i have a million thoughts in my head and am hella anxious. This kid never ceases to Hadouken my heart right outta my chest man.
anyway, my new neighborhood isn't the greatest of Philly and it's a huge contrast to where i was last at, but my crib’s beautiful man. Hella beautiful. it's my little heaven tucked away. Yes, I live in North Philly, hella close to Girard Ave of Brewytown and the distinction of the high middle class and the poor is very evident by the crossing of Girard Ave. Fairmount(high middle class) couple feet, and Brewytown (mixed middle class and poor) by a few feet back.
Let me get to the skinny though... my son always asked me to get him books on MLK since he was yay high and asked me to get books on him again since his books are back in Cali. So I did just that. He asked me for audio recently about a week or so of MLK’s speeches and sermons, so I tried to fulfill his request and went to every B&N and Borders but didn’t find much of anything. However, there is something to be released in December so I’ll make that a xmas gift for him.
Our next door neighbor who’s a dj (which I didn’t know) created him a mix w/ MLK speeches incorporated w/ some instrumentals, mash that shit and gave it to my son over the weekend.
My son calls me from the afterschool program he’s a part of begging and pleading to go home early yesterday. I ask him why? He told me it was important that he meet with Marvin who is a good friend of our circle. I call Marv to see what this important meeting’s all about and told my son I’d call him back. Marv tells me that he was giving my son his old home stereo system since he has a new one on deck. Worked that out and it’s at the crib.
Last night my son requests that he comes home early with my girl C’ and promises to get his homework done early, have his clothes ready and all that good stuff. I checked with her, coast was clear and it was set.
Get a call from my girl C’ and she like “P… Guess what your son’s doing… Listen--”
I’m listening and it’s the stereo blasting loudly of that MLK cd. So I’m like, so what *shrugs*.
She’s like nah, he got the speakers facing outside with the house windows open.
I called my son over to the phone to ask wth is he doing and he simply said “they need to hear this mom”.
I get it kid. I get it.
Get C' back on the phone to assure that the coast is clear and nobody actin a fool. Nope. Crystal. Shit, as much meek milz and jay z i be hearin around the block... why not THIS.
on top of it he been petitioning to leave the charter school i broke my neck to get him in to go to the public school up the street "to be where more black kids go" ... instead i work with the ombudsman there now.
I’m working on his bullhorn.
Everything happens for a reason man... everything.
Philly ain't a bad place. Just unkempt, neglected in places where people of color are dominant (generally blacks & latino) and misunderstood.
THIS kid though... Angelo was and is right, and it ain't new to me... he IS a blessing to me.
I just wanna go home and cook up a fat ass meal for him to celebrate his intentions. If we did have an audio cd of mlk's speeches/sermons, I know this is what he would've done with it. I just realized he's mentioned this before but I glossed over it with a million other thoughts. Damn. DAMN. DAMN!
I need to listen BETTER.
He ain't trying to change the world, he just trying to infect whoever just might be listening in our small block in North Philly, and drown out some of the bullshit w/ some upliftment.
The end.