83. "I don’t know if I should be happy that pulisic is scoring or sad." In response to In response to 0 Sat Oct-26-19 12:41 PM by allStah
This NBC EPL is American thing is just so over the top and people walking around in Pulisic masks and screaming pulisic. Shit just becomes so Americanized. They dont do this in Europe.
This isn’t pulisic FC this is chelsea FC... and you can tell that Lampard is annoyed with it as well for constantly being question about not playing pulisic even though we were winning.
Maybe I have the wrong perception because I grew up on watching European and South American soccer , where they don’t fall in love with a single player.
Americans will love shit just because it is American and for that to rule over everything else. It’s totally different than when Donovan was outstanding With Everton, soccer had not really become a craze yet in America , and Everton was a smaller club, And Donovan was always respected by Europeans.
I just don’t want chelsea to turn into this huge American thing, and it is, got chelsea fans who are just pulisic fans, and never really knew about Chelsea before.
Well this is what Roman wanted...huge american dollars.