it's like, i'm doing the best i possibly can considering the fact that i work, and that her dad has the lunatic work schedule/lifestyle so there's little support there. Kaia is 2.5 years old and she's still in diapers.
she goes to a home day care and there is another 2 year old who is already trained (she has an older sister). I've discussed potty training numerous times with the lady but to be honest i'm not sure what exactly is going on during the day. she still asks me to provide diapers. a couple of months ago, she would tell me that she put kaia on the toilet with a potty seat, but the major issue is the midget will not tell anybody she has to go before she goes. it's either me patting her diaper thru her clothes to determine if she's wet, or if it's #2, i can smell it in the next room. She does manage to say "oooh, stinky" after she takes a shit, but that's not really helpful.
anyway, i bought her a potty before she was 18 months old. i try to take her when i go, i bought her a little book with flushing sound effects that she will read, but she still won't warn a nigga. Now, she will take a piece of tissue and try to wipe her butt, and she will hop up on the toilet and wash her hands with no assistance, so i guess the day care lady has taught her something. besides that, i just ask "can you go get mommy a diaper?" and she'll run into the bathroom and bring me one.
i'm frustrated, she should've been going potty a while ago. she is very smart but this is just not happening like it's supposed to. right now since i'm home, i just threw a pair of panties on her, and i'm repeatedly asking her does she have to go potty, she keeps saying no. my mother says "let her shit on herself a couple of times, she'll start telling you beforehand". *shrugs*
need advice. i feel like nobody really takes this shit seriously except for me.