legsdiamond Member since May 05th 2011 81927 posts
Tue Oct-11-22 08:48 AM
"Local slang"
Do you still have it?
Still use words you grew up with that have friends laughing or saying “huh, what you mean?”
Have you adapted to your surroundings?
I went to LA years ago and they were doing the hand dap snap thing and my boy was like “they looking at you funny cause you didn’t do snap”
no shit, I aint from here, don’t want to fake it and look even worse.
its one of the reasons I loved college. All these people coming together and trading saying and slang.
I’m from the Burgh so we have Pittsburghese. yinz = yall pop = soda buggie = shopping cart warsh rag = wash cloth dahntahn = downtown chumpy = that could mean anything you have. Your hat, coat, girlfriend etc.. my homie made that one up or stole it from a rap song. On the way to school he was like “yo, Imma start calling my hat my chumpy yo” like he was Ghostface talking about Clarks… lol. and we all started running with it.
Growing up I didnt say most of that stuff because my mom was like “don’t say that shit” but when I go home I crack up because it sounds so refreshing and normal to me.
**************** TBH the fact that you're even a mod here fits squarely within Jag's narrative of OK-sanctioned aggression, bullying, and toxicity. *shrug*