3. "RE: Amazon Instant gets (some) HBO programming" In response to In response to 0 Wed Apr-23-14 12:42 PM by nipsey
Actually, I think it's more HBO's shot at Netflix than Amazon. It's not like Amazon offered anything to HBO that Netflix would not have. Netflix fashions itself a competitor to HBO. Right or wrong, that's how they are positioning themselves. HBO is trying to hurt Netflix by going to Netflix's competitor.
EDIT: It's like a woman trying to make a guy jealous by hooking up with another dude who isn't quite as attractive or popular. The other dude didn't really do anything differently than the first dude. He just benefited from a woman who's trying to make a statement to the first dude.
>I feel like this is the first legitimate shot Amazon's taken >at Netflix. No GoT for now, though. Still, I'd consider this >at least a small win for Amazon.