56. "If he gets off, it'll be because the grand jury wouldn't indict Wilson" In response to In response to 51 Thu Oct-09-14 03:49 PM by vee-lover
which is what ppl in Ferguson are preparing to happen w/this grand jury taking this long to decide if this case should go to trial
The "I thought he had a gun" defense wouldn't seem very plausible given the fact that several witnesses' story corroborate w/one another that Mike Brown was fleeing the scene and stopped and turned around w/his hands up to surrender once Wilson fired shots at him...
I don't see how a defense attorney can argue Wilson thought his life was threatened in any kind of way when Brown was running AWAY from him...
>>Wilson thought he might have had a gun. you can't prove >that >>Wilson didn't think that, >> >>with Sean Bell, they said they thought he had a gun. you >can't >>verify what people think. > >I know a STL IAD cop who investigates officer involved >shootings and he basically said the same thing. If the officer >"thinks" his life is in danger then he is justified to use >lethal force.