grow…
understood. i can't remember ever really having a "man of my dreams"...it was more like, i'd dream about who was coming up next...
>I think we all fall prey to the fantasy at some point. The >real deal, imo? Is that we don’t grow our love in respect, >friendship and admiration. We get all caught up in falling >in love and don’t realize our asses are falling!
with me, it's always been about not hurting his feelings. about missing out on an "opportunity" if i didn't commit to him. like, it could work out, right?
like i said to seth, i really need to learn selfishness. i'm really good at picking up on others' feelings for me, and sometimes i get caught up in that before i think about what's really in my best interests.
~~~~ http://omidele.blogspot.com/ http://rahareiki.tumblr.com/ http://seatofbliss.blogspot.com/