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Lobby Pass The Popcorn topic #610252

Subject: "This review sums pretty much sums it up to me" Previous topic | Next topic
navajo joe
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Tue Dec-04-12 02:41 PM

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31. "This review sums pretty much sums it up to me"
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I did however love Gandolfini and his work in this. There is obviously lot of movie left on the floor here unfortunatately they lift in a good bit of pointless material. This is a minor movie and they should have let it be that. There are a lot of really good fucking movies about minor fucking things. Had they let the political stuff be subtext rather than THE text they could have had something.

"Killing Them Softly is a Bad Good Movie"

Killing Them Softly is exactly the kind of film I hate to review but love to discuss, a film just interesting and ambitious enough to ably disguise what might be genuine failure. It obviously has some big ideas and doesn't mess around with subtlety. But the execution is muddy enough that I'm not sure if it succeeds. If you like crime films, you should probably go see it. If you're looking for a follow up to The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, I don't think you'll come away very happy.

This is a very talky movie. Overly so. That approach can be either thrilling or a bore, and Killing Them Softly falls somewhere in between. Despite the script's best attempts, conversations often go on much longer than necessary and fail to justify their length with the interesting notes and details that might normally add to and embellish characters and their world. The James Gandolfini scenes are particular offenders in this regard. A lot of time goes to this nearly superfluous character, but his inclusion to the story ultimately offers only thematic reinforcement rather than narrative value, and it's just not worth the investment.

Some of the conversations find better success. Pretty much any time Richard Jenkins (who once again plays Richard Jenkins) and Brad Pitt talk, things get more electric. Pitt's not really embodying anything with his performance, here. The writing easily defines his character beyond any typical Hollywood blandness, but he chooses to underact the part. It's sort of the opposite of his Ocean's performances, where he just gets by on being Brad Pitt. It's Mirror Universe default Pitt, complete with goatee. That means instead of smiling a lot and eating food in every scene, he just looks tired and smoke bunches of cigarettes.

His character represents old school mob ideals, which clash with the new corporate mob mentality presented by Jenkins' exasperated middle-man. Pitt and Jenkins have good chemistry, and their scenes together provide the glue that holds the whole enterprise together, both narratively and thematically. Since so much of this works it would be erroneous to call the film a total failure. These two share the film's incredible Coen Bros.- esque closing scene, which either brings the whole film together or takes it one step too far into preachy territory depending on whether you think it's okay to build an entire feature around a point Brad Pitt's character can sum up in one sentence, and was probably already said better in No Country for Old Men.

A lot has been made about Killing Them Softly's politics, which are unavoidable since nearly every scene contains some video or audio of either Obama, Bush 2, or McCain talking about the 2008 Financial Crisis. The connection between desperate criminal activities and a looming recession manage to somehow be simultaneously unclear and embarrassingly obvious. I don't really know why a movie about a robbed card game and shifting mob business practices needs to have so many news clips, but I do know that I rolled my eyes when Jenkins gives Pitt less money than expected and refers to it as "recession" price.

Actually I do know why the film needs this stuff. Its narrative is so stock that it would be useless without aspiring to be about something more. Thanks to America's "every man for himself" mentality, two dumbass criminals (one of whom is Australian) knock off Ray Liotta's card game, and Brad Pitt has to get them for it. That's pretty much it. The thematic stuff supposedly justifies the film. The actual film does not.

Of the two dummies, you're supposed to care about the nice one played by Scoot McNairy, who is basically just doing a Casey Affleck impression. We don't spend that much time with him though. Once Brad Pitt shows up, the film goes into a long period where McNairy and his partner are absent from the narrative so we can hear James Gandolfini breathe a lot. While we sympathize with McNairy for his ability to look scared and out of his league, we don't actually get to know him very well.

Really the unsung star of the film is Ray Liotta as a character put through so much misery that his repeated tragedies occasionally blur into near Looney Tunes exaggeration. WIth very little screen time and dialogue, Liotta somehow manages to create the film's most complete character, but it's unclear whether director Andrew Dominik actually knows that or just got lucky.

Speaking of Dominik, his stylistic choices offer yet another angle in which Killing Them Softly both fails and succeeds. Visual embellishments fill the film, some minor and some calling great attention to themselves. Almost none of them serve much purpose, though. That's not necessarily a bad thing. We go to films to see cool stuff, after all. But like a lot with this film, certain stylistic sequences start well but go on long enough to wear out their welcome. A scene where Dominik attempts to visually translate a heroin user's experience being on the nod, goes from interesting to aggravating pretty quickly. On the other hand, Killing Them Softly has some of my favorite opening credits of the year. Dominic's work isn't awful, but it lacks the assured beauty of The Assassination of Jesse James and seems like an unexpected step backwards.

In the end, Killing Them Softly might achieve its thematic ambition, but its intended statement is smaller than you'd think and may not be worth the examination. It offers occasional pleasures, but earns neither the praise nor the disdain people have been giving it.


A lot of you players ain't okay.

We would have been better off with an okaycivics board instead of an okayactivist board


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Killing Them Softly (Dominik, 2012) [View all] , bwood, Thu May-10-12 06:57 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
Some photos from the film
May 11th 2012
this movie looks awesome
May 11th 2012
May 21st 2012
A reminder
May 22nd 2012
Inside Llewyn Davis might sneak in this year.
May 22nd 2012
First review is up,,,
May 23rd 2012
Some more reviews...
May 23rd 2012
New clip niggas!!!
May 25th 2012
Offical site
May 30th 2012
Finally a fucking trailer.
Aug 02nd 2012
i'm excited for this
Aug 02nd 2012
i'm in
Aug 06th 2012
Just saw it on the weekend.
Oct 21st 2012
Damn, some rough notices coming in for this one, huh?
Nov 29th 2012
just read Ebert's review. Did he not watch the movie?
Nov 30th 2012
      LOL, that happens to Ebert every now and then.
Nov 30th 2012
           you mean every time. he's a terrible reviewer and people need to stop
Dec 04th 2012
what a good freaking movie
Nov 30th 2012
After Jesse James, a massive disappointment. (no spoilers)
Nov 30th 2012
^^^My initial reaction as well
Nov 30th 2012
Drive at least had a consistent style and tone.
Nov 30th 2012
      Style yeah but disagree on the tone
Dec 01st 2012
you just convinced me to not care about seeing it in theaters
Nov 30th 2012
I like the film.
Dec 01st 2012
Prodigy & Goodfellas already used that closing line better
Dec 01st 2012
Dec 01st 2012
just got back from a matinee
Dec 01st 2012
I can understand the mitigated reviews
Dec 01st 2012
The Radio/TV stuff reminded me...
Dec 01st 2012
Not good at all.
Dec 01st 2012
because it was shot in New Oreleans and they didn't really hide that fac...
Dec 01st 2012
I think that review gives this way too much credit:
Dec 04th 2012
I don't get the hate..I thought it was solid but flawed
Dec 05th 2012
Probably the worst movie I paid to see this year.
Dec 05th 2012
      The heroin scene was the worst paced scene I've seen in 2012.
Dec 06th 2012
           I hated that scene with the fire of a thousand suns
Dec 06th 2012
                Directors need to stop this shit immediately:
Dec 06th 2012
                I don't give him credit for the heist scene though.
Dec 06th 2012
I think the hate on here is making me like it more haha
Dec 06th 2012
Dec 06th 2012
This movie was good as hell
Dec 09th 2012
disappointed 2.5/5
Dec 09th 2012
Massive fucking disappointment. (spoilers)
Jan 07th 2013
you nailed it
Jan 07th 2013
Go back and watch this movie.
Jan 13th 2023
Very sneaky funny too, almost PTA levels at times
Jan 15th 2023

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