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Subject: "new albini interview :" Previous topic | Next topic
Member since Oct 07th 2011
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Mon Sep-17-12 05:04 AM

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17. "new albini interview :"
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Q: Part of Amanda’s defence of her scheme seems to be that, simply, many fans would jump at the chance to play with their favourite musicians for no money — does this argument seem fair?

A: On the part of the fans, I totally understand and sympathize with this impulse. That’s starkly different from a millionaire asking people to do things for free, under the guise that she is giving them something by indulging them. It’s cheapness repainted as generosity and it’s gross. Using people in this way, exploiting their good nature for one’s own benefit, is a cancer that taints many enterprises and it always reflects poorly on the exploiter. It’s one of the things I hated most about the old-school record business, the practice of fucking with people who loved music so much they would put up with endless greed and abuse just to be a part of it. A new music business paradigm, if it is worth anything, should strive to be free of exploitation and be honest about its motives.

Q: You take issue with Palmer paying people to take care of the Kickstarter fund as inefficient, does this not seem like a reasonable expense for such a large amount of money?

A: No it doesn’t, and I said as much. Paying someone to spend your money for you is pretty ridiculous. That there is a lot of it is all the more reason to keep tabs on it yourself.

Q: What other aspects of Palmer’s scheme strike you as ‘absurdly inefficient’?

A: Given that the typical budget for albums I work on is less than $10,000, you can take your pick of line-items in her budget, divide by ten and still have an order of magnitude worth of waste from my perspective. I haven’t looked at the breakdown since I first saw it so don’t quote me on it (haha, “don’t quote me,” I just said something funny), but I recall that she skimmed a couple hundred grand off the top for her pleasure prior to beginning to make the record. That alone is enough to make the record of your dreams a couple times over and seems like a straight-up “fuck you” to everybody who pledged money to the project.

It’s crazy that I have to explain to you how ridiculous it is to blow a million dollars. More than a million dollars. Just say it out loud and think about how much fucking money a million dollars is. That’s several really nice houses with a Jaguar in each garage. A lifetime’s wages. It’s just an incredible sum, enough to make a hundred records. Palmer had more than that at her disposal and now claims not to have enough left to pay musicians. To pay them for gigs she is also being paid to play. This coming from someone who already had a successful career before she had her audience begin paying all her expenses in advance. A millionaire pleading poverty and asking for additional charity. It’s fucking ridiculous and it mocks all the bands who genuinely need their audience to help them conduct their business.

So that’s what I think. Nobody’s an idiot, some ways of conducting business are just uglier and more exploitative than others.


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What do y'all make of the Amanda Palmer controversy? [View all] , The DC Sniper, Fri Sep-14-12 10:10 PM
Subject Author Message Date ID
I just think most her music is pretty unacceptable anyway
Sep 14th 2012
RE: What do y'all make of the Amanda Palmer controversy?
Sep 14th 2012
RE: What do y'all make of the Amanda Palmer controversy?
Sep 15th 2012
Neil Gaiman has boosted her stock considerably.
Sep 15th 2012
it's taking crowdsourcing to a place unfit, for mine.
Sep 15th 2012
It's especially disappointing when a musician devalues the work.
Sep 15th 2012
If you volunteer and can quit any time, it's not slavery.
Sep 15th 2012
Comparing this to slavery is astoundingly stupid
Sep 15th 2012
RE: Comparing this to slavery is astoundingly stupid
Sep 15th 2012
After reading multiple pages/articles I'm still unclear whether
Sep 15th 2012
this is after she's already raised a million dollars on kickstarter
Sep 15th 2012
You probably also have no problem with stealing music.
Sep 15th 2012
RE: What do y'all make of the Amanda Palmer controversy?
Sep 15th 2012
RE: She's already appeared fully nude on camera.
Sep 16th 2012
Amanda and one of the musicians each write responses
Sep 16th 2012
Mane Phuck Dat Bitch!
Sep 16th 2012
amanda now to pay volunteer musicians.
Sep 20th 2012

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