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Member since May 10th 2009
446 posts
Thu Dec-31-09 10:06 AM

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"2010 Financial Changes"



Anybody making any?

I myself am tired of living paycheck to paycheck so I have decided on making the following changes for 2010.

1. Paying monthly bills on or before time, I'm tired of late fees. Especially when I have the money and just don't want to give it up. 5 dollar late fees mean so much more to me now.

2. Having a set amount each paycheck go to an account I don't have easy access to. Extra money to me used to mean an extra trip to the mall. That was wreckless of me...I'm getting older so my habits need to be getting wiser.

3. Pulling my credit report and making arrangements---I'll pay you if you take it off my report.

Anyone else got tips on keeping finances tight?

I'm just sayin'.


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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
savings never goes below 3 mortgage payments.
Dec 31st 2009
What about everything else?
Dec 31st 2009
      pay them on time like i've been doing
Dec 31st 2009
good post
Dec 31st 2009
RE: good post- Thanks
Dec 31st 2009
      most defn...if youre not in 1 now, get one
Dec 31st 2009
           Don't I know it
Dec 31st 2009
                IMO most of them are very similar
Dec 31st 2009
honeslty u know what helped me? i paid each bill EVERY paycheck
Dec 31st 2009
that's a good idea.
Dec 31st 2009
yeah i doubled up one month to get started and things that i couldn't
Dec 31st 2009
      got it.
Dec 31st 2009
this is a really good idea all- it saves plenty on interest...
Jan 05th 2010
and check these out, my recommendations:
Dec 31st 2009
whats debtinator?
Dec 31st 2009
as far as i know it's only for macs. but
Dec 31st 2009
      yeah I googled this
Dec 31st 2009
           in the mean time, xl has a good automatic budgeting tool. they probably...
Dec 31st 2009
I don't like how they don't give you your credit scores anymore.
Jan 03rd 2010
they never gave u the scores, just the report. u had to buy
Jan 04th 2010
I don't recall them EVER doing that. However, does.
Jan 08th 2010
gratzi for the rec
Jan 13th 2010
expanding the savings funds...
Dec 31st 2009
I usually pay my bills on time
Dec 31st 2009
i just drafted letters to my creditors. i have been current and on time...
Dec 31st 2009
Good deal.
Dec 31st 2009
if you got some kids, open up a 529
Dec 31st 2009
no kids
Dec 31st 2009
i've just got some info on this...great idea
Jan 05th 2010
Trying to save more
Dec 31st 2009
Move Your Money!
Dec 31st 2009
I looked at that post
Dec 31st 2009
Bill Maher
Jan 12th 2010
My goal is to get my credit score to 700
Dec 31st 2009
how far do you have to go?
Dec 31st 2009
well...last check...
Dec 31st 2009
      you should try secured loans/credit cards
Dec 31st 2009
           yeah i looked into those...
Dec 31st 2009
avoid a new car payment, pay down student loans first
Dec 31st 2009
see what I am thinking is...
Dec 31st 2009
you can do it
Dec 31st 2009
      I brought my car brand new off the lot in 2003
Dec 31st 2009
           plus by getting a used vehicle,
Dec 31st 2009
Jan 02nd 2010
you want to keep atleast one cc open- w
Jan 05th 2010
      I am going to keep my credit cards open
Jan 06th 2010
RE: 2010 Financial Changes
Dec 31st 2009
You should read this book:
Dec 31st 2009
my beef with these types of books is
Dec 31st 2009
      the book doesn't necessarily tell you what to do...
Dec 31st 2009
Dec 31st 2009
                RE: absolutely...
Dec 31st 2009
buy a house and maybe buy a car (shut up esb)
Dec 31st 2009
use electronic accounts - there are local banks offering 4% apy checking
Dec 31st 2009
too late, fdic capped the interest rate
Jan 05th 2010
Dumping the Roth fund, More % to the credit union.
Dec 31st 2009
Dave Ramsey has some great online tools.
Dec 31st 2009
RE: Dave Ramsey has some great online tools.
Dec 31st 2009
Ima bookmark this site
Dec 31st 2009
definitely some good info here. n/m
Dec 31st 2009
Agreed! This is my guy! Debt-free = Freedom.
Jan 01st 2010
Jan 10th 2010
Yeah I follow his teachings strictly: BABY STEPS
Jan 08th 2010
Oh shit, you got an anchor, son!
Dec 31st 2009
that's what I said when I saw it
Dec 31st 2009
Have a specific savings goal in mind.
Dec 31st 2009
What's wrong with sharing the number you want to save?
Dec 31st 2009
      you talk about having more than $500 on here
Dec 31st 2009
           u trying to get a house?!?!
Dec 31st 2009
Pay yourself first.
Dec 31st 2009
great post
Dec 31st 2009
Someone here reccomended to me
Dec 31st 2009
i need to check this site out...
Dec 31st 2009
probably layzboi
Jan 01st 2010
budgeting & saving
Dec 31st 2009
I started buying food stamps... **shrugs** saves me a lot!
Dec 31st 2009
having auto debit for some things
Dec 31st 2009
save more, spend less
Dec 31st 2009
materialistic rat race
Dec 31st 2009
this is my mother
Jan 01st 2010
good anchor! good anchor! *FFC*
Dec 31st 2009
I've learned a bit from watching my Mom
Dec 31st 2009
ING Online Banking - $25 Bonus
Dec 31st 2009
I'm going to research
Dec 31st 2009
      Take a look at HSBC
Jan 01st 2010
2009 was a lackluster financial year for me...
Dec 31st 2009
helping family
Dec 31st 2009
      yeah i always expect something to happen as far as fam is concerned..
Dec 31st 2009
im going to be saving 15% of my biweekly paycheque...
Dec 31st 2009
school will be nothing to be worried about...
Dec 31st 2009
: )
Jan 01st 2010
Jan 06th 2010
great post and i'm doing similar things
Dec 31st 2009
to stop procrastinating and make investment decisions
Jan 01st 2010
doubling the $50 every paycheck to savings to $100 every paycheck.
Jan 01st 2010
So many good ideas being given here
Jan 01st 2010
Jan 01st 2010
Don't Buy Shit You Can't Afford
Jan 01st 2010
Just started my Roth IRA
Jan 01st 2010
Jan 01st 2010
We are going plastic free in 2010
Jan 01st 2010
WORD. Down to 1 credit card and don't use it
Jan 02nd 2010
Learn to plan ahead & anticipate major expenses
Jan 02nd 2010
you are right...
Jan 02nd 2010
major life events
Jan 02nd 2010
man, i have been waiting for you to post up.
Jan 02nd 2010
I'm evicting my tenant... 3 months past due and late all year.
Jan 03rd 2010
i plan to get my auset1 on
Jan 03rd 2010
Something we can all look forward to
Jan 04th 2010
Free Copy of David Bach's new financial book TODAY ONLY
Jan 04th 2010
Jan 04th 2010
RE: 2010 Financial Changes
Jan 04th 2010
me neither
Jan 04th 2010
see...i gotta get OUT of where i am..before i can get to where
Jan 05th 2010
Til Debt Do Us Part
Jan 06th 2010
Jan 08th 2010
Jan 08th 2010
started selling the stuff i don't use online
Jan 08th 2010
word. Are you doing this on Ebay?
Jan 08th 2010
Kasasa Cash Checking 4% APY
Jan 10th 2010
Free Budgeting Spread Sheets
Jan 10th 2010
No more eating out biggest change
Jan 11th 2010
Short sale my house...
Jan 12th 2010
i just set a weekly auto-transfer of 25 bucks to my savings
Jan 15th 2010

Member since Nov 12th 2003
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:08 AM

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1. "savings never goes below 3 mortgage payments. "
In response to Reply # 0



I got a good life man


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:11 AM

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3. "What about everything else?"
In response to Reply # 1



water, lights, food, gas, car payments?

They say a good rule of thumb is to have about 6-8 months of monthly expenses stacked up. It used to be 3 months but seeings how lately people losing their jobs are having a harder time getting one within 3 months.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Nov 12th 2003
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:39 AM

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21. "pay them on time like i've been doing "
In response to Reply # 3



car payment i pay an extra 50/month so right now i'm like 250 ahead on that so just stay the course and i should be cool

I got a good life man


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:09 AM

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2. "good post"
In response to Reply # 0



we're on the right track, got to pay down these CC tho...xmas 09 we kinda went nuts & undid a lot of good we had done thru the whole year...2 wks of shopping pumpd our debt right back up

it'll be back down to where it was by march/april timeframe tho

<---my id

i see you aiming @ my pedestal


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:14 AM

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4. "RE: good post- Thanks"
In response to Reply # 2



Planning on using your income tax return to pay down those debts?

I can't wait until I get to the point of actually not needing my tax return for nothing but to boost up my savings account.

Speaking of savings accounts, I have read that using just a plan ole savings account is so old school, at least for having most of your savings in. Money Market accounts or IRAs are the way to go to keep your money working for you instead of being stagnent. Anyone doing this?

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
182956 posts
Thu Dec-31-09 10:16 AM

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5. "most defn...if youre not in 1 now, get one"
In response to Reply # 4



IRA is most defn important unless u wanna be 1 of them old ppl greeting folks @ the door to walmart in 2050

<---my id

i see you aiming @ my pedestal


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:22 AM

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7. "Don't I know it"
In response to Reply # 5



I took my behind back to school after picking up a part time job at a retail store and realizing most of my coworkers were senior citizens that should be living up their retirement...but I realize now also that the education ain't gonna be enough, I need to get my savings in order now at 26.

How do you choose which institution to open your IRA up with? I can't trust just any ole body with the little bit I'll be putting in there.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:38 AM

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20. "IMO most of them are very similar"
In response to Reply # 7



they have products out there thats like retirement crockpots...put your $$$ in, they automatically reconfigure it the closer to retirement you get

like right now @ 26 it'd be more towards stocks

if you were 55 it'd be mostly bonds


<---my id

i see you aiming @ my pedestal


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:17 AM

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6. "honeslty u know what helped me? i paid each bill EVERY paycheck"
In response to Reply # 0




for example if your car note is 300/month. and u get paid 2/month

every paycheck pay 150.00

i can't tell u the due dates of my bills, but i know that they are paid before the due date. and i don't have to wrry about one pay check being used for blah blah ablh leaving me with 20 bucks

and the other paycheck leaving me with 300 bucks.

i have the same amount of disposable cash every check

i'd also suggest getting an ally bank or ing direct account and getting a portion of your check put in there by direct deposit.


if u have a mac, then "debtinator" too

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:24 AM

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8. "that's a good idea."
In response to Reply # 6



I'm thinking I may need to use a full paycheck to get myself ahead a little bit before I can start this method. Cause like you said I hate having one paycheck leaving me with 30 dollars while the next is leaving me with 300 dollars.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:26 AM

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13. "yeah i doubled up one month to get started and things that i couldn't"
In response to Reply # 8



double up on i paid extra each pay check and caught up

like instead of 200 each check, i paid 245 each check something like that

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:29 AM

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14. "got it."
In response to Reply # 13



I'm going to finally learn how to use the bill pay feature offered by the bank.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Feb 04th 2003
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104. "this is a really good idea all- it saves plenty on interest..."
In response to Reply # 6


allows you to finish paying off faster


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:25 AM

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9. "and check these out, my recommendations:"
In response to Reply # 0


   <---free reports from all three <---the boards are GREAT, and fico scores (google myfico discount code before u buy your score.....u may find a discount code on the wb) <-----effortless budgeting and tracking<------- high interest sayvings accounts no fees, no charges

i love bank of america's keep the change program. it rounds up your purchases tot he nearest dollar and puts the difference in a savings account automatically. PLUS if u use another BOA customer to set up an account *cough cough like me cough* we BOTH get 20 bucks

i already mentioned debtinator. i can't stress how much this has helped me. i killed a 3700.00 credit card bill

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Charter member
182956 posts
Thu Dec-31-09 10:26 AM

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12. "whats debtinator?"
In response to Reply # 9



is it only for Macs?

<---my id

i see you aiming @ my pedestal


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:31 AM

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15. "as far as i know it's only for macs. but"
In response to Reply # 12



it let's u know if you are gonna run out of money or not
u load all your debts and expenses in
you income
you interest rates

then pick the method how u wanna pa it off "highest rate" "lowest balance" "minimum balance" etc... it'll run till all your stuff is paid off

i set my income as less than it actually is, like if i make 1000/ month, i'll set it at 650 or 750 /month.

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:33 AM

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16. "yeah I googled this "
In response to Reply # 15



and its only for mac pcs. There's got to be another program out there comparible for non mac users. Still searching...I need something like this in my life to get me started.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:35 AM

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18. "in the mean time, xl has a good automatic budgeting tool. they probably..."
In response to Reply # 16



if u use debtinator BEFORE u buy a mac,.......yo ass will NEVER buy a mac lol

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Member since Mar 16th 2004
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95. "I don't like how they don't give you your credit scores anymore."
In response to Reply # 9





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Mon Jan-04-10 10:18 AM

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97. "they never gave u the scores, just the report. u had to buy"
In response to Reply # 95



the scores

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Fri Jan-08-10 10:58 PM

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115. "I don't recall them EVER doing that. However, does."
In response to Reply # 95



every month, for FREE!

Copycat, copycat, getcha own shit, ho.


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Member since Dec 23rd 2002
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Wed Jan-13-10 08:48 PM

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123. "gratzi for the rec"
In response to Reply # 9




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Member since Mar 24th 2005
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:25 AM

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10. "expanding the savings funds... "
In response to Reply # 0



setting a bit of money aside for a vacation fund and paying double the minimum payment on my IKEA and Best Buy card so we can be done with those.
Tweet Me.
Tumbl Me. (rawr)


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Member since Oct 22nd 2002
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:26 AM

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11. "I usually pay my bills on time"
In response to Reply # 0



Credit card debt is near nil, which is a blessing
Gotta work on this whole savings thing
So that is my real big change
I want to save up at least 1.5 years rent
So I can persue some things for awhile

part of solving the mystery of the sphinx is knowing when to keep silent


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:34 AM

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17. "i just drafted letters to my creditors. i have been current and on time..."
In response to Reply # 0



2-3 years...but before that, i was a financial mess.

so i sent them a letter asking them if out of good will, since i've been current for three years wouldn't they mind deleting the late payments off my credit report. couldn't hurt.

one of my credit cards did, the other creditors i haven't heard back from yet

vince: paul wight and the rock were just kidding around. we like to make jokes, things of that nature...we like to have a good time



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:36 AM

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19. "Good deal. "
In response to Reply # 17



What about the stuff that's on your credit report that you are no longer making payments on, would a letter work on them too?

For example, I had a couple of months of late payments on my car this year once I got caught up I just went ahead and paid the car off but its still showing on my credit report.

I guess I could just contact the bank and find out.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:39 AM

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22. "if you got some kids, open up a 529"
In response to Reply # 0



VERY important & mad states are closing theirs up...get it in while the gettings good

<---my id

i see you aiming @ my pedestal


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:42 AM

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23. "no kids "
In response to Reply # 22



but will open up some sort of savings/college account when I have em. Good info.

I'm just sayin'.


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Tue Jan-05-10 05:51 PM

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106. "i've just got some info on this...great idea"
In response to Reply # 22




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Member since Sep 25th 2003
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:42 AM

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24. "Trying to save more"
In response to Reply # 0



Already do the ING thing but setting aside another account for the kids & emergency funds.

My car note will be done in May so a lot of that old payment can be sent to savings.

About to be done with two more cards so - yep more savings money.

It's been a hard road but I am glad most of my debt will be paid off in 2010.


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Charter member
1981 posts
Thu Dec-31-09 10:55 AM

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25. "Move Your Money!"
In response to Reply # 0


I made a separate post, but it got no love.

while it won't help give you more money, moving your money to a local bank is a good step, and takes your money out of the hands of greedy CEO's who could care less if you fall behind on fact they are hoping that you do.



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:58 AM

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26. "I looked at that post"
In response to Reply # 25



and was mad that neither one of my credit unions were listed. It only listed banks I have never heard of but I'll look into those it suggested.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
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Tue Jan-12-10 10:51 PM

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122. "Bill Maher"
In response to Reply # 25




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Member since Dec 15th 2004
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Thu Dec-31-09 10:58 AM

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27. "My goal is to get my credit score to 700"
In response to Reply # 0


(don't judge me! LOL)
I have been increasing my savings. I am surprised I saved this much in 2009. I hope to double what I have saved.
I recently ordered Young Broke and Fabulous and will read that for some ideas.

I need to see what my taxes are talking about. If I get back money, I will put it in my savings account and open up a small CD. If I owe, then I will be paying out.
I want to start my own personal IRA, because my job does it but they don't to me I'd rather just start my own now.

My car went out on me...but I also recently started paying back my student loans. And I need to decide if I want to take on a new car payment AND student loans. I am not feeling it. So I don't know.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 11:04 AM

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28. "how far do you have to go?"
In response to Reply # 27



And what are you doing to get it up there?

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Dec 15th 2004
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Thu Dec-31-09 11:20 AM

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30. "well...last check..."
In response to Reply # 28


I had 50 points to go.
The biggest issue I am having is lack of accounts. I have only two credit cards that are currently open and revolving. I am paying off student loans (that's 1 account), my car (2 payments left), and this debt to the state of MD.

I actually bought it up more than 70 pts last year (it was BAD). I did that by pulling my reports and getting medical debts and two inaccuracies moved. And lowering my credit utilization.

I recently paid off a debt for less than half (some shit my mom did) and got them to delete that off the account. So that should be gone soon. Hopefully I will pay off my credit card within the next 4 months (it's less than $500 now but I am waiting to see what taxes is looking like because I was unemployed and worked contract so I didnt pay a lot in taxes. I might owe. again if I get back money, I will pay this off). Paying my student loans should help too. And the debt with the state should be paid off (and they said removed) by the end of 2010.

I will probably try to open up two more credit cards in the first half of 2010.

That's my basic plan but I am sure as I learn more, i will edit it.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 11:24 AM

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31. "you should try secured loans/credit cards"
In response to Reply # 30



through your bank. Basically what you are doing is setting up a loan or credit card through the bank minimum I've seen is $500 dollars and you make a payment towards it every month. They report it to the credit agencies as a good look for you.

I started this a couple of months ago. Cool thing about it is once I make the payment towards the loan the money goes right back into my savings account. Win win situation if you ask me.

I'm just sayin'.


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Thu Dec-31-09 11:33 AM

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33. "yeah i looked into those..."
In response to Reply # 31


Wachovia doesnt offer them from what I see.
But SECU does. and that's the account I have all the money saved in! I do plan on trying to get one with them and then opening up a regular credit card account with Wachovia.

so hopefully that will work out.


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Member since Jul 19th 2007
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Thu Dec-31-09 11:32 AM

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32. "avoid a new car payment, pay down student loans first"
In response to Reply # 27



i will never buy another new car again, ever. if you have to do it, go used, get something affordable and economical. sacrifice style points now so that when you get older, you will be comfortable. these are things i wished i learned in my 20s.

- u already know


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Thu Dec-31-09 11:44 AM

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35. "see what I am thinking is..."
In response to Reply # 32


I have the money to do both...but then I can't do other things I want to do. Such as travel to Africa later in the year. I know that taking on a new car payment and doing student loans will cut into how much I can save.

What I could do it keep being on the bus for the next 5 or 6 months and look for a decent used car that I can buy flat out in cash.
I don't want additional monthly payments.

I am just going to see how taxes play out this year, and then make decisions. But I do want to get a CD for $1000 soon. (just a small start).


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40. "you can do it"
In response to Reply # 35



i think that is pretty cool. if you can pay cash for a nice used car, do it. what people forget about when getting a new car isn't that the car payment is crazy its that if you live in the city like i do and have a new car, your insurance is going to be ridicudumb. take baby steps. you are on the right path of cleaning up your credit. god forbid you lose a job or something, not having to worry about a car payment, a repo, and a judgment to pay the remaining balance is a nice thing to avoid.

- u already know


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 01:02 PM

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49. "I brought my car brand new off the lot in 2003"
In response to Reply # 40



I was only 19 and didn't know any better.

Little did I know that 18k car I just brought lost 4k in value soon as I drove it off the lot.

I won't be buying brand new again. I'll let someone else ride around in it first.

Used is definitely the way to go.

I'm just sayin'.


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72. "plus by getting a used vehicle,"
In response to Reply # 49


you can actually get more car than when buying a new joint. I bought a 06 pathfinder with everything except leather and nav. had I tried to buy a new model, I wouldn't be able to afford the amenities.


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93. "YESIR"
In response to Reply # 32



My biggest thing. No more car notes. Done with it. Only monthly payments I want to be making till my kids are done with college are mortgage and utilities.


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105. "you want to keep atleast one cc open- w"
In response to Reply # 27


the balance should be about 40% of ur limit and you should pay more than minimum on it-

after you're all paid ur score stagnates unless u do something that can cause it to increase such as having an account that you pay on time...


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109. "I am going to keep my credit cards open "
In response to Reply # 105


I just wanted to pay them off and use them the correct way. and get them to start working FOR me (like using them to get the 5% cashback and credits and freebies).

What I owe discover right now is money from a cash advance I did years ago (crazy right...) and the interest on that is higher than me carrying over a balance from month to month on purchases.

so my focus is to pay them off then start fresh with them.

I use my other credit card randomly...but I pay if off in full each month.


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Brown Lioness
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Thu Dec-31-09 11:12 AM

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29. "RE: 2010 Financial Changes"
In response to Reply # 0



1. I need to set up a business bank account
2. I need to consult with a CPA for tax sheltering and to figure out what to do with the mountain of taxes we already owe
3. Renogotiate and consolidate student loans if possibe (yea, i seem late on this, but oh well, sue me lol)
4. Have my biz income meet and/or exceed my job income
5. Pay off cc's by end of March
6. Creat a savings account for move to Dallas and stack chips like crazy
7. Continue/restart credit report repair

"I refuse to spend our hard-earned money on a bunch of pseudo-food. I will buy and eat actual food; things that God intended for us to eat...I don’t care how good you think it tastes, or how cheap it may be. It’s. Not. Food."


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Thu Dec-31-09 11:35 AM

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34. "You should read this book:"
In response to Reply # 0


I'm reading it now and so far it's been a pretty good financial primer and an interesting read. I'm trying to beef up my 401(k) and savings.

Funny because I wrote a blog post about this a few weeks ago and my others are to:

1. Pay down my credit card
2. Save more
3. Spend and give more
4. Limit impulse purchases
5. Eliminate wasteful spending


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 12:02 PM

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36. "my beef with these types of books is"
In response to Reply # 34



they tell you what to do and no clear steps to how to do it. So I have decided on a new method, the people approach. Find out what other people are doing to keep it together. lol. I've learned a lot from this one post already.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Jul 06th 2005
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Thu Dec-31-09 12:55 PM

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43. "the book doesn't necessarily tell you what to do..."
In response to Reply # 36

   gives you the information and lets you decide what you want to do, depending on your situation. But I like to read about money: Black Enterprise, Business Week, Michelle Singletary, Suze Orman and even financial bloggers. There are so many good resources out there. Don't sleep on what's in print though because it can be very helpful, if written in a "down-to-earth" manner. I also love the people approach too, especially if a person can break down the complicated stuff like stocks and taxes.


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48. "absolutely..."
In response to Reply # 43



I didn't like to read about money until I realized I had a problem, I didn't realize I had a problem until I wanted to buy a house.

That's when I took a good look at my credit score and such and got a serious wake up call cause it wasn't pretty AT ALL.

Next time I hit up the library I'll definitely look into this book you mentioned.

Thanks for sharing the info.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Jul 06th 2005
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Thu Dec-31-09 01:16 PM

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52. "RE: absolutely..."
In response to Reply # 48


There's another one specifically for sistahs that I let a girlfriend borrow years ago:
I think I'm going to check this one out from the library and finish reading it.

Also, the little and simple things like budgeting and using coupons really do count. I also bring my lunch to work everyday (SO underrated). And I barely eat out. I save at least $300 a month from each paycheck and am halfway through paying down my credit card. (The money to save and pay down debt is there, if you don't blow a chunk of it at the mall every week ) I don't make a lot of money but I make my $$ work for me.

My main $$ problem for a long time was that I hoarded money for comfort. Not healthy at all. At least I got A-1 credit out of it though But you have to spend and treat yourself (withing reason and budget) sometimes. That's why spending more is one of my goals for 2010. You sound like you're on the right track though. Great post!!


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Member since Feb 26th 2003
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Thu Dec-31-09 12:21 PM

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37. "buy a house and maybe buy a car (shut up esb)"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-31-09 12:26 PM by osu_no_1


2008 was near disaster and 2009 was cleaning up the mess

2010 will be separation

i'm starting to feel like it's time to act on a house soon


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Member since Feb 26th 2003
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Thu Dec-31-09 12:25 PM

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38. "use electronic accounts - there are local banks offering 4% apy checking"
In response to Reply # 0


you have to have e-statements, direct deposit, and a certain amount of debit card transactions per month. if you use the debit card all the time like i do, it's not hard.

most of them have a $25K balance limit on the 4% so the most you could earn is about $80/month, but that's pretty good for a sure thing


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107. "too late, fdic capped the interest rate"
In response to Reply # 38


it is now at 0.75 - 0.85%

they are really trying hard to keep people's money in equities

FNBO direct offers 1.45% savings


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39. "Dumping the Roth fund, More % to the credit union."
In response to Reply # 0



Oh, I get depressed thinking about it.

say 'YEAH'!!!!!


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41. "Dave Ramsey has some great online tools."
In response to Reply # 0



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Thu Dec-31-09 12:56 PM

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45. "RE: Dave Ramsey has some great online tools."
In response to Reply # 41




I'm really trying to get a stronghold on my money cause every payday it seem to go through my hands like water and I really don't know where it goes.

I'm just sayin'.


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Thu Dec-31-09 12:59 PM

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47. "Ima bookmark this site"
In response to Reply # 41





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51. "definitely some good info here. n/m"
In response to Reply # 47



I'm just sayin'.


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83. "Agreed! This is my guy! Debt-free = Freedom."
In response to Reply # 41



In addition to the great tools on the website, you can also find Dave Ramsey-endorsed professionals in your area to help you manage your investments, etc. I'm really pleased... very basic, sound financial philosophies with strategies that anyone can use if they're willing to work hard and be disciplined

Love is You.


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119. "co-sign."
In response to Reply # 83



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113. "Yeah I follow his teachings strictly: BABY STEPS"
In response to Reply # 41



1. $1,000 Emergency Fund
2. Pay off ALL DEBT with Debt Snowball(Start with smallest)
3. 3 to 6 Months Expenses In Savings
4. Invest 15% of Income Into Roth IRAs and Pre-Tax Retirement Plans
5. College Fund (If you have kids)
6. Pay off Your Home Early
7. Build Wealth and Give!!

My handles


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Thu Dec-31-09 12:53 PM

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42. "Oh shit, you got an anchor, son!"
In response to Reply # 0



say 'YEAH'!!!!!


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Thu Dec-31-09 12:55 PM

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44. "that's what I said when I saw it"
In response to Reply # 42




I'm just sayin'.


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Thu Dec-31-09 12:59 PM

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46. "Have a specific savings goal in mind."
In response to Reply # 0



Not sharing no numbers here.

Basically enough to facilitate my moving like a pimp move.



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50. "What's wrong with sharing the number you want to save?"
In response to Reply # 46



I mean its not like we got access to your accounts. I don't get it.

anyhoo, how do you plan on going about saving up to this mysterious number? What's your plan of action?

I'm just sayin'.


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Thu Dec-31-09 02:41 PM

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59. "you talk about having more than $500 on here"
In response to Reply # 50



And people accuse you of stunting. It's dumb but whatever.

My plan is already in effect as of a few months ago. I moved to a much cheaper place and cut a bunch of monthly expenses.

That alone will get me close to my goal. Adding tax refund and year-end bonus/raise will almost guarantee it assuming no new expenses.

And working on secondary income, as always.



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Thu Dec-31-09 05:23 PM

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65. "u trying to get a house?!?!"
In response to Reply # 59


that would only be the next step i could see for you.


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Member since Jun 27th 2006
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Thu Dec-31-09 01:16 PM

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53. "Pay yourself first."
In response to Reply # 0



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Thu Dec-31-09 01:22 PM

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54. "great post"
In response to Reply # 0



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Thu Dec-31-09 01:56 PM

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55. "Someone here reccomended to me"
In response to Reply # 0



and I've gone from living check to check to having a tight budget and a huge increase in my savings, because now I'm monitoring every dime and categorizing all purchases.


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Thu Dec-31-09 10:26 PM

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73. "i need to check this site out..."
In response to Reply # 55



thanks for this

Get Out the Room

Some of y'all need this in your life:


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87. "probably layzboi"
In response to Reply # 55


Yeah I realized how much I was spending on eating out.


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Thu Dec-31-09 02:11 PM

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56. "budgeting & saving"
In response to Reply # 0



I have a car note again for the first time in 5 years so I'm going to have to tighten up my budget. I'm going to start tracking my daily expenses again and looking for areas where I can cut expenses. All the money I saved this year is damn near depleted so an aggressive savings plans is definitely on the agenda. If at all possible I'm going to try and cut out frivolous shopping except for necessities, and bringing my lunch again.

Unfortunately I will have to use a big chunk of my tax refund to pay off small debts, then that will free up money to pay extra on my car loan and attack my one large credit card debt. Still looking for ways to make extra income as well, even if it's a temporary gig, a few months of extra income would help out tremendously.

I don't believe in luck, I believe in Jesus...(c)Farnsworth Bentley


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Thu Dec-31-09 02:35 PM

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57. "I started buying food stamps... **shrugs** saves me a lot!"
In response to Reply # 0



I did that & I also I started saving more by increasing my 401k contributions & having my saving taken directly by direct deposit.

I also selected the auto-pay option for my car insurance which lowered my monthly payment.

Somebody's lying...

@Atruelady Twitter/ @Sweetesttaboos Instagram


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 05:17 PM

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63. "having auto debit for some things"
In response to Reply # 57



is a plus, my insurance offered a discount for it too. 401k, I only do the max. the company matches. I talked to a financial advisor a few months back and they said anything above what the company matches is a waste, because you are limited on your investments. He said the best thing to do with that extra money is put it in a IRA.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Jul 19th 2007
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Thu Dec-31-09 02:40 PM

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58. "save more, spend less"
In response to Reply # 0



i made good money this year. salary of around 80k. problem was, i spent like i made 100k. so my credit/debt situation isn't good. on top of that, my student loans are coming due. i need to start spending like i make 40k and saving more. i now see that it really isn't how much you make but how much you save that matters. my friends who made significantly less than me but had better spending habits all had a better quality of life than i had. that is where i want to be for 2010. i am so done with the materialistic rat race. no new vehicles, no crazy rent, limiting my eating out, chilling on the movies, and saying no to must have designer clothes. pay myself first is my mantra.

- u already know


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Thu Dec-31-09 05:21 PM

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64. "materialistic rat race"
In response to Reply # 58



is a good way of putting it. You are talking to someone who had to have a new outfit for every weekend outting trying to keep up with everybody else. more. I'm actually going to comit to 2 outtings a month if I have to pay for it.

Movies I now watch online.

Cable disconnected as of January 2, with and who needs it?

My biggest bill right now is the cell phone...I can't shake the web package what else am I supposed to do when I'm bored out somewhere or at work or when I'm lost.

I'm just sayin'.


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Fri Jan-01-10 12:13 PM

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80. "this is my mother"
In response to Reply # 58



>i now
>see that it really isn't how much you make but how much you
>save that matters. my friends who made significantly less than
>me but had better spending habits all had a better quality of
>life than i had. that is where i want to be for 2010. i am so
>done with the materialistic rat race.

i'm almost done
i'm finding a better balance

smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Member since Jun 18th 2002
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Thu Dec-31-09 03:48 PM

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60. "good anchor! good anchor! *FFC*"
In response to Reply # 0



smart dumb niggas i see is the theme of the week on okp (c)esb
When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. Live so that when you die, you rejoice, and the world cries.
You cannot hate people for their own good.


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Thu Dec-31-09 03:53 PM

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61. "I've learned a bit from watching my Mom"
In response to Reply # 0



Cuz Lawd knows she aint really sat down and taught me none of this... It also helps to have a loving, annoyingly-persistent-with-their-financial-advice-type friend in the banking industry.

I borrowed from my CD to pay off my medical bills, after I'm finished paying up the CD I'm gonna continue those payments and put it into my savings. I got the Keep the Change option from Bank of America and its really building up. I upped the amount contributed to my deferred comp acct at work... I might try to keep this low rent, but I REALLY need a bigger apt.

I'm spending less and saving more, hopefully I'll be a homeowner in the next couple years.


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Thu Dec-31-09 04:50 PM

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62. "ING Online Banking - $25 Bonus"
In response to Reply # 0
Thu Dec-31-09 04:51 PM by kajsidog



Been a huge fan and they keep offering more and more services. Recently got a $121 just for using a debit card 3 times from them. (Black Friday Deal)

Best thing about them is setting it up to pull a set amount each week automatically to be an emergency savings. I don't notice the money is gone and it gets more interest. Very intuitive website also.

If anyone wants $25 for opening an account with them let me know, I do get $10 but know I am a big supporter of ING's ease and how it's transformed my "In Case of Shit" money. Saved me when I was laid off last year. I try to keep 3 months in there and the rest I invest in the market.

See ya, JAK

Winner of OKP Second Photo Kontest
Pic #6


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71. "I'm going to research"
In response to Reply # 62



which online option is best for me. ING sounds like a good one, if I decide to go with this I'll be sure to hit you up.

I'm just sayin'.


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82. "Take a look at HSBC"
In response to Reply # 71




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Thu Dec-31-09 06:58 PM

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66. "2009 was a lackluster financial year for me..."
In response to Reply # 0



Completely depleted my savings due to various things...mainly selling my house and helping out fam.

So far I'm doing alright getting that money back.

2010 for me will include...

1. increasing savings by abt 10% bringing it to abt 35% of total income.

2. finally starting a 529 for the kids...move the small amount of savings I did for them over into that.

3. student fuckin this is making my blood pressure rise as I type this. this has been my achilles heel for the longest.

4. clean up credit due to student loans...i plan on getting another house late 2010.

5. upgrade all of my computer and photo equipment.

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan" (c) Martin Luther King Jr.


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Thu Dec-31-09 07:03 PM

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67. "helping family"
In response to Reply # 66



is definitely on my top things to stop doing in 2010. I gotta look out for my own needs.

35% of income? I am not mad at all. Right now I'm thinking of starting off with 10% each paycheck and work my way up from there.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Dec 06th 2006
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Thu Dec-31-09 07:30 PM

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68. "yeah i always expect something to happen as far as fam is concerned.."
In response to Reply # 67



but this year was more than usual.

ultimately i wanna live off of 50% of what i make.

completely doable cuz i make decent money but i like nice things so that always gets in the way of the magical 50.

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan" (c) Martin Luther King Jr.


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Charter member
Thu Dec-31-09 07:55 PM

69. "im going to be saving 15% of my biweekly paycheque..."
In response to Reply # 0


i opened a high interest savings account two days ago....there's a few hundred in it so far.

I also have almost $5000 in savings plan...once i am able to access that money in april...i'll be taking it and paying off my entire citibank card in one lump sum and part of my visa.

I've been being a little silly with my money these last couple weeks cuz i got a pretty nice bonus...been eating out and buying clothes.

and i went a lil crazy spending on clothes..i spent about $300 on 4 shirts and i really don't need em so i'll be bringing them back on Saturday.

i plan to apply for school for fall 2010....that will be the biggest financial change....not exactly sure how that's going to work yet.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Thu Dec-31-09 08:48 PM

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70. "school will be nothing to be worried about..."
In response to Reply # 69



financially right now.

When I went back to school money was my biggest concern too. My enrollment counselor was like ummm even an NBA player can get financial aid, next thing I know I'm taking my first class less than 2 weeks later.

I have loans and I get reimbursements through my job. My goal when I first started was to put that reimbursement money into an IRA so I wouldn't have to pay for school out of pocket but of course that didn't work out. Things came up and I ended up using that money to play catch up.

I plan on going back to that plan in 2010 though. Good luck to you.

I'm just sayin'.


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Charter member
Fri Jan-01-10 06:25 PM

86. ": ) "
In response to Reply # 70


Thank you...

and good luck to you, too.

>financially right now.
>When I went back to school money was my biggest concern too.
>My enrollment counselor was like ummm even an NBA player can
>get financial aid, next thing I know I'm taking my first class
>less than 2 weeks later.
>I have loans and I get reimbursements through my job. My goal
>when I first started was to put that reimbursement money into
>an IRA so I wouldn't have to pay for school out of pocket but
>of course that didn't work out. Things came up and I ended up
>using that money to play catch up.
>I plan on going back to that plan in 2010 though. Good luck to


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Wed Jan-06-10 10:02 AM

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108. "LETS GO!"
In response to Reply # 69



>i plan to apply for school for fall 2010....


shakin your block with a 6 million dollar bop



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Thu Dec-31-09 10:29 PM

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74. "great post and i'm doing similar things"
In response to Reply # 0



for 2010..very determined to get my credit RIGHT and my savings UP...i'm investing my job's 401K plan and actively looking for freelance/part time gigs to bring my savings/money up also...

Get Out the Room

Some of y'all need this in your life:


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Member since May 29th 2006
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Fri Jan-01-10 01:22 AM

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75. "to stop procrastinating and make investment decisions"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Jan-01-10 01:26 AM by deemz



i'm doing well financially. net worth is in the 6 figures range, no debt, my savings to spending ratio is great, but i lose money due to inflation because my assets are nearly 70% cash.

i have a psychological block that's preventing me from making financial decisions. i just can't commit to anything long-term and i don't trust my judgements, even after doing the analysis. this also stems from a lack of goals.

i'd like to change all of the above.


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Fri Jan-01-10 03:55 AM

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76. "doubling the $50 every paycheck to savings to $100 every paycheck."
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San Diego State's holy trinity of sports:
Kawhi Leonard
Marshall Faulk
Tony Gwynn (RIP)



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Fri Jan-01-10 06:54 AM

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77. "So many good ideas being given here"
In response to Reply # 76



I think I'm going to pay my bills with every paycheck as suggested by a previous poster.

Have 75 dollars go into the Shit happens account that was suggested by another poster.

Have 25 dollars go into some sort of investment account, 25 ain't much no but at least its a start.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Fri Jan-01-10 07:50 AM

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In response to Reply # 0



has some great tips and tools.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Feb 13th 2006
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Fri Jan-01-10 08:49 AM

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79. "Don't Buy Shit You Can't Afford"
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Member since Oct 30th 2006
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Fri Jan-01-10 01:28 PM

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81. "Just started my Roth IRA"
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Member since Apr 11th 2003
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Fri Jan-01-10 02:49 PM

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In response to Reply # 0



"Your current frequencies of understanding outweigh that which has been given for you to understand." Saul Williams


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Member since May 11th 2003
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Fri Jan-01-10 03:19 PM

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85. "We are going plastic free in 2010"
In response to Reply # 0


It is more of an experiment because we dont typically carry balances on our ccs but WE LIKE TO TRAVEL so we are going to see how this works.

We are going to switch to bimonthly mortgage payments to knock this SOB out in 15 years instead of 30.

Going to have more REAL money in reserves.

Pick your man like you pick your shoes.
Try em on, walk around with em,
make sure they don't hurt or cost too much. If you don't like
after a while..
send them back or sell them to the next woman © Me


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Sat Jan-02-10 08:49 PM

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92. "WORD. Down to 1 credit card and don't use it"
In response to Reply # 85



Pay everything with cash/debit. My wife and I made a vow that if we don't have the cash for something, we don't buy it.


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Sat Jan-02-10 06:14 AM

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88. "Learn to plan ahead & anticipate major expenses"
In response to Reply # 0


For the most part people aren't THAT dumb about money I don't think, provided they're making a commitment to living below their means.

So what gets most people in trouble?

1) Not planning out their expenses well enough, they get paid and figure things will be cool, but aren't really aware of how much they spend on various key expenses.

2) Put some thought into future major expenses you'll need to finance.

I bought a set of new tires for my car a couple of years ago, so I just made a mental note that in '09 I'd need to buy new ones and planned ahead for it.

Also think about things that could go wrong and plan ahead: Dryer breaks, hot water heater, etc.

Anyone can make a budget based on the norm, the trick is to put aside money for the random things that pop up from month to month.

Chances are people who are having trouble with their month to month, are really in trouble due to one-time things, not their daily costs.



The Blog:

An assassin’s life is never easy. Still, it beats being an assassin’s target.

Enjoy your money, but live below your means, lest you become a 70-yr old Wal-Mart Greeter.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Sat Jan-02-10 10:25 AM

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89. "you are right..."
In response to Reply # 88



all it takes is one out of the blue expense that throws everything off for most of us.

I'm just sayin'.


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Sat Jan-02-10 11:44 AM

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90. "major life events"
In response to Reply # 88


If your parents are getting older make sure their affairs are in order too. Know what type of slack you might have to pick up. I didn't and now I'm going insane with power of attorney and stuff.


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Sat Jan-02-10 07:18 PM

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91. "man, i have been waiting for you to post up."
In response to Reply # 88


"rick ross got old african woman swag" (c)nayaa


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Sun Jan-03-10 04:05 PM

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94. "I'm evicting my tenant... 3 months past due and late all year."
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Member since Apr 18th 2009
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Sun Jan-03-10 08:53 PM

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96. "i plan to get my auset1 on"
In response to Reply # 0



i.e. start creating, making then selling stuff online to supplement my income... i need to stop being such a hoarder and sell some of my books too.

other than that, i've secured more work as a freelance proofreader for a publishing house where i used to work. *waits for an okpedant to correct me in some way* lol


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Mon Jan-04-10 11:46 AM

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98. "Something we can all look forward to"
In response to Reply # 0



New baby, temporary layoffs, private education, car note, rent and basic bills are killing the pockets right now.


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Member since Dec 15th 2004
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Mon Jan-04-10 12:11 PM

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99. "Free Copy of David Bach's new financial book TODAY ONLY"
In response to Reply # 0



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Member since Nov 30th 2005
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Mon Jan-04-10 12:23 PM

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100. ""
In response to Reply # 0




"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Member since Aug 23rd 2002
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Mon Jan-04-10 06:33 PM

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101. "RE: 2010 Financial Changes"
In response to Reply # 0



im going to save money and stop impulse buying.
Im going to try and save 500 a month..i've never ever been able to save money...EVER.


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Mon Jan-04-10 08:30 PM

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102. "me neither "
In response to Reply # 101



outside of my 401k cause I can't touch it.

I'm just sayin'.


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Tue Jan-05-10 02:19 PM

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103. "see...i gotta get OUT of where i am..before i can get to where"
In response to Reply # 0



i'm goin...

i have a shitload of things to payOFF

legal fees for tix and lawyer
monthly bills

i'm just gonna make a list of everything i owe (short term)....add it up into a lump sum...and divide it up into consolidated (money i'ma pay my bills with) money...

after I get THAT stuff down...

THEN on to my credit report....

anybody ever use those ppl who "supposeda" help u get your credit right?



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Starkey Loves Girl
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Wed Jan-06-10 04:27 PM

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110. "Til Debt Do Us Part"
In response to Reply # 0



Money in jars shit...for beginners

"Make me good, God. But not yet"- Nurse Jackie


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Loud but Wrong guy
Member since Dec 29th 2009
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Fri Jan-08-10 06:03 AM

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In response to Reply # 0





*Runs to the bank to withdraw his life savings and kid's college fund*



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Member since May 10th 2009
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Fri Jan-08-10 10:00 AM

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112. "LMAO!!!"
In response to Reply # 111



good luck with that.

I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Apr 02nd 2003
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Fri Jan-08-10 10:38 PM

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114. "started selling the stuff i don't use online"
In response to Reply # 0



making a couple bucks on old clothes or whatever is better than having it sitting in the closet taking up space


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Member since May 10th 2009
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Fri Jan-08-10 11:41 PM

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116. "word. Are you doing this on Ebay? "
In response to Reply # 114



I'm just sayin'.


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Member since Feb 26th 2003
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Sun Jan-10-10 11:17 AM

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117. "Kasasa Cash Checking 4% APY"
In response to Reply # 0


These accounts have been springing up around the US over the past year, and I was happy to see a local Ohio bank has picked it up. The bank I had been using for the past 3-4 months had just cut their rate back from 4% to under 1%.

The terms:

12 signature-based debit card transactions per month
1 auto payment or direct deposit per month
Enroll in eStatements
ATM fees refunded
4% interest on balances up to $25,000

If you do electronic banking and use your debit card for purchases, this is an easy way to make some more money through accruing interest.


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Member since Jun 27th 2006
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Sun Jan-10-10 04:30 PM

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118. "Free Budgeting Spread Sheets"
In response to Reply # 0


I use a couple of theses.


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Mon Jan-11-10 11:12 PM

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120. "No more eating out biggest change"
In response to Reply # 0


2010 will be a good financial year

$15K in online savings
$7000-10K in IRA
Cut student loans to $2000
Increase Side Hustle Income to $1000/month
Eliminate $1500 cc debt

- Cut food/restaurants to $300/month
- eliminate parking tickets ($50/month)
- metro more, drive less
- give more to people who need blessings (church, friends, fam)

Rise & Shine
Thrive & Grind
Heart & Mind


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ob1 kenobi
Member since Sep 11th 2003
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Tue Jan-12-10 09:40 PM

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121. "Short sale my house..."
In response to Reply # 0



...Pay off debt. Take my bumps and bruises this year so hopefully I can buy another house in the future. Untill then - stack paper!


"...You didn't do the knowledge what the God was manifestin'..."


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Member since Nov 12th 2003
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Fri Jan-15-10 01:55 PM

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124. "i just set a weekly auto-transfer of 25 bucks to my savings "
In response to Reply # 0



not a huge amount but if i keep at it will give me a decent amount at the end of the yr.

I got a good life man


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