my coworkers like to talk about tv shows around the office. today at lunch several of us were about to discuss the Mad Men finale but 2 of us haven't seen it yet and asked that the rest of us not discuss it b/c they didn't want it spoiled. one of them is still at least an entire season behind. the other is only a few episodes behind. i thought it was unreasonable of them to expect the rest of us not to discuss the finale b/c those 2 hadn't seen it yet. they were clearly in the minority w/in our group as most of us had seen the finale. i suggested that they remove themselves from the conversation b/c they were being unreasonable.
what do you think?
generally how long can ppl expect folks to honor their wish to avoid spoilers? i think it varies - this MM finale is a big deal, a somewhat pivotal moment in current pop culture. the finale aired on Sunday and today is Tuesday. i understand waiting a day to give folks a chance who hadn't seen it Sunday night. but i think it's unreasonable to expect folks to wait MONTHS to discuss the finale openly b/c one person hasn't seen it yet.
i haven't seen the last few eps of last season's 'Orange is the New Black'. i would not expect this same group of coworkers not to discuss the season in my presence just b/c i haven't seen it yet. instead if they discuss it i will remove myself if i don't want the season spoiled. i think that's fair.