11. "this aLbum got some shit on it. i Like the songs 4the hoes" In response to In response to 0
i fuck with that pLayboy shit. Les is more got some fLy shit on it. production & rhymes. it's some fLossy shit, but i Listened to this aLbum 5 times in a row at work today. i got Like 5 jams i'm cuttin for off of here.
- 5 min freshen up - dress u to undress u... jams after some Listens. the production is ridic - maybachs & diamonds.. another fresh joint - swiss francs.. u can teLL Ryan LesLie has ghost written for Rick Ross when u Listen to this one - ups & downs ... might be my favorite joint off the record. aLL the way pLayer aLL the way around. (aLmost sound Like waLe fLow when u Listen dont it?) this is the shit tho - ready or not is straight. i fuck with it a LittLe bit - Lovers & mountains is another one for the bitches. cant be mad at it - bLack fLag.. some more bragadocious money swag fresh boy shit haLfway for the hoes. straight -