i thought by now someone would have told you about bad boys II by now.
this was mindless to an extreme.
i laughged but really only enjoyed it becaseu it came out in the summer. between the months of may and auguest i turn my brain off and don't care about al the things that make a film good.
only in extreme cases will i care.
this was one of them.
a good action movie set in miami, that was a good film (pretty good, or too good for summer standards anyway) woudl have to be miami vice. check it out and let us know.
i put these type of overblown over the top flicks in toeh "last action hero" category. the governators "last action movie" before he dd a bunch of shitty one, does a pretty good job of lampooning action movie logic. no one is spared, especially arnaold and i think thats waht i enjoyed. unfortunately people seemd to take the first half of the movie that gets lampooned as the standard for action movie excess, and fail to see the critique..oh well
oh check out the last boy scout, for more bruce willis, reluctant hero, bastard goodness.