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Lobby Okay Sports topic #2164189

Subject: "Yeeeeup" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Oct 30th 2004
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Thu Apr-18-13 08:10 PM

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74. "Yeeeeup"
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I'll be honest once again. In a lot of big spots this year he was disappointing but he did have some big games too in some big games.

I wouldnt say he exceeded my expectations, but at the very least met them this season.

I'll throw out the 17 and 7 of the last month because people will say it was only 9 games. So since the AS break 15 and 6. I'll take that for his first full season as a starter.

One thing I'm proud of him for is that he keeps getting better and all the shit he gets criticized for improves--even if incrementally.

Let's visit last season

His biggest areas of criticism were

1. Turnover prone
2. Can't go left
3. Soft/Injry Prone

1. I am actually shocked he didnt AVG 3 turnovers this year. Based off what I saw last year I thought for sure that no matter how good or bad he was he was going to be over 3 turnovers a game. He played a completely different game at pg this year and by the end of the season showed he didnt just have to be successful with the ball exclusively in his hands.

He showed me he was a much better passer than I thought he was. Because the ball isnt always in his hands, it helped his turnover rate but also hurt his assist rate. But damn if he didn't drop a lot of great dimes this year that he didn't really show in his repetoire at all last year. He has a hell of a no look pass and is one ofthe best outlet/full court passers from the pg position in the league.

2. He's still not gonna beat you left most times but he showed this year he could. His overall handle was better than last year and there were times guys shaded him left and he just used his speed to blow by them. He also showed he doesnt even really need a left hand now while he has that speed because even when guys forced him left, he was able to blow by people to the right.

3. A lot of people questioned his toughness when he missed the playoffs this season. He came back and played 82 games despite turning his ankle at least 3 times, constantly getting knocked down, hit in the head, etc. Theres no more questioning his toughness


At the beginning of the season this year he got a lot of criticism and was able to fix a number of those things in season.

1. Can't shoot.
2. Doesn't play D.

1. He started off the season 37% field and 26% from 3. In December his fg% went up but his 3pt % was still just 29%. He caught all types of jokes about his fg%. Like fapdogg said, he finished the season shooting 44% from the field and 33.9 from 3.

Post AS break he shot 45.5% from the field and 37.5% from 3 more than respectful.

2. His D was much improved this season. I never thought it was that bad in the first place but over the second half of the season people started noticing that he was a tough defender and there were some articles written about it. I do think its easy to stand out as a defender when you play next to Harden but thats another post.

I think overall what I was most happy about in his game is he showed he knew how to play the game. Rarely did he force the issue and take bad shots or force bad plays, sometimes to his own detriment. But he generally isn't a pg who will go out there jack shots, make a ton mistakes and lose games for you. Last night was obviously an exception.

With all that said I think there are some things he needs to improve.Nobody on here or in Houston media really talked about this but as the season progressed he stopped attacking the boards. His rebounds fell off DRAMATICALLY. At the beginning of the season I thought he was one of the top rebounding pgs. by seasons end he was probably right below average. His steal rate also dropped off. This could be a product of gambling less, but he also seemed to be less aggressive on defense creating turnovers and attacking the ball. I'd like to see that more.

But yea the biggest critique is his lack of consistency. Drives me nuts. I knew that when he had a good stretch a bad stretch would come. When you look at the overall numbers, he's right there with guys like Mike Conley. But what makes Conley good is he's consistent almost every night.

With that said, the big games he's able to produce as a Rockets fan are exciting. I think potential wise most people would rather have a young guy who has shown he can have some HUGE games in the league that someone who is consistently average.

I think the article I posted by his shooting coach Doc Scheppler has a lot of spot on analysis on his strengths and weaknesses, and Im glad theres a clear plan for his improvement this summer. Hopefully he stays healthy through the playoffs so they can get to this stuff right away after a short break. I'll repost below

Doc Scheppler (who is in the Bay)

lots of good advice here with fair critiques of his game: Hopefully he stays healthy and is able to put some of these things in place.

How do feel about JLins first full season as a starter? How much has he grown as a player?

I think he's had a solid year. His team is going to the playoffs and that is a meaningful accomplishment considering the age and experience of their roster. It takes time to really become a team and I can really see the guys are getting to know each others skill sets. They appear to have better relationships while playing. You can tell they enjoy playing basketball. The NBA season is LONG and exhausting with many hills and valleys along the way. They are a fun offensive team to watch when they move and share the ball and take the shots a team needs to take to be successful. I don't enjoy when Harden holds the ball too long while everybody stands. He is really an offensive talent that just needs to make his move sooner and create shots.

I think that Jeremy should be lauded for playing EVERY game through many ankle tweaks, 100's of falls, dozens of charges, stitches, facial blows. He really is a Tough athlete. He also is that rare NBA player that puts forth an honest effort every game. His defensive principles are solid and he is a player a coach can rely on to always play the right way. I'd like to see his on-ball defense improve in containing dribble penetration. I'm not referring to situations when he's been in a helping or rotating situation, or, even in a pick and roll where he has to rely on getting hedge help or corral help, I'm talking about staying in front of his man and not relying on his help. That is a trait every point guard at any level should possess. Pressuring the ball and containing penetration.

Jeremy plays best when the ball is in his hands and having to share touches with Harden has been an adjustment, but I think that he's getting better at playing off the ball. He's learning that he can put himself in advantageous position when he does catch the ball if he attacks a close out. He has developed a beautiful, explosive catch and drive upon reception of the ball. I still think he turns down too many catch and shoot opportunities which are a result of reverting back too whats comfortable, which is for him, attack the rim. He still has a hesitant attitude about shooting, and , you can use the threes he hit vs Memphis in the 4th as an example.. Those 2 releases were quick and shot with complete conviction... The result....2 perfect, rhythmical shots. Those particular shots are there for him many times during the flow of the game.

When the ball is in his hands and he has a creator mentality he is just a great Shot Creator for his team. His vision and delivering the ball with great passing angles is a trait that makes him a joy to play with.

As his shooting coach, I think he has space to shoot and doesn't, but I think that being a point guard he's very mindful still of not being a shot-hungry player that is a pain to play with. Just trying to find that balance is very tricky.
He's still 24 years old. He's going to get better, and he wants to be great! All of his shooting numbers have improved as the season has progressed. His overall FG %age is 44% and his 3 point pct is now at 34%... Thats big improvement over his early season numbers of 38% overall and 27% from 3..

How often were you in contact with Jeremy over this past season?

We exchange texts before and after most games..I give him shooting reminders and my feedback on what he's done well and improvement areas.

Did you have a chance to see/work with him during the season?

I went down to Houston twice during the season in late October and after Christmas. He was struggling with his shooting mechanics and mentality. We worked together 2 times during each visit, and it took 10 minutes to "tune" up his mechanics. He just needed a voice to remind him of his release cues (wrist snap,defined follow through), footwork (quick, defined jump). I still believe his game shooting numbers will continue to reflect and be closer to his drill shooting numbers as he continues to make progress. He was shooting mid 70's %wise in ALL shooting situations this summer. He should be in the 40's from 3 and 50 overall...85 from the line.

Any advice to him before the start of the playoffs?

Doc: No advice other than to be aggressive. Just be Jeremy! He's always relished big game opportunities throughout his whole career playing basketball. I'm excited to see how he responds.

Will you be working with him again this summer? If so, what things will you be focusing on?

Doc: Yes.. I have a long list of skills and improvement areas.
We'll continue to work on all of the shooting situations so he can shoot a high %age on every shot. We'll also combine cardiovascular fatigue to the drill situations to better simulate a game.

I'm also going to suggest he play a lot of small sided pick 2v2 3v3 where he's working on mastering playing away from the ball , moving into passing windows, being hard to guard without the ball, and developing a shooters mentality under playing conditions. Using these practice situations will give him hands on experience,and with that, a confidence in his shooting ability in games. i wanted to start that this past summer but we were limited with his knee rehab. I want to work on his shooters body language where he is seeking the ball with a mind set like a cat on the prowl. So many times he's standing without a purpose.

I'd like to continue to cut down his shot release time which is just about making jump quicker on his shot.
He's developed a nice repertoire of finishing moves around the basket,but, he still reverts to a left foot take off lay-up too much, which puts him at risk for getting drilled, and is, sometimes not the right finish at the right time. I want him to be able to dunk off a 2 foot take-off and a right foot take-off. He basically has his left leg as his pet takeoff leg (like a high or long jumper) . I'd like him to develop the ability to be almost as comfortable off his right and 2 feet.

I'm sure he'll continue to work on his handle to get it tighter, as well as his off hand development passing the ball. He really passes well with his left hand and worked hard to improve that.. It's an absolute joke that the "experts" say he can't go left because he has no left hand.. He prefers driving right because his left leg is his most comfortable exploding leg.. He has made GREAT strides in driving left with an explosive burst since last year.
Lastly, he needs to continue to master a 2 foot floater. Many times on his drives he takes it too deep when he has space in that 8-12 foot floater zone. We'll work on that quick 2 foot stop floater so he can shoot the ball before the helping big can get to it.. All you have to do is watch Tony Parkers floater and see how effective you can be. Jeremy prefers the 1 foot high arcing runner which he 's not consistent with. (too much forward movement going off his 1 foot causing long misses and a difficult time controlling distance) He'll have a deadly floater next year!

"though time has passed, im still the future" (c) black thought


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LMAO at Jeremy Lin! [View all] , bentagain, Thu Apr-18-13 09:47 AM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Hollinger agrees!
Apr 18th 2013
Prediction: The "advanced stats" crew will avoid this like the plague
Apr 18th 2013
*checks watch*
Apr 18th 2013
you bored?
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
One spot behind the guy who replaced him in NY
Apr 18th 2013
so Felton better?
Apr 18th 2013
according to per, sure.
Apr 18th 2013
RE: 20 spots behind the guy he replaced in HOU
Apr 18th 2013
Top 3 Tony.. Rondo not in the top 10..... discuss
Apr 18th 2013
cmon, John Wall better....
Apr 18th 2013
Kyrie only behind Russy, TP and Parker....mad?
Apr 18th 2013
      ^^^^ LCA VISION ^^^^
Apr 18th 2013
double the money.....
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
      Yeah lin is better in practically every category.
Apr 18th 2013
      so Lin better?
Apr 18th 2013
           according to 9 out of 10 advanced stats and common sense, sure.
Apr 18th 2013
                look, somebody needs to get mad in this post..
Apr 18th 2013
                     wait for the lin haters to come back.
Apr 18th 2013
      Lol just realized this idiot never came back. Dumbass probably read the ...
Apr 18th 2013
You forgot one
Apr 18th 2013
RE: 34-foot three point jumper (Jeremy Lin assists)
Apr 18th 2013
      it speaks to McHale being a shitty x/o's guy
Apr 18th 2013
I found it more hilarious Steve Blake dropped 24 on his ass
Apr 18th 2013
on 6-20 shooting? you idiots really gotta do better.
Apr 18th 2013
      LINS +/- WAS -5
Apr 18th 2013
      too bad you said this tho
Apr 18th 2013
      lol (c) cenario
Apr 18th 2013
      he still played poorly and there is no sugarcoating it
Apr 18th 2013
           no one in here is defending how he played last night
Apr 18th 2013
                literally, no one.
Apr 18th 2013
                not at all.
Apr 18th 2013
                     yeah i thought he was fine at that end of the floor
Apr 18th 2013
yeah, i mean pretty much everyone with eyes saw this last night
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
      selective vision
Apr 18th 2013
He's on okay player. You pick one bad game and pick it apart?
Apr 18th 2013
wish you wouldve posted this before me
Apr 18th 2013
what about DAT P.E.R. tho?
Apr 18th 2013
      not a big fan of it. never have been
Apr 18th 2013
Show's over, folks. *sounds gong*
Apr 18th 2013
The definitive good/bad advanced stat list...
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
boo this stat
Apr 18th 2013
      I prefer PER to win shares, but only as a very broad stat.
Apr 18th 2013
      it doesn't even try to include defense
Apr 18th 2013
           Well, sure. Like I said, it's very broad and imperfect.
Apr 18th 2013
      o-rating and d-rating are idiotic stats
Apr 19th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
the best scoring stat.
Apr 18th 2013
      a thousand times yes.
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
           ilove how when the convo turns from Advanced Stats 101
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
based off PER, which
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
Not a fan.
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
probably the best composite rating we have
Apr 18th 2013
      Tyson Chandler #1 the last 3 years
Apr 23rd 2013
Apr 18th 2013
good idea, but affected too much by the other players on the court
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
so TS% is the only "good" one?
Apr 23rd 2013
PS - will someone please get mad?
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
they trying to get me man
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
Russy gonna eat his good
Apr 18th 2013
For the Advanced Stats Crew, outraged at my PER post
Apr 18th 2013
Apr 18th 2013
      post #70. n/m
Apr 18th 2013
      Cool. He should he's a top 10 pg, Jeremy isnt
Apr 18th 2013
      april counts. here's why
Apr 18th 2013
      i really like the point about learning to finish off both legs
Apr 19th 2013
he was a starting PG this year, just one in the lower quadrant
Apr 18th 2013
      fair enough
Apr 18th 2013
      he's an average PG.
Apr 19th 2013
This is sad
Apr 18th 2013
Luckily is focused on the playoffs
Apr 19th 2013
1-7fg, 0-4 3pt, 4 assist, 4TO
Apr 21st 2013
How was his "floor game" tho?
Apr 22nd 2013
Brutal. He'll bounce back though.
Apr 22nd 2013
Patrick Beverley >>>
Apr 25th 2013
How was that "floor game" last night Shawn?
Apr 28th 2013
RE: Patrick Beverley >>>
Oct 30th 2013
first game of seasoning bout to start
Oct 30th 2013
RE: Dragic >>>
Feb 24th 2014
Not even up for debate
Feb 24th 2014
Shawn come take your L graciously & kiss the donkey's ass
Feb 24th 2014
Raymond Felton arrested on felony gun charges
Feb 25th 2014
That floor game tho!
May 03rd 2014
May 03rd 2014
11 pts a game this series on 41% shooting (20% from 3 smh)
May 03rd 2014

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