35. "Tin foil hat time?" In response to In response to 0 Tue Dec-14-21 01:40 PM by soulfunk
So after watching episode 4, I re-watched the first episode. I think there are a couple twists coming up. First, I think Kate's mom is the big bad of the series. I think the first episode was a bit heavy-handed in how thick they laid it on that Kate liked her dad more than her mom. Something just seems off about it. Honestly that entire opening sequence from 2012 was weird - you had her mom and dad arguing with each other about money. Her dad goes up to check on Kate, and say's "I'll be downstairs in my office." Her mom has an awkward conversation with her, tells her to get the checkers and that she's "going downstairs and will be right back." Then we have the Chitauri invasion and her dad ends up getting killed, but we never saw that happened to him. Did her mom go down and kill him, with the invasion being a great way to cover it up?
When time flashes forward she's obviously WAY more rich, and something just seems off. She's throwing a huge gala and there's a secret black market auction that happens to be going on inside her gala? She also had an argument with Jack's uncle that night before he ends up dead later - was she the one who killed him?
I also definitely noticed it in episode 4 when Clint shows up at her house and their conversation - seems like they are foreshadowing something here. Is she really the one in control of the tracksuits? Maya's "uncle" (likely Kingpin) is definitely involved in some way, but I feel like Kate's mom being evil will be a twist here, with Jack being more of a red herring.
The second twist is I don't think Clint was actually the one in the Ronin costume who killed Maya's father. Clint might not even know that himself, but my guess is it was someone unexpected (maybe that was Kate's mom too?) What I don't know is how the watch with the tracking signal is connected to all of this. I definitely think it's an indicator of who that Ronin was, and that's why Maya had it. But Clint seems to want to get rid of that watch, and it has some type of meaning. So maybe I'm wrong and it DOES prove that he was in the Ronin suit killing Maya's dad?