"Plastic Surgery Is More Taboo To Talk About Than Sex"
its weird.
plastic surgery is more prevalent (and obvious) than ever before.
but bringing up someones appearance due to plastic surgery is some sort of violation of etiquette.
like in interviews with kim kardashian over the years...they casually/humorously bring up her marriage/divorce drama, sex life, pete davidsons dick size, her sextape, her ass...but if they were to bring up how that same ass was enhanced, or the blatantly altered appearance of her face, etc...it would be an uncomfortable subject and the host would most likely receive a ton of backlash for shaming her or some shit.
a random older interview came up on youtube and they were showing pics of her and her sisters as kids/teens. and she said something like 'not much has changed since then'...and it was just weird that everyone has to play this game lol.