those kind of dudes always got good convo tho...that's how they get u...smh...
lmao at him putting bags in ure car!!!lmfao
and the "Italian Restaurant"
I can't front tho those ones do have bangin food, but still...
not on a date... 
poor baby prolly thought he was doin something suggesting that...
man it's hard out here for us ladies I swear!!!!
>I have never really been out on a "date" with a "stranger" >before. > >I've always met my boyfriends/whatever you want to call them >through friends so it wasn't a complete mystery what he would >be like, etc. > >I met this dude at the gas station Saturday night and I'm >trying to be more open minded when it comes to meeting men. >He was tall - 6'5" which is really rare here and he was >polite. I gave him my number, we text and talked throughout >the week and decided to go to dinner Thursday. > >Thursday. > >We were going to meet at the gas station we'd initially met >at. I pull up, he walks over to my car with like 10 plastic >bags of stuff and starts putting them in my backseat. Then he >gets in, and a strong odor just drifts past my nose. He >smelled like, outdoors and musk. > >I didn't mind driving cus I didn't want to not have my car >anyway but oncee he gets in and gets settled down he goes, >"did you know the buses stop running in vab at 6? i had to >take a cab home last night" > >well, no, i didn't know. i've never taken public >transportation here before. > >so he suggested an italian restaurant and i was like cool. We >get there, it's one of those dine in, carry out, delivery >joints. My lasagna came out in a foil bowl, not a plate. > >he talked far more than i did which was good b/c I really had >nothing to say...I'd decided I wasn't interested when he >started putting the bags in my car, but I was extremely polite >and charming. I'm a leo. That's what we do. > >So, we finish eating and I am taking him home. He lives in a >hotel. Not like, a nice hotel. I pull up and there are some >shady activities going on everywhere. He invited me in, I >politely declined. > >The next day he text and said he can't wait to see me again >  > >oh...and, did I mention his full time job is being a >bootlegger? cd's and dvd's. i mean, what do i tell my >friends when they ask me what he does? "oh..he's in retail >girl..." > >argggghhhh. > >Whyyy meeeee??? >
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