41. "I don't hear See before straight up racist....I hear YOU before it.." In response to In response to 40 Mon May-20-13 04:21 PM by Warren Coolidge
I hear YOU STRAIGHT UP RACIST, that sucker was simple and plain...
but even if it's there.... it doesn't change the fact that the only words directed at Elvis are He was a hero to most, but never meant s___ to me...... that sucker was simple and plain.....
the object of the racist name was those to whom Elvis was a hero...
again....who is the YOU...as in YOU SEE..... There is a YOU that he is speaking to...he is still referring to Elvis either by name or saying calling him HE..... YOU and HE or YOU and THAT being in the same sentence cannot be referring to the same person....
Who is the YOU that if they looked back would find rednecks for 400 years if.. YOU checked... That YOU is the same person that he called a racist 2 lines before that....
lemme add this.... why didn't the lyric just say "That straight up rascist was simple and plain"
Or "that racist sucka was simple and plain"
I mean there are so many ways that he could have directly called Elvis a racist and still kept all the words basiclly in place..... but he didn't do that, because that's not who he was calling a racist....
sucka? yes simple and plain? yes Mf him and john wayne?? yes never ment ish to me? yes