To be honest, it really shoul not have logically happened in the FIRST place. If you happen to catch it on cable or rent it or know of someone who has it, be sure to see it right before that scene begins. Now its been a lil while since I seen it last but if im not mistaken, the "bad guys" who hijack that trailer could have been stopped before the whole crazzy thing begins, thus negating that whole SCENE! Im sorry, but its jus somethin I noticed the first time I saw it. I mean, I even remember saying that IF Bay and company decided to just make it so that that flaw was corrected, it would have been ok.
But other than that I agree mostly with Frank. I like alot of mindlesss action flicks, but this one just pushes the envelope til its over the edge and beyond plausibilty and the fights left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially the scene where they pull their gun out on the daughters date. Totally classless. Anyway...