if you got a minute or so, watch that clip. it overlays the novel with the scene. DAMN they did their thing in the adaptation, but again, i really love the books and dudes did it while writing.
notice she exhales first to avoid explosive decompression. the shot she took was hinted at in Ep 2 this year when they saved monica (the nosey reporter) from being in the breached / vacuum of the shipping container when she was held hostage. holden used that shot on her which in the books is described as hyper-oxygenated blood.
seems like a handy and ubiquitous first aid kit type thing to have roughly 100 years in on a regularly spacefaring civilization.
she is going to be fucked up and suffer severe effects from having been exposed to the cold of vacuum. they have pretty good auto docs on the rocsi if she can make it there.
the gantry to the other ship was pulled back, but they still should have been at same relative velocity and she was jumping across the void where the gantry was, so i can buy the relative straight shot.
other thing is they use a ton of consultants in their writing process as well as in the filming, and they definitely make sure to do their homework on the key plot points.
> >Yes these are dumb questions, but honestly I wanted to bump >this thread.
i had forgotten the specifics in the book, and had the same questions while watching, and this prompted me to find the overlay of the book + show, so that was helpful.
also for anyone else watching, spoilers notwithstanding, it's pretty illustrative of the care that has gone into the books and the show. > >
========================================= I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and not having much to show for it. (c) mad