My first marriage, my Ex did not work a fulltime gig- she worked parttime and was in school for most of the time we were married (6 years). I worked and generally put in 60 hour workweeks, and for a couple years, traveled up to two weeks out of the month. When we first got together, I was a temp employee and the work that I put in enabled us to purchase two houses, travel, put our Son in private school- all the trappings of a middle class lifestyle. I managed the gathering of funds for our life, and she managed the details of how it was allocated. I did the majority of the heavy stuff at home (cutting the grass, repairs, etc). She handled the meals, most of the laundry. She handled healthcare for all of us, and was the primary caregiver for our child.
A couple times a month, I would travel on a Saturday or Sunday for Capoeira, so I guess that counts as golf, LOL. However, there was balance.
This go round, we both work, but she makes more than I do. Yet there is still balance- she takes my Son to school, I pick him up. I cook most of the time, she does the laundry most of the time. I handle the house repairs, she handles the bills. BALANCE. And the roles can change and probably will at some point, but there really is no 'breadwinner' in this household- we both work, and we share all the other duties. That is the reality for most couples in this day and age.