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Subject: "So have we discussed that NASA is going to bomb the moon tomorrow?" This topic is locked.
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31246 posts
Thu Oct-08-09 11:03 PM

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"So have we discussed that NASA is going to bomb the moon tomorrow?"



literally. bomb the moon.

Nasa to ‘bomb’ moon in search of water

Washington, 8 Oct: Just weeks after Isro and Nasa announced discovery of evidence of water on the lunar surface, the US Space agency is all set to bomb the Moon tomorrow in search for hidden water in a controversial mission.

Scientists will see two spacecraft slamming into the moon's south pole at 9,000 kmph kicking up a 10-km-high shower of debris that National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) hopes will confirm the presence of enough water necessary to supply future visits by astronauts.

Amateur astronomers in parts of the world may be able to view the impact through a telescope; for everyone else, the crash will be broadcast live on the Nasa website along with early pictures of the lunar dust cloud during the dramatic mission. Within an hour of the impact, scientists will know whether water was hiding there or not.
The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) announced last month that the country's first unmanned lunar mission Chandrayaan-I found evidence of water on the moon within a month after it was launched in October last year to make the first such discovery. Nasa had also announced last month that it found evidence of water. ;PTI

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Topic Outline
Subject Author Message Date ID
those damn moon people shouldn't have been talking shit
Oct 08th 2009
fight them on the moon so we don't have to fight them here
Oct 08th 2009
they hate our freedom
Oct 08th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 08th 2009
They don't want you them to be free because
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 08th 2009
what's weird is there was a 2012 thing on
Oct 08th 2009
dawg this aint gone end well at all...
Oct 09th 2009
      Oh come on.
Oct 09th 2009
      you could WALK
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 08th 2009
what on earth(or, um the moon)?? *how* does this benefit us exactly?
Oct 08th 2009
Dasani: $1.50 a bottle
Oct 08th 2009
      would you drink moon water though?....
Oct 08th 2009
      sheeeeeeiiot no, lol
Oct 08th 2009
      please tell me you're joking
Oct 08th 2009
      RE: Dasani: $1.50 a bottle
Oct 09th 2009
Canibus is working this into a rhyme right now
Oct 08th 2009
I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
you win three internets for this, sir.
Oct 09th 2009
Yes you Can
Oct 09th 2009
*standing ovation*. *gives you nobel peace prize*. nm
Oct 09th 2009
"cities turn to mushrooms, like we on some smurf shit" I like it
Oct 09th 2009
that was hard.
Oct 09th 2009
RE: I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface
Oct 09th 2009
dunnt is no joke.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
notable & quotable...
Oct 09th 2009
Someone get the man a beat to lace
Oct 09th 2009
shit, I'm already trying to think of the rest of the song, lol
Oct 09th 2009
RE: I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 10th 2009
lol nm
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 08th 2009
I don't think they need to tamper with the moon.
Oct 08th 2009
Oh its too late for "I don't think they should/need". They GONNA.
Oct 08th 2009
for real...something that all people on earth 'depend' on...
Oct 08th 2009
there's craters on the moon
Oct 09th 2009
      i guess...but was talking more about...
Oct 09th 2009
           I think they were following up on what India discovered here:
Oct 09th 2009
lol i cant tell if ur being sarcastic
Oct 09th 2009
      comeon. can we get some hanging chads for the night light??
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 08th 2009
RE: I don't think they need to tamper with the moon.
Oct 09th 2009
It reminds me of this:
Oct 08th 2009
*smh* shit is scary.
Oct 08th 2009
^^^ Exactly what came to my mind
Oct 09th 2009
Oh fabulous. Here's a live streaming link so we can all watch the fuckup...
Oct 08th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
"I have a great idea! Let's hurl a bomb at the moon!".....
Oct 09th 2009
I know right....and how is
Oct 09th 2009
      so they should just cancel NASA, take all of their funding
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
                what makes it stupid?
Oct 09th 2009
                cause its all a big ass assumption
Oct 09th 2009
                     how would you ever learn anything if you didn't do experiments?
Oct 09th 2009
                     *uses computer & internet to bitch about scientific advancements*
Oct 09th 2009
                     that was much faster and efficient than what i said. well done.
Oct 09th 2009
                     is NASA to thank or the folks that actually invented them?
Oct 09th 2009
                          Invention doesn't exist within a scientific vacuum.
Oct 09th 2009
                          look Moe
Oct 09th 2009
                               Nobody is giving NASA all the praise and glory.
Oct 09th 2009
                               the 25 list of things just did along w/yall co-signs
Oct 09th 2009
                               No we're not.
Oct 09th 2009
                               i think a gun just went off in your hand and your foot is bleeding
Oct 10th 2009
                                    Please expound.
Oct 10th 2009
                               here's the thing...
Oct 09th 2009
                          Science is not done by one person at a time.
Oct 09th 2009
                          indeed Larry
Oct 09th 2009
                               Who the hell cares about "cred?"
Oct 09th 2009
                                    Is Nasa funding, approval needed like that?
Oct 09th 2009
                                         Jesus christ. You have no idea what science is.
Oct 09th 2009
                          Seriously? Stop.
Oct 09th 2009
                               Oh STFU Curly
Oct 09th 2009
                                    did you ever take science in high school?
Oct 09th 2009
                                    Larger Asteroids hit the Moon EVERY DAY
Oct 09th 2009
                     ppl say this stupid shit all the time
Oct 10th 2009
                     NASA gave us Velcro
Oct 09th 2009
                          wat? velcro is not cuddly and marketable...foh
Oct 10th 2009
                ^^^ prolly has DirecTV + GPS navigation
Oct 09th 2009
                     FYI I have a state of the art Bedrock tv and go er'where by horse&buggy
Oct 09th 2009
reminds me of this scene from Up In Smoke:
Oct 09th 2009
Is that our go-to solution these now?
Oct 09th 2009
it gonna rain cheese?
Oct 09th 2009
dang, this whole thing does
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
      Oh its definitely a cracker one of the ends
Oct 09th 2009
New Cheez-it commercial coming up....
Oct 09th 2009
I thought Master Roshi already destroyed it.
Oct 09th 2009
nah piccolo did that
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 10th 2009
the could've just called me but noooooooo
Oct 09th 2009
do what you cane
Oct 09th 2009
the other thing that's messed up is that the moon is not OURS...
Oct 09th 2009
we are setting a bad example.
Oct 09th 2009
      This thread has my sarcasm-o-meter going in all directions at once.
Oct 09th 2009
you realize its not an actual "bomb", right?
Oct 09th 2009
shuttle on collision course = bomb.
Oct 09th 2009
      um...not really.
Oct 09th 2009
      what do you do for a living exactly?
Oct 09th 2009
           I need a translation for your hit-dogginess.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
           RE: suprise?
Oct 09th 2009
           "hit-dogginess." ... This is getting better
Oct 09th 2009
                it doesn't really apply to 1on1 dialogue though.
Oct 10th 2009
                     ^^^^still hurt & still wrong!
Oct 10th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
      'et makes it more a missle 'n a bomb, chappy
Oct 09th 2009
yeah just make sure you're watching the rest of the news for
Oct 09th 2009
but don't watch the news, though
Oct 09th 2009
this is going to get like a 30 second blurb on the news
Oct 09th 2009
The nutjobs are out en masse doing their thing
Oct 09th 2009
Oh shit, I had to watch that movie in undergrad.
Oct 09th 2009
holy shit! lmao.
Oct 09th 2009
*facepalms this whole post*
Oct 09th 2009
LOL - basically
Oct 09th 2009
This whole post
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
One MoonMan, one VOTE (c) Nelson Moonmandela. nm
Oct 09th 2009
don't let it stress you out man
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
NASA is trying to
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
      Top 25 NASA-linked technologies *swipe*
Oct 09th 2009
           RE: Top 25 NASA-linked technologies *swipe*
Oct 09th 2009
Mr. Show was FIRST
Oct 09th 2009
First thing I thought of
Oct 09th 2009
I'm Still Kind Of Nervous About This Plan
Oct 09th 2009
RE: I'm Still Kind Of Nervous About This Plan
Oct 09th 2009
I'm Anti-Moon so I'm all for it
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
LOL @ the rampant paranoia
Oct 09th 2009
Ok, mister rational, explain why this is perfectly normal.
Oct 09th 2009
      RE: Ok, mister rational, explain why this is perfectly normal.
Oct 09th 2009
      Because larger Asteroids hit the Moon ALL THE TIME
Oct 09th 2009
R.I.P. Ignignokt and Err
Oct 09th 2009
lol! ^^underrated reply^^
Oct 09th 2009
I got a bad feeling about this.
Oct 09th 2009
Moon reps respond
Oct 09th 2009
This post is hilarious, man.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
      Well took a sec but I laffed
Oct 09th 2009
      ^^^^^^^^^ 69 (i keep tellin ya'll)
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
i want to put like 25 replies in my sig.
Oct 09th 2009
shit just got real.
Oct 09th 2009
and time won't end on the moon?
Oct 09th 2009
well did it work?
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
      lmmfao. this shit is hilarious
Oct 09th 2009
Hollywood & US education fucked y'all up.
Oct 09th 2009
oh shit! they got Moon Muslims now? nm
Oct 09th 2009
this thread has me excited. I know better, but damn if this
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
RE: So have we discussed that NASA is going to bomb the moon tomorrow?
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
I thought this thread would be fun.
Oct 09th 2009
that shit is gon be like indepence day when that 1st rockey made it
Oct 09th 2009
the worlds gone mad
Oct 09th 2009
I love how people think that this shuttle collision is going to destroy
Oct 09th 2009
shoot for the moon.. if you miss youll be amongst the stars
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
yes yes YES, this is what I'm talking about
Oct 09th 2009
that nigga next to will ferrell is ugly as shit
Oct 09th 2009
      boats and hoes baby
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Holy shit, you and soulgyal are the craziest fucking okfees ever.
Oct 09th 2009
*looks around* Did I just say something? So then WHY MY NAME..
Oct 09th 2009
So how am I supposed to react to this?
Oct 09th 2009
I think she's earned it.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
take your shirt off and go in.
Oct 09th 2009
      I see what you're doing there.
Oct 09th 2009
lol in all caps too?
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
I'm CRYIN laughin right now
Oct 09th 2009
certified sadity silly crazy biatch
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
but you already crazy tho.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
the mooninites are gonna fuck someone up...Err gonna CAP!
Oct 09th 2009
I'm doing it harder than I've ever done before. (c) Ignognikt
Oct 09th 2009
i need someone (a scientist or armchair scientist) to
Oct 09th 2009
ME TOO....they just got time and money to waste that sht cost 80 million
Oct 09th 2009
the short version:
Oct 09th 2009
why would it matter if there's water???
Oct 09th 2009
because much of the expense in launching space missions
Oct 09th 2009
very well written. i never thought about it like this n/m
Oct 10th 2009
Water facilitates the existence of life.
Oct 09th 2009
how does this end the "fable" of god putting us here?
Oct 09th 2009
      First: I meant, "here and nowhere else".
Oct 09th 2009
           not saying if he did isn't saying he didn't
Oct 09th 2009
                And most religions tend to ignore or disbelieve anything that
Oct 10th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Thanks Kosher
Oct 09th 2009
      the opening sentence of the article phenom posted says
Oct 09th 2009
To add on to KosherSam:
Oct 09th 2009
      word... you ever seen the size of the craters on the moon? (not @ backbo...
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
this is now the 2nd funniest post i've ever read in OKP
Oct 09th 2009
rocks are smarter than some people in this post.
Oct 09th 2009
      it's a goldmine of "what da hell" moments
Oct 09th 2009
      I've always been biased against stupidity and paranoia.....
Oct 09th 2009
      that "they tryin to control our wombs" bit is damn close
Oct 09th 2009
      i laughed loud as hell offa that. womb control. fam.
Oct 09th 2009
           True luna-cy
Oct 09th 2009
                Really tho... if men had even CONSIDERED the POSSIBILITY of
Oct 09th 2009
      perhaps you missed this:
Oct 09th 2009
      If you're referring to post 143,
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
                sure buddy
Oct 09th 2009
                     Oh so we're nitpicking, fun!
Oct 09th 2009
                          okay buddy
Oct 09th 2009
                               Yeah I kind of expected as much.
Oct 09th 2009
                               thanks buddy
Oct 09th 2009
                               REWARD UNLOCKED: Lack of Rational Rebuttal - 10 OKDollars.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
           sure, they ridin for the Mooninites NOW, but let them immigrate
Oct 09th 2009
                Then all of a sudden, "bombing" the moon won't be such a bad idea
Oct 09th 2009
this post is like the gift that keeps on giving
Oct 09th 2009
i came in here for moon humor and i'm not disappointed.
Oct 09th 2009
i mean, the first line of the post was wrong. and it went downhill.
Oct 09th 2009
Phenomenality is being tongue in cheek.
Oct 09th 2009
      but.. she said... uh. i won't even bother.
Oct 09th 2009
           Yeah. I think I'm just going to watch an episode of Fringe right now.
Oct 09th 2009
           Comeon man...
Oct 09th 2009
This is why white people are on OKP
Oct 09th 2009
lol stop.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
So NSBE ain't shit, huh? lol
Oct 09th 2009
I'm beginning to think women shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore.
Oct 09th 2009
Any honest person knows the technology doesn't exist to bomb the moon.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
lol @ people actin like we bout to death star the moon
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
oh dont worry. this was going in the archives as soon as i spit my verse
Oct 09th 2009
      ^^^ ego so big, NASA tryin' to bomb it.
Oct 09th 2009
           what good is power if you can't abuse it?
Oct 09th 2009
                Abuse is the only thing that power understands.
Oct 09th 2009
RIP Mooninites
Oct 09th 2009
Ya know. The way the looney tunes came out today,
Oct 09th 2009
So what the fuck happened?
Oct 09th 2009
Boom. Plume. Data, data, data.
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
this was a fun post. archive!
Oct 09th 2009
Oct 09th 2009
I swear before God, some of y'all give black folk a bad name when it
Oct 09th 2009
RE: I swear before God, some of y'all give black folk a bad name when it
Oct 10th 2009
a lot of okayplayers of all hues are dumb as fuck.
Oct 10th 2009
      pretty much. can't blame it on black people n/m
Oct 10th 2009
Soooo, NASA heard Kid Cudi's 'Man On The Moon'
Oct 10th 2009
i thought this was some graf shit to let Mars know 'this OURS'.
Oct 10th 2009
Oct 10th 2009

Member since Dec 23rd 2002
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:05 PM

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1. "those damn moon people shouldn't have been talking shit"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since Apr 01st 2007
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:08 PM

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4. "fight them on the moon so we don't have to fight them here"
In response to Reply # 1



whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Member since Dec 23rd 2002
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:08 PM

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5. "they hate our freedom"
In response to Reply # 4




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Fri Oct-09-09 05:20 AM

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54. "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 5



Stop fuckin' wit me. ~~ Mike J.


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Member since Aug 20th 2003
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:09 PM

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8. "lol."
In response to Reply # 1





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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:07 AM

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75. "They don't want you them to be free because"
In response to Reply # 1



they don't want you to be FREE


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Charter member
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:06 PM

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In response to Reply # 0



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Mr. ManC
Member since Jan 26th 2009
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:06 PM

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3. "what's weird is there was a 2012 thing on"
In response to Reply # 0



about how if there were some sorta doomish projectile headed towards Earth, we'd be able to see it already coming...

but NOT if they CREATE one by blowing up the moon...

this reeks of Dr. Evil *puts pinky to mouth* 8)

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Member since Jan 11th 2009
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:27 PM

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111. "dawg this aint gone end well at all..."
In response to Reply # 3


why can't we just leave stuff alone?

why we do that?

maybe its our continuous quest to be like God. All knowing, All some 2009 Tower of Babel scenario.


see why im scared to have kids? i dont want my chile getting hit in the head 13 years from now by a piece of the moon that we bomb tomorrow.

i mean damn!


On lock.


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Charter member
8448 posts
Fri Oct-09-09 12:43 PM

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119. "Oh come on."
In response to Reply # 111



>why can't we just leave stuff alone?

>why we do that?

Because we need understanding of our surroundings.

>maybe its our continuous quest to be like God. All knowing,
>All some 2009 Tower of Babel scenario.

I doubt the scientist involved in this were like "let's be like god, let's shoot a tiny missile at the moon and create a hole that pales in comparison to the craters left on the moon's surface by actual meteorite impacts on a monthly basis."



>see why im scared to have kids? i dont want my chile getting
>hit in the head 13 years from now by a piece of the moon that
>we bomb tomorrow.

If you're scared to have kids because of this shit, wait till you hear about traffic accidents, cancer, suicidal thoughts and/or small arms! You know, just to name a few realistic causes of death.

>i mean damn!

Damn @ the basic level of understanding in this thread. Good thing there's a few good jokes in here as well.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Jan 25th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:38 PM

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146. "you could WALK"
In response to Reply # 111



from the moon to earth in 13 years. If a projectile came off the moon from an uncalculated mishap, it would arrive here tonight or tomorrow.

NASA is composed of well-trained, very knowledgable scientists. If it were up to the general public to run NASA we would never make it to the moon in the first place. Trust me on this one, we're safe.

-----the horror-----

walkin' round the planet earth. making money having fun.


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Charter member
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:09 PM

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6. "Photos"
In response to Reply # 0



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Member since Aug 20th 2003
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:09 PM

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7. "what on earth(or, um the moon)?? *how* does this benefit us exactly?"
In response to Reply # 0



and HOW much money are they spending to do this?



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Mr. ManC
Member since Jan 26th 2009
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:11 PM

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9. "Dasani: $1.50 a bottle"
In response to Reply # 7



moon water: PRICELESS 8D

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Member since Aug 20th 2003
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:13 PM

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12. "would you drink moon water though?...."
In response to Reply # 9


   i don't think i would. i'm sure it's full of alien baby egg sacs.

but if i was like 92 and knocking on heaven's door, i might do it just out of curiosity.



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Mr. ManC
Member since Jan 26th 2009
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:15 PM

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13. "sheeeeeeiiot no, lol"
In response to Reply # 12



I may wash my dog with it tho...he smells something turr'ble (c) Charles Barkley 8)

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Member since Aug 01st 2002
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:15 PM

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14. "please tell me you're joking"
In response to Reply # 12




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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:09 AM

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76. "RE: Dasani: $1.50 a bottle"
In response to Reply # 9



why could i see this on the DAVE CHAPPELLE cribs episode.

nigga open the fridge & got a NASA labelled bottle with that Moon Juice


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Member since Jul 07th 2003
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:11 PM

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10. "Canibus is working this into a rhyme right now"
In response to Reply # 0




********************* -- We are ALL dumhi


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:43 AM

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90. "I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface"
In response to Reply # 10



spread fallout on y'alls house til it's virtually worthless
moon rocks in the boondocks, too hot to cover the earth with
the fuck's the purpose? Can-I-Bus will murk shit
take the track to the backyard, bury it in a dirt pit
the best that's ever done this shit from the day that i first spit
my verses leave the earth looking like a gamma burst hit
cities turn to mushrooms, like we on some smurf shit

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
70132 posts
Fri Oct-09-09 08:45 AM

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92. "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 90



yeah, I'm calling attention to my own post... so?

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Charter member
2808 posts
Fri Oct-09-09 08:52 AM

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93. "you win three internets for this, sir."
In response to Reply # 90





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Charter member
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Fri Oct-09-09 09:00 AM

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94. "Yes you Can"
In response to Reply # 90



Can-I-Bus ?

:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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Charter member
58865 posts
Fri Oct-09-09 09:45 AM

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99. "*standing ovation*. *gives you nobel peace prize*. nm"
In response to Reply # 90



peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Fri Oct-09-09 11:21 AM

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102. ""cities turn to mushrooms, like we on some smurf shit" I like it"
In response to Reply # 90

    - the other stuff i'm looking at


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:48 PM

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183. "that was hard."
In response to Reply # 102



You know it's drama, but it sound real good.


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Member since Jul 07th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 11:31 AM

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103. "RE: I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface"
In response to Reply # 90



>spread fallout on y'alls house til it's virtually worthless
>moon rocks in the boondocks, too hot to cover the earth with
>the fuck's the purpose? Can-I-Bus will murk shit
>take the track to the backyard, bury it in a dirt pit
>the best that's ever done this shit from the day that i first
>my verses leave the earth looking like a gamma burst hit
>cities turn to mushrooms, like we on some smurf shit

That was dope as fuck actually.

********************* -- We are ALL dumhi


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:31 PM

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164. "dunnt is no joke."
In response to Reply # 103



Yeah I went there.


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 02:40 PM

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168. "D-U-N-N-T"
In response to Reply # 164



*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 11:56 AM

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107. "notable & quotable..."
In response to Reply # 90



I'm tryna be better off, not better than...


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Member since Sep 24th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:51 PM

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123. "Someone get the man a beat to lace"
In response to Reply # 90



PSN: RuptureMD

The 4th Annual Residency Encampment: Where do we go from here?

All you see is crime in the source code.


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:54 PM

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125. "shit, I'm already trying to think of the rest of the song, lol"
In response to Reply # 123



*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:29 PM

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162. "RE: I bomb MCs like NASA did to the lunar surface"
In response to Reply # 90



>spread fallout on y'alls house til it's virtually worthless
>moon rocks in the boondocks, too hot to cover the earth with
>the fuck's the purpose? Can-I-Bus will murk shit
>take the track to the backyard, bury it in a dirt pit
>the best that's ever done this shit from the day that i first
>my verses leave the earth looking like a gamma burst hit
>cities turn to mushrooms, like we on some smurf shit


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Member since Jun 06th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 06:11 PM

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216. "DAYUM SON"
In response to Reply # 90



that shit was HOT

November 8th, 2005 The greatest night in the history of GD!


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250. "lol"
In response to Reply # 90




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Fri Oct-09-09 06:42 PM

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225. "lol nm"
In response to Reply # 10



somebody you love needs a letter
from you ©my fortune cookie


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11. ""
In response to Reply # 0





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The Wordsmith
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:26 PM

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15. "I don't think they need to tamper with the moon."
In response to Reply # 0



Do whatever on Mars but the moon shouldn't be tampered with, especially since we depend on it. If they can't find a better, less destructive way to get water from the moon, then they should leave it alone.

Batman gettin' hoeslapped


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Thu Oct-08-09 11:30 PM

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16. "Oh its too late for "I don't think they should/need". They GONNA."
In response to Reply # 15



they bombin the shit tomorrow. period. no vote was had, no discussion.

fucked up.

:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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Member since Dec 11th 2004
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Thu Oct-08-09 11:34 PM

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19. "for real...something that all people on earth 'depend' on..."
In response to Reply # 16

   space team from one country is going to do this?...

fked up indeed


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Member since Jan 25th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:45 PM

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148. "there's craters on the moon"
In response to Reply # 19



because rocks the size of texas have been hitting it for millions of years. A little man-made satellite is not going to shift the well-being of mankind. We done effed that up already ourselves.

-----the horror-----

walkin' round the planet earth. making money having fun.


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Member since Dec 11th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 03:45 PM

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181. "i guess...but was talking more about..."
In response to Reply # 148


...the fact that its just the US taking part in this study/experiment...whatever they're doing...(is it?...haven't been following it)...
personally i think no one country should have a 'space program'....
should be a body with representatives of different regions of the world...


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:59 PM

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185. "I think they were following up on what India discovered here:"
In response to Reply # 181



I don't know how much they were actually collaborating though.

And while I think the ideal you're describing is worth striving for, I also think competition is good for advancement.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:29 AM

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46. "lol i cant tell if ur being sarcastic"
In response to Reply # 16



a vote?


geek the entire fuk down



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Fri Oct-09-09 07:40 AM

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67. "comeon. can we get some hanging chads for the night light??"
In response to Reply # 46
Fri Oct-09-09 08:08 AM by Phenomenality



:: ::

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17. "Exactly!"
In response to Reply # 15
Thu Oct-08-09 11:32 PM by Spacenaut



They're gonna fuck around here and fuck up.

And to add onto that, that money could have been used somewhere else.



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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:12 AM

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79. "RE: I don't think they need to tamper with the moon."
In response to Reply # 15



BUT DOESNT OUR ROTATION, AXIS, OCEANS and more depend on the size and shape it is?

cuz i watched this joint on Discovery Channel and the ppl were pretty adamant that if the Moon was a diff size, shape or rotated differently or had a diff axis then we'd be a completely different planet


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18. "It reminds me of this:"
In response to Reply # 0




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Thu Oct-08-09 11:35 PM

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20. "*smh* shit is scary."
In response to Reply # 18



:: ::

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Member since Jul 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:18 PM

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135. "^^^ Exactly what came to my mind"
In response to Reply # 18



Only part of that dumbass movie worth remembering


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Thu Oct-08-09 11:40 PM

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21. "Oh fabulous. Here's a live streaming link so we can all watch the fuckup..."
In response to Reply # 0



or at least watch the beginning of the fuckup.

:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:50 AM

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72. "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
In response to Reply # 21



:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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Member since Nov 09th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:08 AM

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22. ""I have a great idea! Let's hurl a bomb at the moon!"....."
In response to Reply # 0



I wanna know which guy said this, so we can kick his ass in the Ether when the world ends.

<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Mr. ManC
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:11 AM

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23. "I know right....and how is "
In response to Reply # 22



this > health care? I'm bouta write me a grant, to throw dirt clumps at the Sun...all I need $80 bagillion dollas 8)

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 09:34 AM

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97. "so they should just cancel NASA, take all of their funding"
In response to Reply # 23



and put tens of thousands of people out of work?

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 11:56 AM

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108. "YES!"
In response to Reply # 97



especially since theyre doing this stupid shit.
What is the purpose of NASA anyway?


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:05 PM

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109. "what makes it stupid?"
In response to Reply # 108



If we are going to do extended space missions, or potentially develop a permanent lunar facility we'll need to know if there is water on the moon to help sustain the astronauts.

should we spend billions of dollars to send a manned mission to the moon, and have them assemble a giant drill, and take months to drill down far enough to see if there's water? Or should we spend 10% of that amount to just crash some shit into the moon at high speed to create a big ass hole where we can get our answer much faster?

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:35 PM

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114. "cause its all a big ass assumption"
In response to Reply # 109



Nasa's assuming they'll find water water in the moon with the bombing, there's no gaurantee. Aint like the moon has sprung a trickle of water anywhere so it is stupid. Aside from sending folks in space and collecting moon dust, what has NASA done to enrich human life here on earth?


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:41 PM

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118. "how would you ever learn anything if you didn't do experiments?"
In response to Reply # 114
Fri Oct-09-09 12:42 PM by KosherSam



and as for the "what have they done?" argument....

1. SATELLITE TELEVISION: Our world would not be the same without the satellites now in orbit around the Earth – all thanks to the space programme. They not only give us satellite broadcast television and radio but also power telecommunications including mobile phones and terrestrial TV networks.

2. SAT NAV: The global positioning system on which our in-car navigation systems are based was developed by the US Department of Defense. They would not exist without the space satellites.

3. GOOGLE EARTH: Mapping was never as accurate as the images we can now get thanks to satellites which from space can even see a dog in your back garden.

4. VIRTUAL REALITY: Nasa-developed research and advanced technology devices allow users to project themselves into a computer-generated environment. When coupled with a stereo-viewing device and appropriate software, it creates a feeling of actually being there.

5. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS: Prosthetic limbs are not new but advancements in space robotics are being adapted to create more lifelike, functioning limbs.

6. DIALYSIS: Modern machines to do the work of the kidneys – for patients waiting for or unable to have transplants – were developed as a result of a Nasa-developed chemical process.

7. MRI AND CAT SCANS: Nasa did not invent magnetic resonance imaging but it has contributed to major advances thanks to research into computer enhancement of pictures sent from the moon. Digital image processing has led to enhanced images of human organs.

8. BREAST CANCER SCREENING: A silicon chip originally developed for Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope makes the testing process less painful, less scarring and less expensive than traditional biopsy methods.

9. ULTRASOUND TO ASSESS SKIN DAMAGE: An advanced instrument uses ultrasound technology to assess the depth of burn damage immediately, improving patient treatment and saving lives in serious burn cases.

10. EAR THERMOMETER: Removing the need to use intrusive, mercury-based thermometers on newborn babies and critically ill patients, the ear thermometer uses infrared astronomy technology to measure the amount of energy emitted by the eardrum. This is how Nasa measures the temperature of stars and planets.

11. ATTENTION GETTER: Techniques used to measure brain activity in Nasa pilots are being used to improve attention spans for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

12. ROAD SAFETY: The cutting of grooves in concrete to increase traction was developed to reduce space shuttle accidents on runways. It is now applied to roads and has cut US traffic accidents by 85 per cent.

13. IMPROVED RADIAL TIRES: Goodyear developed a fibrous material five times stronger than steel for Nasa to use in parachutes to land the Viking explorers on Mars. They expanded the technology to produce a harder-wearing radial car tire.

14. LANDMINE REMOVAL: Surplus rocket fuel is used for a flare that can burn a hole in the case of a mine and burn away its explosive content.

15. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Nasa software engineers have created thousands of computer programs to find imperfections in aerospace structures and components which has proved invaluable in air safety.

16. WATER FILTERS: Water-cleaning technology has existed since the early Fifties but Nasa came up with ways to filter it in more extreme situations. The activated charcoal with silver ions used in commercial filter systems cleans the water and kills bacteria.

17. FREEZE-DRIED FOOD: Nasa carried out extensive research to reduce the weight of food to be carried on missions. The result was a method for cooking food, freezing it quickly, then slowly heating it in a vacuum chamber to remove the ice crystals. The end product weighs one fifth of the original, while retaining 98 per cent of its nutrition.

18. TEMPER FOAM: Nasa developed a soft, high-energy-absorbent padding to improve crash protection in aircraft. Now “memory foam” is used in mattresses, pillows, military and civilian vehicles, sports safety equipment, amusement park rides, furniture and artificial limbs.

19. SCRATCH-RESISTANT LENSES: A modified version of a process developed by Nasa involves coating the lenses with a film of carbon that helps avoid scratches and decreases friction and reduces water spots.

20. RIBBED SWIMSUITS: The swimsuit worn by Olympic sensation Michael Phelps was developed with Nasa technology. Aerodynamic research came up with material which give 15 per cent faster speeds than any other swimsuit thanks to small, barely visible grooves that reduce friction and drag.

21. AERODYNAMIC GOLF BALLS: Technology is behind the design of golf balls with 500 dimples in a pattern of 60 triangles which allows the ball to maintain its initial speed longer and produce a more stable flight for better accuracy and distance.

22. ATHLETIC SHOES: Moon-boot material has been incorporated into running shoe midsoles to improve shock absorption and provide better stability and motion control.

23. PERSONAL ALARM SYSTEMS: A pen-sized ultrasonic transmitter used by prison guards, teachers, the elderly and disabled to call for help is based on space technology.

24. SPACE PENS: Most pens depend on gravity to make the ink flow to the ballpoint. The space pen was developed for the gravity-free space environment so that the ink cartridge contains pressurised gas to push the ink towards the ballpoint, so you can write upside down.

25. CORDLESS POWER TOOLS: The household and DIY products firm Black & Decker came up with a portable drill capable of extracting core samples from below the lunar surface during the Apollo missions. The same technology has been used on cordless miniature vacuum cleaners.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 12:52 PM

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124. "*uses computer & internet to bitch about scientific advancements*"
In response to Reply # 118



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:55 PM

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126. "that was much faster and efficient than what i said. well done."
In response to Reply # 124



*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 02:29 PM

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163. "is NASA to thank or the folks that actually invented them?"
In response to Reply # 124



yall given a lil too much credit where credit aint due


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:35 PM

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167. "Invention doesn't exist within a scientific vacuum."
In response to Reply # 163



And most recent developments in science are group efforts.

Without NASA, or the space race in general, we wouldn't have a lot of technologies that we benefit from today.

We're not just saying that so we can call you stupid, by the way.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:29 PM

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187. "look Moe"
In response to Reply # 167



it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to improve someone else's shit and to give NASA all the praise and glory shows how hungup on the bull you are. Granted Hollywood has given us great films and the #1 place to go if your interested in that industry, IT AINT THE BEGIN ALL END ALL for film, same goes for NASA and science.


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:36 PM

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191. "Nobody is giving NASA all the praise and glory."
In response to Reply # 187



Don't put words in our mouths.

We're simply saying that the kind of research that NASA stands for, is very important when it comes to scientific progress, and therefore indirectly for the quality of human life.

You keep trying to spin what we say in an effort to validate your unfounded claim that NASA is a useless waste of money.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:52 PM

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203. "the 25 list of things just did along w/yall co-signs"
In response to Reply # 191



it doesn't state who came up with the initial ideas, just states that NASA did this or enhanced that and there's more enhancements on that list than actual inventions.


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:59 PM

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207. "No we're not."
In response to Reply # 203



And that list isn't either. If you're interested in more details on those scientific developments, look them up on wikipedia. Nobody is trying to withhold that information from you to prevent denting the GLORY OF NASA; it's not in the article because it would be the size of the internet if were that extensive/inclusive.

Let me stop before I really get snarky.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Sat Oct-10-09 01:07 AM

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247. "i think a gun just went off in your hand and your foot is bleeding"
In response to Reply # 191



the kind of research that NASA stands
>for, is very important when it comes to scientific progress,
>and therefore indirectly for the quality of human life.

that indirectness is the problem


“Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, to the machinery of the world.”
- Gunter Eich


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Sat Oct-10-09 03:50 AM

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252. "Please expound."
In response to Reply # 247



You seem to know something I don't.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 06:18 PM

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218. "here's the thing..."
In response to Reply # 187



no one is saying NASA is the be all and end all of science.

what i'm saying is that there are many things that were invented or improved specifically BECAUSE of something that nasa was working on.

sure, someone may have developed satellite technology if nasa never existed, but because nasa DID exist, you had a team of some of the best engineers and scientists in the world working towards the specific goal of creating it.

so it's not that nasa *is* science. but the existence and funding of organizations such as nasa create an environment where the best and brightest minds are creating new technologies and making new discoveries that better all of society while working towards the goal of understanding the universe around us.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 02:41 PM

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169. "Science is not done by one person at a time."
In response to Reply # 163


Most of the people who get NASA funding are doing pure research, including myself.


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189. "indeed Larry"
In response to Reply # 169



but if you invent something and get some contribution from NASA, is it your invention still or does all the cred go to NASA?
Way I see it most things concerning space are irrelevant unless okayed by NASA who's allowed to sale whatever just as with other top govt ran programs.


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:42 PM

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196. "Who the hell cares about "cred?""
In response to Reply # 189


The point is inventions don't get invented, and your proverbial invention wouldn't get invented, without basic research. Knowledge is cumulative.

NASA does, and funds, basic research. Somebody sure as hell has to do it.


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:57 PM

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206. "Is Nasa funding, approval needed like that?"
In response to Reply # 196



If so I'm sure they help to hold up or prevent some inventions as well. As for cred, cred is a good thing unless the scientist of AMercia are going communist, why wouldn't you want credit for your findings?


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 05:02 PM

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209. "Jesus christ. You have no idea what science is. "
In response to Reply # 206
Fri Oct-09-09 05:04 PM by stravinskian


I'm just gonna hope your entire history in this thread is an act of irony, intended to stir the comedy stew.


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:43 PM

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180. "Seriously? Stop. "
In response to Reply # 163


What dude mentioned is only the tip of the Iceberg, anyone who actually WORKS in the realm of science, tech or engineering is fully aware of critical breakthroughs that were either:

- Done by scientists at NASA
- Funded by NASA
- Done in conjunction with NASA

Slamming a satellite into the moon to check for water isn't going to hurt anything, Satellite's, debris, meteors, etc, have all crashed into earth and the world didn't end.





The Blog:

An assassin’s life is never easy. Still, it beats being an assassin’s target.

Enjoy your money, but live below your means, lest you become a 70-yr old Wal-Mart Greeter.


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:42 PM

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197. "Oh STFU Curly"
In response to Reply # 180



anyone in the realm of science also knows that every action has a equal and opposite reaction. Aside from an extra hole in the moon, this whole moon bomb is a guessing game with all sorts of unknown outcomes.
And even if NASA has funded various scientific breakthroughs, it doesn't make it there's to claim, nor is NASA the begin all or end all for the science community or the future of science.


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:26 PM

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220. "did you ever take science in high school?"
In response to Reply # 197



both nasa and the indian space program discovered evidence that there may be water on the moon, which caused the creation of this experiment.

based on the evidence, they formed a hypothesis that there was a specific spot on the moon where they would likely find ice beneath the surface if they looked.

they created a test, where they would cause a small explosion in that spot, and use nine separate measuring instruments to analyze the debris of the explosion, which would definitively tell them either that there was ice in that spot, or that there was not.

they performed the test, and will have the results of the analysis within two weeks, which will either prove or disprove their hypothesis.

and the most important part - this experiment is repeatable, so that anyone who doubts their findings could perform the same experiment and compare the results. that is the very nature of the scientific method.

so to say "this is all guesswork" completely misses the point of the very existence of science.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:57 PM

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229. "Larger Asteroids hit the Moon EVERY DAY"
In response to Reply # 197


They're not blowing a hole THROUGH the moon, they're causing a tiny crater just to kick up some dust.

They already know what the basic outcomes are because of the large asteroids that have already hit the moon and created craters, basic astronomy.

This is NOT a cause for alarm.

The Asteroids that hit the moon all the time are MUCH, MUCH, MUCH bigger than the Satellites.

Think about it:

This is like saying that a jelly bean that hits your Windshield is going to cause more damage than the Boulder that already put a hole in it.

Come on now.

Basic science.

You're trying to analyze the situation without all the data necessary, and without the proper knowledge and understanding.

How is the Satellite going to cause problems that Asteroids don't?

You're just arguing to argue about something.

Again, where did you get your science education?



The Blog:

An assassin’s life is never easy. Still, it beats being an assassin’s target.

Enjoy your money, but live below your means, lest you become a 70-yr old Wal-Mart Greeter.


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Sat Oct-10-09 01:01 AM

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246. "ppl say this stupid shit all the time"
In response to Reply # 118



and it bugs me
like you can only invent, improve, and innovate FOR or within a space program...u couldnt possibly have invested that money in research that has nothing whatsoever to do with space..same with military spending...

"DUDE DO U KNOW HOW MANY MODERN ADVANCMENTS U USE EVERY DAY IN LIFE THAT WERE DEVELOPED BY THE MILITARY?!" its like yeah, but did that research have to be done in the name of and with the aim to trying to kill as many other motherfuckers as possible? people are crazy.


“Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, to the machinery of the world.”
- Gunter Eich


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:45 PM

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200. "NASA gave us Velcro"
In response to Reply # 114



which is a fuck of a lot more than, say, Disneyland ever gave the world



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248. "wat? velcro is not cuddly and marketable...foh"
In response to Reply # 200



>which is a fuck of a lot more than, say, Disneyland ever gave
>the world


“Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, to the machinery of the world.”
- Gunter Eich


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:10 PM

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131. "^^^ prolly has DirecTV + GPS navigation"
In response to Reply # 108


>especially since theyre doing this stupid shit.
>What is the purpose of NASA anyway?


Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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165. "FYI I have a state of the art Bedrock tv and go er'where by horse&buggy"
In response to Reply # 131




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24. "reminds me of this scene from Up In Smoke:"
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since May 29th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:20 AM

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25. "Is that our go-to solution these now?"
In response to Reply # 0



Got a problem you can't figure out? Bomb it!


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Member since Mar 27th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:07 AM

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26. "it gonna rain cheese?"
In response to Reply # 0


some hot molten nacho cheese shit...


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Mr. ManC
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:08 AM

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28. "dang, this whole thing does"
In response to Reply # 26



sorta sound like a cheez'its commmercial, lol like there's a cracker on the end of the missile 8)

R.I.P. Soulgyal <3
Knowledge Meets Nature
Musica Negra


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Member since Apr 16th 2006
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Fri Oct-09-09 07:17 AM

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61. "Well..."
In response to Reply # 28



> like there's a
>cracker on the end of the missile 8)


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Fri Oct-09-09 08:17 AM

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80. "Oh its definitely a cracker one of the ends"
In response to Reply # 61



:: ::

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Member since Mar 20th 2005
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Fri Oct-09-09 07:27 AM

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66. "New Cheez-it commercial coming up...."
In response to Reply # 26



My initial thought was "the man in the moon is gonna throw cheese at us!"

Should a person do good, let him do good over and over again. Let him find pleasure therein, for blissful is the accumulation of good ~ Buddhist teachings

Av: was taken in January. I've got a bit more hair now.


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Member since Jul 20th 2008
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:08 AM

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27. "I thought Master Roshi already destroyed it. "
In response to Reply # 0



Wretched swine...


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Member since Aug 03rd 2006
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Fri Oct-09-09 07:23 AM

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64. "nah piccolo did that "
In response to Reply # 27



¿If a fat guy falls in the woods and there is no one around to see it, do the trees laugh?


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161. ""
In response to Reply # 64



But anyway back to furry Kangols, Jamaican wallabies.


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249. "lmao"
In response to Reply # 161





“Be uncomfortable; be sand, not oil, to the machinery of the world.”
- Gunter Eich


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:12 AM

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29. "the could've just called me but noooooooo"
In response to Reply # 0


Black man's word isn't good enough. Gotta get it confirmed by Hitler's old scientists for it to be true.


people better not tell me shit anymore about it being 2009 and we need to get with the times when theres a bigass piece of ice and dirt floating around our planet for as long as we can remember (some say their used to be more than one). mfs have visited (so they claimed) and even brought pieces back and only NOW can they tell us its COVERED with ice... and *might* have water/ice inside.

see i never paid attention to those "moon landing was a hoax" people but come on. they brought fuckin rocks back from the moon and they didn't see they all had evidence of water stuck too it?

shit ain't right. this could be another one of those distractions to keep us from something else. not sayin there is no water. i'm sayin they prolly been knew that shit but kept it hush for whatever reason (top secret shit is considered top secret for reasons we don't know or else there would be no phrase 'top secret') but i'm sayin they could have some completely other shit going on in the world we should be watching but they're building to this so that night we'll all be glued to the tv watching... ice... that's been there damn near forever.

yay! mj died again!


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:27 AM

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36. "do what you cane"
In response to Reply # 29



millions of women's uteri gon esplode in 5 hour for no apparent reason besides whatever caused the moon to shatter and crash around us.


. . .
psn: sirius_fruits

but that shit's stupid though.


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Member since Aug 20th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:17 AM

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30. "the other thing that's messed up is that the moon is not OURS..."
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-09-09 01:19 AM by melodikangel


   belongs to the WHOLE WORLD. what if some other idiot leader of a country decides to just nuke the whole rock? man. if we screw up the moon, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble.



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Member since Jan 11th 2009
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Fri Oct-09-09 12:48 PM

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122. "we are setting a bad example."
In response to Reply # 30


we need to consult someone before we just hurl an empty can and stirr up debris just to see if there is water. i mean damn...dont we have enough water on earth?


On lock.


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:00 PM

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186. "This thread has my sarcasm-o-meter going in all directions at once."
In response to Reply # 122



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:18 AM

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31. "you realize its not an actual "bomb", right?"
In response to Reply # 0



it's basically an empty can hurled at the moon (more precisely, two of them into a frozen cater).

don't be fkn evil.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:20 AM

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33. "shuttle on collision course = bomb."
In response to Reply # 31



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Fri Oct-09-09 01:22 AM

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34. "um...not really. "
In response to Reply # 33



I'm really concerned that science teachers have failed to impart basic knowledge to most Americans.

don't be fkn evil.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:26 AM

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35. "what do you do for a living exactly? "
In response to Reply # 34


please don't say anything that doesn't involve keyboards with pictures of food on them.

insult MY intelligence? lmao i see what you don't reply you just copy-paste others. something stupid might come out. it's safer that way.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:38 AM

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39. "I need a translation for your hit-dogginess."
In response to Reply # 35



don't be fkn evil.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:39 AM

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41. "suprise?"
In response to Reply # 39



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Fri Oct-09-09 01:44 AM

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43. "RE: suprise?"
In response to Reply # 41




I'll need you to use spell checker as well.

don't be fkn evil.


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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:31 AM

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87. ""hit-dogginess." ... This is getting better"
In response to Reply # 39




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Sat Oct-10-09 04:17 AM

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255. "it doesn't really apply to 1on1 dialogue though."
In response to Reply # 87


like. make a blind statement and someone takes it personal out of nowhere. they hitdoggin.

we were replying to each other. he's an idiot.

copy-paste is better for him.


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Sat Oct-10-09 04:35 PM

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260. "^^^^still hurt & still wrong!"
In response to Reply # 255



don't be fkn evil.


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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:30 AM

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86. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 35




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Member since Aug 30th 2005
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:36 AM

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38. "'et makes it more a missle 'n a bomb, chappy"
In response to Reply # 33



shit still spells trouble

. . .
psn: sirius_fruits

but that shit's stupid though.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:19 AM

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32. "yeah just make sure you're watching the rest of the news for"
In response to Reply # 0


the next couple of days to catch what people miss while this is on.

they sent the shuttle up in june and they just announce it?


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:33 AM

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37. "but don't watch the news, though"
In response to Reply # 32



there are better places to gather information from.

. . .
psn: sirius_fruits

but that shit's stupid though.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:39 AM

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40. "this is going to get like a 30 second blurb on the news"
In response to Reply # 32





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Fri Oct-09-09 01:42 AM

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42. "The nutjobs are out en masse doing their thing"
In response to Reply # 0





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44. "Oh shit, I had to watch that movie in undergrad. "
In response to Reply # 42



Oh shit, that lady's name shouldn't be Moos because now I'm laughing real hard and it's 3 am on the east coast.


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:48 AM

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71. "holy shit! lmao."
In response to Reply # 42



:: ::

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Fri Oct-09-09 02:27 AM

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45. "*facepalms this whole post*"
In response to Reply # 0



geezus christ

i dont even know where to start

1)its not a fukin bomb

2)do muhfuggas actually think crashing a fukin satellite into the moon is goin to do some kinda harm???

like nevermind all the asteroids that have hit the moon that are 10X bigger and left a bigger impact then a fukin satellite


science class failed yal



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Fri Oct-09-09 02:08 PM

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155. "LOL - basically"
In response to Reply # 45



Mar-A-Lago delenda est


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47. "This whole post"
In response to Reply # 0



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In response to Reply # 47





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214. "One MoonMan, one VOTE (c) Nelson Moonmandela. nm"
In response to Reply # 48



peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:53 AM

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49. "don't let it stress you out man"
In response to Reply # 47



just be secure in your knowledge that you are a superior intellect

whenever you did these things to the least of my brothers you did them to me


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:51 AM

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73. "ha"
In response to Reply # 49



:: ::

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Li Mu Bai
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Fri Oct-09-09 02:54 AM

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50. "NASA is trying to "
In response to Reply # 0



remain relevant. with all the bail out shit money is getting real tight and the powers that be are probably looking to cut or get rid of things they consider gratuitous. decades and billions of years later and no new space shuttle? no real new space ANYTHING? they just want people to think they still matter.

Lebron couldn't win a chip without two superstars from his draft class. He didn't just need help. The nigga needed the cheat code to enable god mode.(c)Kira


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Fri Oct-09-09 12:22 PM

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110. "^baiscally"
In response to Reply # 50



NASA has become useless and honestly I can't recall them ever being useful.


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112. "Top 25 NASA-linked technologies *swipe*"
In response to Reply # 110



THE National Aeronautics And Space Administration (Nasa) began 50 years ago today.
In that time it has celebrated some historic highs and some tragic lows.

It put the first men on the moon, won the space race with the USSR during the Cold War – but lost 17 astronauts in three missions which ended in disaster.

The incredible rescue of Apollo 13 gave us the now familiar phrase: “Houston, we have a problem.”

Since October 1, 1958, Houston has solved countless problems, not just in space but here on Earth. Contrary to popular belief, Nasa did NOT invent barcodes, quartz clocks, smoke detectors, Teflon or Velcro.

But most of us have reason every day to thank Nasa for giant leaps in technology which we tend to take for granted. Here are 25 of them:

1. SATELLITE TELEVISION: Our world would not be the same without the satellites now in orbit around the Earth – all thanks to the space programme. They not only give us satellite broadcast television and radio but also power telecommunications including mobile phones and terrestrial TV networks.

2. SAT NAV: The global positioning system on which our in-car navigation systems are based was developed by the US Department of Defense. They would not exist without the space satellites.

3. GOOGLE EARTH: Mapping was never as accurate as the images we can now get thanks to satellites which from space can even see a dog in your back garden.

4. VIRTUAL REALITY: Nasa-developed research and advanced technology devices allow users to project themselves into a computer-generated environment. When coupled with a stereo-viewing device and appropriate software, it creates a feeling of actually being there.

5. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS: Prosthetic limbs are not new but advancements in space robotics are being adapted to create more lifelike, functioning limbs.

6. DIALYSIS: Modern machines to do the work of the kidneys – for patients waiting for or unable to have transplants – were developed as a result of a Nasa-developed chemical process.

7. MRI AND CAT SCANS: Nasa did not invent magnetic resonance imaging but it has contributed to major advances thanks to research into computer enhancement of pictures sent from the moon. Digital image processing has led to enhanced images of human organs.

8. BREAST CANCER SCREENING: A silicon chip originally developed for Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope makes the testing process less painful, less scarring and less expensive than traditional biopsy methods.

9. ULTRASOUND TO ASSESS SKIN DAMAGE: An advanced instrument uses ultrasound technology to assess the depth of burn damage immediately, improving patient treatment and saving lives in serious burn cases.

10. EAR THERMOMETER: Removing the need to use intrusive, mercury-based thermometers on newborn babies and critically ill patients, the ear thermometer uses infrared astronomy technology to measure the amount of energy emitted by the eardrum. This is how Nasa measures the temperature of stars and planets.

11. ATTENTION GETTER: Techniques used to measure brain activity in Nasa pilots are being used to improve attention spans for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

12. ROAD SAFETY: The cutting of grooves in concrete to increase traction was developed to reduce space shuttle accidents on runways. It is now applied to roads and has cut US traffic accidents by 85 per cent.

13. IMPROVED RADIAL TIRES: Goodyear developed a fibrous material five times stronger than steel for Nasa to use in parachutes to land the Viking explorers on Mars. They expanded the technology to produce a harder-wearing radial car tire.

14. LANDMINE REMOVAL: Surplus rocket fuel is used for a flare that can burn a hole in the case of a mine and burn away its explosive content.

15. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Nasa software engineers have created thousands of computer programs to find imperfections in aerospace structures and components which has proved invaluable in air safety.

16. WATER FILTERS: Water-cleaning technology has existed since the early Fifties but Nasa came up with ways to filter it in more extreme situations. The activated charcoal with silver ions used in commercial filter systems cleans the water and kills bacteria.

17. FREEZE-DRIED FOOD: Nasa carried out extensive research to reduce the weight of food to be carried on missions. The result was a method for cooking food, freezing it quickly, then slowly heating it in a vacuum chamber to remove the ice crystals. The end product weighs one fifth of the original, while retaining 98 per cent of its nutrition.

18. TEMPER FOAM: Nasa developed a soft, high-energy-absorbent padding to improve crash protection in aircraft. Now “memory foam” is used in mattresses, pillows, military and civilian vehicles, sports safety equipment, amusement park rides, furniture and artificial limbs.

19. SCRATCH-RESISTANT LENSES: A modified version of a process developed by Nasa involves coating the lenses with a film of carbon that helps avoid scratches and decreases friction and reduces water spots.

20. RIBBED SWIMSUITS: The swimsuit worn by Olympic sensation Michael Phelps was developed with Nasa technology. Aerodynamic research came up with material which give 15 per cent faster speeds than any other swimsuit thanks to small, barely visible grooves that reduce friction and drag.

21. AERODYNAMIC GOLF BALLS: Technology is behind the design of golf balls with 500 dimples in a pattern of 60 triangles which allows the ball to maintain its initial speed longer and produce a more stable flight for better accuracy and distance.

22. ATHLETIC SHOES: Moon-boot material has been incorporated into running shoe midsoles to improve shock absorption and provide better stability and motion control.

23. PERSONAL ALARM SYSTEMS: A pen-sized ultrasonic transmitter used by prison guards, teachers, the elderly and disabled to call for help is based on space technology.

24. SPACE PENS: Most pens depend on gravity to make the ink flow to the ballpoint. The space pen was developed for the gravity-free space environment so that the ink cartridge contains pressurised gas to push the ink towards the ballpoint, so you can write upside down.

25. CORDLESS POWER TOOLS: The household and DIY products firm Black & Decker came up with a portable drill capable of extracting core samples from below the lunar surface during the Apollo missions. The same technology has been used on cordless miniature vacuum cleaners.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Jun 08th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 02:23 PM

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159. "RE: Top 25 NASA-linked technologies *swipe*"
In response to Reply # 112



>THE National Aeronautics And Space Administration (Nasa)
>began 50 years ago today.
>In that time it has celebrated some historic highs and some
>tragic lows.
>It put the first men on the moon, won the space race with the
>USSR during the Cold War – but lost 17 astronauts in three
>missions which ended in disaster.
>The incredible rescue of Apollo 13 gave us the now familiar
>phrase: “Houston, we have a problem.”
>Since October 1, 1958, Houston has solved countless problems,
>not just in space but here on Earth. Contrary to popular
>belief, Nasa did NOT invent barcodes, quartz clocks, smoke
>detectors, Teflon or Velcro.
>But most of us have reason every day to thank Nasa for giant
>leaps in technology which we tend to take for granted. Here
>are 25 of them:
>1. SATELLITE TELEVISION: Our world would not be the same
>without the satellites now in orbit around the Earth – all
>thanks to the space programme. They not only give us satellite
>broadcast television and radio but also power
>telecommunications including mobile phones and terrestrial TV

I'd take cable over satellite. Besides that I think Telsa's invention was better and a lot more ahead of his and NASA's time. Not to mention their cluttering the orbit, crashing into each other and losing parts, also the whole spying ish.

>2. SAT NAV: The global positioning system on which our in-car
>navigation systems are based was developed by the US
>Department of Defense. They would not exist without the space

another tracking device, horray!

>3. GOOGLE EARTH: Mapping was never as accurate as the images
>we can now get thanks to satellites which from space can even
>see a dog in your back garden.

another tracking device, horray!

>4. VIRTUAL REALITY: Nasa-developed research and advanced
>technology devices allow users to project themselves into a
>computer-generated environment. When coupled with a
>stereo-viewing device and appropriate software, it creates a
>feeling of actually being there.

I have mixed feelings about this, on one hand it makes for good fun and help to military in times of war, on the other it can screw w/ones sense of reality.

>5. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS: Prosthetic limbs are not new but
>advancements in space robotics are being adapted to create
>more lifelike, functioning limbs.

I can clap to this.

>6. DIALYSIS: Modern machines to do the work of the kidneys –
>for patients waiting for or unable to have transplants – were
>developed as a result of a Nasa-developed chemical process.

Willem J. Kolff is where the credits due

>7. MRI AND CAT SCANS: Nasa did not invent magnetic resonance
>imaging but it has contributed to major advances thanks to
>research into computer enhancement of pictures sent from the
>moon. Digital image processing has led to enhanced images of
>human organs.
>8. BREAST CANCER SCREENING: A silicon chip originally
>developed for Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope makes the testing
>process less painful, less scarring and less expensive than
>traditional biopsy methods.

so after spending billions for hubble telescopes and computer enhancements of the moon then is the technology used to better human life? Also MRI/CatScans have their ups and downs. Can't knock the breast cancer screening help but as for siliconchip implanting/tracking, no.
>9. ULTRASOUND TO ASSESS SKIN DAMAGE: An advanced instrument
>uses ultrasound technology to assess the depth of burn damage
>immediately, improving patient treatment and saving lives in
>serious burn cases.

>10. EAR THERMOMETER: Removing the need to use intrusive,
>mercury-based thermometers on newborn babies and critically
>ill patients, the ear thermometer uses infrared astronomy
>technology to measure the amount of energy emitted by the
>eardrum. This is how Nasa measures the temperature of stars
>and planets.

Still may have to add on to the temp and with the current rectal/oral ones the ear one seems more fashionable than helpful.

>11. ATTENTION GETTER: Techniques used to measure brain
>activity in Nasa pilots are being used to improve attention
>spans for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity

sounds like another tracking/stimuli/control device

>12. ROAD SAFETY: The cutting of grooves in concrete to
>increase traction was developed to reduce space shuttle
>accidents on runways. It is now applied to roads and has cut
>US traffic accidents by 85 per cent.

thats good but now we'll need tires that won't cut up

>13. IMPROVED RADIAL TIRES: Goodyear developed a fibrous
>material five times stronger than steel for Nasa to use in
>parachutes to land the Viking explorers on Mars. They expanded
>the technology to produce a harder-wearing radial car tire.

and here it is

>14. LANDMINE REMOVAL: Surplus rocket fuel is used for a flare
>that can burn a hole in the case of a mine and burn away its
>explosive content.

thats good but what happens with the leftover from the rockect fuel?

>15. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS: Nasa software engineers have created
>thousands of computer programs to find imperfections in
>aerospace structures and components which has proved
>invaluable in air safety.

considering the job I think theyre suppose to do that, no kudos there.

>16. WATER FILTERS: Water-cleaning technology has existed since
>the early Fifties but Nasa came up with ways to filter it in
>more extreme situations. The activated charcoal with silver
>ions used in commercial filter systems cleans the water and
>kills bacteria.

Nice, wonder if it works against rocket fuel contaminated water.

>17. FREEZE-DRIED FOOD: Nasa carried out extensive research to
>reduce the weight of food to be carried on missions. The
>result was a method for cooking food, freezing it quickly,
>then slowly heating it in a vacuum chamber to remove the ice
>crystals. The end product weighs one fifth of the original,
>while retaining 98 per cent of its nutrition.

Can't lie, I love that stuff.

>18. TEMPER FOAM: Nasa developed a soft, high-energy-absorbent
>padding to improve crash protection in aircraft. Now “memory
>foam” is used in mattresses, pillows, military and civilian
>vehicles, sports safety equipment, amusement park rides,
>furniture and artificial limbs.

I like this too
>19. SCRATCH-RESISTANT LENSES: A modified version of a process
>developed by Nasa involves coating the lenses with a film of
>carbon that helps avoid scratches and decreases friction and
>reduces water spots.
>20. RIBBED SWIMSUITS: The swimsuit worn by Olympic sensation
>Michael Phelps was developed with Nasa technology. Aerodynamic
>research came up with material which give 15 per cent faster
>speeds than any other swimsuit thanks to small, barely visible
>grooves that reduce friction and drag.

>21. AERODYNAMIC GOLF BALLS: Technology is behind the design of
>golf balls with 500 dimples in a pattern of 60 triangles which
>allows the ball to maintain its initial speed longer and
>produce a more stable flight for better accuracy and distance.
>22. ATHLETIC SHOES: Moon-boot material has been incorporated
>into running shoe midsoles to improve shock absorption and
>provide better stability and motion control.

>23. PERSONAL ALARM SYSTEMS: A pen-sized ultrasonic transmitter
>used by prison guards, teachers, the elderly and disabled to
>call for help is based on space technology.
>24. SPACE PENS: Most pens depend on gravity to make the ink
>flow to the ballpoint. The space pen was developed for the
>gravity-free space environment so that the ink cartridge
>contains pressurised gas to push the ink towards the
>ballpoint, so you can write upside down.
>25. CORDLESS POWER TOOLS: The household and DIY products firm
>Black & Decker came up with a portable drill capable of
>extracting core samples from below the lunar surface during
>the Apollo missions. The same technology has been used on
>cordless miniature vacuum cleaners.

17-25 seems minial compared to the amounts of money NASA is given. Where's the cures for cancer/aids/diabetes/the common cold?


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hear my name
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:03 AM

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51. "Mr. Show was FIRST"
In response to Reply # 0




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Fri Oct-09-09 04:40 AM

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53. "First thing I thought of"
In response to Reply # 51



I thought the original post was going to be about this

R.I.P. Loud But Wrong Guy
Dec 29th 2009 - Dec 17th 2017


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Dj Joey Joe
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:05 AM

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52. "I'm Still Kind Of Nervous About This Plan"
In response to Reply # 0



I've read most of what some of you rational people have posted about it not being a bomb and asteroids have hit the moon that has been way bigger than what NASA is planning to hit the moon with but all in all, I still feel the moon is to sacred to the earth for us to be fucking with it when it help controls our weather.

I will be watching closely as many of us will be also, hopefully everything will go okay and NASA finds what they're looking for but I hope this isn't just some attempt to keep money fueled in NASA projects in a time when the USA can't afford to be funding them right now.

"We in here talking about later career Prince records
& your fool ass is cruising around in a time machine
trying to collect props for a couple of sociopathic degenerates" - s.blak


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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:34 AM

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88. "RE: I'm Still Kind Of Nervous About This Plan"
In response to Reply # 52



>I still feel the moon is to
>sacred to the earth for us to be fucking with it when it help
>controls our weather.

THANK YOU. I know it's not a BOMB BOMB but still... you can't just be hollowing out a moon and shit


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Fri Oct-09-09 05:24 AM

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55. "I'm Anti-Moon so I'm all for it"
In response to Reply # 0



I think the ugly thing should be blown up and we get a nicer looking one from another planet.

The offspring :-D

PSN & XBL: LOQuent


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:42 AM

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68. "hahaa"
In response to Reply # 55



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Fri Oct-09-09 05:30 AM

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56. "LOL @ the rampant paranoia"
In response to Reply # 0


i don't even know where to start


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:33 AM

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59. "Ok, mister rational, explain why this is perfectly normal."
In response to Reply # 56



One Hundred.


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Member since Nov 16th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:35 AM

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89. "RE: Ok, mister rational, explain why this is perfectly normal."
In response to Reply # 59



i didn't think there would be a response.

you see any other country like: 'Yo... Let's blow a hole in the moon.'


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:48 PM

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182. "Because larger Asteroids hit the Moon ALL THE TIME"
In response to Reply # 59


Larger Asteroids that cause significantly more damage have been hitting the moon on a regular since the dawn of time, these Satellites are pebbles in comparison.

Throwing some dust to analyze it for water is for the advancement of scientific knowledge, and will cause NO problems for people on earth or for the Moon itself.

If it would cause any problems we'd all be dead from any of the other asteroids, meteors, etc, which have smashed into the moon or any of the other planet.

Seriously, anyone freaking out about this really needs to take a science class or nine.

*shakes head*

But what do I know? I was only a Physics major.



The Blog:

An assassin’s life is never easy. Still, it beats being an assassin’s target.

Enjoy your money, but live below your means, lest you become a 70-yr old Wal-Mart Greeter.


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Fri Oct-09-09 05:50 AM

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57. "R.I.P. Ignignokt and Err"
In response to Reply # 0



MYKz (nws)


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238. "lol! ^^underrated reply^^"
In response to Reply # 57



I'm sorry, what?

DROkayplayer: Giving you good puff since May '05


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:28 AM

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58. "I got a bad feeling about this. "
In response to Reply # 0



It's going down right now.


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:11 AM

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60. "Moon reps respond"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-09-09 07:12 AM by Gemini_Two_One




Stop using slang just for you to be cool
Cause I go back to when it was cool to be you


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:21 AM

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62. "This post is hilarious, man."
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Fri Oct-09-09 07:45 AM

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69. "LUNY."
In response to Reply # 62




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Fri Oct-09-09 07:59 AM

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74. "Well took a sec but I laffed"
In response to Reply # 69




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Fri Oct-09-09 10:37 PM

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244. "^^^^^^^^^ 69 (i keep tellin ya'll)"
In response to Reply # 69



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Fri Oct-09-09 07:21 AM

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63. ""
In response to Reply # 0



"Too weird to live.... too rare to die..."

IG: KnowOne215 | PS+ ID: KnowOne215


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Member since May 24th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 07:26 AM

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65. "i want to put like 25 replies in my sig."
In response to Reply # 0



this post gnr forrealz this morning

MYKz (nws)


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:47 AM

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70. "shit just got real."
In response to Reply # 0



they're def looking for alternate places for humans to live. they foresee the end times. they aint stupid.



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Fri Oct-09-09 08:09 AM

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77. "and time won't end on the moon?"
In response to Reply # 70



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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78. "well did it work?"
In response to Reply # 0



<--- Big Baller World Order


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Fri Oct-09-09 08:20 AM

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In response to Reply # 78



11.13am: The mission is called LCROSS and by lunchtime today we expect it to be in a thousand pieces scattered over the lunar surface, having thumped into the moon at more than 9,000 kilometres per hour and leaving a crater as wide as a cricket pitch.

One part of the spacecraft is due to strike the moon at around 12.30pm BST. The second part will follow it down and scan the debris plume – which is expected to rise up to 10km – for signs of water. Of course, the probe is fitted with highly advanced cheese sensors too, courtesy of engineers at Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris.

The probes will be steered into a huge, permanently shadowed crater on the moon's south pole. Scientists believe that frozen water ice might lie at the bottom of the crater basin.

Our technology correspondent, Bobbie Johnson, has written about the mission in detail.

Nasa will begin their live coverage of the event at around 11.15 BST today. I'll start live blogging the event abour 45 minutes later – as soon as I'm out of this week's science podcast, where our guest is an expert in the evolution of penises and sexual activity across the animal kingdom.

The LCROSS probes are going to tweet their own demise – and you can see these last missives on the right of this page.

See you back here for the big event.

12.07pm: Back again. Lcross is heading for the moon at more than 3,000 kilometres an hour. The scientific instruments are on and rolling.

Factoid of the minute: I was in touch with Nasa HQ in Washington last night. They aren't best pleased with some of the media referring to Nasa "bombing" the moon. Here's the best bit: they've had calls from concerned women that the impact might cause so much damage to the moon that it will disrupt their menstrual cycles. Other callers are worried it will play havoc with the tides. And they say scientific literacy is declining.

Nasa argues that "bombing" requires explosives. In that case, Nasa has already bombed the moon, back in the Apollo days, when astronauts used explosive charges to send shockwaves into the moon's interior during seismological studies.

Twenty minutes from impact.

12.17pm: Personal disaster no.1: The moon is about to be torn a new crater and I hadn't even flicked the switch that lets people add their own comments. Oops.

12.20pm: We know water is locked up in silcates and other minerals in the top few millimetres of the moon's regolith. LCROSS will confirm that - probably - but also quantify how much water ice hangs around in these giant polar craters.

We're about five minutes - by my wild guesstimate - from impact.
I'd have loved it if they'd put a camera on the moon to see these probes come in.
They'll hit the moon at more than 7000kph and - obviously - the moon has no atmosphere, so there will be no burning trail, just a fridge-freezer sized lump of metal hurtling in and making a new crater. The sight would be amazing.

12.27pm: Five minutes to impact - Nasa just confirmed. Fingers crossed.

12.28pm: Nasa have just switched to the probe's cameras. You can catch the video feed here.

Very close now. Bear in mind this massive impact will be completely silent.

12.31pm: If the moon does fire a probe back, we'll be fine. Get me Bruce Willis on the phone.

Impact in two minutes.

12.31pm: The moon looks very large now. This is going to hurt. Well, it would if LCROSS had feelings.

seconds to go.

12.32pm: What happens when the moon splits it two? You get one half, i get the other.

12.33pm: BANG!

Blimey, that must hurt.

Nasa's LCROSS has hit. Bullseye.

At least they think it's hit


I loved - love even - the Clangers.

Let's hope they were on the other side of the moon when this thing hit.

12.35pm: The first part of the probe has hit. The second probe is filming the massive plume of moon dust. The second probe isn't going to be around much longer. A big left - right hook for the moon.

12.36pm: The second part of the probe is about to hit

12.36pm: Fingers crossed for the Soup Dragon.

Wonder what readings are coming up on the cheese sensors?

12.37pm: he second part of the probe - the shepherding stage - has just filmed its own spectacular demise. She was a brave ship, we'll miss her. Utterly selfless. I need a minute.

Nasas have found a thermal signature in the crater. Applause at Nasa mission control.

12.39pm: They hit the crater, the second colliding just a couple of kilometres away from the first - according to initial data.

The south pole of the moon now has a new crater and a giant 10km high plume of dust lurking around. It'll take a while to settle. Ok, no atmosphere to keep it in suspension, but not a lot of gravity to pull it down either.

12.40pm: Ah, back to Nasa's red coffee table with the talking scientists.

It's too cloudy in London to see if the moon has survived. Will someone rush and look?

On Nasa's pics, the plume is a small grey smear on the surface.

I'm happy to report that the moon appears to have survived the ordeal.

12.44pm: You have to love LCROSS's last words:

"That's it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me?"

You're in a thousand pieces. What's there to be friends with?

12.48pm: There's a man at mission control who looks like he's out of Lord of thee Rings. His beard reaches his knees.

Oh, back to Nasa's little red coffee table and the three scientists. Nice to see they've matched their shirts.

Not too many women around.

12.49pm: You'd think there was something in the male psyche that said: "yeah, go tear a new hole in the moon!"

Great stuff though. Congratulations to Nasa and their staff. It might seem like a stunt, but this was a wonderful mission.

12.50pm: Nasa will be having a press conference to review the mission this afternoon at 3pm BST.


Message incoming from the new(ish) Nasa administrator, Charlie Bolden. Congratulations all round.

The probes went right where they were supposed to go.

12.54pm: Twenty minutes after LCROSS impact, Nasa have wound up their coverage. What a trip, and great to have you along for the ride, voyeuristic though it was.

I'll write another blog after the Nasa press conference - we'll have more scientific details to pore over then. Looking forward to it.

Until then...

12.57pm: Good news: the Clangers are safe. My intelligence reports said - categorically - that the moon was harbouring a renegade group of Clangers. What's more, it said they could be mobilised in 20 minutes. New intell suggests otherwise. They were never on Earth's moon in the first place. With thanks to Agent Moulinsart.

12.58pm: I'm ashamed I missed the Douglas Adams reference. His books are responsible for making my teenage years stranger than they might have been. Great stuff, love it.

1.10pm: Well, I can't sit around watching the moon all day. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

:: ::

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Fri Oct-09-09 08:21 AM

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83. "VIDEO"
In response to Reply # 82



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Member since Jun 15th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 09:04 AM

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96. "lmmfao. this shit is hilarious"
In response to Reply # 82



>12.44pm: You have to love LCROSS's last words:
>"That's it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with
>You're in a thousand pieces. What's there to be friends with?
>12.48pm: There's a man at mission control who looks like he's
>out of Lord of thee Rings. His beard reaches his knees.
>Oh, back to Nasa's little red coffee table and the three
>scientists. Nice to see they've matched their shirts.
>Not too many women around.

<--- Big Baller World Order


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Fri Oct-09-09 08:17 AM

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81. "Hollywood & US education fucked y'all up."
In response to Reply # 0



I'm only half joking.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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84. "oh shit! they got Moon Muslims now? nm"
In response to Reply # 0



peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Fri Oct-09-09 08:25 AM

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85. "this thread has me excited. I know better, but damn if this"
In response to Reply # 0



goes wrong it will be awesome


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Member since May 24th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 08:45 AM

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91. "lulz"
In response to Reply # 85



MYKz (nws)


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Fri Oct-09-09 09:02 AM

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95. "RE: So have we discussed that NASA is going to bomb the moon tomorrow?"
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-09-09 09:05 AM by ILL FLOW



aight check it!

They bore a hole in the moon right? then after the smoke clears they (the astronauts hear a sound... light whispering but in a weird tone)

So the video is going like cloverfield or something. they're walking toward the blast site, tryna get some of that sweeeeet sweeeeet nectar. (AND MOON NECTAR SHO IS GOOD)

So the closer they get the more they hear sounds of scampering or scattering... like something is crawling.

One observer walks away from the other astronauts and further into the hole. so far that he disappears in the cloud of astral dust surrounding them (ladies: i used a man so as to not upset ya'll... i should get OKP pts. for this... you'll see).

Further he goes, further he goes... into this deep and murky cavern that NASA has just created. following this mysterious and luring sound.

the others wait... and wait...

*radio silence

one of the astronauts feels the silence has gone too long. he attempts a radio contact of the lone scout deep in the cavern.

"ANDERSON?"... "ANDERSON!?!" (i use Anderson cuz it seems like a white-assed NASA last name)

*no response

then... all of the sudden... all of the astronauts waiting JUST outside the crater hear a response... but not of words... just a hissing/slithering sound. and by sound of it... more than one entity.

one, decides to try heading back to the shuttle to make first contact to Houston (i guess they still call Houston).

*camera follows him to shuttle

he contacts base and lets Houston know the situation is normal, the crater has been made but the scout has not yet responded of the water resources just yet.

Houston asks if there has been any radio silence... he responds ONLY for a moment but there is a unnerving sound from the scout.

Houston asks "WHAT" unnerving sound. he replies a hissing of sorts... like a hissing or something that is hard to make out.

Houston asks where the others are, He responds that they are awaiting the OK to enter just outside the new crater.

Houston gives an order to gather THOSE men and abort mission IMMEDIATELY. the astronaut is unclear as to why beginning to question but Houston is unmoved repeating the order and demanding urgency.

the astronaut sets out from the shuttle (which is only about 50 yrds away but upon return the other astronauts are down. the thick haze that covers JUST up to their bodies is slightly covering their faces.

he waves his hand back and forth in front of the face of one astronaut to remove the thick fog-like haze only to find a pale-FACED astronaut with a face-hugger (see: ALIEN) covering his mouth and nose.


he goes to the others faces ONLY TO FIND THE SAME THING!

*then a breeze seeming to come from nowhere pushes the fog away only to see ALIENS coming toward him (you know how they do! tails all wagging and drooling and shit... scary)

he turns to run toward the shuttle but the second he turns around (and now you gotta see this) HIS FACE IS PUNCTURED BY THE ALIEN INNER MOUTH (that's what i call it) STANDING BEHIND HIM

(i mean, straight between the eyes yo!)

as his body wiggles through shock the camera starts to raise as you can see the earth in the background of the moon.

*begin opening credits




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Fri Oct-09-09 11:20 AM

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101. "hahaa"
In response to Reply # 95



:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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Fri Oct-09-09 09:40 AM

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98. "I thought this thread would be fun."
In response to Reply # 0


I was disappointed.


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Fri Oct-09-09 09:46 AM

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100. "that shit is gon be like indepence day when that 1st rockey made it"
In response to Reply # 0



through to do damage, then all those alien fighters came out of no fuckin where

The prison system is smiling, waiting for your child
- Bill Cosby


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Fri Oct-09-09 11:35 AM

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104. "the worlds gone mad"
In response to Reply # 0


who gonna check me boo?!


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Fri Oct-09-09 11:37 AM

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105. "I love how people think that this shuttle collision is going to destroy "
In response to Reply # 0



the moon or send it out of orbit. lol.

There are meteors/asteroids/whatever the fuck that hit that rock with more significance.


"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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haji rana pinya
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Fri Oct-09-09 11:38 AM

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106. "shoot for the moon.. if you miss youll be amongst the stars"
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In response to Reply # 0





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Fri Oct-09-09 12:36 PM

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115. "yes yes YES, this is what I'm talking about"
In response to Reply # 113




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Fri Oct-09-09 12:44 PM

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120. "that nigga next to will ferrell is ugly as shit"
In response to Reply # 115



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Fri Oct-09-09 01:23 PM

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136. "boats and hoes baby"
In response to Reply # 120




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Fri Oct-09-09 12:37 PM

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116. "........."
In response to Reply # 113




"people... please refrain from gnr'ing me. im an avid lol'er and am completely fine wit the service."

"I’m just a dreamer,
turned true to life leaner...
Born to do good so others can be believers"


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Fri Oct-09-09 12:40 PM

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117. "Holy shit, you and soulgyal are the craziest fucking okfees ever."
In response to Reply # 113




"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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199. "*looks around* Did I just say something? So then WHY MY NAME.."
In response to Reply # 117




<------------ There's only one way to find out... (LAST UPDATED: AUGUST 9, 2009)

<3 u Mom: Sep. 3, 1960 -May 1, 2006


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Fri Oct-09-09 12:46 PM

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121. "So how am I supposed to react to this?"
In response to Reply # 113



Before people accuse me of being a condescending prick again?

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:05 PM

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128. "I think she's earned it."
In response to Reply # 121


Not that my opinion on whether to be a condescending prick should carry much weight.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:24 PM

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137. "lol"
In response to Reply # 128



>Not that my opinion on whether to be a condescending prick
>should carry much weight.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:37 PM

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145. "take your shirt off and go in."
In response to Reply # 121



fuck you.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:46 PM

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149. "I see what you're doing there."
In response to Reply # 145



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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T Reynolds
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:10 PM

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130. "lol in all caps too?"
In response to Reply # 113




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Fri Oct-09-09 01:29 PM

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139. "LOL"
In response to Reply # 130



I wanted to back away slowly from this entire reply out of concern for my safety and whatever crazy shit might break out next.


"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Fri Oct-09-09 02:13 PM

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157. "I'm CRYIN laughin right now"
In response to Reply # 130



:: ::

<--Starting from ▀ 1.


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170. "certified sadity silly crazy biatch"
In response to Reply # 113



on that soulyagal or however she spells it.

but there is nothing wrong with being odd. i mean you arent inkast or adwhizz odd. - VABestBBW
Binlahab is a bitch.
I wouldn't trust okp, some of them don't even get any anymore since the Re's stopped - Anonymous OKP


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In response to Reply # 113



hmm, wouldn't want that now would we


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Member since Sep 01st 2006
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179. "but you already crazy tho."
In response to Reply # 113






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184. ""
In response to Reply # 113




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In response to Reply # 184



This is on par as hilarious as the angry dog cupcake gif. OMG, lol


"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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230. "COO-COO, COO-COO!!!!!"
In response to Reply # 113




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127. "the mooninites are gonna fuck someone up...Err gonna CAP!"
In response to Reply # 0



Ignignokt is gonna put up a middle finger so long yo, so long that it's just gonna be long

and then they'll blast they're big ass slow ass lazer



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141. "I'm doing it harder than I've ever done before. (c) Ignognikt"
In response to Reply # 127




"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Charter member
Fri Oct-09-09 01:09 PM

129. "i need someone (a scientist or armchair scientist) to"
In response to Reply # 0


break down in really simple, unbiased terms...why they're exploring the moon and what they hope to gain from it.


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Member since Dec 12th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:11 PM

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132. "ME TOO....they just got time and money to waste that sht cost 80 million"
In response to Reply # 129



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Fri Oct-09-09 01:15 PM

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134. "the short version:"
In response to Reply # 129



an indian space mission and a nasa mission both found evidence showing there might be water below the surface of the moon.

they want to see if there is, in fact, water under the moon.

Option A: send a manned mission to the moon (first one in 35+ years) and have them assemble a drill, and drill hundreds (maybe thousands) of feet into the surface over the course of several days/weeks/months to see if they hit ice. then bring the astronauts back home safely.

Option B: create an explosion that will make a crater hundreds of feet deep in a few seconds.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Dec 12th 2007
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:27 PM

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138. "why would it matter if there's water???"
In response to Reply # 134


God put us muhfuckas on earth and not the moon for a gotdamned reason


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142. "because much of the expense in launching space missions"
In response to Reply # 138



comes from having big ass booster rockets filled with shitloads of rocket fuel, which are needed to escape the Earth's gravity.

In the future, if we are to explore space and conduct advanced scientific research, it would be FAR more cost efficient if we had smaller craft that could launch from a base on the moon (far less gravity) or from the International Space Station.

a key part of building a sustainable base on the moon would be a local supply of drinkable water - allowing the astronauts to stay there longer without having to go back to earth for supplies.

In addition, the discovery of water on the moon could potentially open new doors of discovery as to the history of our solar system, which does not have a dollar value.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Member since Dec 07th 2008
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Sat Oct-10-09 01:27 PM

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258. "very well written. i never thought about it like this n/m"
In response to Reply # 142





People of color are NOT a minority. Think Global.

Don't Let Hollywood fool you.


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:34 PM

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143. "Water facilitates the existence of life."
In response to Reply # 138



So if there's water on the moon (or other celestial bodies), it might mean that there are (or were) living organisms on it. That would be one of the biggest scientific discoveries of our time, if not the biggest.

It would also end the fable of god putting us here (and nowhere else).

Also, the presence of water mean that it would be much cheaper to have a manned base on the moon in the future, which could benefit all kinds of research. Research that will one day probably improve our lives or the lives of our children.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Charter member
Fri Oct-09-09 04:40 PM

194. "how does this end the "fable" of god putting us here?"
In response to Reply # 143


>It would also end the fable of god putting us here (and
>nowhere else).
>Also, the presence of water mean that it would be much cheaper
>to have a manned base on the moon in the future, which could
>benefit all kinds of research. Research that will one day
>probably improve our lives or the lives of our children.

Do you know how it would improve the lives of our children?


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:50 PM

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201. "First: I meant, "here and nowhere else"."
In response to Reply # 194



Which is based upon my (limited) understanding that the major theistic religions claim god only created life on earth, and nowhere else. At least I think the Bible makes no mention of life on the moon, correct me if I'm wrong.

But that's besides the point of this thread (or at least, what I think the point is, after nearly 200 replies).

I can't tell you how our children will benefit exactly, as I can't predict the future. But the technology that was once developed for space exploration is currently being used in everything from shoes (velcro, if I'm not mistaken) to hospital equipment (better robotics for prosthetic limbs, better MRI technology). KosherSam linked a nice overview in this thread.

Nobody is saying that agencies like NASA should be funded without limit, or given a free pass to do whatever the fuck they please, but they've more than proven their usefulness by now.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Cold Truth
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Fri Oct-09-09 10:23 PM

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237. "not saying if he did isn't saying he didn't"
In response to Reply # 201



so i fail to see how you arrived at the conclusion you did.

i have yet to see a passage that explicitly states that god did not create life anywhere else

in fact it teaches that there is other forms of life different from humans- angels, cherubs, etc.


“Why didn’t you do this in your own god damn country?"

-All Stah's view on undocumented immigrants wanting to be treated like human beings.


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Sat Oct-10-09 03:58 AM

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254. "And most religions tend to ignore or disbelieve anything that "
In response to Reply # 237



isn't covered by their holy texts. See also: dinosaurs (although some believe they are mentioned in the Bible), evolution, a lot of other stuff science hipped us to.

But my comment wasn't even that serious, so let's not get into a religion debate in this 250+ reply science thread. Please?

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:12 PM

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156. "Also,"
In response to Reply # 138
Fri Oct-09-09 02:22 PM by stravinskian


there is the question of the origin of the moon. People are understandably curious about where it came from, how it developed, and when.

The leading hypothesis at this point is that early in the development of our solar system, an object roughly the size of the planet Mars collided with the developing Earth, causing an enormous blast of debris, most of which re-collected to form the Earth as we know it, and most of the remainder slowly came together to form the moon. Measurements of the chemical abundances of various materials in the moon (particularly water) supply crucial data to support or contradict this hypothesis.

EDIT: I just noticed that Sam briefly mentioned this. I guess I was expounding.


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:42 PM

198. "Thanks Kosher"
In response to Reply # 134


for both replies. really interesting.

Where'd you learn this from? Throw up a link if you got one?


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:12 PM

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217. "the opening sentence of the article phenom posted says"
In response to Reply # 198



"just weeks after the indian space program and nasa announced evidence of water on the moon....."

from there, it's just my logical assumptions. if you think there is water below the surface of the moon, how do you look for it?

you'd have to drill. but you can't just bring a big ass drill in the cockpit with you, you'd have to assemble it.

so you'd have to send men to the moon, which is more expensive because you have to make preparations to make the trip sustainable to human life, as opposed to machines.

then, the men would have to assemble the drill and set it up to drill hundreds of feet below the surface, possibly thousands.

i dont know shit about drilling, but i'd imagine that would at the very least take a couple of days. then they gotta get back in a vessel that will take them back to earth.

Option B creates a several mile crater in seconds.

as for the stuff about the space station and smaller crafts, that's just gravity. shuttles don't use that much fuel in space because once they get a thrust to move them in a direction, there isn't air to create friction to slow it down. so a spaceship that was leaving FROM space could be the size of an SUV (with future technology advances) because it doesn't have to escape Earth's atmosphere.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:30 PM

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140. "To add on to KosherSam:"
In response to Reply # 129



In terms of danger, this missile (the size of a big fridge, if I'm not mistaken) is peanuts compared to the countless of meteorites and other bodies that impact the moon on a regular basis. So there's really no reason at all to believe that this will cause the moon to shift its orbit, or rain debris on the surface of the earth.

The whole "bombing" terminology used by the media to add flair to a relatively dull story is causing people's heads to spin a bit too fast.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:35 PM

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144. "word... you ever seen the size of the craters on the moon? (not @ backbo..."
In response to Reply # 140



meteors the size of fucking STATES hit the moon, and it's still there.

we shot a tiny ass little gizmo at it. it's like comparing a mosquito bite to a shark.

*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:12 PM

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133. ""
In response to Reply # 0




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Member since Jun 05th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:40 PM

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147. "this is now the 2nd funniest post i've ever read in OKP"
In response to Reply # 0


thanks folks

well played indeed


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:49 PM

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150. "rocks are smarter than some people in this post. "
In response to Reply # 147



it has given me laughs as well.

don't be fkn evil.


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Member since Jun 05th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 01:53 PM

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151. "it's a goldmine of "what da hell" moments "
In response to Reply # 150


even the high-minded "scientists" are now saying dumb 'ish and letting their biases show

example: water on the moon = there is no God (that's a helluva logic leap there)

i LOVE this place


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Fri Oct-09-09 01:58 PM

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152. "I've always been biased against stupidity and paranoia....."
In response to Reply # 151



but this post has surprised me.

the only thing missing now is some looney ass illuminati youtube pseudo documentary reference for this post to be complete.

don't be fkn evil.


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:00 PM

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153. "that "they tryin to control our wombs" bit is damn close"
In response to Reply # 152


damn close indeed


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:04 PM

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215. "i laughed loud as hell offa that. womb control. fam. "
In response to Reply # 153



peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Fri Oct-09-09 10:32 PM

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240. "True luna-cy"
In response to Reply # 215



:: ::

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Fri Oct-09-09 10:36 PM

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243. "Really tho... if men had even CONSIDERED the POSSIBILITY of "
In response to Reply # 240



fukin up some pms'y women's cycles and makin em even CRAZIER than they already are...

they'da NEVER went thru with the mission.

:: ::

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Fri Oct-09-09 02:01 PM

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154. "perhaps you missed this:"
In response to Reply # 152



CNN's got a nice little compilation of them.



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Fri Oct-09-09 02:20 PM

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158. "If you're referring to post 143,"
In response to Reply # 151


>even the high-minded "scientists" are now saying dumb 'ish
>and letting their biases show
>example: water on the moon = there is no God (that's a helluva
>logic leap there)

I think the "fable" he was talking about was not so much about God, but about the idea that life *only* exists on Earth.


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:26 PM

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160. "Yep."
In response to Reply # 158



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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166. "sure buddy"
In response to Reply # 160


the location part is parenthetical to the main point...hence the ->()<-

point is, it just adds the ironic tone of this whole thing


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:50 PM

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171. "Oh so we're nitpicking, fun!"
In response to Reply # 166



I never said "there is no god" (well, not in this thread). I only said proof of life on the moon would dispel the myth that god put us here, which is in itself incomplete and incorrect, because one could simply reply that god *also* put life on the moon, hence the clarification in parentheses.

Maybe it was a poor choice of syntax. I'm sorry if it confused you.

>point is, it just adds the ironic tone of this whole thing

Does it? I find it slightly ironic that you're bending my words to make it seem like I'm even more arrogant than I really am, in an effort to point out the supposed irony in this thread.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 02:59 PM

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172. "okay buddy"
In response to Reply # 171


*finger guns*


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:08 PM

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173. "Yeah I kind of expected as much."
In response to Reply # 172



You can have the last word now, if you still want it.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:41 PM

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178. "thanks buddy"
In response to Reply # 173



*does i won an innanet pissing contest dance*


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Fri Oct-09-09 03:18 PM

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174. "REWARD UNLOCKED: Lack of Rational Rebuttal - 10 OKDollars."
In response to Reply # 172




"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Fri Oct-09-09 04:35 PM

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190. "lol"
In response to Reply # 174





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In response to Reply # 150



(c) noted astronomer and astrophysical ethicist Dr. Posdnuos.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Fri Oct-09-09 08:50 PM

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232. "sure, they ridin for the Mooninites NOW, but let them immigrate"
In response to Reply # 231



and start taking away menial earthling-jobs. the hate fabric will flip and they will catch the wrath, too.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Member since Nov 30th 2005
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Fri Oct-09-09 09:40 PM

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234. "Then all of a sudden, "bombing" the moon won't be such a bad idea"
In response to Reply # 232





"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Member since Feb 26th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 03:33 PM

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175. "this post is like the gift that keeps on giving"
In response to Reply # 0



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Member since Sep 12th 2002
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Fri Oct-09-09 03:36 PM

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177. "i came in here for moon humor and i'm not disappointed."
In response to Reply # 0


i absolutely LOVE this post and want it archived.


I write like my hair
what grows from
the tip of my pen
is organic
knotty and greasy
at times.


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:30 PM

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188. "i mean, the first line of the post was wrong. and it went downhill."
In response to Reply # 0



you don't say "literally bomb the moon"

if the headline directly after that line is "NASA to 'bomb' moon"

see how they put the word in quotation marks?


that was to try and stop you saying that first line


anyway, the moon gets hit like this, what, three or four times a month? yeah. that kinda sums it up.



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Fri Oct-09-09 04:39 PM

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193. "Phenomenality is being tongue in cheek."
In response to Reply # 188



Or at least, that's what I think right now. This thread has completely thrown me off balance when it comes to sarcasm.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:40 PM

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195. "but.. she said... uh. i won't even bother."
In response to Reply # 193





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Fri Oct-09-09 04:53 PM

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204. "Yeah. I think I'm just going to watch an episode of Fringe right now."
In response to Reply # 195



That way, at least there's a mediocre story to accompany the shoddy science.

"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 07:26 PM

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228. "Comeon man... "
In response to Reply # 195



:: ::

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T Reynolds
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Fri Oct-09-09 04:52 PM

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202. "This is why white people are on OKP"
In response to Reply # 0



to help us through these troubling technological times

ICU Whitefolx


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Fri Oct-09-09 04:54 PM

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205. "lol stop."
In response to Reply # 202



you not lying though. White People won in this post big time.


"i'm doing good, can i put my face in your buttcrack?" (c) P.Inf

"frankly, I think it's foolish to have a cat or a baby, but whatever" (c) veritas



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Fri Oct-09-09 05:01 PM

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208. "LOL!"
In response to Reply # 202



fuck you.


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Member since Apr 16th 2006
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239. "So NSBE ain't shit, huh? lol"
In response to Reply # 202




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Fri Oct-09-09 05:06 PM

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210. "I'm beginning to think women shouldn't be allowed to vote anymore. "
In response to Reply # 0



That's my take away from this whole thing.


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 05:21 PM

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211. "Any honest person knows the technology doesn't exist to bomb the moon."
In response to Reply # 0
Fri Oct-09-09 05:33 PM by stravinskian


The moon's like lightyears away. The radiation in interstellar space would fry any machine they send up. Most of all, we gotta remember that there's ZERO gravity on the moon, so how could there even be a plume of dust?

Right. There couldn't.

The whole thing clearly doesn't add up. Someone's trying to fool us.


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Fri Oct-09-09 05:30 PM

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212. "lmao"
In response to Reply # 211




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Fast Food James
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Fri Oct-09-09 05:31 PM

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213. "lol @ people actin like we bout to death star the moon"
In response to Reply # 0





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Fri Oct-09-09 06:25 PM

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In response to Reply # 0




<------ Boho Model Madness presents: Boho Rapunzel

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c) T510


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 06:29 PM

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221. "oh dont worry. this was going in the archives as soon as i spit my verse"
In response to Reply # 219



*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:32 PM

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223. "^^^ ego so big, NASA tryin' to bomb it."
In response to Reply # 221



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Member since Mar 18th 2004
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Fri Oct-09-09 06:37 PM

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224. "what good is power if you can't abuse it?"
In response to Reply # 223



*Jews you*

"this is okp tho, reading is completely optional" (c) desus

Proceed with caution. I am overtly racist.

<-- In Pigpen we trust


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:52 PM

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227. "Abuse is the only thing that power understands."
In response to Reply # 224



"So this is what everybody's always talking about! Diablo! If only I'd known. The beauty! The beauty!"


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Fri Oct-09-09 06:32 PM

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222. "RIP Mooninites"
In response to Reply # 0



You will be missed.

<------ Boho Model Madness presents: Boho Rapunzel

"Arm Leg Leg Arm How you doin?" (c) T510


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Member since Feb 24th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 06:46 PM

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226. "Ya know. The way the looney tunes came out today,"
In response to Reply # 0


in this post and others, it kinda makes you wonder.

(And no, I'm not serious.)


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Fri Oct-09-09 09:09 PM

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233. "So what the fuck happened?"
In response to Reply # 0



Day's almost over, did anything come of this?


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Fri Oct-09-09 10:15 PM

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236. "Boom. Plume. Data, data, data."
In response to Reply # 233


Amateur astronomers and news media are disappointed that there aren't any good images of the plume. But I guess there are pictures out there of the crater that was formed. More importantly, they seem to have collected very good, clear data on the chemical composition of the plume. I guess people are saying the results should be out in a few weeks.


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Fri Oct-09-09 10:33 PM

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241. "#82"
In response to Reply # 233



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Member since Aug 20th 2003
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Fri Oct-09-09 09:55 PM

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235. "this was a fun post. archive!"
In response to Reply # 0





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In response to Reply # 0



this post was all kinds of awesome

I'm sorry, what?

DROkayplayer: Giving you good puff since May '05


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Fri Oct-09-09 10:39 PM

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245. "I swear before God, some of y'all give black folk a bad name when it"
In response to Reply # 0



comes to modern science.

I mean, GOOD. GRIEF.


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Sat Oct-10-09 01:42 AM

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251. "RE: I swear before God, some of y'all give black folk a bad name when it"
In response to Reply # 245



...a child is born with no state of mind, blind to the ways of mankind, god is smilin' on you and frownin' too, because only god knows what you gonna do...©melle mel


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Sat Oct-10-09 03:56 AM

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253. "a lot of okayplayers of all hues are dumb as fuck."
In response to Reply # 245


it makes sense, when you think about it, this place being a microcosm of greater society.


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259. "pretty much. can't blame it on black people n/m"
In response to Reply # 253





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Sat Oct-10-09 08:31 AM

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256. "Soooo, NASA heard Kid Cudi's 'Man On The Moon'"
In response to Reply # 0





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257. "i thought this was some graf shit to let Mars know 'this OURS'. "
In response to Reply # 0



like, a giant robot controlled aerosol can remotely operated from houston, bombing the moon with a whole car, top-to-bottom, dark to light side piece.

just to let any other interstellar sets know what time it is.


'sol system.

(that'd be a dope graf crew name). Sol/aerosol.

like, they took lil street ninjas and hooked up up w/ internships at JPL and then NASA greenlighted the joint proposal between the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Science Foundation.

then we could have an underground hip hop album as a soundtrack:

Moonbombing, Vol. 1.

can you imagine just how MAD ny and la cops would be if they looked up at the moon every fucking night and it was covered in graffiti? they'd be working on municipal rocket programs just to try and whitewash that shit.

mfers just chilling in a crater, caught the moon at the layup, and went to town. that's whassup.

peace & blessings,


** i move away from the mic to breathe in


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Sat Oct-10-09 04:49 PM

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261. "archive."
In response to Reply # 0





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